Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 3: The Wedding

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

I’m in my room, dressing up for the wedding which will be held in a few minutes time.  The guests are already waiting outside, ready to be one of the witnesses for Onew’s and Jiyeon’s marriage.  For us, it maybe just a wedding, to unite a man and a woman as husband and wife.  But, for the couple that is going to get married, this will be the most historic event in their life.  It is just the new beginning for them, and they will always have faith in each other to keep their marriage in harmony.

                I always think about this, life after marriage.  Husband and wife carry their own responsibilities, to lead a very harmonious family.  It is magic, isn’t it, for everything?  The love between them, it won’t fade even after death takes place.  I imagine that Onew and Jiyeon will be having a very good relationship, such they are very lovely and understanding towards each other.  I can’t avoid myself to feel very envious, but I always pray the best for them.

Even during the preparation of the wedding, the soon-to-be bride and groom helped us a lot.  They should be the treated by us, but their willingness to help was a pleasure to all of us.  Truthfully, we were shorthanded.  Sooyoung were busy with work that she cannot help us with the last preparation which was the decoration.  Taemin was also busy with his work in carrying the burden of the Special Operation Unit in MIS.  Uee was quite busy with her books and novels but still trying to help though.  Minzy and HyunA were busy preparing with their new movie.

That left only a few people for the decorating job.  But, what made it worse was we had to exclude Jonghyun from any duty.  The preparation of the wedding was going on, and Jonghyun felt sick, terribly sick.  He had a very high fever and he lost appetite on food.  Hyori tried her best to cure him, but Hyori said his case was different.  Jonghyun got a normal fever, not a really contagious one, but it happened that the fever was very high that it was able to assassinate him.

Hyori and I were sometimes excluded from the decorating duty, which made it worse for my sister, but we indeed need to look after Jonghyun.  Nonetheless, Hyori and I exchanged shift within decorating and to look after Jonghyun.

And today, it is still disastrous.  Jonghyun is not yet recover, instead he is getting worse.  Despite the fact that he is sick, he is still being very stubborn and wants to present at the wedding.  He uses his lame excuse not to be on bed by saying it is only once in a lifetime he will see Onew’s wedding.  Hyori argues with him, but he insists.  There’s no use speaking with Kim Jonghyun because he will always win the arguments.

Anyway, after I have done dressing up from top to toe, I walk to his room to check on him.  Hyori told me to check on him as frequent as we can, because she is afraid that he could faint in any minute.  He did faint a few times during the preparation, and that brought his activity in helping to a halt.  Hyori strictly kept him on provision and he himself was not strong enough to even be on his knees.  That was the reason why he was excluded from all the preparation duties.

I knock on his door and wait for reply.  I’m sure he is done with bathing and now he is already halfway dressing up.  I wait, but there’s no answer.  Then, I knock again.

“Kim Jonghyun?!  Are you inside?” I ask stupidly at the door.  Where the hell is he?  Suddenly, I hear the crack of door’s hinge and then the door opens, revealing everything inside.

“Yeah...I’m here,” he says with a smile.  There is no use though.  I look at his pale face, and even his voice is very hoarse.  I’m right.  He is halfway dressing up.

“Why are you taking so long to open the door?  You make me worry,” I say as I walk in and close the door.  I hold his hand.  It is very hot.  I bring him to his bed.

“I fell asleep just now.  I feel tired,” he explains.  I look at his eyes.  There are huge eye bags under his eyes.  I pity him.  I really care about him especially he is my fiancĂ©.

“Jonghyun...don’t force yourself too hard.  Just lie down and rest, okay?” I ask him while I wipe his face with a wet towel from his bedside table.

In return, he pushes my hand off his face and gives his feeble smile.

“I’m okay...don’t worry too much, will you?” he says, trying to demolished the piles of worry in my heart.  How could I, Jonghyun?  How could I not feel worry?

“You’re my...fiancĂ©,” there is a bit of hesitation and embarrassment in my voice, but I go on with my words, “I always worry too much about you.”

“I’m okay...” he says again, in a not-so-convincing voice.  He is very weak, I could tell from the first look at him.  His eyes are unfocused, and he looks like he really wants to sleep.

And I’m right.  He suddenly lies down on his sides and closes his eyes immediately.  What makes it worse; he is shivering and trembling worse than a leaf.

“Sabrina...I’m tired,” he admits at last.

“Then...just stay in the room and rest,” I try to persuade him to be in the room and rest for the whole the day.

“I can’t,” he answers shortly.

“Why?  Everybody wants you to rest, Jonghyun.  Why the hell you force yourself to be up and about and attend the wedding?  I insist, you rest, okay?” I say quite strictly this time, be concerned by his current condition.

“Onew...he is already like a brother to me.  I won’t forgive myself if I don’t attend the wedding.  It is once in a lifetime,” he says.  I sigh.

“Jonghyun...” I’m quite speechless.  I have no clue on what I should do.

“Sabrina...I feel like...” Jonghyun says and he closes his eyes.  I start to worry even more.  I hold his shoulder gently.

