Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 9: Hope and Dilemma

The beeping sound from the machine fills up the room.  It has been two weeks, but the person lying on the bed is as stiff as ever, as though he never makes any effort to move at all.  Wires and tubes are attached everywhere on his body, in order to keep him alive.  The person is not less than very similar to a corpse, indeed, still fighting to live.  He has been unconscious and his connection to the world has been stunted for this while.  When he wakes up, most probably he doesn’t even have the slightest clue on who is the President of America.

            As a doctor, Dr. Kim Jonghyun is checking on him, ensuring his health is in a very stable condition everyday and every second.  Minho is fortunate to get him as his doctor, because he is the best in handling such a critical situation.  He saved him once, and still, very devoted to his job to watch over him.  Jonghyun never feels bored, but sometimes he does feel tired waiting for Minho to wakes up.

            He then checks on his pulse, heartbeat and breathing with his stethoscope that always hang on his neck.  Jonghyun is glad that everything is stabilized.  At least, Minho doesn’t need aid in breathing.  He can breathe by himself; that is enough to give him a little break.  Jonghyun looks at the boy, and sympathy dominates him.  Such a handsome face, such a young boy, but have to pull through the toughest moment in his life.  He sighs again, then continuing his job, checking on the blood pressure.  Steady, pretty much gives Jonghyun a better feeling.

            He looks at Minho again.  He sighs again, doesn’t realise how many times he has been sighing.  He takes a seat on a chair placed beside the bed for the visitor.  He holds the boy’s hand, hopelessly thinking he might be transferring some energy to him.  He desperately imagining the eyes in front of him are opened and revealing the beautiful iris of the boy.  But he knows that won’t happen, absolutely.

            “Hello there, brother.  I’m Jonghyun, your doctor.  Hope to see you waking up very soon.  A lot of people need you here. strong,” Jonghyun talks to him.  He hopes he will hear it, and that makes him thinking that he is pathetic.

            Suddenly, the door opens.  Jonghyun turns to see the person who opens the door and he recognizes Key.  He is standing there, holding the door’s knob and staring at Jonghyun.

            “Hey, Key.  What’s up?  How are you today?” Jonghyun asks.  Key blinks for a few times.

            “I’m fine, great instead,” says Key.  He enters the room and closes the door.  He walks towards his brother.

            “How is him?  Any progress?” Key asks right after he sits on another chair beside Jonghyun.  Jonghyun shakes his head.

            “No.  But, at least he carries this vital functions all by himself and he is stable,” Jonghyun says and shrugs then.

            “Yeah, at least,” Key says while looking at the lifeless body of Minho.

            “What about Emma?” asks Jonghyun.  He turns to Key.  Key smiles.

            “She just checked out.  I’m happy that she is back to normal,” says Key.  Jonghyun nods, but he couldn’t smile for that.

            “Well...we should talk outside,” Jonghyun says as he stands up.  He gestures using his hand, for Key to lead the way.

            They walk together until they reach outside the hospital.  They are walking in the garden.  The bright sun shines at the sky and the heat is hitting on their skin.  Jonghyun and Key feels joyful, at least there is something to bright up their day.  The cool breeze brushes their skin, somehow provides a more relaxing condition.  Jonghyun tells Key to find a bench to sit, while telling him that he’ll be back soon.

            Key does as he say, finding a bench and sits, and waiting for him who disappeared just now, for a reason that Key doesn’t know.  Clearly, Jonghyun is holding two cans of drink and Key makes an assumption that he comes from the nearest vending machine.

            “Have one,” Jonghyun gives one can to him as he sits down beside Key on the bench.  They open the can and take a big gulp.

            “Thanks,” says Key after he gets rid of his thirst.

            “No problem,” says Jonghyun.

            “I’m sorry about Minho.  And Emma doesn’t know the truth,” says Key.

            “Well...that is the only way to treat her.  There is no turning back, Key.  Once you go for it, finish it.  It’s okay.  I’ll try my best and I could tell that Minho is strong to stay alive,” Jonghyun says, making an assumption based on Minho’s condition.  He has high possibilities to stay alive, just the matter of the time.  But still, he also has the chance to die once he gives up.

            “I’m just feeling guilty.  The happiness that Emma gains is actually the fake one.  The real Minho is on the bed like a carcass,” Key says.

            “You should be happy.  At least Emma is saved.  At least she is already okay,” says Jonghyun as he pats Key’s shoulder.  He smiles at his little brother.

            “ least she is already okay.  I should be happy.  I know.  But, as you said, we are unsure about Minho.  He could be dead, who know?  And yet, we are lying to Emma.  I’m seriously feeling guilty,” Key says as he sighs, showing his feeling.

