Thursday, August 9, 2012

Chapter 14: The Game

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

            “Very sure, my dear.”

            It has been about the thousandth times, Emma asks the same question, and Minho gives the same answer.  Minho calls Eunhyuk for a soccer game and they promise to meet at the usual place and time.  Last time, it was humiliating for her, but Emma doesn’t care anymore.  She just cares about Minho.

            She asks again and again whether he is really sure with the game, but seems like Minho’s answer is always staying with the game.  Emma is worrying about him.  For a person who is recuperate after a major surgery, that type of sport should be too risky.  Emma is now no longer encircled in her own stupidity and sane enough to understand the real situation; the pro and contrast if Minho involve with the game.

            “I...I’m just worried about you,” Emma says.

            “Why?” Minho asks with his brows knitting.  He doesn’t understand.

            Emma looks at him.  She sighs.  She thinks she has back to normal, but seems like Minho is not in his real self.  Minho, the real Minho always thinks rationally before he does something or making a decision.

            “Minho, you just undergone a major major surgeries...a few weeks before.  It is risky to play again in this meantime,” she says rationally.  Minho sighs.

            “Emma, please.  Just this one.  I want to prove to you that I can play this, please.  I failed to make it last time, and I know you were unhappy,” says Minho tenderly.

            Emma looks on the grass, thinking the best way to speak to him.  She knows that last time was her mistake.  She was not in her right state of mind to think clearly on the consequences.  At that time, all in her mind was too childish, wanted the real Minho to come back to her without concerning about the risk.  But, not now.  She is completely sane.  No more destructive behaviour.

            “Look, Minho.  Last time, it was my fault.  I was insane, I had to admit that.  I gave so many problems to you, to Onew, and to Key.  So, I hope you just forget what I said right after you woke up from your coma until the last meeting.  I’m...very sorry,” she says.

            “No...Emma.  No.  It was nobody’s fault,” Minho says calmly.

            “So, can you just forget the game?  I’m afraid you’re not in your best condition to play any sport yet,” she says.

            “I won’t.  I’ll continue with the game,” Minho says while looking at nothing.

            “Minho-ah...” Emma tries to persuade him in the best way.

            “Emma...just this time...I play today because I want it.  I love soccer and lost to Eunhyuk last time was a nightmare to me.  So please...just this time.  If I win this time, I will dedicate the winning to you.  If not, you’ll stay with me, right?” asks Minho, while looking deeply into Emma’s eyes.

            Emma looks at him with watery eyes.  She nods.  How can she leave him, when he is one of her sources of happiness?  She is happy that she can see more of the real Minho here; his competitiveness, his drama and all that.  But, she is also worried that he is really up to the game.  What if something happen?

            “I’m glad...I’m happy that you want to win for me, but...I am happier if you would just forget it.  I am more worried about you.  You are not in your best condition to play,” says Emma.  Minho looks at him.

            “Emma...please...just trust me this time,” Minho says.

            Emma wants to counter his words, but then, Minho does the only thing that can shut her up.  He kisses him.  Emma is shocked by his action.  He uses her weakness.  Emma will never speak again once Minho kisses her.  She just nods to agreement, to trust Minho this time and let him go on with the game, although her heart disproves her nods.

            Jonghyun moves as fast as he can.  He was about to sleep just now when suddenly his phone rang from his bedside table.  The sound was annoying, but he was sure, a life was waiting to be saved.  Tiredly, he pushed himself up and took the phone, and brought it to his ear.

            “Doctor,” a nurse voice came into his ear as his brain interpreted it.  He shook his head to overcome his sleepiness.  The voice was calm, or pretended to be calm Jonghyun could tell, made him more anxious.

            “Yes?” he asked patiently and professionally handled the situation calmly.

            “Your patient, Choi Minho made a sign of waking up just now.  I just want to tell you this.  Perhaps you want to know.  But, after all, the situation is under control,” the nurse said.

            “His breathing and heartbeat?” Jonghyun asked, calm but worried.

            “It went out of control a few times, but otherwise, he is still in a stable condition.  We are still watching over him,” the nurse said again.  Ignoring his tiredness, Jonghyun got down from his bed.

            “I’ll come over,” he said before he ended the conversation.

            His thought drifts away as the light turns green, indicating permission for him to go on.  He is driving as fast as he can, still obeying the rules on the road, including the speed limit.  Once in a while, he glances at his watch.  It’s afternoon, but he feels so sleepy.  The only thing that he was able to do before he went out from his house just now was to drink a full mug of coffee.  Staying at the hospital for last night to finish his shift makes him so tired.

            He enters the gate of the hospital and parks his car at his respective parking place, available only for doctors.  He sighs before he turns off the engine and gets out from his car.  After carefully closing the door, Jonghyun is now walking towards the main door of the hospital.  He immediately goes to Minho’s room and he could see many doctors and nurse are there, ready for any abnormal sign that can brings to death.

            Minho is fighting to wake up from death.  He is struggling his best, but too much can bring his breathing and heartbeat to abnormal and the result may be fatal.  The doctors and the nurse are getting ready if there is anything dangerous to the patient.

