Friday, August 10, 2012

366 days; 29th February

It is just a date, as in…date, of a month.  But somehow, it is a very special date.  It appears once in every four years.  Kim Jonghyun, a guy who is very pure at heart, agrees that the date is very special, to him, at least.  It is a date he always remembers; not his birthday or any of his families’, but a girl’s.

                He loves her, no matter how quiet and distant she is.  He loves the way she behaves, just happens to be very different from the other girls.  He loves her unconditionally, not because of her look or judging from her smartness, just simply because of her.  How unfortunate she is, born in 29th February, celebrating her birthday once in every four years.

                But…maybe that what makes her so special.

                They are classmates; loyal classmates.  It happens that from their freshmen years, up to sophomore and to junior years, and finally jumps into their senior years, they have been classmate.  But, they never talked, unless for professional business such as class works or as a lab partner.

                Maybe she doesn’t notice him, it’s okay…Jonghyun never really tried to heat up any conversations with her either.  Nonetheless, sometimes he feels a pang of jealousy, just because other hot guys come and talk to her.  Not her fault though, he is a coward or maybe sort of thinking ‘I will find time to confess to her’, perhaps.

                Jonghyun is not bad either.  He is included in some of the flirty girls’ hot-guys-on-the-list catalog.  He is a smart student (not a nerdy or geek though), being teacher’s favourite Physic’s student all the time.  He is always a top student, a computer genius and handsome, just name it.  He is almost perfect, except that he doesn’t really have feeling towards girls.

                Some of his friends even ask him why is he still single at 22.  Jonghyun just shrugs and says he is not interested in any relationship, just yet.

                “You should have at least a girl with you now, Jonghyun!”

                “Why don’t you try date a girl?”

                “Hey, Jonghyun!  That girl is hot, isn’t her?”

                “Are you a gay?”

                Some of them even try so hard to be a matchmaker.  They try to pair him up with random girls from his university and arrange a date for him.  He just sighs, thinking positively that they are just trying to help him with his love matter.

                At least he knows they care.

                But he likes a girl, only her.  But, he keeps it secret.  He doesn’t want anybody else to know, because he wants her to know about it with his own effort.  He believes in his principle; There is no shortcut towards success, it will always be hard work.  Including love.

                And at least he succeeds in keeping it secret.

                “How does the 366th day exist in our calendar?”

                The teacher asks one day as they learn about the astronomical physics.  It happens that they learn about the rotation and movement of the Earth.  And the teacher asks the question of general knowledge, which, as usual, Jonghyun will answer it without hesitation.

                “The Earth rotates and moves encircling the Sun for 365 and a-quarter days per year.  In four years time, the quarter will sum up to a day, thus, end up having one extra day on the fourth year of the period, which is…the 29th February,” he says confidently.

                “Good…just a random question anyway.  Back to business.  How does the rotation affect the tidal on Earth?” the lesson goes on as usual.

                But, Jonghyun notices that she is a bit flinching the moment he mentions 29th February.  That is obvious…very obvious.  Maybe the others never knew her birthday…but he knows it.  He is not a stalker though, just a guy who is concern about somebody he loves.

                He keeps an eye on her during the class.  Just in case she says something about that.  Unfortunately, not.  She is quiet throughout the class.  Then, class is over, that’s all.  Wrap up everything and leave the class.

                Luckily, the girl forgets something.  She accidentally leaves her notebook on the table.  Jonghyun takes the chance, grabs the book, and starts a dialogue.

                “Hey!  I’m sorry.  But Dong Sun, I believe this belongs to you,” he says, all gentleman and polite.

                He grabs her attention.  She looks at him, then at the notebook in his hand.  She walks closer, step by step, and carefully taking the notebook, avoiding body contact.  Her cheeks turn very red, only makes her looks adorable than ever.

                “T-thanks,” she stutters.

                “No problem,” he says while smiling at her.  She bows and then, she quickly goes out.

                Jonghyun sighs and smiles while shaking his head.  Feeling satisfied, he packs up his thing cheerfully.  Suddenly, somebody pats his shoulder.

                “She likes you,” a fellow classmate, Jinki says.

                “What?” Jonghyun acts dumb and clueless.

                “She likes you.  No doubt,” Jinki repeats.

