Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 7: A Little Secret

Taemin has yawned for the umpteenth times already.  It is uncountable.  Onew is sitting tiredly on the couch, and his face shows how much he really wants to sleep.  Jonghyun in the other way is resting his head on his palm, with his elbow on the working desk.  His eyes are already red, but still, he continues working.

            “I’m tired,” Onew says with a very soft voice.  Jonghyun looks at him from his desk.

            “Sleep then,” Jonghyun says.  Then, he turns back to his work.

            “I can’t just watch you guys continue working like that while I’m resting.  If we want to rest, let’s rest together,” Onew says.

            “I’m not yet tired,” Taemin says, which, is obviously a lie.  He yawns again after he says that and only leads to a big laughter from the elders.

            “Not tired, Taemin ekh?  I know you Taemin, since university.  You’re just like a brother to me.  And still, you want to lie?  Forget it.  I know you’re tired.  Just rest with Onew,” says Jonghyun with the last bit of his laughter.

            “Aha!  Funny, Jonghyun ekh?  I know you’re tired too.  Come on.  You cannot lie to me.  Stop your work first.  Then only I’ll stop,” Taemin says while his eyes is still on his computer and laptop, programming the growth of the body in the tube.  It is no longer a foetus, and more to a man.

            “Guys!  Let’s rest together.  Come on.  I know both of you are tired.  You’re only human that invent and make robot, not the robot itself.  So, you guys need to rest well because human needs rest,” says Onew.

            “Fine.  I’ll get drinks then,” says Jonghyun as he walks to the kitchen.

            Taemin walks towards the couch and sits beside Onew.  He is tired himself, he admits that.  It is just the matter of time.  Onew told him the whole story of her sister, and he knows that he needs to complete the robot as soon as possible.  Nobody gives the due, but he sets it to be in one week and a half, which means about ten days.

            “How is your sister?” Taemin asks.

            “Great, if only under Key’s supervision,” says Onew.

            “Key?  Who is Key?” asks Taemin then.  The name is quite familiar with him.

            “The psychiatrist that is in charge of my sister, Emma,” Onew explains Key.  It should be clear for Taemin, but he is spacing out, like he is thinking of something.  Onew looks at him, too tired to ask the younger on what he is thinking so hard about.  And lucky for him, the boy speaks after a few seconds of silence.

            “Key...Is he Jonghyun’s step brother?  I think it is him,” Taemin says with a questioning look in his face.  Onew is confused.

            “Jonghyun’s step brother?  Jonghyun has one?” Onew asks.  His brows are knitting, showing anonymity.  That is the new thing to learn about the specialist doctor.  He doesn’t know that.  Taemin quickly notices the look in Onew’s eyes, which telling that he doesn’t know about that.  He is about to open his mouth again when suddenly Jonghyun walks out from the kitchen with three bottles of juice in his hand.  Taemin quickly puts his index finger on his lips, signalling Onew to keep quiet about what he had told him just now.  Onew understands that and gives a slight nod.

            “Here your drinks,” Jonghyun says, handing each of them a bottle.  Of course, he doesn’t have even a slightest clue about what they were talking about just now.  He sits on a chair; twisting open the cap of his bottle, and takes a big gulp at once without knowing the suspicion that arise in Onew.

            “So...we’re resting.  Well, a good thing to do after a very long time of work.  I’m grateful,” Taemin says something already obvious because he lack of idea in his attempt to break the awkwardness between Onew and Jonghyun.  Jonghyun doesn’t know, of course, but Onew’s eyes towards him can raise suspicion between them.

            “Sure, Taemin.  Obviously,” says Jonghyun with a chuckle.

            They continue resting and Taemin is glad for Jonghyun doesn’t notice the suspicion arouse in the room.  Maybe he is too tired to notice that.  They get back to work after half an hour resting, and surely to concentrate on what they are going to do.  Making a robot isn’t easy, but making a meat robot much terrible.  Especially Taemin, he needs to include every detail given by Jonghyun to make it same as Minho, without any flaw.  He shapes the once a foetus to the shape of Minho, with every single information provided by Jonghyun.

