Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 6: A Permission from An Old Friend

“I won’t do it.  That’s all.  It’s final.  I won’t involve.”

            “But, you have too.  This is just for a while.  Not permanent.”

            “When I say no, I mean no.  Please...I won’t involve.  It is wrong; it is sort of against the human’s right.  Moreover, I’m a doctor and Hippocratic Oath is my priority,” Jonghyun says.  Onew came with the idea of making a cyborg similar to Minho, just to be with Emma while Minho is in state of coma.  But, Jonghyun cannot agree with that.

            “You have to.  Emma needs Minho,” Key persuades Jonghyun.  He is treating Emma, and he knows the best solution for her.  But, Jonghyun is a strict person.  It is hard for him to do something that against the rule.

            “Emma is currently under your supervision, Key.  Everything should be under control.  It is your job to take care of her while we are waiting for Minho to wake up,” says Jonghyun, still disagree with the matter.  Truly, he is a bit pissed off by Onew’s idea.  Jonghyun knows that he is in such a desperate situation, but can’t he think of any other way that is better?  Jonghyun is just back from other hospital to help in the surgery of brain cancer for another 12 hours and now he is being told something which for him is immoral.

            “Yes, for now everything is under control.  But, for how long?” Key says.  Key has different opinion.  He is thinking in how could Emma being cured.  He seriously thinks that Onew’s way can be used.  After all, Emma really needs Minho.

            “You ask me for how long?  Of course you have to keep everything under control until Minho wake up.  We have no other option.  Only this.  Key, please...”  Jonghyun tries not to raise the matter anymore.  He is too tired to think and consider it.

            “But, Jonghyun...” Key says, but Jonghyun stop him.

            “Key, no.  Hippocratic Oath tells to take care of patients and do what is right for them.  This is far gone wrong, Key.  To make a robot similar to someone who is unsure about his life and death, it is totally wrong.  Moreover, you are using that robot to give hope to someone that Minho is alive and in a very good condition.  That’s totally wrong.  I won’t do it.  Could you please understand?” Jonghyun asks.  He hopes that he won’t be forced to do it.

            Key is stunned there.  It is true what Jonghyun says.  He cannot even thinks of any point to deny it.  However, Emma is not an easy matter.  Key sighs.

            Jessica comes to their sight, and she does nothing other but interfering the conversation.  She is on Key’s side.

            “Jonghyun.  Hippocratic Oath says nothing except to do what is right for a patient.  Now, the point is we are saving Emma.  Emma is my patient and she will undoubtedly try to commit suicide again if she thinks about Minho again.  What do you expect?  For Key to be 24-hours with her?  That is not how the thing works,” Jessica says, as trying to help Key in persuading Jonghyun.

            “So you’re thinking about only your patient?  What about Minho?  He’s my patient and I’m not going to do anything wrong towards him,” Jonghyun says, irritated.

            “It’s not that.  You never understands woman, that’s why.  Emma is in state of shock.  You have to know that.  It is true that Minho is not yet awake.  But, I believe he will because he is strong for Emma.  But, what if when he wakes up, Emma is already died of suicide?  Do you want to see that?  At least, this way, Emma can stay alive and we can save both,” Jessica says.  There’s a point of logic there.  Jonghyun sighs, expressing his tiredness.

            “I’m sorry.  If you’re for it, go on.  I won’t prevent you guys.  But, I’m against it,” Jonghyun says and he turns away, decides to get inside his room and have a rest.  He could hear Jessica on his way.

            “Don’t worry, Key.  He is just tired.  Maybe we can speak to him later,” Jessica says.  Upon hearing that, Jonghyun smirks.  Whatever Jessica says, he has made up his mind, he won’t, and it is final.

            He gently opens the door of his room and steps in.  He walks to his table.  Although he has made up his mind, he cannot forget about it.  He thinks again and again.  Question by question swim into his mind, and that makes him doubt his own decision.  He sighs.  Maybe Jessica is true, Minho will stay strong for Emma.  But, how if not?  Jonghyun curses himself for having the ‘but’ again and again in his mind.  He just couldn’t think very well about it.

