Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 8: A Warning

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

“You have to know the mechanism of the crime.  I mean, first of all, you have to be able to read the criminal’s mind,” says Jonghyun.

                I listen to his lecture to the school’s student.  I never thought that Jonghyun has the ability to speak in front of a bunch of students.  All this while, I only saw him talking to criminals or only our fellow colleagues during work.  Sooyoung and Young Bae also sit behind the class with me, listening to the lecture.

                The Back to School Programme; one session requires us, the former students to speak to the new and fresh students in the subject that they want to take.  We have gone to many classes from this morning and now we are in the extra class, Criminology, which is the final period in this school.  Jonghyun is speaking on behalf of us, since he is the cream of the cream.

                I could see the increasing interest in the subject.  Five years ago, I could see that it is only us in the class, the four of us.  People were scared to attempt this subject because it is hard.  However, just in five years, I could see a sharp increase in students in this class.  The class is now filled with 30 students already.  Perhaps it is going to increase with the new intake a few months later.

                “Okay.  What about our further study in university?  What subject do we take later?” asks another student.

                “It depends.  But, the most important for you who want to pursue as a detective or police is Degree in Criminology.  In my case, I did my double-major in United States.  I took major in both Science and Criminology.  While Young Bae, the guy who sits at the back of the class, took major in Criminology and minor in Fingerprint and DNA analysis in university.  The tall girl, Sooyoung, was majoring in Criminology and took minor in Psychology.  The other girl, Sabrina, her case is slightly different.  She has already involved in Criminology since young, thus, in university, she only took Degree in Law.  It totally depends on you individually,” explains Jonghyun.

                “What about the risk of the job?” a girl asks.

                “Well, students.  Every job in this world has its own risks.  If you are aware of it, even a singer has a risk of being exposed to scandals and paparazzi.  The same goes with detectives and polices.  You have to be ready to face criminals even risking your own life.  There’s always pros and cons to every single thing you do in this very modern world of today,” says Jonghyun wisely, convincing the students in the career of detectives and polices.

                “What about schedule?  I often heard that a detective or a police seldom has holiday.  They often have to sacrifice time for family and friends.  Will I have a life if I be a detective?” asks another student.

                “I have to admit that you will have a very hectic schedule.  Arresting criminals, interrogating, crime report, and then you’ll have to deal with the issue in court, you’ll definitely have a busy life.  But, you will have your holiday if you want.  Your fellow colleagues will replace you in the time of your holiday.  If it is hard for me to get my holiday, then, I won’t be here to speak to you guys,” says Jonghyun again.  I can see the students nodding their head to show that they are satisfied with his answer.

                “What is your score last time, in Criminology?” asks a student.  Looks like she is trying to joke around.  Jonghyun is slightly taken aback by that.  His eyes grow wide.

                “Why do you even need to know?” Jonghyun asks with his surprised smile.

                “I just…you know…we want to know how was our senior doing during his school years,” says the student while the others laugh and nod.  Young Bae and Sooyoung are also laughing with them.  Jonghyun looks at me and I wink.  I know Jonghyun doesn’t like to tell them his excellent marks in any subject.

                “Well…you just need to know that you need a higher average mark in Criminology and also higher average in Science.  I told you just now,” says Jonghyun.  He looks at the Criminology teacher, the same that taught us before, Ms. Shin.  She shrugs and smiles to him.

                “That’s not the matter.  We knew that.  We just want to know your marks during your school years,” another guy student says.  Jonghyun looks at me.  I do nothing but shrug.

                “Well…if you are really curious, he was my star student back then.  He did very well in every exam and his marks always within the 90 percent to 100 percent range,” Ms. Shin helps Jonghyun to answer the question since he hesitates a lot.  Jonghyun sighs.

                “Whoa!  That’s beyond good!” a student shouts in awe.  Then, there are a lot of noisy buzzing sounds from them.

                “He even participated in the Law Olympiad and won the competition with the others at the back,” says Ms. Shin while pointing towards us.  The buzzing sounds turn louder as the students are busy talking about our achievements.

                “So, I hope you can work hard like what you seniors did back then.  They had done it very well and graduated with flying colours,” Ms. Shin is now encouraging them.

                “Ms. Shin, by any chance, is this the Kim Jonghyun whose name carved for the Student of the Year Award, five years in a row on the Wall of Victory?” asks another student while gesturing his hand to Jonghyun.

                “He is,” Ms. Shin says.

                “Miss!” Jonghyun looks at her sternly but she just laughs and shrugs.

                “I’m sorry, Jonghyun.  Smart students are always curious and I can’t stop them,” says Ms. Shin.  Jonghyun sighs and just shakes his head.  I laugh too.

                “Nice one, Miss!” I shout from the back.

                They ask a few more questions and soon, the class comes to the end.  The students thanks us for the career talk and not even long after that, the class starts to empty.

                “So, how is thing going on for you now?  Your works and everything?” asks Ms. Shin when she approaches us.

                “Great, it just great.  We work in the same place.  All of them work in the Special Operation Unit while it is only me who is working in the Investigation Unit at MIS,” says Young Bae.

