Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 10: Attacked

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

Maybe I’m too paranoid, maybe.  Maybe it is true that there is nothing to worry about.  Two weeks pass peacefully, without some random vampires popping out and attack any of us.  Two weeks pass without any rare occurrence, but that doesn’t mean all of us stop being so careful.

                Jonghyun is back to his undercover job, which explains why he is not in the office.  I am busy investigating another murder case, which Taemin just informed me this morning, about a rare homicide in a very confined space without any possible way out.  There’s a few commotions happened this morning, as usual always between the Investigation Unit and the Special Operation Unit.  Since the case is very absurd, Onew decided to put it under the Special Operation, but the Head of Investigation Unit, a person named Shin Dong Hee, has been arguing that the case should be handled by their unit.  And I could see how much Young Bae supports that.

                However, at last, after Taemin elucidates his arguments and Onew’s wise explanation, they agree to handover the case to us.  So, Sooyoung has been made responsible to help me with this case and we are working on the body with a Pathologist assigned for this case.

                “How is the body?  Any sign that can bring us to the murderer?” I ask the lady in front of me.  She is surely a genius one in her field.  The only thing that makes me feel she is the weirdest employee I’ve ever met is because she loves dead bodies so much, to an extent that she doesn’t even know the world outside.  It is only about her and the bodies.

                “No other bruises except wounds on his chest,” says Gyuri.

                “Noted,” Sooyoung says while jotting down in her notebook.  I nod.

                “What kind of wounds?” I ask.

                “Erm…this is quite weird,” Gyuri says.

                “Why?” I ask.

                “It looks like the…whoever this is was stabbed five times to the heart, with a burning knife?  Or whatever?” I look at Gyuri.  Gyuri never confused of her own investigation.

                “May I look at it?” I ask.  Gyuri moves aside, giving me space to look at it.  I gesture Sooyoung to join me.

                “Shoot!” I mutter under my breath just enough for Sooyoung and I to hear it.  We look at each other to confirm it.  I can see doubt in Sooyoung face, but she doesn’t wait for my instruction to look again and reconfirm.

                “Gyuri, this is…quite different from other cases, right?  I think I should bring this to Mr. Lee?” I ask her.  Gyuri nods willingly.

                “Fine.  While you’re doing that, I’ll try to find any weapon that produces these wounds,” Gyuri says and I nod.  Sooyoung already makes her way through the exit of the room.  I follow her pace.  We run to get to Taemin’s office as fast as we could.  Sooyoung immediately knocks on the door once we reach the office.

                “Come in,” the voice is very calm, just yet, calling us in.  I can’t wait any longer to tell him, neither is Sooyoung, but informing without introduction may just give Taemin a heart attack.

                “Taemin, we got something to tell you, a new result is produced but the case is not a new one for us,” Sooyoung says and look at me.  I just nod.

                “What?  Why are you guys looked like you just having a race over here?” asks Taemin from behind his glass table.  Sooyoung passes me the photo and the note.  I race forward and place both the result from our autopsy just now.

                “I’m afraid there’s another vampire-human attack occurred a week ago,” I tell him the truth, with bitterness, because that would just means that the world is not as peaceful as we all thought.

                “This is…” Taemin’s voice fades as his eyes grow wider, “This can’t be it!  We need to inform Onew hyung about this,” Taemin says as he leaves his seat and races to the door.  Both Sooyoung and I quickly catch up with him.

                “Help me to inform whoever at home to.  Danger might await them at home too!” says Taemin strictly while all of us running to the lift that will bring us to the topmost floor, where Onew’s office is placed.  Once the lift reaches the respective floor, Taemin dashes out and brings the report right onto Onew’s table.

                “Hyung!  This proves that we are in no good!” Taemin says while pointing to the picture.  Looking at the scene makes me terrified, as it is hard to see Taemin in a very serious mood.  When he is in one, it means he is deadly serious.  I look at Sooyoung whom just ends a phone call.

                “I have informed our family at home about this.  They are aware of any danger that might come out of nowhere,” says Sooyoung.  Onew who is brilliant to digest what has been the reason of the crisis faster than expected.

                “This is obviously a warning.  Who else left uninformed?” Onew asks.  I try to remember each of us in my brain when I stop at the last name I think of.  It can’t be it.

                “Jonghyun…” I say, half whispering and I could see Onew’s eyes widen in fear and Taemin mutters a curse, “It’s Jonghyun!  Oh my God!  We need to inform him!” I freak out.  I start to shake from head to toe and even have difficulty to pull out my phone from my pocket in my attempt to contact the aforementioned lad.

                I fiercely press the speed dial on the keypad and bring the phone to my ear.  I could see Onew shakes his head and Taemin mouths something like ‘no use’ while frowning.  It takes me while to understand their gesture until I hear what I think I don’t want to hear the most.

                “The person you’re calling could not be reached…”

                “Shoot!” I almost throw the phone away if Sooyoung doesn’t wrap her arms around me and calm me down.

                “All of us are aware that it is not possible to contact any agent who is currently at their field work for an undercover job,” says Sooyoung and I’m about to burst into tears before she gives an assuring pat, “But, being far from us should indicates that he could as well be safe.  Maybe safer than us,” she says.  I look at Sooyoung and nod.

                Onew and Taemin are fidgeting, and thinking of the next step.  There is no conversation between them, but it is clearly that eyes are enough to communicate.  They nod to each other.

                “We should be home,” says Onew.  All of us nod; understand his intention of getting all of us together to ensure the safety of each other.

                Sooyoung and I ask permission to get back to our office first, at least to see Gyuri again, not wanting to raise any suspicion in our fellow colleague.  Onew and Taemin wait for us outside of our office.

