Friday, August 10, 2012

Through Letter and Franzine

Friendship, academic and love: something that Natasya is looking for in another year of school.  She had been doing well for the past years and hopes to maintain or otherwise, improve them.  Thus, she is looking forward to attend school for another year to find any way that could help to improve all those things, especially on love basis.

                She is being loved, yes, by teachers and friends, but not yet having a special one to love her the way she is.  Perhaps it is not the time yet, but she does not going to just sit down and wait.  You have to search for it, not wait for it to come.  The time will be wasted.  After all, she is growing up and life teaches her a lot of things.

                “Hey, Natasya.  What’s up?” Sofia comes out of nowhere.

                “Nah...nothing.  Just thinking about another year of school, and yeah...”

                “Oh, come on, girlfriend.  You’re not thinking about it again, aren’t you?” Sofia asks with a smirk.  She is a very good friend, despite she is a tomboy.

                “Sofia, it’s nothing, really,” replies Natasya.

                “Hey, you think I don’t know.  I’m your friend for years Natasya.  Don’t tell me it’s nothing when your face is all scrunching up thinking about something you often thinking about,” Sofia shrugs.

                “Well.  So, you know,” Natasya sighs.

                “It’s not a good thing, huh?  Face all scrunches up thinking about a possible life partner.  You are going to get old early, Natasya,” Sofia says while throws her a can of Coke.

                “Thanks,” she goes.

                “Chill, girlfriend.  You will have one this year.  I assure you,” Sofia guarantees.

                “Same thing from your mouth every year, huh?  Thanks for the assurance.  Appreciate it a lot.  But, nothing really changes each year.  It’s the same,” she feels annoyed when Sofia brings out the same thing, but can’t really blame her friend.  It is her who thinks of boyfriend each time.

                “Ouch.  That’s a bit harsh.  Now, listen, Natasya.  Guys out there can be a little bit worse than you imagine they are.  They can cheat, dump you, and leave your heart being torn into pieces, I swear,” Sofia says.

                “Sofia, can you just forget things that make you scared to be loved by guys?  Not every guy is the same, remember that.  Look.  I know you’d gone through an awful experience.  But, you need to tune your mind that people are not always the same,” says Natasya, keeps holding her stance.

                “Well, you don’t know Natasya.  Things can get out of control.  I saw my dad made out with other woman in the house I used to live with mom.  And mom committed suicide after that.  She put all her trust to dad, and that’s what he gave her.  He crushed all the trust my mom had on him, and the trust I once had on him,” Sofia sips her Coke.

                “I am glad I was there to help.  I am glad my family helped you,” Natasya says.

                “Yeah, thanks mate.  I am glad I found you guys.  If not I would just hang myself at that time,” says Sofia.

                “Don’t you ever mention hang again.  Girlfriend, you know I will, mom and dad will go insane if they know you attempt anything of that kind again.  Just sleep, okay?  Tomorrow’s first day of school,” says Natasya and she switch off the light.

                “Good night, girlfriend,” Sofia says.

                The other morning, Sofia and Natasya walk to school together.  They often do that.  In fact, it had been 10 years, after Sofia’s mom’s death.  Sofia was seven when Natasya’s father, a police inspector, saw that girl almost followed her mom’s footstep, to hang herself to death.  He brought her home, adopted her and since then, Sofia and Natasya are siblings, are friends that can never be separated.

                “First day of school, I wish you good luck,” Sofia says.

                “Thanks,” Natasya replies.

                “You’re seventeen this year.  You will find your guy.  Trust me this time,” Sofia says while patting Natasya’s shoulder.

                “How do you know that, huh?  Are you some kind of a palm-reader or a fortune-teller or something that kind?” asks Natasya.

                “You will know,” Sofia says and leaves.  Natasya just shrugs it off.  Just then, a guy comes and greets her.

                “Hey, Natasya.”

                “Hey, Taemin.  What’s up?” she asks.

                “Owh, great summer holiday.  What about you?” he asks.

                “Nice.  But, you know Sofia.  She can be a bit naughty sometimes, huh?” she chuckles.

                “That sister of yours?  Yeah.  She could be problematic in her own way.  But, she’s nice.  She doesn’t choose people to communicate with.  She’s not even sexist, although she has a pretty bad life’s history.  She can talk to guys like normal, but just don’t mess up with her.  That’s all,” says Taemin.

                “You know a lot about her, huh?  Got your eyes on her?” Natasya jokes over.

                “Me?” Taemin chuckles, “Are you joking?  We’re in the same club, okay.  Of course, I know her.  We’re pretty close with each other.”

                “Oh, really?  She doesn’t tell me this,” Natasya looks straight into Taemin’s eyes.

                “Oh, I bet I am now your rival, huh?  Don’t worry.  I’m not kidnapping her from you,” says Taemin.

                “No, really.  She is not even once not telling me things.  I mean, come on.  We share everything together,” Natasya says while taking her books from the locker.

                “Maybe some things are meant to be secret,” he sighs, “See ya!”