                “Looks like all of you are now in a better position than me,” says Ms. Shin.

                “No, it is all because of you,” says Jonghyun humbly.

                “Jonghyun, I believe that you would still be as great as now even if I’m not your teacher,” says Ms. Shin.

                “Maybe for him.  But, not in my case.  Thanks for teaching me back then, now I’m able to do the job I love so much,” says Sooyoung.  Ms. Shin smiles and pats her at her shoulder.

                “No big deal.  Anyway, tomorrow is the last day for the programme.  You’ll be leaving tomorrow.  You have any plan to do tonight?” asks Ms. Shin.

                “We plan to just strolling around the school’s park,” I tell her.

                “It is good to reminisce the old memories.  Anyway, when you’re planning on getting married, don’t forget to invite me.  Onew told me that you’re engaged.  Congrats and good luck in your future relationship,” says Ms. Shin before she leaves us.  I am surprised and embarrassed by that while Jonghyun just pretends to look calm despite the nervousness shown through his fidgeting look.  Young Bae laughs.

                “Yeah.  Jonghyun, don’t forget to invite me too,” says Young Bae, “And sorry about the thing in the office a few days ago.  I’m too emo, perhaps.”

                With that, he leaves us, with Sooyoung.  But, not for long.  Sooyoung asks permission to leave to.

                “I need to go.  Minho is waiting for me at the gate.  We’re going out to the town tonight,” says Sooyoung and she waves us goodbye.

                Then, it becomes quiet again.  It is awkward, to speak to him, after a few people teasing us about getting married.  I mean, Hey!  What the hell did Onew do, spreading words of our marriage to the whole school?  Seriously, thanks to him now I’m awkward with Jonghyun.

                “Urm…” we say at the same time.

                “You first,” I quickly say.  Jonghyun nods.

                “Let’s go to the school’s park,” Jonghyun takes my hand and we walks towards the park.  The moment we reach the park, I could feel like I’m a schoolgirl again.  The park doesn’t change at all.  I could see the same tree Jonghyun and I used to sit under it and also the same benches all over the place.  Seriously, five years are damn short.  Nothing really changes between those periods of time.

                “This is the place you revealed me as a vampire,” says Jonghyun suddenly breaking the awkward silence between us.  I smile.

                “Yeah.  And the place that we usually met during school before you went back to the boys’ dormitory every night,” I reply.

                “Let’s go to the place-”

                “Where you first brought me for date?” I ask, cutting his words.

                “Yeah,” he says while nodding.  Then, we walk out of the school.  Jonghyun decides not to use the car, since the place is not that far from here.

                The park is also the same, nothing really change except for the bike’s renting place.  The owner might have a very good business here, since the place becomes bigger and the number of bicycles available is also increasing.  I look across the pond and I could still see couples here and there, just like the old times.  I turn to my left and I notice Jonghyun is not with me anymore.

                I start to search for him.  Where the hell is he going?  Then, I remember, ‘Please…take care of Jonghyun.’  Two days ago, Siwon reminded me of that.  I look around and the sense of scared and worry are mixing right now, driving my heart beating faster than usual.

                “Jonghyun!” I shout his name.  Then, I feel someone pulls me.  I am surprised, but nonetheless, I feel relieve when I know the grip is belonged to Jonghyun.  I think of nagging, telling him of how worry I am, but he puts me into silent before anything else.  He kisses me on the lips and I fail to speak anymore.

                Sure, I remember.  The memory of the candy kiss we shared in this park comes back into my mind, as I feel the sweet taste transfers into my mouth.  He let go of me after a few seconds.

                “Sweet?” he asks.  I nod, not sure of which one is sweet, the candy or the moment.  Maybe both.  Jonghyun chuckles to my blur and confused look.

                “What is bothering you so much, Sabrina?  Seriously, you look so much distracted by something,” he asks.  I come back to my world and look intensely at him.  Then, I begin.

                “You ask me why?  Seriously, you don’t know how worry I am when you disappeared just now.  You…I nearly get into cardiac arrest.  Can you at least tell me when you are going somewhere?” I scolded him.  He looks quite shocked with my sudden anger, but anyway, he keeps calm.

                “I’m sorry,” he says.

                “It’s okay.  Just…just don’t leave without telling me okay?” I say.

                “You don’t need to worry so much you know?  I know how to take care of myself,” Jonghyun says.  I sigh and nod.  I feel a bit uneasy anyway, no matter how I try to convince myself that Jonghyun is going to be safe.

                “Let’s…let’s get back to school,” I say while lead the way.

                “Hey!  Hey!  Come on!  We’re just here.  Let’s enjoy more of our time here,” Jonghyun says.

                “It’s getting dark, Jonghyun,” I tell him.

                “I know, but-”

                “Let’s go,” I pull him.  He follows this time, without much argument.  Fuck myself.  I ruin my moment with him.  Just now, at class, I was too awkward with him at the mentioning of our wedding.  Now, I’m awkward again because of the sudden changing of my mood.  I don’t know.  I just don’t feel…safe.

