Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 14: Back to Home

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

“I don’t know, really,” Jonghyun says.

                “Are you sure?” Jinki asks.

                “Damn hell, I’m sure!” Jonghyun raises his voice, after a few times being asked the same question.

                “I just thought that you might know something,” Jinki says, shrugging.

                “Okay, listen guys.  I don’t know anything.  Or what they want from these girls.  I just know that they want something from them.  Something they have that I don’t have, that we don’t have, in fact,” Jonghyun says to all of them.

                “Are you really sure, Jonghyun?  You guys are hell of vampires and both of us are just humans, perfectly humans.  What do we have that they really want?” I ask him.

                “Ask yourself.  I don’t know.  They want both of you that badly,” Jonghyun says again.

                “Well…from what I know, all they want to do is to kill you, Jonghyun.  Perhaps Seraphina was only bait,” Taemin says.

                “Guys, I’m cursed!  Okay?  My life is cursed!  If they really want to kill me, they will just kill Siwon once they got him.  I’ll be dead two months ago.  Why now?  And why through Seraphina?  They could just stab Siwon in the heart,” he replies.

                “Sweetheart, your life is not cursed,” says Hyori, to bring out the rational out of him.  He seems mad.  All of us are quite surprised by his words about himself.

                “Mom, I don’t need anybody to comfort me saying that I’m fine.  I know that I’m at the brink of death every day.  They have their strongest weapon to kill me.  They have Siwon.  Nobody can break the curse,” says Jonghyun realistically.  Hyori sighs.

                “So, you’re saying Sabrina and Seraphina might have something very important to them?” Seunghyun asks again.

                “I’m pretty sure of that.  Based on my experience as a field agent, yes, I am sure that they want something from both of them, which as I said, I don’t know,” Jonghyun tells them.

                “Well…Sabrina.  Do you have any kin that might have something to tell you?” Minho asks.  I shrug.

                “Seraphina?  Do you remember anybody from your family bloodline that might have something related to those vampires?” asks Hyun Joong.

                “I…don’t think so,” Seraphina replies.

                “As far as I know, we don’t have any other family, except our late mom and dad,” I say.  All of them keep quiet, trying to crack the mystery behind all of this.

                “Your dad!  It must be your dad!” Jonghyun says, looking at me.

                “What?  My dad?” I ask him again.

                “I’m sure as hell,” he says again.

                “What’s your verdict?” asks Key.

                “Your father wrote The True Legend.  He knew a lot about us.  He even knew a lot about the Evil Choi,” Jonghyun shrugs.

                “So?” Sooyoung asks.

                “He might have something else that we don’t have.  Some information that we don’t even know.  He was a researcher,” says Jonghyun.

                “Even if our dad had some information on something, he didn’t pass it to us.  We didn’t have anything given by him,” says Seraphina.

                “I think Jonghyun might be right.  Your dad had something that we don’t have.  Are you sure he didn’t tell you anything?  Or give you anything?” Lee Minho asks us again.

                “He said nothing to me, or gave nothing to me.  I don’t know about Min Yee,” I say, looking at my sister.

                “I’m sure he didn’t pass anything to me,” Seraphina convinces them again.

                “Then, what should it be?” asks Ji Woo.

                “Have you ever returned to your house after the murder of your parents?” Jonghyun asks.

                “No,” we answer synchronously.

                “That house is still there, right?  Nobody resides there since then, right?” asks Jonghyun again.

                “It is empty and spooky as ever,” Seraphina answers.

                “Good.  Then, we’re going tomorrow.  I’m bringing you back home,” Jonghyun says.

                “What?  Why?” I ask him.

                “If he didn’t pass any of you anything, what remains might still be there, somewhere unseen.  It must be somewhere your dad kept it hidden, hoping that one day you’ll find it,” says Jonghyun.

