Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 1: Engaged

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

I walk down the stairs lazily, as my eyes still stinging from the lack of sleep.  Last night was the best.  Having lots of fun, unaware of the time moving really fast left us only a few hours to sleep.  I want to blame him, but I can’t.  He was the reason I stayed up last night, and he is the reason I wake up this morning.

                When I woke up just now, my sister was not there.  She woke up earlier this time, without any attempt to disturb my sleep.  I woke up by myself and cleaned up, before heading downstairs.  And now, I am walking down the stairs expecting to see somebody to greet, but none comes to my sight.

                It is weird though, nobody in this big mansion as always.  Maybe they are already at the kitchen.  I walk there only to find her, Hyori.  As usual, she is preparing the breakfast for the three families, together with Ji Woo and So Eun.

                “Hello, honey.  You’re up!” Hyori greets me first, cheerfully.  It makes up my day though, despite it is almost injuring my eardrum.  Her voice is at the most high-pitch this morning.  Why?  Don’t ask me.  Maybe she is in a very good mood.

                “Hi, Hyori,” I greet back.

                “Aha!  Sabrina!  How many times should I remind you?  Stop calling me Hyori.  Just call me mom.  You are my future in-law,” she reminds me again.  It has been five years; I’ve been reminded with the same thing.  My cheeks flushed a red tomato, due to the not-sure-yet word from Hyori, ‘in-law’.  Thanks anyway, that’s precious.

                “Owh...see...she is blushing!” So Eun teases me.  Cool yeah, So Eun?  Aren’t you supposed to be at my side?  I curse myself for waking up ‘too early’ to be with this group of women at the kitchen, who love to tease me.  I love it sometimes, but sometimes it can annoy me as much.

                “Sabrina...ignore them.  You have me,” as though knowing what swims is my mind right now, Ji Woo doesn’t join their gossips.

                “I don’t mind,” I say, giving them my sweet, morning smile.  Hyori then gets back to work.  She is a very good cook, I have to admit.  Not a human, but knows how to cook, that should be complimented.  Before I involve with their lives, Hyori told me that she only cooks for Jonghyun.  She is now happy that my sister and I live with them, not forgetting my friends.

                “Where are the others?” I ask the three of them, assuming they should be able to give me the answer.

                “Well...the adults as usual, go for their morning exercise,” So Eun says.  Sure.  That would be Kim Hyun Joong, Lee Minho and Choi Seunghyun.  They always do morning exercise, as though that is a duty.

                I’m not really sure what they did.  Jogging?  Too normal, I mean, it is for human.  Maybe something like running 50 000 km non-stop?  That will be something fun for them to do.  I smile to myself.

                “Key is calling the others, together with your sister,” Ji Woo is telling me their whereabouts.  I nod.

                “Jonghyun?” I ask.

                “Jonghyun, he i-”

                “I’m here,” somebody cuts Hyori’s words.  I almost jump out of shock.  The voice comes from somewhere behind me.  I turn to see Jonghyun, handsome and adorable as ever.

                “You scare me,” I sigh.  I can hear his faint laugh.  It is an awkward moment for us, which I hope the others won’t realise, especially with those in the kitchen.  Surely, I will be teased again.

                “Of course.  I’m half a ghost,” says Jonghyun with a small laugh.  I roll my eyes once I hear his words.

                “Yeah...sure Jonghyun.  Where were you just now?  I believe you always wake up very early?” I ask him.  Don’t tell me he wakes up late because of last night too.  That will be so illogic.  Jonghyun is not that type.  Just mention how late he sleeps, he will always wake up very early in the morning.

                “I take a morning walk,” he says.

                “Yeah, I know right?  Morning walk and...morning fly,” I say while moving to the dining table.

                “Hey.  How did you know?” asks Jonghyun.  I roll my eyes and pick up a small trace of feather on his shoulder.

                “Here.  The feather,” I show him the feather from his own wings.

