Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 5: Godfather

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

“Things are just getting more complicated, aren’t they?” asks Ji Woo, which, I have to agree with her statement.

                She is exactly right.  I mean, problems really can’t stop bothering me, can they?  Perhaps not.  One after one.  I hate my life for this.

                A few weeks ago, Jonghyun fell sick and very so often complaining of massive headache that can’t leave him alone.  Then, an unknown vampire suddenly fell onto the ground in front of the mansion right after Onew’s and Jiyeon’s wedding.  After that, Sooyoung came home, quarrelling with Taemin over a case, which I would say kind of traumatic, because of the wounds that reappeared when they are supposed to disappear since five years ago.  Then, I thought Jonghyun was just about to recover from his absurd sickness when suddenly the stranger got into our conversation and Jonghyun suddenly fainted.

                And now all of us are converging in one room because Onew makes an emergency call to the three vampire families, right after Jonghyun fainted.  To get Hyori is obviously one of the reason, but also to get the others to be informed about the latest information that we might find threatening.

                All of us thought about Ji Woo is killing human just now, which brings no good to Minho.  But, after we heard what Siwon has to confessed, things is just getting lighter on my shoulders.  The thought of Ji Woo killing is something more than extraordinary.  I never can imagine such things and never would I imagine such things, at least for now.

                From my perspective, Siwon brings no harm.  I have no evidence to relate him to Jonghyun sickness since he did nothing in the first place.  It is just Jonghyun can’t stand his presence, perhaps, nobody knows, not even Jonghyun.  That is my assumption, since he fainted almost every time Siwon is present.  Anyway, Siwon was loyally staying by Jonghyun’s side when he was lying unconsciously on the couch.  He sat there until Jonghyun came back to himself and that was when we heard Siwon apologised.

                “I’m sorry I was too hard on you,” that was the first thing he said right after Jonghyun regained consciousness.  Jonghyun just didn’t understand until he said he was doing telepathic and he sent in the wave with the frequency too high that Jonghyun unable to cope. I know that telepathic power exist in some vampires.  Shit, so illogic, the world that I live now.

                Right after that was the most shocking moment.  He confessed to us that he was the one who committed the murder on the victim and the wounds were actually caused by him.  Make sense, he is a Choi anyway.

                “Yes, Ji Woo,” say I, finally, after a very long thought and because I notice everybody’s tongues seem to be paralyzed.

                “So you are the murderer then?” asks Taemin.

                “Yes,” Siwon admits again.  Onew sighs.  Seraphina, Uee, HyunA and Minzy are illustrating fear in their faces.  Seunghyun is eyeing his uncle with his sharp-dagger eyes while Minho is restraining his tears and I could tell they are for feeling guilty.  Key smirks to himself.  Hyori is looking very concern.  Hyun Joong, Lee Minho and So Eun are taking this calmly.  Whereas, Jiyeon is puzzled for not even understand a single thing.  Onew wraps one of his arms around her to ensure her that she is safe with him.  How sweet.

                “Since he admitted that for the second time, I see no reason for us not to take him to the jail now.  We shouldn’t waste any time.  He won’t do any good and more human are going to be killed if we are not fast,” says Sooyoung while getting up from her couch.  Jonghyun quickly pulls her down.

                “No.  At least, respect Minho in this situation.  It is his family and can’t you see he’s feeling guilty?” I could hear Jonghyun’s whisper.  Sooyoung sits back on the couch.

                “Murderers usually won’t easily admit their own murder without been forced.  Is there anything bothering you Mr. Choi?” Jonghyun asks all formal tone.  Siwon sighs then.

                “I am the murderer.  But, I was forced to kill.  I was...I didn’t really know it.  But, I realised I killed the person after everything happened,” he says.  It sounds a bit more complicated than it should be.

                “You mean you’re hypnotized?” asks Key confidently.  Key is not one of us, the spies, but his ability in human sciences involving psychological thinking is far too admirable.  He is quite ingenious.

                “I’m afraid I was,” Siwon answers that with a sigh.

                “By who then?” I ask.  He sighs again for the umpteenth times.

                “Look.  This is not an easy matter I know, but perhaps you know my background.  I’m from Choi’s ancestry, so you should know what should be happening to me.  There’s no need to beat about the bush in this serious matter, but there’s a bunch of us did that to me, Ji Woo,” says Siwon.

                “And how can we be sure about that?  You can be lying,” says Hyun Joong suddenly.  He is usually not into this, but somehow this Siwon is making things a bit too intricate for us.