            “Key, I’ll never let the boy die.  I’ll make sure he is alive.  The only matter the most is time.  But, after all, have you ever seen any patient die under my surveillance?” asks Jonghyun, while looking at Key.

            “I...well...never.  But, I’m...I don’t know.  Maybe I’m just too sensitive.  Or maybe I’m wrong for making the robot.  I should’ve just followed your decision earlier.  I...was too selfish at that time.  I just want to save Emma and never thought of Minho,” says Key, looking down at his can drink.

            “It’s not that.  You’re trying to save her, Key,” Jonghyun says, patting the younger boy’s shoulder.

            “But, my way is too selfish.  Maybe...I’m really selfish after all.  Since young, right?  I stole away my brother’s childhood.  I stole away my brother’s father.   I-” he speaks but then, Jonghyun hushes him.

            “Kibum.  You weren’t stealing away my childhood.  I told you not to bring up the issue anymore.  It wasn’t your fault.  Please Key...stop feeling guilty,” Jonghyun says while embracing Key, putting his arm around the boy’s shoulder.  He is giving some assurance, looking into his eyes and nods a few times.  Key shakes his head.

            “No...I can’t.  I live with guiltiness,” Key says once again, and almost shredding tears.  Jonghyun sighs.

            “Key...past is past.  Nobody can change the past.  But, start a new life without repeating the same mistake we did in the past.  Your future is bright, Key,” Jonghyun says and giving Key an assurance smile.  Key smiles back.

            “You are very good to me,” Key says.  Jonghyun chuckles.

            “You too,” Jonghyun says.  Key notices that a person is making her way towards them.  Walking sweetly, approaching them and Key immediately feels that he needs to flee.  It is not the right place for him anymore.  Jonghyun doesn’t notice Jessica, because she is walking behind him.  Key plans to give them a chance.  Jessica would love to speak with Jonghyun, although Jonghyun will always think that they are no more than friends.

            “Hey, you know what?  You have bright future too.  And your future will be brighter with that girl behind you,” Key says and smirks to Jonghyun.  Then, he quickly walks away after winking towards the older guy.  Jonghyun frowns and takes a few second to absorb Key’s words.  Then, only he turns to his back.

            There he can see Jessica is walking towards him with a very sweet smile.  Somehow, Jonghyun sees her as an angel.  She is somehow very adorable in the white coat.  Jonghyun fails to take his eyes off her.  He stares until she is right in front of his face.

            “Hey, Jonghyun.  It is very long time, right, you’ve been busy with the cyborg?  At last, you’re back to the hospital.  I’m looking forward to work together again with you,” Jessica says sweetly, with a dazzling smile visible on her flawless face.

            “Owh...yeah,” Jonghyun doesn’t know how to reply.  Somehow, he feels like getting word’s block.  He is just lucky he isn’t stutter.  Jessica sits beside him.

            “Actually...I’ve been missing you,” Jessica says, revealing the true.  And she feels relieve after she tells him her actual feeling.  Jonghyun stares at Jessica, speechless and doesn’t know how to react.  He blinks a few times, and then continues to stare at her?  Did she really miss him?


            “Hey, Minho!” Emma tries to surprise him, but he seems doesn’t sound surprise at all.  He laughs and looks at her.

            “Hey, Emma.  I know you are here.  Never try to surprise me anymore.  It won’t work,” says Minho.  Emma cutely pouts while looking at his boyfriend.  She hits Minho softly on his shoulder.

            “You’re mean,” Emma says.  Minho then pinches her cheek and leads to a very loud yell from the girl.

            “I am, but only to you,” Minho says and that makes Emma thinks that she is special.  She is very happy now that Minho is back.  She gets him; that is the most important.  She cannot imagine her life without Minho, but she is very sure that it will be hell.

            Emma is glad the fact that Minho is saved.  Emma once experienced the moment she almost lose him.  That is enough to make her appreciate him a lot.  She knows how bad she felt at that time Minho is at the edge of dying.  She doesn’t want it to happen anymore and she has some kind of traumatize that lead to her behaviour self-destruction.  Committing suicide is the worst thing she had done in her life.  She knows it is really bad that she had done that until she makes people around him into trouble.  However, she can’t avoid it.  It happens to be like that.  And yet, he won’t allow herself to lose Minho anymore.

            She stares at Minho, expressing love through her eyes.  Minho doesn’t understand that since he is actually a robot.  Emma only finds emptiness in the eyes.  She is shocked.  Minho usually will give her the same look, but he is not right now.  Emma is a bit disappointed but she ignores the feeling, thinking that it is maybe just her.

            “Minho, I love you and I never want to lose you again,” Emma says, trying the other way, using words to tell him how she is deeply in love with him.