                “You’re pretty good in investigating huh?  You can even see the smallest trace of evidence.  But that feather can be belonged to a chicken from Key’s farm.  Maybe I walked there this morning,” he says coolly and shrugs.  Here it comes again.  He is testing my skill again.

                Jonghyun always asks me questions, to test how far my skill is in investigating.  I’m glad that he is concern, but sometimes that makes me feel like he has this sort of lack-of-trust feeling towards me.  However, I always gain his trust, because I am skilled enough to answer his extravaganza questions.  What is the used of being trained in intelligence for years if I can’t answer those questions?

                “Then, explain the diamond glittering on the feather.  That sort of weird thing only belongs to your feather,” I say while raising one of my brows.  He laughs this time, a genuine laugh.

                “That’s my girl!” he says, pinching my cheek gently, leaving me with heart beating uncontrollably.

                He then takes my left hand and looks at my ring finger.  There’s a ring there, a silver ring with a diamond decorating it.  He smiles when he looks at it.  Sure, he is.  I’m happy too when I look at it.  It is more than just a couple ring.

                “You wear the ring huh, fiancé?” he asks me with his remarkable smirk.  Remembering last night, that just makes the thing more gauche for both of us, or maybe it is just me.


                It was wonderful.  The whole night was filled with astonishing moment for only the two of us.  As though the first time we confessed was repeated.  It was as though I experienced the moment again.  Jonghyun held me in his strong and muscular arm, while we sang the song; A Whole New World.  It was cheesy I had to admit, but who cares?  As long as it was fantastic for me and also for Jonghyun, perhaps.

                He brought me on the roof, safely, after we twirling and spinning in the night, shining sky.  I laughed happily.  Nothing was funny.  I was just feeling lighter and happier.  I just wanted to laugh happily with him, enjoyed every second passed tonight.  Especially, with the one I love.  We sat down and he looked at me.

                “You are still wearing the necklace I gave you 5 years ago,” he said, looking at my neck while stroking my hair.

                “Yeah sure.  How can I forget this?  You gave me right before the deathly war,” I said.  Jonghyun sighed.

                “Sabrina, forget it, will you?” Jonghyun said.  I looked into his eyes, searching for an answer, but I knew it was all up to me.  How could I forget?  I won’t.  I just avoided his eyes and looked onto the roof beneath me.

                “Sabrina, look.  Just...just...don’t ruin the moment okay?” he asked me while gently stroking my head.  He sat closer to me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

                “Jonghyun?  You know how much I love you?” the moment I asked the question, I regretted it.  Jonghyun laughed.  Okay, fine.  That was funny I guessed.

                “Yeah I know.  It was more than anything,” Jonghyun said with a small laugh contaminating his voice.

                “Yeah, Jonghyun.  That’s funny.  I know.  Laugh until tomorrow morning!” I said as I stood up.  The only thing I wanted to do was to get into my room and sleep.  Avoid him.  That’s it.  It was embarrassing though, somehow the question came out from my mouth.  I cursed my mouth, my tongue, my teeth or anything I was suspecting collaborated to throw out the question just now.

                “Sabrina...” he grabbed my wrist.  I turned to face him and rolled my eyes.

                “What now, Jonghyun?  I am funny, right?” I asked him as I could see a naughty grin plastered on his face.  Stupid.

                “It’s not that, okay?” he said and changed his position.  From sitting, now he was on one of his knees while one of his hands was holding my hand tenderly.  I was shocked and before I could say anything, he began his words that I swear I won’t forget forever, even if I die.

                “Will you, Sabrina Kwon Yoo Rin, accept me as your husband for the whole journey of your life?  Will you be my wife that will forever be my other half?” Jonghyun asked, while his left hand held a box with a silver ring in it.  Even though we were under the shimmers of the stars, I could still recognize the shining and the glowing diamond on the ring.

