Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 2: Preparation

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

There are a lot of things to do.  I have it listed on my to-do-list.  Just imagine.  I think about the holiday I get, approved by Lee Taemin who is my boss, the Head of Special Operation in MIS.  Looks like my plan is ruined.  Oh Gosh!  Why can’t I have a better holiday?

                Look!  At the first place I want to rest from all the busy schedule I have.  I want to enjoy my holiday by sleeping and resting.  I must have some rest.  It is tiring to fight perpetrators, almost losing one tooth and getting bruises and cuts all over my body.  Well, I don’t mind, that’s work.  I’m quite tough though.  But, when I get a leave from my boss, that should be the day for resting.  Seems like that’s a no for me.

                First of all, getting ready for Onew’s wedding.  That’s pretty cool.  I mean, I like it.  I don’t mind helping.  We prepare for that together.  Onew is getting married in two weeks time, and all of us are busy preparing for the wedding.

But, the most tiring ever is the whole family is forcing Jonghyun and I to prepare for our marriage too.  It is a problem for both of us.  After the announcement of our engagement, Hyori keeps forcing us to plan our marriage.  Doesn’t mean that I don’t want to do it, but it is not at the right time.  Onew is getting married, and to think about something else is not the best for now.  Furthermore, both Jonghyun and I never say anything about ‘ready to get married’ or something like ‘we’re ready to carry the responsibility as husband and wife’.

Thus, back to the main business, Onew’s wedding.  So Eun doesn’t want to hire any wedding planner.  The idea of a wedding planner will be very bad, because there won’t be any plan for vampires.  What I mean is, the wedding planner won’t include vampires in his plan.

                So, the best that we can do right now is to plan the wedding ourselves.  And now we’re working on it.  And so as I am.  It is really good working together for this.  I love it.  I enjoy it although it is quite exhausting.

                Speaking about the wedding, Onew and Jiyeon, the soon-to-be-husband-and-wife.  I am really happy for them.  Onew eventually found himself a very pretty girl, very pretty.  She has a very good feature and the most important is she is not a white, pale zombie.  Great!  He found a human girl as wife.

                Park Jiyeon, is a very humble girl, she’s a year younger than me.  Well...I don’t mind seeing people younger than me getting married.  Soon, my sister will get married too.  But, Hyori and Seraphina keep reminding me to plan on the wedding date, which is the real reason of the tiring holiday I have.  Forget that, back to business.  To my greatest pleasure, Jiyeon knows who the real Onew is, the chicken-blood-maniac.  She accepts the way Onew is, and so as her parents.  I don’t know how she persuades her parents, it is out of my thoughts, but she is sure a very genius girl.

                They are engaged four months ago, after Onew was just finished off one crime case.  Onew met her and proposed her right in front of the public.  I think that is awesome.  Only certain people have the courage to do that, and Onew did that in front of the public.  The marriage proposal was illuminated with a bouquet of roses and a ring.  But, the highlight was when Jiyeon shyly accepted his proposal.  How on Earth could a girl reject such a sweet proposal?  If I were in Jiyeon place, I won’t hesitate, I’ll accept that too.

                I’m not proud of it, but I’m glad that Onew’s future wife comes from the human community.  At least, the vampires won’t let the difference between us to be the barrier of the relationship.  The difference has created a huge gap between us and has been the reason of the war.

                I hope the fight between us has ended in the last war.  It was really a nightmare to me.  Even sometimes I have to clutch to something when the image of the war flashes into my mind.  It is horrible and something that I really hate being repeated.  Just let the peace take over the world.

                Anyway, right now I can see Taemin and Seraphina through the window, arguing over the decoration of the grounds.  Seraphina is in charge of the decoration as she is very good in arts.  Her taste is the best.  All of us know two weeks time means the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of the spring equinox.  I’m sure it will be nice.  The Sun starts to shine brightly throughout the sky and the plants starts to grow green.