                “I...after the Head Choi was killed a few years ago...and after Ji Woo took the place as the head, there were some disproof by some of us behind your back, Ji Woo.  Some of them doesn’t like your way of being too nice towards human being, because it is Choi family’s tradition had never been mixing with the human society,” Siwon explains and I could see he is trying his best to make it believable.

                “Then they were using you to kill the human so that they can actually show us that they refute the way Ji Woo rules?” ask Onew, tone very serious and deadly.  He is obviously angry with whatever things that involve war.


                “And why were they using you?  Because you are against them and actually stand by our side?” asks Key.

                “Yes, maybe one of the reasons,” answers Siwon.  Again, Key’s assumption is right.

                “Why are you by our side?  You know it can even cost your own life when you are doing so,” I ask.  I know I am not supposed to ask this kind of question.  But why would a vampire who lives in a community that against human would rather die only to support human?  That is kind of ridiculous.

                “It is because of Jonghyun, you and Seraphina,” he says.

                “What?!” my sister starts to sound very doubtful against him.  I frown.  I can’t see why it needs to be because of us.  Perhaps yes for Jonghyun, but us?

                “Before things even become more complicated, would you care telling me what did you use for murdering?” asks Jonghyun obviously having headache because of this.

                “My nails...I...I possess the nails of the Head Choi,” says Siwon.

                “What?!” the 5 SHINee shout synchronously.

                “I thought it is only Ji Woo who have that!” says Uee after very long be in silent.

                “ know what the consequence is if you are joking around and mess up with us?” asks Seunghyun restraining his anger.

                “  I’m not joking around and I’m telling you the truth,” he says defending himself.

                “Then what about the poisonous and deadly nails you are talking about?” asks Lee Minho.

                “All of you didn’t know about it?” asks Siwon.

                “Know what?  What are we supposed to know that we don’t know?” So Eun asks strictly.

                “About the nails.  Jonghyun is supposed to have the nails too!” he says while looking at us with his how-come-all-of-you-did-not-know look.  I start to sense something really wrong with the whole thing.

                “What the shit are you talking about?” Minho starts to lose his temper.  His fangs come out almost immediately.  Luckily, Jonghyun is fast and stops him from do any harm to our strange guest.

                “Control yourself, Minho,” says Jonghyun while Taemin is pulling him back to his seat.

                “Siwon.  You see yourself what gonna happen if you keep telling things that for us are very peculiar.  Please explain in detail,” says Jonghyun calmly.  It is always the way Jonghyun interrogate a suspect.  He is calm but in a way he is actually scaring the suspect by doing a psycho. Jonghyun is really born to be a detective and a spy.

                “Yeah...I thought the nails are belonged to Choi’s ancestry.  Then, how can Jonghyun have it?” asks HyunA.

                “And specifically I thought that the nails are only possessed by Ji Woo.  Why would you have those and why would Jonghyun?” Minzy also starts to interrogate him.   Everything doesn’t seem to make any sense to us.

                “Anybody that once ‘killed’ with the nails will have the power absorbed by his body and eventually will have the nails too.  Only if he or she survived the venomous attack...” says Siwon with just a whisper in his last sentence.

                Jonghyun flinches.  Every time when the subject of the venom is brought up, he will always flinch.  I know the experience of fighting for his dear life is very painful for him, especially when he nearly dies in the first place.  Sometimes he complains that the wounds would hurt him.  I look and him and hold his hand to ease the pain.

                “Jonghyun, are you okay?” asks Hyori.  Jonghyun closes his eyes and beads of sweat form at his forehead.  I tighten my grip around his fingers.

                “I am,” he says after a while.  I feel guilty for getting him involve in this.  He should be on bed now, just rest and don’t need to face this freaking problem.

                “All this while...there are only two vampires that survived the venomous attack.  Jonghyun and another vampire that we never know....” says Taemin.  Seems like he knows something now.

                “Yeah...and I believe you know the story that one of the Choi’s families was accidentally injured by the Evil Choi.  He wasn’t accidentally injured.  The Evil Choi did that on purpose.  He really killed me when I tried to protect human, but somehow he gave me the chance to live and he sacrificed his own ‘precious’ nail just to cure me,” Siwon said.  I notice tears in his eyes and I can sense his sincerity.

                “Oh my God!” I heard gasps everywhere around the room.

                “So, when the disproof of Ji Woo as the Head Choi occurs now, they are using me because they know I have the same power as Ji Woo.  They know that it was Jonghyun who killed my grandfather and they use me to know Jonghyun whereabouts just because we are ‘twin’ now,” says Siwon.