                I was startled.  This was the least thing I was expecting from him.  Or maybe, never thought of that.  I lost my words.  Guessed my curse just now came true; I was unable to speak.  I looked at him deep into his eyes, and I could sense the sincerity he tried to give.  Through his soft smile, I could observe earnestness.  But, how could I reply?  The words won’t come out.

                “Sabrina, listen here.  In short, will you marry me?” he asked again.  His expression didn’t change.  Still very pure and genuine.

                “I do,” with the two magical words, Jonghyun put the ring on my finger.  He kissed my hand and stood up to look into my eyes.



                “Morning!!!!!!!!!” the thought replayed in my head shatters.  Again, my eardrums are almost damaged.  Those voices are sure belonged to Minzy and HyunA.  They are loud and always cheerful.  I look at Jonghyun and he looks at me.

This is awkward, holding the title of Jonghyun’s fiancé.  I think I suddenly have this tongue-tied and uncomfortable moment with him.  What the hell am I thinking?  I avoid his gaze this time and I pretend to look for my sister.  She is walking with Taemin, as always, holding hands.  I walk to her.

“Why don’t you wake me up this morning, sis?” I ask.

“Owh...because...I thought you sleep very late last night.  Well...having a very happy night, sis?” the tone she uses is heard very teasingly in my ears.  Does she know we are engaged?  I didn’t tell anybody yet, and I am sure Jonghyun didn’t.

“Yeah...well...seems like,” I say.  Noticing that my sister wants to tease me again, I move quickly to the dining table.

Everybody is busy filling the seat around the table.  The two Minhos, Seunghyun, Key, Hyun Joong, Onew, Taemin, Seraphina, HyunA, Minzy, Sooyoung and Uee, all of them are sitting down, ready for breakfast.  Hyori, Ji Woo, and So Eun are serving before sitting.  Finally, Jonghyun takes up the space left for him beside me.  And the awkward moment begins again.

Jonghyun fills up two bowls with cereals.  He pours the milk as well.  Then, he gives one bowl to me.  I feel more awkward.  It seems like everything is not in the right state for me.  However, I thank him.

“Yours,” he says.

“Thanks,” I reply.  That’s all.  At that moment, I wish I’m not yet Jonghyun’s fiancé.  This is awkward and sort of...embarrassing, if the other know.  What are their reactions once they knew it?  Without thinking too much about it, I eat my cereal without speaking even a word anymore.

“Hyung, pass me that milk,” Taemin asks for milk.  I really want to thank him.  At least, Jonghyun is not communicating with me.  If not, all of them will notice that I’m awkward.

Speaking of which, Taemin is already really matured after five years.  I have to say that he has become a very good stunning boy.  I almost smile seeing he mixes the milk with the raw blood.  His taste on his food still doesn’t change though.  But, at least he never depends on Choi’s food factory anymore.  He knows the exact litres of blood and milk that he needs to mix based on his preference.

“Sabrina, honey.  Why are you so silent?” I skid out of my own thoughts and focus on the dining table.

“Yes, what?” I ask out loud while swear silently in my heart.  Sabrina, you stupid idiot!  How come you go on with your own thought while they are joking and enjoying the breakfast?!

“No, I just wonder why my future-in-law is so silent today.  Are you okay?” asks Hyori very concern.  I just drink my tea to cover myself after spacing out.  But, very ‘fortunate’ of me, suddenly choke on my tea upon hearing the word ‘future-in-law’.  I cough quite badly.  Jonghyun is surprised with that and rubs my back to ease the pain of the fierce cough.

“Oh My God!  You are not well.  Jonghyun, you’re supposed to take care of your soon-to-be wife, aren’t you?” Hyori asks Jonghyun now, while eyeing his son.  I am glad now it is Jonghyun’s turn to be question, not me.  But, still.  Soon-to-be wife?  Yeah, I’m more than happy to hear that, but wrong timing.  Why she chooses to speak of that when we are just engaged?  It is awkward.  I feel uncomfortable because they not yet know that we’re engaged.