“You feel like what?  Throwing up?” I blurt out.  Damn.  Do I not have a better thing to say rather than throwing up?  Shoot!

“ throwing up, you silly,” he says, chuckling. least I could see him smiling again, this time, genuine, not forced.  He even laughs, even sounds very weak, at least he laughs.  He gets up from lying and continues laughing.  I smile at the sight of him.

“You’re funny dear,” he says.  I notice he is too weak too even laugh, when he coughs violently after that.  I quickly stand up and rub his back to ease the pain.  His face turns very red and he experiences difficulty in breathing.

“Jonghyun!  Jonghyun!!!  Are you alright?!” I am trembling worse than him.  I am scared, scared of seeing Jonghyun suffering, scared of losing him, either in front of my eyes or anywhere around the world.

“I’m okay...” he says after a while.  He is back to normal, and his face is no longer red, it turns very white, pale, and paler than his usual vampire skin is.

“You sure?” I ask, still stroking his back gently.  He pulls me to sit in front of him and smiles an assuring smile.

“Jonghyun...I want to ask something,” I say.

“What is it, dear?” he says very gently.  Oh God!  I love him even more...please...I don’t want to melt.

“You’re actually very cold...I mean your skin is always icy cold.  But, now I could feel it is hot...burning whenever I touch you.  Do vampires get very hot whenever they are having fever?  Or sick?” I ask.  I’ve been wondering about it since the first day Jonghyun is sick, but I keep it at heart.  I never see the others having fever, this is the first case.  My brain has been working on the answer since then; even I read the book that my father wrote, The True Legend for reference. But still, I couldn’t find the answer.

He laughs.

“’s me...only me.  I mean vampires never get sick.  Never.  Unless they are injured.  I am half of it, and part of me is still human.  That’s why I eat what you eat, and I can get sick.  Because I am still a human.  Most of my physical features, the pale icy cold skin, predator’s eyes, mostly are vampires’ but my lips aren’t blood red, unless I choose to drink blood.  My inner organs are functioning like human’s do, because of the food I choose to consume.  And I can get sick like a normal human does and whenever fever attacks me, my temperature will increase like a normal human does,” he says.

I nod.  I understand.

“Why you choose to consume human’s food?”

“Because that is what I really am.  I just...maybe... ‘more fortunate’ that I turned to a vampire.  Hyun Joong and Hyori want me to be who I really belong to and that’s it,” he says.

I am stunned.  He is still a human, just half a vampire.  I almost forget about that.

“Just feel like something?  What?” I say.  His smile diminishes and I think I have said the wrong words.  I curse myself.

“I feel like...I just don’t feel like...myself,” he says.  Huh?  I don’t understand.


“I mean...I feel very weak...very matter how much I try to fight it.  I feel like...this just doesn’t belong to me...I dunno...” he says.  I am getting confused.  I look at my watch and we only have a few minutes left before the wedding starts but I want to listen to him.

“Jonghyun...I’m getting confused...” I say.

“You know...I mean...I’m sick on behalf of someone else...I just don’t know...” he says weakly.

“What?  Can it happen?”

“It sounds illogic right?  Well...just forget about what I said.  Let’s get ready,” he says, pushing himself to stand up on his feeble legs and I could see he is shivering from top to toe.

“Jonghyun!” I just happen to save him from collapsing on the hard concrete-tiled floor.

“Thanks...” he says.  I smile back.

“ me to get ready...will you?” he says.  I nod and push him on the bed, ask him to sit.  I gently button up the topmost button on his shirt and put on his tie.  I help him with his coat.  Then, I walk to his closet and take his black leather shoes and give it to him.  He wears the shoes and then, yeah...we are ready for the wedding.

“I look good, aren’t I?” he says with a small laugh.  I feel like crying my heart out.  He tries to smile, even though he isn’t feeling well.  I feel like the pain is stabbing through my heart.

Suddenly, the door opens and revealing Hyori.  She walks in and puts her hand on Jonghyun’s forehead.

“You’re still burning, son,” she says, all polite words.

“I’m okay, mom,” Jonghyun says, trying not to sound too weak in front of her.

“Are you sure you want to join the ceremony?  You better rest.  You are no better than yesterday and I think the best option is to rest,” Hyori says while wiping beads of cold sweat on Jonghyun’s forehead.

“I still have the other option, which is to join the wedding ceremony,” he says naughtily.

“What if I say you have no option than to rest in this room?” Hyori says strictly.

“There are always options for me, mom,” Jonghyun says again.  Hyori sighs.

“Then, we better get going.  The wedding will begin in any minute.  Come on.  I’ll help you outside,” Hyori says.  Both of us walk by Jonghyun’s side, aware with any sign of collapsing from him.

“You look gorgeous today, mom.  Isn’t it, Sabrina?” Jonghyun says.

“Yeah, sure.  You look stunning, m-mom,” I say, still not getting used calling her mom.

“Thanks.  Anyway, don’t need to praise me that high because I won’t forget the fact that you are sick and need surveillance all the time.  Sabrina and I will stay by your side throughout the wedding.  And you are ought to just sit down until the wedding is over.