                “You start being random again, hyung,” Jonghyun says while flinging his bag onto his right shoulder.  They walk together out of the class.

                “Well…I’m just telling you that you have a chance with her,” Jinki says.  Jonghyun is stunned for a while, thinking about the possibility of Jinki knowing his feeling towards the girl.

                “W-What are you talking about?  She left her belonging just now…I just helped her to return it,” says Jonghyun covering things.

                “Never try to hide anything from me Jonghyun.  I’m your old friend.  I know you more than anyone else here,” he tenderly pats Jonghyun’s back before leaves him.

                “Keep it secret, will you?” Jonghyun shouts, knowing there is no use hiding it from Jinki.

                “Sure!” Jinki says before he completely disappears from Jonghyun’s sight.

                Jonghyun stares at three presents in front of him.  These are different from any kind of presents in this world, at least for him.  Not random presents he always get from his secret admirers (especially when he opens up his locker) or presents for anybody else.  These are for her.

                It is funny thinking that they are collection for three years.  And he is going to get another one for this year, 2012.  It is leap year and 29th February exists in the calendar.  She is going to celebrate her birthday this year.


                14th February 2012, just another not-so-meaningful Valentine for Jonghyun.  But, he wants to try his luck this time.  Class dismisses, and he approaches the lady.

                “Hey, Dong Sun.  Are you busy?” he asks, scratching his head.  She raises her brow.

                “Urmmm…not.  Why?”

                “You have any date?  Just in case…today is Valentine.  I’m afraid your boyfriend will punch me,” he says acting all innocent.

                She laughs a perfect laugh.  Happiness is radiated through her face, revealing angelic face of her.  Jonghyun swears he could hear his heart beating uncontrollably.

                “You’ve got me wrong.  I don’t have any date and I am still single.  Nobody will punch you.  Anyway…why?” she asks.

                “I’m thinking…ermmm…since both of us are free…why don’t we have a drink somewhere else?  I need your help in…something?”

                “Owh…sure.  No problem,” she says.  Jonghyun wants to shout on top of his lungs, but he curbs the feeling to himself.  Better go slow and steady.  He nods.

                They are having fun together, talking to each other and become closer just in a day.  They share stories, but nothing more than that.

                “May I ask you something?” asks Jonghyun to Dong Sun.

                “Sure.  Anything,” she answers.

                He thinks before he speaks, thinking of the best word to use.

                “Ermmm…my friend’s birthday is approaching…coming soon.  She’s a girl and I don’t really know what a girl’s want.  So…I need your help…” he says, scratching his head again.

                “Whoa!  The girl must be so special for you right?”


                “Finally, Jonghyun is falling in love with somebody,” she says with a smile.  It seems not genuine, but Jonghyun doesn’t want to make any speculation that can only make him disappointed later.

                He only let out a small, shy laugh.

                “Well…I don’t know…girls’ tastes might vary depends on different girls.  But, most of the girls like flowers,” she says.

                “Really?  What kind of flowers?” Jonghyun asks.

                “Depends.  It might be different for different girls,” she says again.

                “Owh…What about you?  What is your favourite?” Jonghyun tries to get some information.

                “Blood-red roses,” she says.  Jonghyun nods.

                “Wow!  That sounds unique!  Maybe I should get that for her!” and both of them laughs.

                They continue enjoying the marvelous evening together.

                29th February 2012; the date Jonghyun is waiting for.  It is the exclusive day, only for her.  He arranges a birthday party for the girl, right after the very last class for that day.  It is at his home.  Living alone gives him advantage; at least nobody is there to know about the girl, not just yet, even his family.

                “Class!  Hand in your assignment on Radioactivity next week.  I’m very particular about it and the marks will be included in your final exam!” the lecturer says.  He receives some groans from the class in return.

                “Hey!  Dong Sun!” he tries to catch up with her.

                “Yes?” she turns.  Jonghyun smiles happily to that.

                “I hope you’re not busy.  I mean…I need some help in Radioactivity.  I don’t really understand about the ‘Formation evaluation gamma ray’…errr…yeah,” he says.  The girl’s brows meet, indicating something very hard to believe.  Jonghyun is an ace in Physic, but doesn’t understand this?  She thinks about it quite a while but then, she considers maybe he really doesn’t understand about it.

