Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 17: The Formulation

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

It’s eleven.  It is almost noon and the sun is so bright out there making me feel so tempted to experience the heat.  It is a sign of hope, warm, and happiness, which is, very encouraging, in my opinion.  The last spring didn’t bring that much hope, even the flowers are not blossoming as they should.  I could say they understand my every mood.  This summer, as the sun shines so bright, there’s a sign of a new life in me, a new life that helps to strengthen my marriage.

                Jonghyun doesn’t know and he shouldn’t.  He is concentrating on the coming war and I don’t want to distract him from his concentration.  Distraction might cause fatal harm, which means death, and I won’t let that happen.  I’m scared though.  I still remember his conversation with Key yesterday.  The prophecy seems explaining, but I like to believe that it could be wrong.  Jonghyun is going to be a father and he will be the first person to hold his child.

                As I step out of the Kim’s mansion, I could see my sister and my friends busied themselves with stuffs.  They are doing some sort of war preparation at the edge of the lake.  They are having bows, arrows and guns with them.  Maybe they practice shooting, I am so sure judging from their tensing shoulder’s muscles.

                Jiyeon skills in shooting are getting better.  Onew trains his wife well to protect herself.  Taemin and Seraphina are also practising.  Taemin teaches Seraphina how to use a gun and Seraphina teaches him how to use arrows and a bow.  They are getting better in planning strategy.  Key is also using bow and arrow.  Uee, Minzy, and HyunA, the greatest trio, are using the guns, aiming it at the targets they place at least 100m before them.  They are the best I think, judging from their spirits and courage.

                “Hey, what’s up?” I ask Min Yee.

                “Sis, you okay?”

                “I’m fine,” I reply.

                “Good.  I’m teaching him archery,” she points to Taemin.

                “You didn’t tell me that Seraphina is good in archery, noona,” Taemin says while smiling.

                “Well, my sister has my blood and both of us have our dad’s blood.  Do you need further explanation in this?  I don’t think so,” I raise my eyebrow and Taemin smirks.

                “I know I’m lucky to have you as my partner,” says Taemin to Seraphina.  I laugh seeing this bubbly couple.  Taemin always can change a gloomy and serious mood to a bright and happy one.  He is so capable.

                “Where’s Sooyoung?  She’s not around?” I ask Taemin.

                “Working on her last case before she can hand it to our new agents.  She’s already good in shooting anyway.  So, no worry,” Taemin says.  I nod.

                I leave them and walk to Key, who is too absorbed with his arrows and bow, not noticing my presence.  I could see him dipping the arrow into a liquid and I could not be sure what it is.  Once he dips the arrow in to the liquid, he swiftly aims for his target and shoots the arrow.

                “What are you doing?” I ask him.  He smirks.

                “Eating,” he jokes.  I roll my eyes; understand his sarcastic way of telling me what he is doing.

                “Seriously?  Eating your arrows?” I continue the joke.

                “Oh, well.  Sabrina, what else am I doing?  Of course, archery,” he says gently before he releases another arrow and it hits right at the middle of the bull eye.

                “I know.  Yeah, archery.  But, what are you doing with the liquid?  And seems like you’re trying to shoot as fast as you can.  Are you timing yourself?  Am I disturbing?” I ask.

                “No, you’re not,” Key replies, “This is lime juice mixed with salt.  The strongest thing to encounter the spirit I think,” he says.

                “And you’re timing yourself?  How fast you can dip the arrow into the salty lime, aim and shoot it?” I ask him again.

                “Yeah.  Jonghyun asks me to do so.  I think he is focusing on the tactic,” says Key.

                Upon hearing my husband’s name, I immediately silence.  When Key says his name, I quickly remember yesterday’s quarrel.  Are they okay?  I mean, did it end?

                “You guys…are okay, aren’t you?” I ask.  Key sighs and smirks.

                “You think?” he asks me back.  Now, he is playing riddle with me.

                “You guys are…okay,” I drop my opinion.

                “Then, we are okay,” he says without seriousness in his tone.  I roll my eyes.

                “Key, you guys are okay, right?” I ask again.  He sighs again.

                “I think so.  No, I hope so,” he says.

                “Now, now.  What do you mean?”

                “We spoke to each other this morning.  Everything seems to be fine.  He says I should practice and I do what he wants me to do.  So, I guess he should be satisfied,” Key says.  I could trace the slightest sound of frustration in his voice.  It is my turn to sigh.

                “Key, what actually happened yesterday?” I ask.

                “Ask your husband,” he says, gentle and cold.

                “I am asking you now,” I say sternly.

                “It’s complicated.”

                “Make it simple.”

                My words stop him from what he is doing.  He lowers his arms and loosens his grip around his bow.  He looks at me with his tender and tired eyes.

                “He asked me to look after you.  That’s all,” says Key nonchalantly.  I know he is telling me the truth but he is not being transparent enough.

                “That’s not all,” I emphasize.

                “Sabrina…just drop it, ok-”

                “No, let’s not drop it.  Tell me what happened between both of you.  I have the right to know, Key, because I know so well the conversation involves me,” I sternly say.

                “You heard that.  So, I guess you know everything,” he says and raises his bow again.

                “Do you like me?” I ask, embarrassingly, but to know the truth, I would rather face it. He halts again.

                “Is it true, do you like me?” I ask him again.  He sighs for the umpteenth times.

                “I do like you, Sabrina.  In fact, I love you so much,” he confesses at last.

                “So, it’s true,” I say.

                “But what Jonghyun doesn’t know is I would choose him over you.  I love him as my brother, more than I love you.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gay, but I do care about my brother,” he says with a slight trace of joke.  I manage a small laugh.