                “Are you hungry?” he asks me, smiling.  I feel the guilt when I see his effort of bringing the friendly atmosphere again between us.  I look at him without replying.

                “I’m hungry and there’s a spicy rice cake’s stall over there.  Let’s just stop and have our dinner there.  I’ll pay,” he pouts and shakes my hand.

                I just continue look at him.

                “Look, Sabrina.  I’m sorry for what I did in the park just now.  I promise I’ll tell you when I want to go somewhere after this.  Just…let’s have dinner together okay?” he asks again, serious.  I nod and both of us go to the stall.

                We have our rice cake dinner and after half an hour eating we walk back to school.  The entire journey is filled with silence.  We enter the school gate and make our way to the school’s park again.  Jonghyun takes me to a bench and we sit down together.

                “Sabrina, I’m sorry I’ve been repeating the same question again and again, but I am just worried about you.  Is there something really bothering about you, right now?” he asks.

                I sigh.

                “I’m worried about you,” I say.  He actually laughs.

                “Hey, come on.  There’s nothing to be worried about.  Honestly, what are you really scared of?” he asks me.

                “To wake up and not be able to see you alive,” I say.  Really, that is what I’m afraid of.  He sighs.

                “I think you are too tired.  You want me to get a drink?  I’ll get one for you.  And now I’m asking for your permission.  Miss Sabrina, can I go to the nearest vending machine to get drinks for both of us?” he asks me.  A small laugh manages to escape my lips due to his too-formal language.  I nod.

                “Okay.  I’ll be right back,” he says and disappears from my sight.  I wait.  Not even one minute waiting, suddenly I receive a text.

                From Siwon.

                ‘Sabrina, remember.  Take care of Jonghyun.’  That is what he says.  Shit!  I look around for any sign of him.  I know it hasn’t been that long yet, but, yes, I’m worried.  Why is my daddy texting something like this?

                Suspicion arises like magma coming out from a volcano, and it almost explodes.  I make my way towards the nearest vending machine.  I try to remember the location of the nearest vending machine.  It takes me quite sometimes, but I quickly run once I find the way.

                I arrive there seeing Jonghyun is collecting our bottled drinks.

                “Jonghyun!” I say, out loud, although I see him doing just fine.

                “Yes?” he looks up at me, “Why are you here?  I told you just now I want to get a drink for us,” he says smiling.

                “Be-” I am stunned when suddenly I feel like a harsh wind blows beside me at my left.  In the blink of eyes, Jonghyun throws the drink towards me.  Luckily, my reflect action is fast, the drinks are safe in my hand.  Seriously, I thought just now that the wind is nothing, but now I know why Jonghyun throws the drinks to me.  He knows what is coming.  He knows someone tries to assassinate him.

                I watch the scene in front of my eyes, unable to move a muscle.  I’m scared, scared of losing him.  It can’t be.  Jonghyun gives the vampire a kick before he pins him to the wall with his arm on his shoulder.  I could see his left hand is holding a sharp dagger, pointing at the other vampire’s chest, straight on his heart.  The blade is shining under the moonlight and I swallow hard knowing how sharp it is.

                “Who send you here?!” Jonghyun asks.


                “I asked you who is it?!!” Jonghyun asks again furiously.

                “The Choi!” scared, the male vampire says with an obvious shaking voice.

                “What for?!”


                “WHAT FOR?!!” Jonghyun asks again.

                “K-Kill you,” he says, and his words makes me feel so weak that I fall onto my knees.  Why Jonghyun?  Jonghyun sees me and that perhaps makes him let go of the vampire.

                “Go away!  Don’t let me see you again!  At least, not in front of her,” Jonghyun says with his intense gaze.  Just then I notice that his hair turns blond.  I’ve never seen that for so long already.  The unknown vampire flees, and Jonghyun quickly get me.

                “Sabrina, are you okay?” he asks.  I’m angry, for not be able to protect him.  And when he cares about me this time, I’m annoyed.

                “Not me you stupid.  Are YOU okay?” I ask him.

                “I am,” he says.  Before I know it, tears flow down and stains my cheeks.  He notices that and he pulls me into a comforting hug.

                “Why you?  Why they want to kill you?” I ask.

                “It’s okay.  I’m alright,” he pats my back.  I cry into his chest and that is the time when I notice concentrated red liquid drips onto his jeans.

                “Jonghyun…you’re bleeding…” I say.

                “It’s nothing…” he says while continuously stroking my hair, calming me down.  But, suddenly both of us hear a loud wail from somewhere unknown and the sound dies with a cry.

                “Key?” I hear Jonghyun says.  Slowly, I raise my head from Jonghyun’s chest and turns to Jonghyun’s gaze.  I see Key, with dagger in his hand.  Blood drips from it.

                “I’m just doing my job to kill someone who was trying to kill my hyung,” Key says merciless, with his stern and intense gaze towards Jonghyun.  From his eyes, I know that Key is traumatized enough from what had happened five years back then and he has no mercy towards whoever trying to kill Jonghyun.

                He kills the vampire which Jonghyun let go just now.


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