            Onew want to help, but he just know he can’t.  He doesn’t have any knowledge in that, for he only being an expert in only social sciences; accounting, business management and stuffs.  Thus, he watches them, working harmoniously together.  And of course, Onew can’t stop thinking; is Key really is Jonghyun step brother?  Well, that is a very new thing to learn.  He never knows that.  Are they being good together, Jonghyun and Key?  Seems like they are.  Or it is no more than a professional act when they are working?  And how does it go that Key is Jonghyun’s step brother?  Too many question to ask, but none are answered.  He shoos everything away and focus on their work.

            “How long more you’ll take, Taemin?  Well...just ask.  No rush.  Just a random question,” he doesn’t really want to know when the thing will complete.  Just want to eliminate the boredom that already dominates him, he starts a conversation.

            “The physical part is almost done, leaving the unsure part of mental,” says Taemin like a real expert.  Well, he is, in fact.  Again, Onew knits his brows, unable to understand what he means by the mental part.

            “What?” he blurts out.

            “The mental part – the part which needs brain, such as the body functions, feelings, expressions, thinking abilities, all those which requires the essential of brain,” Jonghyun helps Taemin to answer instead.

            “Owh!  Then, how can we do that?  Jonghyun, you’re a neurologist, of course you know how to work on brain,” Onew says.

            “Well...I can work on the body functions, but not the human feelings, expressions, thinking abilities.  Because all of them involve social sciences which are, not my speciality,” Jonghyun says.

            “But, do we really need those thing?” asks Onew curiously.  That will only add more loads to him.

            “Yes.  We really need it or else this Minho will be no more than a body, that cannot move and with no feelings at all,” Taemin states.  Onew stares at him, as though he wants to eat him because of his cyborg that requires a lot of things.

            “What do we need?  Any professional?” Onew asks, being dumbfounded.  If they need a professional in this, surely he needs to find one.  He is actually adding more work to his to-do-list, but he is willing to do everything to save his sister.

            “Anybody that can work with human feeling, expressions and habits.  We need an expert in handling those things,” Taemin says without removing his eyes from those screens.  Onew thinks about it.

            “Psychologist or psychiatrist, it is,” says Jonghyun while looking into the eyepiece of the electron microscope.  Onew face lights up.  Yes, they are expert in handling human feelings.  They are the best.

            “But where can I get a psychologist for this?” asks Onew, forgetting that Key is available.  Taemin can sense something arise in the room.  Jonghyun face becomes tension.  Taemin could see that.  Onew sees that too.  But, being too tired, he fails to get even a single piece of information from the expressions of Jonghyun and Taemin.

            “It’s okay.  I’ll get Key.  Key will do it.  I know him.  He’ll do his best.  After all, Emma is his patient.  I’m sure he will agree with that,” says Jonghyun coldly.  Taemin is eyeing Jonghyun.  He knows that Jonghyun doesn’t like to add on more loads to Key.  He is a lovely brother to Key, or more precise, lovely stepbrother.  Taemin is Jonghyun best friend and being a good friend, he knows everything about them.

            Again, suspicion arises when Onew notices cold tone from Jonghyun.  Something is wrong.  He now knows Jonghyun’s relationship with Key.  But, how far they are good together?  He really wants to know that.  He badly wants to ask him when suddenly Jonghyun phone rings, creating noise in the house.  He quickly picks up the phone, avoiding Taemin from being distracted.

            He takes a few minutes for the conversation.  Then, he hangs up and his face shows guilt.  He looks at Taemin and sighs.  Then, he looks at Onew.  He sighs again.

            “What’s wrong?” Taemin and Onew ask simultaneously.

            “I’m sorry.  But, I’m on call.  I need to rush to the hospital for a surgery,” says Jonghyun.  Onew sighs in relief.  He thought something bad happens to his sister or Minho.  Onew and Taemin nod.  They don’t think that is a problem.