                “And what he doesn’t know is that I would choose him over you as well, Key.  He’s my only husband and I love him very much.  Don’t you ever dream of getting my love, because even if he dies, I won’t easily love you,” I say quite harshly.  He chuckles.

                “I know that very well, Sabrina.  You don’t have to say it out loud and shatter my heart,” Key says.

                “I’m sorry, I’m quite cold.  But, now you know very well that I love him, and I know that you love him, then, let us work together to protect him,” I suggest.

                “You have a plan?” he asks and I shake my head, “Neither do I,” he says, smirking.  I feel hopeless.

                “We are not as smart as him, Sabrina,” Key reminds me.

                “Even by using the stupidest way, we shall keep him save, Key.  He can’t die,” I say again.  Key looks at me.

                “Even if the prophecy says the other way round?” he asks me.  I walk to him, nearer and nearer, and when we’re close enough, I pull him by his collar, down to my level.

                “My child needs a father, Key,” I whisper.  He freezes and looks deeply into my eyes.  Then, he shakes his head.

                “Does he know you’re pregnant?” Key asks me.

                “No.  We shouldn’t tell him, Key, we shouldn’t.  I don’t want anything to distract him in the middle of this war.  All we need to do now is to save him and it will as well save my child,” I say.  Key looks at somewhere behind me.

                “Here he comes.  You might want to change the topic, or else, just keep your mouth shut,” he warns.  I nod.

                “Sabrina!” he calls me cheerfully.  I look at him and smile.

                “Jonghyun!” I try to be as bright as the Sun.

                “How are you today?  You seem not very good this morning,” Jonghyun’s question seems more like a statement.

                “I’m fine,” I reply.

                “How’s your archery, Key?  You better be good.  I want you to stay alive,” says Jonghyun.  Key smiles.

                “Everything is okay.  I’m ready to war,” says Key and I cannot be sure whether he is serious or just being sarcastic.  But, Jonghyun and Key exchange glance.  The glance that I’m sure is not empty, but full with message.

                “I need to talk to Sabrina for a while.  Can I take her with me?” he politely asks Key.

                “She’s your wife anyway.  You have your right on her,” Key’s eyes are blazing.

                “Thank you.  You may resume your training, for good.  Ready for tomorrow,” Jonghyun says and he pulls my hand.  We walk away from the others.  Us, conquering the other side of the lake, far from others.

                “Tomorrow?  What will happen tomorrow?” I ask him, curiously.

                “Nothing.  Just another session of training.   Key with me,” he states.

                “Oh, well.  You guys are not going to fight again, are you?” I ask him, feeling scared if they are going to fight using weapons.

                “No, no fighting.  I guarantee,” he says.

                “So, why?  You say you want to talk to me?”

                “I don’t know what to talk about actually,” he states.

                “Oh,” I chuckle, “Seriously.  Or are you jealous I talked to Key just now?” I ask him.

                “No.  I’m not.  Not jealous, at all.  Trust me.  I just want to talk to you.   But, I don’t know what to talk about,” he scratches his head.  I laugh.

                “I don’t know that you’re stupid,” I joke.  He chuckles.

                “Oh, well.  Maybe I am,” he says, “Anyway, how are you getting ready for the war?” he asks.

                “I don’t know,” I answer.

                “But, you can protect yourself, can’t you?” he asks me.

                “I hope so,” I say.

                “I really hope so,” Jonghyun says, “You have to, Sabrina.  Don’t die, please,” he says, looking far before him, to the huge lake.

                “You too.  Don’t die, please,” I say, and laugh.  It is funny that we remind each other not to die, when the power to decide the future is not in our hands.

                “We can’t say it, right?” Jonghyun laughs.

                “I think,” I say.

                In a moment, we let silent engulf us.  None of us is talking.  The only noises that feel the silent are the sound of them practising.  I look at the ducks and the swans at surface of the lake, thinking that it would be good if I could be them.  At least, they don’t know how evil the world could be.

                “Hey, I’m sorry about yesterday, okay?” Jonghyun goes.

                “I’m sorry too.  I shouldn’t be too emotional.  Hormone imbalance, I guess,” I try to crack a joke, which is actually not really a joke for me.

                “You should give him a chance though,” he doesn’t need to explain who ‘he’ is.  I know immediately that he is talking about Key.

                “I don’t love him,” I say strictly.

                “I don’t ask you to love him but you have to accept him.”

                “Why should I?”

                “Because you will need him soon,” he gives his reason.

                “No.  You’re not going anywhere, you know that,” I coldly say.  Jonghyun sighs.

                “Anyway, do you still keep the necklace that I gave you?” he asks me.

                “Which one?  This one?” I pull out the silver necklace, with heart-shaped diamond locket, “Of course, I still keep it,” I say.

                “Take out that one.  I have a new one for you,” he says.

                I let him take it out for me.  I could feel his finger very cold around my neck, taking out the silver chain that encircles my neck for a few years.  But, suddenly, I feel something jabbed through my skin.  My hand quickly flies to my neck.  For a while, I am shocked at the pain, but then I notice that there’s a syringe at Jonghyun’s hand.  I logically make out later that it must be Jonghyun that jabs me.

                “Jonghyun-ah…why?” I ask.

                “I am sorry, Sabrina.  I’m sorry,” he says.  And I notice that his voice is fading and even his image is unclear.  I feel dizzy.

                “Why Jonghyun?” I ask him again, feeling very weak.

                “I am sorry.  I’m so sorry, Sabrina,” he says.  I could feel his arms encircling me, preventing me from falling onto the ground.

                His image fades and later the dark engulfs me.  Before I lose my consciousness, I whisper again, “Why are you doing this to me?”


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