            He walks towards a couch at the corner of his room and he lies down.  He feels tired, and sleep is the only things that can cure his tiredness.  He closes his eyes and tries to free his mind from whatever disturbing it, regains peaceful and harmonious condition despite the request from Key just now.  He falls into a deep sleep almost immediately.  But, not for long.

            Jonghyun feels like he is already somewhere else in the hospital, not as a doctor, but somebody else.  He registers quickly that he is waiting for his mother outside the emergency room.  He is scared; scared of the outcome the moment the doctor steps out from the operating theatre.  He is fear of the future.  He already knows that his mother is suffering from cancer and he will have nobody in this world except for his dearly mother, who is at the edge of dying.

            His father left his mother since he is a small kid, due to the fact that his mother is ill.  He never blames his mother, but he put his father fully at fault.  For him, his father should give moral support, not leave them like that.  He is married to somebody else, and has a son too.  Jonghyun feels envious, for the boy manages to get some love from his father while he is left to love only his mother is this world.  However, now, the only left is hope.  A hope that his mother will pull through and continue to be with him.

            Soon, as the doctor comes out, Jonghyun could say that he has nobody.  The doctor not yet speaks, but through his solemn face, Jonghyun feels like running away and doesn’t want to hear anymore.  He can read that expression, the sad expression that only brings sad news.  Jonghyun becomes stifle, waiting for the bad to come.  He knows it and he feels like running away from the facts; but he just can’t.

            “Jonghyun, I’m sorry but your mother is dead,” the words make Jonghyun screams on top of his lungs.  He doesn’t want to believe it but that is the reality.  He feels hopeless and his legs are terribly shaking.  He feels like the whole world is shaking underneath his feet, not allowing him to stand.  But, he hears another voice, calling for his name.

            “Jonghyun, Jonghyun!  Kim Jonghyun!  Wake up!  Are you okay?!” he hears the very sweet voice ringing in his ear.  He opens up his eyes and immediately sits up.  Cold sweats are wetting his face.  He looks around and finds out that he is still in his room, sitting on the couch.  He looks at Jessica while controlling his breathing.  He sighs, and then closes his eyes and slumps his head at the back of the couch.

            “Are you okay?” Jessica asks him with worry.  She enters the room for a while, to take the report on Minho, to check on him.  But then, Jonghyun suddenly tossing and turning in his sleep, and groans a lot and she could tell he is sweating.  Until the time Jonghyun screams, then only she wakes him up.

            “Yeah, I’m okay.  Just a bad dream,” Jonghyun says with his eyes shut.  Jessica takes a towel and wipes his face, while Jonghyun just let her go with that.  He somehow feels better when she is beside him when he wakes up.  The dream always haunted him, the day his mother died.  He never wants to remember that again, but it keeps coming.  Jessica wipes his sweaty face with a clean towel, as gentle as a mother does.  Jonghyun opens his eyes and looks at her.  Jessica looks into his eyes, expressing how she concern about him and how she loves him.

            “Why don’t you take out your coat?  I’m sure it will help.  You’ll feel more comfortable,” Jessica says while pulling the coat out at the collar.

            “Oh, yeah,” Jonghyun says and takes out his long, white coat that every doctor wears.  Jessica helps him with that.

            “Is it that dream again?” Jessica asks, for she knows everything about Jonghyun.  He looks at her, feeling grateful for having her as friend.  She is reliable and good.

            “Yeah...” he answers her question and sighs.  And then, he spaces out.  Should he or should he not approve what Key was requesting just now?  The dream may be a sign that tells him to allow the production of Minho’s cyborg.

            Jonghyun understands exactly what Emma is feeling right now.  The feeling of despair and hopeless, as he experienced before, the moment the doctor announced the death of his mother.  He lost his only one his love and only one family and because of that he turns out to be a very devoted doctor.  That is what Emma experiences now, the fear of losing somebody important in her life, the only one that can understand her deep inside her heart.  Jonghyun understands enough, the dream is a sign.  But, should he just allow the young boy to make a robot?
            “Jessica...” he calls her.  Their eyes meet each other.