                So, for the March Equinox, Seraphina chooses the theme of Fairytale Wedding.  I’m sure it will be epic.  Well, it is my sister anyway, who has the best masterpiece in arts.  With horse-drawn carriage and castle-like mansion, I’m sure everything will be perfect.  Moreover, Uee, Minzy and HyunA are helping my sister too.  They are sure very good in those imaginable things.  They are helping my sister to generate ideas on the decoration.

                As for food, Hyori, Key, Minho and Seunghyun are in charge.  Key will provide the meat, well...for human’s food, and blood for vampires.  He gives it fresh from his own farm.  I think he is obsessed in this wedding thingy because I could say that he is overexcited by planning to get tonnes of beef for this.  It is really very more than enough, more than the guests that are going to be invited.

                Minho and Seunghyun will be packing instant foods from their factory.  That is for things such as finger foods and drinks.  I’m sure they will do a very good job for this.  Well, they are the suppliers of food for human in these mansions anyway.  Hyori is in charge in planning foods for our human guests.  There’s a lot to come.  Colleagues, ex-schoolmates from the Academy of Brainiac and families, especially from Jiyeon’s side will come for the wedding.

                Being cooking for human for years makes Hyori an expert in this.  She knows what human eats the best during wedding.  She always being invited to wedding before, I mean the normal human wedding.  She came and made a lot of observations of food, but never eaten.  So, I think we already have the best men in this job.  She’ll plan on the menus, but the caterer will take over the job for cooking.

                Lee Minho, So Eun, Hyun Joong and Ji Woo will manage the reception and greeting.  I think we choose the perfect one for this.  The adults will know how to handle these things.  Especially Lee Minho and Hyun Joong, they are very often mixed with human and work with us, so they will know the best way to approach both sides.  Moreover, it is Lee Minho’s son getting married.  Thus, I think the father itself will be the best person to greet people at the main gate.

                As for me, not forgetting my beloved Jonghyun, we’re in charge of invitation.  I don’t know why, but I think it is because we have the greatest interpersonal skill among all.  We know the best words for the invitation.  So, or job is quite boring.  Well, everyday, I sit in front of the laptop and wondering of the design of the invitation cards and the persuading words.  So, I’ll always be on the study room and do my work, without joining the enjoyable sight of the others working outdoors.

                Sometimes, Jonghyun will join me.  But, not often.  He covers my work as I am on leave.  The company cannot afford to have too little agent while crimes are widespread out there.  He is too busy and sometimes comes home very late at night or just stay at the office to finish the job.  I feel sorry for him, but Jonghyun keeps telling me that he’s okay.  He wants me to stay at home and finish our job for this wedding.

                I think he has overworked.  Jonghyun looks very sick recently.  He is not really in a good condition to spy on people or to investigate.  I don’t know why, he caught a cold a few weeks ago and still not yet recover, and yesterday, suddenly he was assassinated with high fever.  Luckily, Taemin and Onew quickly find another agent to replace him at work and take over his job.  I feel guilty and I offer to go to work, but they say that everything is settled at the office.

                Jonghyun is resting in his room and I stay there beside him, in case he needs anything.  I bring along my laptop, not forgetting my job as the inviter.  I have to finish the invitation too.  So I’m doing my work here to keep checking on Jonghyun.  He is sleeping, so I don’t dare disturb his rest.  I just keep going on with the invitation.  The names to be invited are ready on list.  I’m going to send it through email and manual post.  That is my plan with Jonghyun.

                “I’m sorry...” I hear a voice.  I lift up my face and I see Jonghyun is trying to push himself up.

                “No, dear...stay in bed.  You’re ill,” I say as I stand up and walk towards the bed.  I prevent him from sitting up.  He lies back on the bed.

                “I’m seriously sorry, Sabrina...” he says weakly.

                “’s okay.  I can do it alone.  I should be sorry.  I mean, you take all my case.  You overworked and get sick.  It’s all my fault,” I say.

                “’s not your fault I get sick,” Jonghyun says calmly and gives me a very soothing smile.