I thought Jonghyun is just okay with that, nothing awkward, but then, he is just the same.  More terrible I think.  He accidentally knocks on his own cup of tea and it spills.  Maybe this is the powerful effect of Hyori’s words, ‘soon-to-be wife’.

“What’s wrong with both of you?  One chokes on her own drink, while another one spills his own drink?” Hyori asks us with her brows knitting.

“Nothing!” both of us says synchronously.  That’s cool.  We look at each other before pretend to be busy with our food.

“Honey, leave them alone,” says Hyun Joong.  I give a small glance towards his direction and he gives me a very understanding and fatherly smile.  I feel grateful, but not for long.

“I just ask why.  Something is very wrong with them,” Hyori says and straight away every head is turned into our direction.  What now?  Hyun Joong sighs, perfectly understands our privacy.  So Eun and Ji Woo look at us the same way Hyori did, with narrow eyes like a predator.  Seunghyun and Lee Minho look like they don’t really care.  Uee, HyunA, Sooyoung and Minzy are looking very blank.  Choi Minho is eyeing me suspiciously.  While Onew, Taemin, Key and my sister give us very naughty grins.

“Eat.  Eat.  There’s a lot to eat.  Come on.  It is sumptuous!” Jonghyun comes to rescue when he tries to get us back to our food although I could say, it doesn’t help much.

“Guys, what are there to be hidden?  Just tell them,” Taemin says.  My head jerks up.  Does he know?

“Yeah, I think you forget our powerful hearing when you were having your sweet, lovey-dovey things last night.  Am I right, Onew hyung?” asks Key with a huge smirk.  My eyes are almost coming out from the sockets.  Jonghyun stays very stiff on his chair, as though he has turned to a stone.

“Yeah!” Onew says loudly with a teasing smile.  Oh God!  They gang up on us.  Shoot!

“What?!  What did they do?!  Don’t tell me...” Lee Minho says while looking very worried.

“Both of you lost your virgin?!” Seunghyun says!  Oh God!  Seunghyun thanks a lot to your dirty mind now all of them are gasping.  They look at us, astonished.  Jonghyun clumsily pulls my left hand up.

“No!  We’re just...engaged!  Yeah...engaged!” Jonghyun says with a very innocent grin.  I feel like I want to hug him for rescuing the situation before it get worse.  He shows the diamond silver ring on my left ring finger.  Now, some of them sigh, while some others scream.

“Oh!  I thought they’ve done something they aren’t supposed to do!”

“Really?  Congrats!”

“Is it easier you just tell them before we eat?”

“I know this day will come, in-law!”

The whole table is a chaos after Jonghyun announces our engagement.  I’m happy but my cheeks are already red.  Those comments from the whole families make me pleased, at the same time, very embarrassed.  But, gratefully, the awkward moment between Jonghyun and I is slightly gone.

“T-Thanks,” I stutter after receiving the never-ending congrats from all of them.  Today’s breakfast is surely disastrous.

“Very well, then.  But, whatever it is, I will get married before you Jonghyun.  Don’t try to arrange that before my date,” Onew says with a warning.  Yeah, surely Onew, we won’t.  He is going to married Jiyeon very soon, in two weeks time.

“Speaking of which, when are you planning to get married?  When is the date?” Uee asks.  Again, thanks Uee, all of them are looking at us.

I look at Jonghyun, and he looks back at me blankly.  We blink a few times while staring at each other.  Jonghyun tries to get the answer for me.  Noticing it has been too long with silence, he answers hesitantly.

“Err...s-soon,” his turn to stutter.  Cool.  I nudge him right at his left rib as I glare at him.  He looks at me.

“But, not very soon,” he is correcting his word this time without looking at the others.  He only focuses on me, perhaps seeking for assurance that is surely I can’t give.  Catastrophic!


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