            “Yes...” answers Jessica softly, as gentle as she can, and patiently waits for Jonghyun to continue.  She is the best mate, and she wants to be more than that.

            “The dream is a sign.  Reminding me on feeling hopeless and despair.  I understand her feeling of losing someone so dear in life.  Should I agree with Key?  Or should I not?” Jonghyun asks Jessica.   He is hoping for a fair judgement.  Not from a sexist point or for listening to a sweet talker like the psychiatrist.  He wants it to be real from Jessica.

            “I’m not forcing you on doing that, but I am highly recommending it.  You know, I always believe that this way we’ll manage to save two loving soul.  Minho is a strong person, where I’m very sure he’ll make it to live, or to be able to move again.  But, if right now Emma committing suicide again, Minho won’t be able to see her again.  They are meant to be together, but, why just because of this thing, the accident, they need to be torn apart?” Jessica says with her sweet voice and always sweet smile.

            Jonghyun hears that and nothing can hold him from agreeing to what she said.  He knows from the beginning that he needs to save Minho.  He is too young to die and Jonghyun can just let the boy die although sometime seeing he suffers makes Jonghyun thinks that better for him to die.  But, he is also thinking about the other person, which relies on Minho.  That is just too much for the person to bear the pain of seeing him dying.

            “Jessica...can you please call Onew here?  And Key too?  I need to have a few words with them, including you,” Jonghyun says.

            “You are tired...” Jessica says.

            “I’ll be fine.  We need to solve this thing.  I need to know what the boy needs to make the robot,” says Jonghyun.

            “So, you agree?” Jessica asks.  Jonghyun nods.

            “I don’t have any other choice,” he says and shrugs.  With that, he receives a kiss from Jessica on his cheek.

            “I know I can rely on you.  Thanks,” she says and quickly walks out of the room.  Jonghyun is stunned there while looking at the already closed door.  He doesn’t believe it.  This is the first time after the death of his mother, he receives a kiss from a person.

            Onew walks out from the lift.  He is, again, at the most creepy building he ever been, the obsolete apartment.  The topmost floor is scary but become less since Jonghyun is coming along with him.  Jonghyun follows him without many words, as though he has expected to be in place like this.

            “You...don’t feel weird?” Onew asks him.

            “Why should I?” Jonghyun says while looking at him.

            “Because...well...the first time I was here, I felt quite weird?  Why does a human need to live in this place?  It is too isolated from the lives out there,” Onew says, voicing out his opinion.  Jonghyun shrugs.

            “’s normal to me, a genius person live in a place like this,” says Jonghyun.

            “How do you know he is genius by the way?”

            “Well...look.  You said that he is still in university and already at his final thesis at a very young age.  Moreover, he is producing a cyborg.  Never anybody in university thinks of that, only him,” Jonghyun says again, matter-of-factly.

            Onew seems amused.  From his opinion, Jonghyun is a genius too.  He is a specialist neurologist surgeon at a very young age.  It is not easy for anybody to reach that rank between his ages.  Most of them are still at university, studying.

            “Well, you are among the genius too, you know?” Onew says as a compliment, although Jonghyun never takes that as it is.

            “I’m not, but Key is,” he says.

            “Don’t look down on yourself.  You are genius,” Onew says.

            “I’m not.  I do not manage to save Minho from his critical state,” says Jonghyun with a sigh.

            “If it is not because of you, Minho may be dead right now.  So, stop looking down on yourself Jonghyun.  Anyway, we are here,” Onew says, ending their conversation.  Jonghyun nods.  His hand is full anyway, with Minho’s physical report and his DNA samples from various part of his body.  Thus, Onew is the one that presses the door bell to indicate arrival.