                “You rest, okay?” I stroke his burning forehead.  He smiles.

                “What time is it?” he asks me.

                “It’s ten.”

                “Oh...I wake up very late.  This is so wrong,” he says while trying to sit up again.  I help him this time.

                “It’s okay, Jonghyun.  You need rest,” I say.  He chuckles.

                “I’m okay,” he replies.  Then I remember that he is not yet eaten.

                “Jonghyun...I’ll get something for you to eat,” I say as I go to the door and get out of the room.

                I go downstairs and straightaway move to the kitchen.  I see nobody else except for someone.  The one who is very cute and pretty at the same time.  She is sitting on a chair and looks like she is cooking something.

                “Hey, Jiyeon!” I greet her.

                “Unnie!” she replies excitedly.

                “So, how’s wedding preparation?  Have you seen your wedding dress?” I ask.  She nods vigorously.

                “How’s Jonghyun-shi?” she asks.  I smile at her.

                “He’s awake,” I say.

                “I cook rice porridge for him.  Onew told me that he is not well.  By the way...he eats human’s food right?” Jiyeon asks, making a very cute, childish face.

                “Yes, Jiyeon.  He eats human’s food.  By the way, you cook for him?” I ask her.

                “Yes.  Onew told me that Jonghyun-shi is sick.  So, since I’m not busy with things, I guess I should cook something healthy for him.  I’m afraid you and Hyori are too busy, so, it is better that I make it to lessen your burden,” says Jiyeon respectfully.  I definitely love this girl.

                “Owh,” that’s the only thing that can come out from my mouth.

                “ want to find food for Jonghyun, right?” Jiyeon asks me.  I am struck instantly, but then, I manage to get everything under control.

                “Yes...I would like to take the porridge,” I say gently.  She smiles as she moves towards the cabinet to take a bowl.  Then, she moves to the stove.

                “Thanks, Jiyeon,” I say while I look at her.  She is pouring some porridge into the bowl.

                “No big deal,” she says.  From that, I know that Onew is very lucky to get her as wife.

                She pours some more porridge until the bowl is full.  Then, she moves towards a drawer and takes a spoon.  She puts both the bowl full of porridge and the spoon onto a tray.  Then, she gets a glass and pours water into it.  When it is full, she stops and puts the glass onto the tray.  She brings them to me after she finishes with the meal.

                “Jonghyun is a nice guy.  Take care of him,” Jiyeon says while handing me the meal.  I am stunted for a while, but then I realise that she is giving me the tray.  I take it from her.

                “How do you know?” I ask her.  She is quite observant.

                “Onew told me.  Furthermore, it is my own opinion after I came here a few times.  When I look at him, the way he works, the way he treats his family and friends, and most importantly, the way he treats you, he never has waste anybody in his life,” Jiyeon says tenderly with her soothing smile.

                “I will,” I nod.

                “Oh!  By the way, it is chicken porridge okay?  Quick, bring it to him, and don’t forget the prescription from Hyori-shi,” she says.

                “Yeah, thanks.  Really.  Thanks a lot,” I say.  She smiles again before I turn away and bring the meal to Jonghyun’s room.

                I use my other hand to open the door.  I step inside and I see him lying on the bed.  He is sleeping again.  Did I take too long?  Well, maybe.  I talk a lot with Jiyeon just now.  I put the tray on the bedside table.  I want to wake him up, but I hesitate for a while.  However, I come to my logic that he should eat to take his prescription.

                “Jonghyun...wake up,” I say while tenderly shake his shoulder.  He opens his eyes and smiles.

                “Oh, I’m sorry.  I’m sleeping again...I tired,” he says.  I smile.

                “It’s okay, Jonghyun.  I know,” I say.  Then, I help him sitting.  While helping him, the receptors in my skin detect the hotness of Jonghyun’s skin.

                “You’re burning, Jonghyun,” I say after I help him.  He laughs a small and weak laugh.