                The next day, I find myself on my way to my home.  It is not the best idea perhaps, but if there’s anything that I can give as a trade with Siwon, I’ll find it.  I’m not really in the mood of going back home, seeing something that can bring back all the old memories including the murder itself, but I guess I just have to do it.  Jonghyun might be right.  There’s something my dad hides that they need the most.

                I give Jonghyun the address.   It is not hard for him to find it.  Being in the special military intelligence service for years teaches him a lot.  He knows which road to go, which house to spy on, which way to go.  He earns the title of the best agent not for nothing.  He is sure one hell of an agent.  His skill never gets rusty and it is always improving the more he is into it.  Maybe he doesn’t realize it, but he is highly appreciated, highly respected among us.  I wonder why the hell he is looking very low on himself now, as though he is nothing and not even valuable at all.

                It might be because I blamed him when Siwon was caught.  He never really cares about himself since then.  Perhaps it is my fault.

                “Hey, Jonghyun.  I just want to ask something,” I say.

                “About what?  About me getting myself cursed?” Jonghyun asks.  My sister is listening at the back, I know.  Seraphina told me last night about how Jonghyun has changed so much in two months.

                “Yeah…I’m sorry.  But, why do you always talk about death these days.  You know, we can find a way to break it.  You and Siwon might as well be alive,” I say.

                “Don’t lie to yourself.  You know that if one of us dies, both are going to die.  There’s no way we could break it,” Jonghyun says.

                “You’re getting very pessimistic.  Look, I’m sorry okay.  I know you’re broken inside.  I know my words, the blame I put on you is crashing you down, but I apologized a lot of times already.  I told you many times that I was emotional at that exact moment and you are not guilty at all,”

                “Yeah, Sabrina.  Just drop it,” Jonghyun says, doesn’t to want to prolong the fight between us.

                “Jonghyun, listen.  If none of you dies, both will live.  We just need to save Siwon.  When Siwon is back in our hands, everything will go well,” I say.

                “Yeah, drop it, Sabrina.  I’ve got enough,” he answers.

                “Hey!  Since when you sound really give up?!  I don’t understand you sometimes, Jonghyun!  I really don’t understand!” I start to raise my voice.

                “You don’t need to understand me, Sabrina.  I don’t ask for that,” Jonghyun replies.

                “Look.  Whatever we find in that house later, we could trade it for Siwon.  Both of you could be safe,” I say.

                “Yeah.  I really hope so,” Jonghyun says sarcastically.

                “And what’s that with the tone? So cynical?” I ask.  Jonghyun sighs.  He stops the car at the side of the road and holds tightly onto the steering.

                “I’m tired, Sabrina.  I’m really tired of hoping.  Every time I hope something go well, they will never happen.  Ever since I was an infant, I lost my parents, turned into half a vampire and getting involved with this.  I just want a normal life,” Jonghyun says.  Tears are almost streaming out but he handles it very well.  I sigh.

                “I…I don’t know what to say.  But, Jonghyun, you can’t give up now.  Think of why you hold on for so long, since forever.  Don’t give up, please,” I say.

                “I dragged you and Seraphina into this.  I bring bad fate to people as well,” he resumes.

                “No, Jonghyun oppa.  No.  You never bring anybody any bad fate, never.  It is just that…things are fated this way.  You can’t give up now…not until the end of it,” Seraphina says from the back seat.

                “Now, we go to our house first to see what we could find there.  Then, we will think of any ways we could get Siwon back.  We will think of any ways to save both of you,” I tell him.  He nods.

                We continue our journey to our home, or better said ex-home.  After more or less 30 minutes, we arrive at the house.  It looks empty and spooky, except that the other houses beside it look very lively and delighted.

                “Are you ready to go?” Jonghyun asks me, as though he understands that I am a bit touched seeing my old home, especially remembering the last, sad memory of the tragedy.

                “I am.  Seraphina?” I ask my sister.