            They are waiting at the cool and creepy corridor.  Onew starts to feel eerie again.  He feels cold.  He could tell that his hair at his entire body is already standing up.  He looks at Jonghyun.  The boy looks calm and relaxed, as though the hair-raising and creepy feeling doesn’t affect him at all.

            “Aren’t you feeling scared here?” Onew asks, feeling that Jonghyun is somehow weird.

            “Why?” he asks without much concern.  Onew chuckles.  He doesn’t know how to explain, but he does ask the boy a year younger than him.

            “I mean, this place reminds me of ghost story.  You is cold and somehow...creepy,” Onew says.  Jonghyun chuckles and smile sincerely.  This time, again he sees the boy’s smile.  It is hard to see him smiling unless towards patient or whenever he wants to control a sad situation.  But, he is smiling.  Is it fun, his question?

            “I’m not scared of ghost because you know what?  Sometimes, I even see patient’s face a lot more badly than a ghost.  It is unbelievable to see such a condition but, I used to that,” Jonghyun says.  Onew scratches his head while looking at the shorter boy.  He admires the boy, he is strong, but, his face shows that he has such a bad past.  He never has time to think about it, due to the sudden flip of the door.  Taemin opens up and the boy looks as messy as ever.

            “You come...” he says.

            “Yes, sure.  I’m looking forward for your help,” says Onew looking at him and then at Jonghyun.

            “Taemin?  Is it you?” Jonghyun says abruptly.  Taemin looks at Jonghyun with his eyes blinking a few times before realising the other boy beside Onew is his senior during their years together in university.

            “Jonghyun,” he says and he hugs him immediately.  Jonghyun hugs Taemin back, as he always did before, comforting the boy like a brother does.

            “You guys know each other?” Onew asks.

            “He is my junior during my years in university.  What happen to my Taemin?  You look messy.  Long hair, live alone by yourself, what happen to you?” Jonghyun asks him.  Taemin doesn’t answer; he invites both of them into his house first.  They sit on the old couch after Jonghyun put all his stuffs on the table in the living room.

            “Jonghyun, university life becomes really hard after you left,” Taemin says, hugging Jonghyun again.  Jonghyun hugs back, while Onew is lost while looking at the mini drama in front of him.  He doesn’t understand even a single thing.

            “What happen Taemin?” asks Jonghyun while he is patting the younger head.

            “Nobody speaks out for me.  And nobody believes me.  Even when I disclosed my project thesis on this cyborg, nobody believes me.  It was always you speak out for me.  But, now I’m alone facing all those thing,” Taemin speaks like a little kid.

            “It’s okay.  I’m here, with Onew to work with you.  We are going to make the robot,” says Jonghyun while looking at Onew.  Onew nods without understanding the whole conversation, but understand enough that Taemin needs someone to support him, to have faith on him.

            “Oh, so you’re the doctor mentioned by Onew?” asks Taemin after he let go of Jonghyun.  Jonghyun looks at Onew, and Onew nods.

            “It’s always you, I know, who save people’s life, I know it is always you,” Taemin says.  Jonghyun just chuckles, doesn’t know if he should take that as a compliment.

            “By the way, Taemin,” says Jonghyun while walking to the table, “this is the thing you require to make your cyborg.  Here, are the documents on Minho’s physical traits.  I’ve also prepared the hair, nail, and more samples including blood.  If you have the appropriate equipments, I can help you in extracting the chromosomes,” Jonghyun says with a sincere smile again.

            “Jonghyun, you know me.  Machines are my friends beside you.  All the equipments are in the microbiology lab,” Taemin says and he brings Jonghyun there.  It is the room after the master bedroom, which is located beside the other room that contains the tube with foetus.  They work together, like old time.

            This is the first time Onew sees a very happy yet sincere smile from Taemin and Jonghyun.  Onew could say that they used to work together before because they look harmony while working together.  Their laughter fills up the house, different from the first time he entered the house.   Onew can’t help himself but to smile when he sees the two geniuses working together for the robot, at the same time, saving his sister.

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