                “Sure…I’m free.  Anyway, where are we going to?  The library?” she asks.  Jonghyun forces his brain to work on the most suitable way to bring her home; however, thinking of the library, which is the most suitable place for study, the thing might be hard.

                “Ermmm…no…not the library.  At my house.  I just think…err…maybe I can serve you some tidbits.  Well…It’s a more comfortable way of study,” he says with a confident smile, while his heart saying the opposite.

                “Okay…since you’re comfortable that way…why not?” she says.  Jonghyun sighs in relieve.  At least everything is going on as planned.

                He brings her home and…


                The whole class has been waiting in the house, and the secret (no longer secret) party seems to touch her so much.  Jonghyun sees the tears of happiness strolling down her cheeks.

                “Oh my God!  Thanks, friends.  I mean…how do you know about it?  How do you know my birthday?  I never told anyone in the class,” she asks.

                All of them turn to Jonghyun and she knows immediately.

                “Jonghyun…how do you know?”

                Jonghyun stays silent, probably shocked because of the sudden question.

                “He hacked into the university system, only to find out when your birthday is,” Kibum answers for him.  Jonghyun’s cheeks turn very red.  She realizes that and she quickly asks another question, which, almost stop Jonghyun’s heartbeat.

                “Why is it so?”

                “Well…you better ask him.  He has the answer,” Minho interrupts.

                “Jonghyun?  Why?” she asks him.  Jonghyun is sculpted to the ground, unable to move for a moment.  The pressure seems pulling down his tongue, forcing him to stay silent.

                “I…I…” Jonghyun stutters.

                “Jonghyun hyung loves you, noona!” Taemin is being hyper again, and Jonghyun’s jaw falls open.

                She is surprised by the statement.  Is that so?  For real?  She looks deeply into Jonghyun’s eyes demanding for explanation.  Silence surrounds the room.  At last, Jonghyun sighs.  He goes to his room, and a few seconds later, he comes with boxes of presents and a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

                “This is the first present,” he gives her.  She takes it and sees the card.  It is written in it ‘Happy Birthday, Dong Sun.  29th February 2009.’

                The next one, ‘Happy Birthday, Dong Sun.  29th February 2010.’

                The third one, ‘Happy Birthday, Dong Sun. 29th February 2011.’

                “And this is the last one.  Your favourite, right?” asks Jonghyun as he gives her the bouquet of blood-red roses.  She accepts that with smile.  There’s a card and she takes a look at it.  She opens the card and glances at Jonghyun before reading it.

                “Happy Birthday, Dong Sun.  29th February 2012,” she reads it out loud.

                Then, she chuckles.

                “Jonghyun…I don’t understand.  29th February doesn’t exist every year.  It is only in leap year,” she says while looking at him in a very funny way.

                Jonghyun swallows hard.

                “It exists…well, at least…for me.  Well…you know…366 days in leap year.  One day extra in the fourth year of the period, because there is actually a quarter day extra in every year.  I’ve counted that…means like everyday there’s actually 24 hours and 59.18 seconds,” Jonghyun starts to explain.

                “I still don’t understand,” she says while shaking her head.

                “I consider the 59.18 seconds after 12 midnight of 28th February as 29th February every year.  That was when I wrote all the cards that stuck to the presents.  I…just want to celebrate your birthday every year,” Jonghyun says and he avoids her gaze after that.

                She walks to him and pulls him down to her height.  She kisses Jonghyun on the cheek.  The crowds cheer, but Jonghyun’s eyes are almost out from the socket.

                “I love you, idiot.  In case you don’t realize it,” she says after that.  Then, she hugs him.  Jonghyun takes a while to absorb everything and he hugs her too.

                “Thanks,” he says.

                “I’m the one who should thank you…for everything,” she says back.

                “You know Newton’s Third Law?” Jonghyun suddenly asks.

                “Newton’s Third Law of Motion?” she asks for certainty.

                “No…but, Newton’s Third Law of Love?” Jonghyun says, all serious tone.

                “Err…I never heard of that…but…what about it?” asks Dong Sun.

                “It is…well…Action equals to reaction (Action = Reaction).  My action is I love you and your reaction is you love me back.  Physic proves our love,” Jonghyun jokes.

                The whole class laughs to his jokes.  She pinches him on his cheeks for that sort-of-genius joke.  And that is the beginning of their love story.

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