                “I’ve waited for this for years.  Let’s do it,” she says.  Seraphina did tell me that she wants so much searching this house again, because she feels like she doesn’t know our parents that much.  She did tell me that she feels like mom and dad were hiding something from us during their life.

                Every door we open produces a very rusty sound, telling us how long it has been left unattended.  As we walk inside the house, we could see all furniture are covered with white cloths.  It gives this eerie feeling to me, like entering a haunted house, waiting for any ghost to pop-out from somewhere hidden.  But, I know it won’t happen.  Jonghyun forbid us from separating.  He knows very well that it will cost our time in searching; we might be here for one whole day, but better safe than sorry.

                We start from the living room.  We search every part, every rack, and every cupboard.  If any part of the house left unchecked, it would be the dust.  We make a thorough search from the inside and outside the house and even the attic.  We are lucky it is just a single-storey bungalow, or else, there will be more work to do.  We get things done in the afternoon, but we get nothing except tiredness.

                “I think there’s nothing here.  I think there’s nothing they want from us,” I say.

                “I’m sure I’m not wrong,” says Jonghyun, frowning.  He’s thinking the possibility of him leaving any place to search.

                “Did you miss something?” Seraphina asks him.  She is sure as well the there is something our dad left for us.

                “I think we didn’t check thorough enough,” Jonghyun says.

                “What do you mean?  Now you want to check everything all over again?” I ask.  I start to feel tired.  Apparently, there’s nothing to search here.  All furniture is empty.

                “We have to narrow it down.  Perhaps to the place where he always kept his things before,” Jonghyun says.

                “I say it would be the master bedroom.  It was his place with mom before,” replies my sister.

                “Then, let’s go,” he goes.  We follow his way inside.

                Again, we make a thorough search in the master bedroom, a place where mom and dad shared before.  The place where I found them lying, not breathing anymore.  The place where the tragedy occurred.  Every time I enter the room, the scene always replays in my head.  I found them and I am sure as hell I am not going to forget it until the end of my life.  I am checking the bathroom.  My sister takes the area where the bed is placed.  Jonghyun checks every cupboard in the bedroom.

                “You find anything Min Yee?” I ask her.

                “Not yet, perhaps,” she says.  I wonder how she could just put some blind faith on Jonghyun’s words.

                “You know, we might be wrong Min Yee,” I say.

                “Just check.  I am sure mom and dad hide something from us,” she replies.  Suddenly, I hear a sound of knocking planks.

                “Guys, I think I got something interesting here,” Jonghyun says.  We rush to where he is, looking at my dad’s opened cabinet.  There’s nothing in it, except for its unusual floor.

                “What the hell?” my sister curses.

                “Apparently, your house has a basement.  This is the gate to downstairs.  Did you ever notice this when you lived here?” Jonghyun asks us.  We look at the dark stairs leading somewhere down there.  Then, we look at each other.

                “No,” we answer synchronously while looking at each other.

                “Let’s find out what’s downstairs,” Jonghyun takes out a gun and torchlight from his jacket and get into the cabinet.  He looks at us and starts to walk downstairs, following the path.

                I ask my sister to go after him.  I will be at the back, in case whatever comes and attacks from our back.  I close the door of the cabinet, draw out my gun and switch on my torchlight.  I follow the trail down.  It is not long though, just a straight flight of stairs, more or less with twenty steps down.  When we reach the basement, I couldn’t believe my own eyes.

                It is a room full of weapons and thick books.

                “What the hell is this?” my turn to curse.

                Jonghyun checks all the books and the weapons while my sister and I take time to recover from our shock.  What was our dad doing with these?  We are sculpted on the ground, looking at the room which is unusual and very rare to be at our house.

                “You guys didn’t tell me this,” Jonghyun says after he inspects a few books.

                “Tell you what?” I ask him for confirmation.

                “That your dad was one hell of a hunter,” Jonghyun says.

                “What?  Hunter?” Seraphina asks shocked.