                “Why they want to know his whereabouts?” I ask while pointing towards Jonghyun.  I know pointing is rude but I’m restraining my anger towards this new so-called Disproving-Ji Woo-as-Head tribe in Choi’s family.

                “I’m afraid they want to kill him for killing the Evil Choi,” says Siwon.

                “Nobody can kill him anymore!!!” I shout on top of my lungs.  The last bitter memory spikes my mind and I couldn’t stand seeing Jonghyun getting a very close call to death.  This time I’ll protect him.  As I shake because of anger I can feel strong arms wrap around me.

                “I won’t let anybody kill me that easily.  You remember, I promise to stay with you and not to leave you?” I could hear Jonghyun’s voice which is very soothing that it calms me down.  He strokes my hair that reaches half my back very gently.  Then, he let me go; he looks at me and smiles.  He turns back to Siwon.

                “Why would they want to kill me?” asks Jonghyun.

                “Because they have that grudge against you for killing the Evil Choi.  They actually want to use me to kill human and you.  I was tortured back then after they forced me to kill the unlucky person.  I was tortured for weeks because they want to kill you, until one day I took my own way to escape.  I didn’t know how I managed to escape but then I reached here, very weak and scared, a few days ago.  And for your information Jonghyun, you’re sick because I am tortured.  What I feel, you will feel it at the same time because we are now tied by the Nail’s Curse,” Siwon says sadly.

                “You mean the sickness; fever, headache and cough that my son get is because of you are tortured in somewhere far from here?” asks Hyori.

                “Yes.  Despite the distance, what happen to one of us, the other will feel the same,” says Siwon.

                “Can you please show one?” Taemin asks.  All the adults then eye him sternly.  Siwon notices that and chuckles.

                “Maybe...and I can show the soft one,” he says while banging his own head on the floor.  And at the same exact moment Jonghyun clutches his head and screams in pain.

                “Enough!  Enough!  I know what you mean,” says Jonghyun.  Siwon get up.

                “Sorry.  You really are hurt by it.  I wonder why.  I don’t really feel the pain, maybe yes, but a bit.  You are feeling the pain as though you are human,” says Siwon.

                “Don’t be too hard on Jonghyun!  You have to understand one thing Siwon.  Jonghyun is half a vampire.  The other part of him is human.  And Jonghyun himself is more to human than to a vampire.  Just look at his lip than you’ll know,” says Minzy, eyeing Siwon with anger.  Siwon eyes become very wide that it almost out from the socket.

                “What?!  Oh yeah...I forget!  Yeah...I’m so sorry.  Then, perhaps Jonghyun won’t have the full power of the curse that tie him and I,” says Siwon.

                “I don’t have the nails.  But, I can feel what you feel and I can sense your whereabouts.  Perhaps I can do the telepathic with you.  I am still not trying it yet, but I don’t wish to.  It will give me a massive headache if I try it now,” says Jonghyun while massaging his temple.  Siwon nods.

                “What will happen if you’re killed, and die?” asks Uee.  The question is too crucial, even for me to know the answer.  I can predict but I don’t want my prediction to be real.  Siwon sighs.

                “The same thing will happen to Jonghyun, he will feel that pain and die...when I die,” says Siwon.

                “Holy shit!  I won’t let it happen!  I won’t let anything happen to my brother!” says Key.

                “I hope...I have made myself clear and all the things clear.  It is up to you to consider it,” says Siwon and sighs again, as though all the burden on his shoulders has gone.

                “We have to protect Siwon if we want Jonghyun to be safe to.  If they can get Siwon, they can do anything to him to torture Jonghyun and finally kill him.  That will be the end then,” says Lee Minho.  All of us stay in silent for a while until Ji Woo breaks it.

                “Stay with us then,” says her.

                “You can even stay at the Kim’s mansion.  I think the nearer you are to Jonghyun the better.  Easier for us to protect both of you,” says Hyun Joong.

                Siwon looks at them in disbelief.  He nods anyway, understanding their care.  Then, he looks at Jonghyun, eyes full with concern.  Then he looks at Seraphina, smiling, as though he wants to tell something else and finally those eyes land on me.  He looks at me and I get this feeling of gentle father-like stare from him.  Then, I remember something that I want to ask since just now.

                “You said that you tried to protect human from get killed by the Evil Choi.  Are they my parents?” I ask him, based on my own strong intuition.

                “Err...yes,” he says.

                “What is your relationship with them?” I ask.

                “I’m their friend and I’m your...godfather, my dear,” he says all gentle and father-like.



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