                Natasya rummages her locker for her books and something drops.  A letter, white in colour.  She picks it up and reads through it.  Apparently, there’s nothing much.  Just a greeting.  ‘Happy First Day of School!’ is what written there.  She folds it again and goes to class.

                Later that evening, after dinner, Natasya and Sofia stay in the room, doing their first batch of homework.  School can be annoying at times.  It is only first day, but the teachers are a bit kiasu on this whole learning thing, hence the homework.

                “Hey, that boy, Taemin.  Something is just interesting about him,” Natasya breaks the silence between them.

                “Huh?  That boy from the Media and Journalism club?  We’re quite close.  If you want him as your boyfriend, I can pass the message,” Sofia says without shifting her attention from her writing pad.

                “Yeah, you’re quite close with each other, but you didn’t tell me.  That’s what interesting about him,” Natasya says.  Sofia puts down her pencil.

                “Hey, girlfriend.  What?  Are you jealous now?  I swear I have nothing on him.  He is just a clubmate, that’s all,” says Sofia.

                “Sofia, you know it’s not that.  You’re not especially close with any guys.  Fine, you talk to them but not so close until some random guy knows things about your life,” Natasya says.

                “Well, if you want to know, he’s special.  He’s a nice guy.  He’s kind of...shy,” Sofia says and get back to her work.

                “Shy, you said?  He popped out of nowhere and greeted me like a friend while I barely know who he is.  That’s what you call shy?  I need you to open the dictionary for the meaning of shy, mate,” says Natasya.

                “Yeah, Sofia.  Funny.  I’m not a dictionary geek.  You are.  Mind read out the meaning for me?” Sofia asks as the matter of joking.

                “You know what, Sofia?  Let’s get back to work,” says Natasya.

                “I win again.”

                The next day of school is quite bad for Natasya.  She’s told by a friend that yesterday’s homework is not due today and Natasya, who had been appointed to collect it, is scolded by the teacher.  It’s not a simple ‘You should’ve followed my instruction’ or ‘Natasya, you’ve disappointed me’.  But, the teacher use profanity on her.  ‘Idiot!’, that’s what she get.  She slams he locker shut to release her anger.

                “Wow!  Bad day, huh?” asks Taemin who comes out from only God-knows-where.

                “Can you imagine being called idiot by a teacher?  On the second day of school?  It’s like a curse.  The whole year is going to be a bad one,” Natasya says in anger.

                “Wow!  A teacher used profanity on you.  That’s...he or she had just gone overboard,” he says while shaking his head.

                “Now you know.  Can you please stop wowing here and there?  It is pissing me off,” she says.

                “Well, if that’s the case, I wish a better tomorrow for you.  See ya!” he says and leaves.  Natasya opens the locker to keep her books before going home, and she sees a letter.  Same piece of paper, same handwriting, just different message.

‘The teacher will apologize tomorrow, I swear.’

                That’s true.  A franzine is published the next day, on how wrong it is for a teacher to use profanities on students.  It doesn’t mention the name of the teacher though, but cynical and sarcastic enough to bring the teacher to seek forgiveness from Natasya.

                “Who’s this mysterious person?” Natasya asks while eating her sandwich.  It is lunch time, and she is eating with Sofia and Taemin.

                “I don’t know.  Some secret admirer?” asks Sofia jokingly.  Taemin smirks at her and rolls his eyes.

                “I don’t know.  But, this person really helps me a lot.  It was started last year.  I remembered got accused from plagiarizing someone’s work last year.  I received a letter in my locker saying that things will get solved.  And a franzine criticized that issue was published and a person came to me to apologize for framing me with that.  It’s...just...strange,” Natasya sighs.

                “Strange or not, this person is your saviour.  You have to remember that,” says Taemin.

                “Well, I guess so.  Come on guys.  Class is starting in two minutes.  I don’t want to get into detention.  The whole year will be cursed for me,” Natasya says.  Sofia rolls her eyes.

                “You’re a type who believe strongly in superstitions, aren’t you?” Taemin asks while they are walking to class.

                “She is scared for something really weird, Taemin,” Sofia teases her.

                “Duh.  Better safe than sorry, okay.  That’s what we call precaution,” Sofia says.

                “Precaution for what?  A whole year of school without bad reputation?  Come on, Natasya.  Get a life.  You’re too paranoid,” Taemin points out.

                “Shut up.”

                The next day, Natasya comes to school, only to find another letter inside her locker.  She unfolds it to read.

                ‘I would like to go out with you.’

                “Yo, what’s up girlfriend?” Sofia surprises Natasya.

                “You obviously want me to die choking on my food, mate,” Natasya says while sipping water from her bottles.

                “Taemin is joining us for lunch again.  Are you okay with that?” asks Sofia.  Natasya looks at Taemin who is smiling sheepishly at her.

                “Why not?” says Natasya.

                “Anything special today, Nat?” Taemin asks while putting his tray of food.

                “Nothing special.  By the way, call me Natasya,” she is being stern.

                “Woohoo!  Fine, Miss Natasya.  Really, nothing special?” asks Taemin.  Sofia looks at her too, being curious.

                “Yeah, nothing.”

                “Not even a mystery letter inside your locker?” asks Sofia.