                “Actually, Jonghyun, we never knew that he was hunting animals until you mentioned just now,” I say.

                “No…no…I mean, not that type of hunter.  He’s this type of supernatural hunter.  I don’t know, looking at his books, about vampires, werewolves, tulpas, changelins and these sorts of things.  Just look at his weapons.  Crossbows, packets of salt, silver knives, these are belonged to hunters,” Jonghyun tells us.

                My jaw hangs open.  It is the same with my sister.  Everything just doesn’t make any sense.  Honestly, we find a hidden chamber in this house.  Then, this?  It just can’t blend in the small brain of mine.

                “Are you saying those things you mentioned just now…exist? Seraphina asks.

                “Hello.  You are speaking to half a vampire here.  It doesn’t make any sense to you?  Then, just pretend that you know me as a human.  Come on, guys.  Maybe you don’t know, but they do exist.  I know it.  And your dad was their hunter,” Jonghyun says.

                “Are you saying that dad hunted vampires as well?” I ask him.  The room is quiet for a while.

                “Perhaps that is the thing that we don’t know.  Siwon is a vampire and all of us know they were good friends.  Evidently, your dad chose his prey.  He didn’t simply kill.  He killed those who are evil.  Perhaps he knew something about it that we don’t know.  Maybe that is the thing that the Chois really want.  Maybe that is why they want both of you very badly.  They want this.  They want to know what your dad knew and kept it hidden here,” Jonghyun gives his verdict.

                “Well…there are stacks of books and hell lot of weapons here.  Which one do they want?” I ask him.

                “I don’t know.  But, we can just bring them to the mansion and study them thoroughly,” Jonghyun says.

                “Okay, that’s quite a lot of work,” I say.  Jonghyun shrugs.

                “There are a lot of boxes here.  We pack first, then only we bring them out,” Min Yee gives us a brilliant suggestion.

                Without wasting anytime anymore, we pack all those things in boxes.  When five big boxes are full, we check the room thoroughly for any items left.  After we are satisfied with everything, Jonghyun starts to bring all those things out.  He carries the boxes, which should be very heavy for us, easily upstairs.  Thank God, he is a vampire.  When we are done loading the car with those boxes, I lock the house again and make sure we don’t leave any trace behind.

                We walk to the car together when I notice something is running towards us.  There are three of them.  I duck when one of them tries to attack me.  Jonghyun quickly shoots her right in her heart.  Min Yee tries to run away but another female vampire catches her and pins her on the ground.  I take my dagger out and plant it right at the vampire’s heart.

                “Die bitch!” I say angrily.  I try to find Jonghyun.  I turn to my left seeing Jonghyun is pinned on the ground by a male vampire.  It makes me wonder why Jonghyun doesn’t act although he has the gun in his hand.  I walk to them and decide to just bury my dagger into that vampire’s heart.

                “No!  Sabrina, don’t do it!” Jonghyun says.

                “I just want to kill this son of a bitch!” I say and hold that dagger higher, ready to thrust it into his back.

                “I say don’t do it, Sabrina!  He won’t kill me!” Jonghyun says.  I am shocked.  How could he be so sure about that when the enemy is right on him, ready to rip his ass off?

                The vampire turns at me.  His face is covered until his nose. But, his eyes are enough to reveal his real identity.  I don’t need a second look to confirm that he is Siwon.

                “Siwon!” I say and I am about to hug him when he pulls Jonghyun up and hold him as hostage.

                “Kill me, or he’ll die as well!” Siwon says.  I am surprised by his personality.

                I look into his eyes, trying to find the real Siwon, the sweet and loving Siwon.  But, all I could see is the angry and devilish version of Siwon.  What happen to him?

                “I won’t kill anybody,” I say and put down all my weapons, “But, please let Jonghyun go,” I say.

                “I wonder why the hell you love this half-blood.  Anyway, just give me what I want and he’ll be safe,” he says.