            “Yeah...I love you too,” says Minho.  He says it, but she finds emptiness in his eyes.  She never sees Minho like this.  She shakes her head and pretends to be happy.  She doesn’t want to think of anything bad.  Maybe Minho is still in state of recovery and maybe she is recovering herself.  She has become a bit sensitive lately.

            “I know,” Emma is trying to act cool.  She still believes the reason behind this is both of them are still recovering.  Maybe after a while, they will back to their normal self.

            “Hey, let me take your photograph.  I want a few shot from my lovely girl,” Minho says.  Emma rolls her eyes.  At least this Mr. Drama King is really Minho.  He is always with his extravaganza ‘sweet’ words.

            “You don’t need to use such a sweet language to make me pose for a photo shoot,” says Emma teasingly.  Minho chuckles.

            “Whatever, Emma.  Come on.  Pose for the shoot,” Minho says.  Emma rolls her eyes again.  Then, she makes a peace sign and smile to the camera.  Minho snaps it.  Then, he looks at his own masterpiece.  He smiles.

            “Hey!  Look at this, Emma!  It is nice,” says Minho while shoving his camera to Emma.  Once again, Emma is surprised.  Usually, Minho won’t just shove the camera to her; instead they will look at the picture together.  But, now, Minho seems a little bit different form his real self.  Could it be the effect of the awful accident?  Or it is her that is too sensitive?  She continues to stare at him, hoping that he will understand.

            “What?  Why are you staring at me as though I’m a meal to you?” Minho asks, and that just makes everything worse.  Emma feels her heart ache by the words.  Minho will never says this to her.  Not that it is rude, but it is kind of not the words of love.  She stares at Minho with her mouth slightly apart and tears that are threatening to fall.

            “Minho...I’m sorry if I have been sensitive lately...but I notice a slight different in you,” she says.

            Minho stares at Emma, and then he frowns.  Of course, he won’t understand the girl’s feeling.  But, the information downloaded in his brain registers the expression and processes it and the signal is passed down to his body.  She needs to be embraced, luckily, thanks to the information downloaded by Taemin.  Also thanks to Key for providing the info.  In such a situation, it turns out to be helpful.  Minho quickly pulls the girls into his arm.

            “Hey, dear. What’s wrong?  I’m sorry if I hurt your feeling.  I’m sorry...You are so lovely and innocent that sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve to be with you,” he says.  He notices something is wrong with Emma, but he is not a human that he can notice every single and complicated feeling of human.

            However, being pulled into Minho’s arm has made Emma feels a lot better.  At least, Minho is not completely different.  She thinks maybe Minho needs time to back as his old self, and Emma believes he needs time.  But, maybe sometimes she is too vulnerable that she is easily hurt.

            “’m so is me that is too sensitive lately...and I’m a bit too demanding...even to my brother,” Emma says, as she realizes her mistake.

            “It’s okay, dear.  Hey!  Come on!  Look at the photo together,” both of them concentrate at the camera, looking at the photo Minho snapped just now.  Emma could say that Minho’s talent and professionalism is not yet faded although after the disastrous accident.  Instead, it gets better.  Minho managed to get perfect angle.

            “Hey!  Nice photo!  You get the perfect angle!” exclaims Emma.  Minho smiles proudly of his own masterpiece.

            “I know, right.  My is always the best,” says Minho with pride.

            And yet, it is another moment that surprising Emma.  Minho is really different this time.  Usually, when she praises him with his artwork, he will says such sweet words like “It is not me, it is you that are beautiful so the picture is decorated with such a pretty face of yours” or some other words.  She is not demanding for him to praise her, not even once she thinks of that.  The only thing right now is that Minho is not someone who is full of self pride and vanity.  But, the Minho in front of him is not that low profile anymore, or should she just say, to arrogant?

            “Minho...” Emma is eyeing him deeply into his eyes.  But, she just cannot read the eyes anymore.  He is too feelingless.

            “Yes, what?” asks Minho, looking back at his camera, praising and admiring his own masterpiece, ignoring the death glare sent to him by Emma.

            “What happened to you actually?” she asks, unsatisfied with the new Minho.

            “Nothing happen.  Why?” Minho is asking Emma nonchalantly, still focusing on his camera.  Emma sighs, because of his ignorance.

            “Was the accident too terrible?” asks her.  She still tries to find the answer through Minho’s eyes, but she knows she will fail.

            “Yeah!  It is.  And I don’t like to remember it or even speak a word about it.  Why?” he asks back, now giving his full attention to Emma.

            “You are totally are far too different than your normal simplify’re not yourself anymore,” Emma says while staring at him, as suspicion arises around them.  Minho blinks a few times, doesn’t understand what she mean.  But, she knows...something is totally wrong somewhere.

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