            “I need to leave this work for a while.  I hope you don’t mind,” says Jonghyun guiltily.  Taemin chuckles.  Jonghyun loves to blame himself; Taemin knows that even it comes to a situation where he is actually not to be blamed.  He is just so into his work that he actually feels wrong ditching it.

            “Owh, come on Jonghyun.  Your patient is your priority,” Onew says.  Taemin nods again while looking into his eyes.  Jonghyun scratches his head and heading towards the door.

            “I promise I’ll be back,” says Jonghyun.

            “No worry.  No rush.  If you’re too tired, we’ll understand if you don’t come,” says Taemin with a shrug.  Jonghyun smiles and bows to the two of them before disappear through the door.

            “That is him; always do the best for others,” Taemin says.  Onew is blinking for a few times, before shrugging, thinking how weird geniuses are.


            “I’ll list the feelings first, that’s it,” says Key.  He comes there with Jonghyun, after the surgery is over.  Jonghyun comes to him and tells about the thing need to be done in Taemin’s house.  He can’t help but to be excited to participate in manufacturing the cyborg.  Thus, he follows him all the way to Taemin’s house.  They work together and Onew can’t help himself but to smile when he sees all the geniuses are now using their wisdom to save a life.

            They work very hard, the three of them.  Although Onew doesn’t have work to do, he sits there, in case they three younger need anything.  That is his only way of helping because he doesn’t have any expertise in doing that high knowledge of science things.  He is a genius in his own field, which is business.  So, he watches them working in awe; the three of them are working very fast and efficiently.

            But, after one hour of working very hard, Jonghyun requests to rest.  His eyes look puffy and he looks like he can pass out anytime from now.  Surely, because he works non-stop for a few days already in shaping the robot into Minho plus all those surgeries in the hospital.  He deserves a good rest actually.  Before he goes to the bedroom, he goes to Key.

            “Key...” Jonghyun calls him gently.

            “Yes...” says Key, looking up from his laptop’s screen.  Jonghyun looks deep into his eyes.  Onew looks at the so-called stepbrothers.

            “Rest if you’re tired,” he says to Key.

            “It’s okay...I’m not yet tired.  I’m just started,” Key says while smiling at Jonghyun.

            “Alright, then.  Just don’t overwork yourself okay?” Jonghyun is now advising Key.

            “I won’t.  You should rest instead,” Key says.  Jonghyun pats his shoulder and walks away.  Taemin leads the way to the bedroom.  After a while, Taemin comes back to their working place.  Onew guesses this is the best time to ask about their brotherhood status.

            “Hey, Taemin!  I just want to ask a question,” says Onew while looking at Taemin.

            “Yes, what?” Taemin says nonchalantly.  He is too focused to his work.

            “Actually...I want to ask both of you, Taemin and Key,” Onew says hesitately.  Key lifts up his face and faces the older.  What question does Onew want to ask?  What is he curious about?  Taemin can sense it, and he wants to stop Onew from bringing up the issue but too late.

            “Is Key really is Jonghyun’s stepbrother?” Onew blurts out.  The question just hangs in the air for a few moments.  Key looks shocked and he slowly turns to Taemin, demanding for explanation.  Taemin looks down onto the floor, avoiding Key’s gaze.  Onew looks at the two of them, wanting to know the truth.

            Key sighs.  He never wants to bring up the matter again.  That is what they promise to do so.  Only a few that are close to them know the story.

            “Sorry, Key.  I...urmm...told Onew...quite accidentally...the words slipped from my mouth...I thought Onew already knew it...they are quite close together...”Taemin stutters.

            “’s okay.  Sooner or later, people will know about it,” says Key while smiling at Taemin, trying to compose the boy.  Taemin looks up at Key and sighs in relief.

            “So...actually you know, huh?” Key looks at Onew and gives a smile.  Onew nods.

            “So, it is does it happen?” asks Onew curiously.