And here we are, at the wedding, witnessing the marriage of Onew and Jiyeon.  I look at the entrance, where Jiyeon is entering with her father.  Their arms are hooking with each other, and happiness is radiated through his old face.  His father is bringing her to the groom, who is waiting in front of the priest, ready to take the bride as wife.

When I see the happiness in Jiyeon’s father, automatically, it reminds me of my own father, who has long ago passed away.  Then, it comes to my mind, how am I going to get married?  Who is going to walk with me, linking arm with me?  The thought of that makes my eyes watery, as I try my best to hide the tears.  But, come back to business; who is going to replace him?  I miss him, as much as the world could contain.  Out of the blue, I feel hotness at my hand before I realise Jonghyun is holding my hand as tender as a mother always does.

“You are thinking of him, aren’t you?” he asks me.  I am stunned, for him being very understanding towards me.

I nod.

“How do you know?” I ask, trying my best to conceal my tears.

“You show the same expression whenever you are remembering him.  I know you, Sabrina,” he says while stroking my hair.

“I just...miss him,” I sigh.

“You’s okay.  Don’t worry...I’ll always be by your side,” he says.

“Will you, Lee Jinki, take, the bride, Park Jiyeon, as your wife?” the priest starts to ask.  Jonghyun and I quickly turn in front to witness the most historical event happens in the garden of the three mansions; where the union of a vampire and a human takes place.

“I, Lee Jinki, take you, Park Jiyeon, to be my lawfully wedded wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forward.  In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow.  I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honour and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you as long as we both shall live, until death do us part.”

“Then, will you, Park Jiyeon, take the groom, Lee JInki, as your husband?”

“I, Park Jiyeon, take you, Lee Jinki, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forward.  In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow.  I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honour and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and cherish you as long as we both shall live, until death do us part.”

“Any objection to the marriage?” the priest now asks the witnesses.  I swear if any of us object the marriage, I will never look at them into their eyes and I shall kill them with my own hand.  Fortunately, there is nobody.  God doesn’t want me to kill anybody on this beautiful day.

“Then I shall announce Lee Jinki and Park Jiyeon are now husband and wife,” the priest announces happily.

At that exact moment, Onew kisses Jiyeon’s forehead, and I could see tears of happiness trickle down Jiyeon’s rosy white cheeks.  I am happy, really happy for them.  At last, they are united as husband and wife and I hope will forever be.

“Sabrina...take good care of Jonghyun, okay?  I need to entertain our guests,” Hyori says with her sweetest smile.

The moment she leaves us, Jonghyun immediately pulls me into his arm and kisses my forehead with his hot lips.  I can’t stop my tears, not this time.  There’s nobody else in the hall, only us.

“I can’t wait for the vows,” he says.  I nod.

“Will you accept me as your life partner?” he asks again.

“You had asked this the night you proposed me.  And I answered yes.  But, if you want assurance, I shall say yes again.  Yes, you,” I say with tears.  He wraps me in his arms.

“I know you miss your father...I am very lucky to have one...but you should remember that my real father are killed to.  We share the same fate.  Don’t worry...I’m here...always by your side,” he says.

“Thanks...”  I say.  I stay in his arms for a moment.  After a while, he let me go.

“Feeling better?”

“Yes...much better,” I say.  He smiles.  I am the one who suppose to take care of Jonghyun, but then, the opposite happens.

“Let’s grab something to eat,” he says.  I help him out and we join our guests.  A lot of friends come to the wedding.  Young Bae comes with a huge present.  We laugh together.  Seungri and Daesung come together and congratulate the newlywed couple.  Family and friends, all of them, wishing a long lasting marriage to both Onew and Jiyeon and we are dining together.  We laugh and share the happiness until the end of the day.  I could say that Lee Minho, So Eun and Jiyeon’s parents are the happiest person on the Earth today.

In the evening, Jiyeon’s parents are leaving, after all the guests left.  They are going home while Jiyeon is staying with Onew.

“Take care of your Onew,” her mother reminds her.  Jiyeon promises to do as her mother’s order, while Onew keeps swearing to Jiyeon’s father that he will protect Jiyeon with his life.  Onew sometimes is a bit random, that it drives Jiyeon’s father laughs frantically.  It is a happy yet emotional goodbye.  Tears and joy accompany the departure of Jiyeon’s parents.  That is all.

We are walking back to our mansion, when Jonghyun says something weird.  I thought he is possessed, but then his eyes are very focus and his tone is very serious makes me takes to consider his words.

“Someone is coming...” he says while holding to my shoulder to stand.  He is getting heavier, which indicates that he will pass out anytime from now.

“Jonghyun...are you okay?  Who is coming?  I thought all the guests have left?” I ask him.  Hyun Joong eyes are narrowing and all of us stay alert in case Jonghyun’s words are true.

“He is coming...I guess...from from left...” he says.  All of us turn to our left and at the exact moment, a vampire lands with a loud thud on the soft ground.  He is unconscious.  We are thinking of approaching him when suddenly Jonghyun passes out and lost consciousness.  I quickly save him from receiving the same fate as the other unlucky vampire.

Everything is a chaos after that.


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