                “Then, what do you expect?” he asks me.  His tone is heard joking with his small laugh and I am relieved to know that he can laugh.  At least I know that he still can keep on joking.  His fever is not harming him, maybe just making him more exhausted than usual.

                “No...I am just worrying too much,” I say.

                “Worrying too much can make you older faster, Sabrina,” he says while giving his gorgeous smile to me.  Unconsciously, I immediately touch my cheek.  Then, only I realise my action.  I flush red.

                “Jonghyun-ah, you need to eat.  Then, you can take your medication,” I say, quickly change the topic.  Then, I give him the porridge and the spoon.  He takes it.

                “See?  You’re red whenever I tease you,” he says.  I slap him softly at his shoulder.

                “You should just eat, or else, I’ll kick this food to your face,” I threaten him, which I know won’t give him even a very little effect of it.

                “I’m sure you won’t do it.  You never do that to sick people,” he says, “Especially me!” he continues the words with a whisper, but it is loud enough for me to hear him.

                “What the...” I leave him and move to my laptop.  Jonghyun can be very teasing, sometimes.  He just loves to see me redden and then add some more tease into it.  He is naughty, but I know he is just playing jokes with me.  And I appreciate his fondness.

                I can hear his small laugh, but then, both of us do our own work.  He eats while I do my work.  The cards are ready to be printed.  I have to give the soft copy to Sooyoung so that she can print it out.  She will help me with the delivery.  We have her to print out the cards and help to send it to the courier service to be delivered.  We agree on not to put too much burden onto Sooyoung because she is not having any leave, thus she needs to work.  And her case is not in the office, but to spy on a crime syndicate of illegal human trade.

                Well, actually, we don’t want to give her any job at all, as we are afraid she might have to bear the burden herself, but stubbornly, she wants to at least done a part in this wedding.  Thus, I offer her to print out the invitation cards and send it to the courier service while she is on her way to the investigation site.  It is easier for her that way.  And easier for me too!  I just need to send this invitation card online.  That’s better.

                I admit that working in front of the laptop for hours is such an eye-soring activity, but it makes my life easier in a way.  I have the email on my list and one click, the invitation is sent to hundred guests.  Done!  I’m finish with it.  I can help other people outdoors.  But, not for today.

                “Are you done, Jonghyun?”

                “Yes,” he answers me with a very feeble voice.  I walk towards him.

                “Have you taken your medicine?” I ask him again.

                “Not yet,” he says as he takes a few pills on the tray and put all of them into his mouth.  He drinks the water from the glass and swallows them at once.

                “Now I’m done,” he says while smiling to me.  I take the glass from him and put it back on the tray.  Then, I put the tray onto the bedside table.  I take a seat beside him on the bed.  I check on his temperature using the back of my hand.

                “Jonghyun...I think your fever is getting worse,” I say as I can feel the increase in heat through his body.

                “I’m okay.  By the way, how’s the invitation?  I’m sorry for not helping at all,” Jonghyun says with a small cough.

                “I’m done with that.  The other part is Sooyoung’s.  She’ll do that.  So, don’t worry too much,” I say.

                “I feel guilty I didn’t help,” he says again with a sigh.

                “Who say you’re not helping?  You designed the card, and helped me with the words.  That’s considered helping,” I say.

                “I don’t know.  It is just that...I feel so wrong,” he says while holding his head.

                “ better lie down and stop thinking too much,” I say, worrying too much.  He looks very sick and very pale.

                “Sabrina...” he says while clutching his head very hard, with his eyes close very tight.  I’m not blind and I’m not stupid.  I notice that something bad is going on.  I could sense that.

                “Jonghyun...are you okay?” I ask him as I become a little bit clumsy.  What’s going on here?  I’m really worried.

                “It’s throbbing...painful...” he whispers to me.  I could see cold sweat is running down his forehead.

                “Jonghyun!” I shout when he suddenly lost consciousness and collapses to me.  Luckily, I’m there to prevent him from falling off the bed and hit the solid, concrete floor.



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