            “Jonghyun, I thought you just left the hospital,” says Jessica, who is staying among one of them.

            “Yeah...and now I’m back,” Jonghyun says while shrugging.  Jessica nods, understanding the situation of the doctor.

            “How’s he?” Jonghyun asks.

            “He is under control.  Don’t worry, will you?” asks Jessica then.  Jonghyun smiles and nods, but says nothing.  He turns to a nurse.

            “Can you please contact his relative by the name, Lee Jinki?  The number is in the file,” Jonghyun says.  Jessica looks at Jonghyun calmly.  She believes Jonghyun is able to handle everything.

            Jonghyun looks again at Jessica.  He smiles very assuring and that is enough to tell her that everything is okay.  But then, the calm situation is broken by the sudden loud beeping sound from the machine.

            It is afternoon and yet, Emma is spending her time outdoor.  It is just beyond her control.  She wants to be there, cheering for him while he is playing.  She ignores the hot sun and the uncomfortable sweat, just for him, only for him.

            But, today is different from the day before this.  She is almost thinking that she is dreaming.  She thought before that Minho is still recovering and needs time to be all out, like himself again, but, she thought wrongly.

            “Minho-yah!  Go!” she shouts on top of her lungs.  She is happy for being able to see him in this sport again.  Her worries are flushed away by the extravaganza show from Minho.  Emma could see the real him.

            Emma watches the real Minho today.  Minho plays like a World Cup player today.  Sometimes, Emma doesn’t even believe her eyes.  Minho is just too excellent.  Emma continues shouting as Minho is now bringing the ball towards the goal.  It looks like he is going to kick it and make another goal.

            “Minho!  Minho!” everybody is shouting right now.  Oh God, her boyfriend is so famous that everybody knows his name.  Emma is proud of Minho’s performance today.

            Minho plays some tricks in front of the goal.  The other players are getting confused, but otherwise still defending their goals with all their might.  But, somehow, Minho is unexpectedly great.  He shoves the ball into the goal and that’s it.  Even the goalkeeper is failing to guard the goal.  It is already 5 to 0.  Four goals from Choi Minho.

            After a few minutes, the game ends with the victory on Minho’s team.  Emma cheers loudly, proud of his boyfriend, or the least she could say, more than proud.  She doesn’t know how to describe how happy she is.

            “Yah, congratulation!” she says excitedly once Minho is right beside her.

            “Thanks,” Minho says.  Emma gives him a bottle of water and Minho quickly grabs it from Emma’s hand.  He takes a big gulp and Emma gives him a few seconds for him to quench his thirst.

            “Hey, good game.  I mean, fantastic!” Emma says joyfully.  Minho smiles widely to the compliment.  But, that is not enough for him.

            “Is it the game or is it me that is fantastic?” Minho asks, as the main purpose is to tease her, and to see her blushing.

            “Fine,’s you.  The game is fantastic but you’re damn fantastic!” she says while her cheeks flush a red tomato.  Minho smiles at her, convinced by the words.

            “Thanks a lot, sweetheart.  Thanks,” says Minho as he pinches her cheek.  Emma looks on the green field to control her heart from fluttering even worse.

            She is embarrassed even worse when Minho’s friends including the other team come and congratulate him.  Emma hides her face by looking at another place.

            “Yo, Minho!  Congrats!  That’s the real you man!” Eunhyuk high-fives Minho.  Minho does the same.  They exchange a very happy smile.

            “Yeah!  You did great this time!” Donghae says while does some hand gestures with Minho.  Emma just looks at them, doesn’t understand guys’ body language.  So, she just keeps herself in silence.

            “Thanks guys, for giving me the chance to play again.  You know...I was suck in the last game.  So, this is sort of paying back your time,” Minho says.

            “It’s okay, Minho.  Actually, you don’t really need to pay back our time.  We know that you are recovering,” Donghae says while smirking admirably.

            “Yeah.  I don’t think there’s any need of paying back time.  But, yeah.  Still, great performance today, Minho!  Hope you’ll keep it consistent,” says Eunhyuk.

            “Sure!  It was great playing with you guys!” Minho says excitedly.

            After a while talking, laughing, joking and congratulating each other, Eunhyuk and Donghae walk to their team.  Minho walks towards Emma stunningly.  Emma waits for him with a smile.

            “Looks like you are a hero today, dear,” Emma says sweetly once Minho reaches her.

            “I’ll take that as compliment?” asks Minho.  Emma chuckles.

            “Sure.  You deserve that,” Emma says while shoving a towel to Minho.  Minho smiles sweetly and takes it from Emma.

            “Emma, thanks a lot,” Minho says in a very deep voice.

            “Why?” she asks.

            “For your patience and staying with me, have faith in me.  Thanks a lot.  Not all girls are like that,” Minho says.

            “I’m glad staying by your side,” says Emma.

            “I’m glad that I know you,” Minho says.

            “Minho...of course.  I’m glad too.  I mean...I love you,” says Emma.

            “I love y-” without finishing his words, Minho ends up with sudden unconscious.  Emma almost pulls herself into cardiac arrest.


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