            “We share the same father...and different mothers,” says Key with guilt.  Whenever he thinks of this, he will feel guilty towards Jonghyun.  It is not him did the wrong thing, but somehow, he did it in the other way.  Onew looks at him, in silent, as a sign for Key to continue the story.

            “Well...her mother is no longer at any place around the do I explain this?  My father left her mother because she got cancer.  At that time, Jonghyun was still very young, a toddler, about 1 year old.  Then, my father met my mother and ended up getting married I am,” Key explains short but very brief.  Onew is dazed by the story.

            “Owh...what about Jonghyun’s mother?  Did she die straight after your father left her?” asks Onew again.  Key looks at Taemin and Taemin looks at him.  They exchange glance before continue with Taemin continues the story.

            “Her mother raised him up until he was in middle high, if I’m not wrong.  Then, she passed away, and Jonghyun lives alone since then.  The reason he is so committed with his responsibility as a doctor is because he really wants to save people lives, as what he really wants to do when his mother was alive.  Not that he blames the doctor for not being able to save his mother, he understands the fate, but he just don’t want to see other people weeping and hurt when one of their family members die.  He said once that he understands enough the feeling being in that situation,” Taemin explains.  Again, Onew dazed by the story.

            “How unfortunate...” he says.  He never expects someone as energetic as Jonghyun would have such a sad life.  Now that he knows the truth, a feeling of sympathy gently sweeps his heart.  No wonder that boy works really hard to save both Minho and Emma.

            “Well...we agree not to bring up this matter anymore...That is why we don’t want to talk about that in front of him.  He doesn’t want to remember the past of him.  He said once that it is too painful to remember his childhood,” says Taemin.

            “But, you guys are doing well right?  I mean, Jonghyun and Key are being very good towards each other, right?” Onew asks again in his attempt to cheer up the solemn feeling in the house.  But, little did he know that he only makes it worse as Key starts to tear up.

            “That is what makes me feel guilty towards Jonghyun.  Because he never hates me.  Sometimes I really want him to hate me, for what I’ve done towards him,” says Key.  His eyes focus to nowhere and tears are threatening to fall.

            “Why?” the only word that comes out from Onew’s mouth.

            “I stole away his childhood,” Key says.

            “How?” sounds ridiculous and selfish, but Onew wants to know about it.

            “My dad has always being with me while I was young but him never get the love from a father except for one year.  I got everything, the luxurious, the best education and everything.  But he got none of that.  I got the best childhood I always wanted, enjoying my childhood.  But, Jonghyun had to learn on how to live so early, that him never enjoying his childhood.  His mother was sick, and he had to work in such an early age to earn a living,” Key tells.

            “Yeah...he learned all those hardships of life in such a very young age.  At least I’m a bit later than him,” says Taemin then, while shrugging.

            “And yet, he has being so nice to me, until now.  He treats me like a brother, as it is supposed to be, even though he should hate me for stealing away his father.  He should hate me because I get all those privileges of being a son to an entrepreneur with such luxury life and everything while he is one of his sons too.  Instead, he takes good care of me.  Always being protective towards me also always doesn’t want me to overwork myself,” Key says.

            “Because Jonghyun never thinks bad about others.  He always keeps in mind that everything happens for a reason.  When the time I lost my parents during my first year in university, he was the one that stand by my side and told me to stay strong.  He has being a good friend since then, the one that always speaks out for me when nobody else will,” Taemin says then.

            Onew hears everything, a story that inspires him so much.  The lives of these three geniuses in front of him are not as fortunate as he thought.  In fact, he is more fortunate than them.  They lost parents and having a life conflict.  It is such a hardship compare to his case.  From there, he knows, where the three of them actually having strength for not to give up easily and always tries their best for others.

            Suddenly, there is a scream come from the bedroom.  Onew, Taemin and Key immediately know that the scream is belonged to Jonghyun.  Onew wonders what happening in the bedroom and already on his feet.  While, Key and Taemin exchange glances.

            “That dream, again,” Key and Taemin rushes to the bedroom, while Jonghyun is sleeping with his nightmare being disturbing again and Onew follows them, clueless.

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