                “I don’t know what you want,” I say.  He takes my gun and shoots himself at his shoulder.  Right then, Jonghyun shouts and holds his shoulder.

                “Don’t mess with me girl!  I shoot myself, I don’t feel the pain because I’m strong as a vampire.  But, this half-blood, he is still a human and he feels all the pain.  Now, tell me where the hell is that journal?!” Siwon asks furiously.

                “I don’t know what journal you are talking about,” I say.  Then, a deafening sound and another scream from Jonghyun.  He shoots Jonghyun this time, not to kill him but to torture him.  The bullet pierces his right shoulder.  Jonghyun falls on the road.  I wonder why the neighbours don’t look out yet.  Perhaps they can offer help.

                “Just give me the journal, bitches!” Siwon shouts.

                “They don’t know the journal, idiot!  But, I know it!” Jonghyun shouts to him.  I am surprised again.  I just hope someone can enlighten me about the journal.  What does Jonghyun know?

                “Give me, now!” Siwon asks roughly for it.

                “In the car!” he says.  Siwon pulls him up and kicks him to the car.  Jonghyun grunts in pain.  I try to interfere.

                “Come nearer and I’ll hurt him even more!” he warns me.  Seraphina looks pleadingly at me to let go of the situation.  I look at Jonghyun.  He stands up slowly in pain and opens the car’s door.  He searches for something, which apparently, I don’t know.

                “Found it!” he says.  Siwon walks nearer and Jonghyun quickly buries a dagger into his arm, “Dead men’s blood.  How is it?” Jonghyun says, smirking.  Siwon looks stunned in pain.

                “Bastard!” he curses and flees.  Jonghyun falls again onto the road.  Seraphina and I quickly get him.

                “What the hell was that?  He doesn’t feel the shot at his shoulder but actually feels the pain when you stab him with a dagger at his arm?” I ask Jonghyun.

                “That dagger, you dad coated it with dead men’s blood.  It is a poison for vampire,” he says and groans in pain.

                “You poison yourself in a way, you idiot,” I try to hold my tears in.

                “I have no other way, since I don’t know what journal he talked about just now.  But, don’t worry.  Siwon won’t die.  The poison will take effect only for a few hours.  He’ll recover soon,” Jonghyun says.  His lips start to turn white and he is sweating profusely.

                “You’re bleeding, Jonghyun.  And you’re burning hot.  Is that the effect of the poison?” I ask.

                “Yeah.  Can you drive home?” he asks me and gives me the key.  I nod.

                “Not me.  I’ll take care of you.  Min Yee will drive,” I say.

                Seraphina and I help him to the car.  He could barely stand.  We put him on the passenger seat beside the driver and change it into a lying position.  I take the back seat.  Seraphina drives home while I try my best to attend his shot wound.  Luckily, there is always a full-set first aid in his car, since a special agent always has to bring one with them.  I clean the wound with alcohol and take out the bullet before I patch him again into one piece.  He grunts in pain during the process, but otherwise too weak to resist.  I guess it is the poison effect.

                “Siwon…he is different,” he says.

                “I know.  I never thought that he would turn on us,” I say sadly, at the edge of tears.

                “I can’t believe it too,” says my sister.

                “I believe it is not him,” says Jonghyun.

                “What?  It really was Siwon just now.  Those are his eyes.  I know him, Jonghyun.  It is his voice too,” I say.

                “I know…but I think it is not him.  They must have altered his mind there.  They manipulated his mind somehow,” he says with heavy breaths.

                “Stop talking, Jonghyun.  We’ll get you home,” I say while wiping his sweat on his forehead.  Outside, the sky is already red because of the sunset.  The night is approaching.

                When I look again at Jonghyun, he already falls asleep.  He looks more peaceful and calm that way.  I stroke his hair, wondering why this guy always has to sacrifice himself to save me.


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