                “Oh, that.  Yeah, I got one.”

                “Really.  What does it say?” Taemin asks.

                “This mysterious person, who I think should be a guy, is asking me out,” Natasya tells her friends.

                “I know, right.  This must be your secret admirer.  That is why he tries to make this school a better place for you to study,” says Sofia.

                “Are you going out with him?” Taemin asks her.

                “No.  I don’t like guys who can’t confess face to face.  Such a coward,” Natasya says while sipping her water.  Taemin’s face changes immediately.

                “Urm...Natasya.  I forget.  Taemin and I have something to do with our journalism club.  Enjoy your lunch, okay?” Sofia pulls the dumb stricken Taemin with her.

                “Hey, your sandwich!” Natasya shouts.

                “You eat it.  My treat!” and Sofia disappears with Taemin.

                Sofia sits beside her that night when she is watching TV.  They look at each other for a while before Natasya understands Sofia’s body language.  She switches off the TV.

                “Okay, Sofia.  I know that look.  Something important, I know.  Tell me,” Natasya starts the conversation.

                “Well, we’ve been siblings for ten years, huh?” Sofia says.  Natasya frowns.

                “Yeah...why?  I am happy with you,” says Natasya.

                “Me too,” Sofia replies.

                “Sofia, don’t tell me about the suicide aga-”

                “Natasya, listen.  It is not about me.  It is about you, okay?  You have to listen to me.  You know how much I care about you since you’re the only one I have in this world?” Sofia asks.

                “As much as I care about you too,” Natasya says.

                “I only want the best for you.”

                “Buddy, me too.  I only want the best for you,” Natasya says again.

                “Okay.  I know you’re seventeen and you’re searching for a boy out there that can be your boyfriend.  And I don’t think there’s many guys out there that is that kind to be with you,” Sofia states.

                “Sofia, not this attitude again.  Not all guys are-”

                “I know.  There are some guys I trust too.  Your dad, your little brother and another guy who is trying his best to win your heart,” Sofia goes.

                “What?  Who?”

                “The letter you received every so often-”

                “Don’t tell me you’re helping this guy out, because I don’t like the idea of having someone coward as my boyfriend,” Natasya says.

                “Unfortunately, I helped him out, Natasya.  But, for your sake.  And he’s not a coward.  He’s a brave guy-”

                “If he’s brave, why doesn’t he face me and confess?” asks Natasya.

                “Because he’s shy, not coward.  Listen, this guy, he helped you a lot, okay?  Especially when you have issues in school.  He’s brave in his own way,” Sofia says.

                “Cut the crap, Sofia.  You’re just tired, right?” she says with a chuckle.

                “Natasya, he laid his eyes on you since last year.  And he became close to me just to know more about you.  I know he is sincere and I trust him,” Sofia says.

                “Don’t tell me this guy is Le-”

                “Yes, Natasya.  It’s Lee Taemin.  And you just dragged him down by stating he is a coward after all the things he had done for you,” Sofia says.

                “Did I really offend him?” asks Natasya.

                “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Sofia asks back.


                “He’s outside,” Sofia says.

                “Buddy, I don-”

                “Thank me later, yeah?  Now, go!” Sofia pushes her.

                Natasya runs outside and he could see Taemin’s figure outside the house.  She stops for a while and draws her breath.

                “Lee Taemin!”

                “Oh, hi, Natasya,” there’s an awkward silence for a moment before he continues, “Where’s Sofia?”

                “She’s inside.  You want to see her?” Natasya asks, a bit disappointed.

                “She asks me to come to give me some- oh, wait,” he chuckles, “That girl is really problematic, huh?  So, this is that something?”

                “Well, Taemin.  I just want to apologize for my offending word during lunch,” Natasya says.  That shuts him up.

                “Is it really hard for you to face me?” she asks.

                “I-look, Natasya.  I,’s hard,” Taemin admits.

                “I love you, too,” Natasya says bravely.  Taemin’s eyes widen.


                “How could you be so brave publishing articles to the whole school just to help me, but afraid to face me all alone?” Natasya asks.


                “Taemin, it is just me,” she tries to make him speak.

                “You know you are in the Public Speaking Club, you’re meant to speak.  I’m in the Media and Journalism Club, I am meant to write,” he says.

                “Point taken.  Then, write,” says Natasya.  Taemin draws out a pen and a notebook from his pocket, which he always carries around with him.  He writes on a piece of paper and tears it off the book.  He gives it to Natasya.

                ‘I love you.’

                “Not so bad, huh?  Shy boy?” Natasya smirks.  She pulls Taemin nearer and they are about to kiss each other before someone ruins the moment.

                “Can’t both of you wait until 18?” Sofia shouts from the window.

                “Sofia!  You can’t really leave us alone, can you?” asks Taemin.

                “You’re dead by the time I’m in, Sofia!” shouts Natasya.

                “I take that as thanks.  You’re welcomed!” Sofia says sarcastically.

                That moment, Natasya realises that she get her most perfect year of school.  A best friend who will never stop teasing and a boyfriend who is very shy and good in writing?  Perfect!

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