                “Sabrina, I have a few more things to deal with.  I need to hand over a few things to the technicians.  All of you could just wait for me at the parking lot.  I’ll be there in no longer than five minutes,” Sooyoung says.  I nod to her.  I walk outside to meet the already impatient Taemin and his brother.

                “Sooyoung asks us to wait for her at the parking lot,” I tell them.  Onew nods and we make our way to the parking lot.

                Being a girl is definitely not the best thing that happens in my life.  The guys surely have big steps, and I’m having difficulties to keep up with them.  Taemin is the fastest in this case since he has very long legs and a slim body.  Not that I don’t have a slim body, but I do have legs that are shorter than him.  Onew is a different case.  He is obviously faster than me, except for the fact that he often trips on his own legs.  That’s pretty funny.

                Taemin reaches the exit first.  He opens the door and steps out.  At that moment, I know being slow has the advantage.  At least, I’m not the one to be exposed to the danger awaiting out there first.

                I swear I see Taemin’s body just flies towards the left once he steps on the hard concrete floor belong to the parking lot.  Onew quickly runs out to see what exactly happens, but he is being very careful not to be the second victim of a violence attack from what it seems to be a vampire.

                Onew ducks the second he gets out from the door, lucky to miss a kick from the other unknown vampire.  He encounters the vampire with a few punches that send the vampire flying to the end of the parking lot.  Onew looks at me and I quickly understand what he means.  I draw out my gun and point towards the camera that might have recorded the scene that has happened.  And I blow them out one by one.

                I look to the left and see Taemin has just transformed into his full vampire-self that I haven’t seen for so long already.  He has his fangs out and his eyes are like daggers finding any possible victims.  He looks ready for the fight, except for his already bloody head.

                “Call Sooyoung.  Get the tapes!” he hisses before flies beside Onew to get ready for fight.  Onew has daggers that he hasn’t been drawn out for so long in his hand.  The enemy isn’t just one, but other come to aid their friend in this perhaps small battle between them.

                I quickly call Sooyoung as instructed.

                “Sooyoung!” I scream when I reach her, “We are ambushed here, right in the parking lot.  I have shot the CCTVs just to keep this all vampires thing secret.  Could you please get the tapes from the security room?  I don’t want any human to know their existence,” I tell her, as calm as I could.

                Sooyoung is about to say something when I stop her.

                “No, Sooyoung!  Not now!  Just grab the tapes and bring them here!” I say and end up the call.

                I think of hiding but when I turn my head to where Onew and Taemin fight with those vampires, I almost have my eyes out from the socket.  Taemin is hurt!  Badly!

                I know that I am nothing compared to those vampires who might have ten times my strength, but I couldn’t simply hide when my dearly comrades risk their life to save me.  I force myself to think.  Think, Sabrina!  Think!  Think of the best way to help them.

                Kill their heart!  Now I remember!

                I aim my gun at one vampire that aims his attack at the weak Taemin.  I target for his heart.  I must do it faster, or else I would just see another innocent life flying away.

                Bam!  The loud deafening sound fills the parking lot as the vampire cripples and turns into ashes.  I did it.  But, that just make me a target.  Nonetheless, I find my strength to fight.  I step closer to the other four, blood-thirsty vampire.

                “Sabrina, run!” Onew says before he uses his dagger to launch another attack that rips one of them into half.  With that, another one is blown away as ashes.  I’m glad Onew did that, but the vampires are getting more furious.  But, I step closer, to get nearer to Taemin who is lying down on the concrete floor, labouring a heavy breath.

                “Noona, run…” he hisses weakly.  Don’t tell me he is dying.  I’m scared.  I shoot another vampire this time misses it heart.  But, I know I have made it weak as I can see the bullet is already in his neck.  The vampires scream in pain and take his time to adjust to the pain and I take this time to crouch beside Taemin.

                “Taemin…everything is going to be alright.  You’re okay, definitely okay,” I say not knowing what words I should use anymore as to comfort Taemin form the agony.  Taemin whimpers.

                “I think I just broke my ribs.  Maybe five of them,” he says and winces when I lift his body up and put his head on my lap.

                “You’re alright.  Trust me, we’ll make it home and have Hyori attending you,” I say just in time when another vampires attack me from my back.

                Luckily, Taemin is faster.  He gets the vampire to stare into his eyes, although he is in a very weak, lying position.  The vampire soon screams in pain when his eyes start to burn with red fire and it spreads to his head rapidly.  The vampire dies right in front of my eyes and it turns into ashes.

                “Oh God!  Taemin!” I say looking at Taemin who is feeling horribly painful right now.  I must bring him to my car.  But how?

                My thought is distracted by another scream from the vampires.  One of them is stabbed thrice by Onew at the left chest.  I’m sure that’s enough to locate where the heart actually is.  Yeah, sure the vampire dies; Onew just successfully stabbed a vampire in his heart.  But, the last one left revenges for his friend.  Onew is thrown backward by a strong force from the vampire.

                “Onew hyung!” Taemin shouts and he winces.  He tries to get up but I push him down.

                “No, don’t get up.  You will only make your injury worse.  I’ll help Onew,” I say.  He looks doubtful, but otherwise follows my instruction due to the excruciating pain in his body.

                I put Taemin down on the concrete floor, very slowly to avoid extreme pain to him.  I get up and turn to Onew.  He gets up from the floor too, although he seems to have injured too.  The vampire is ready to attack Onew.  I raise my gun and aim directly at his left chest, estimating the location of the heart.

                When you aim the gun, you shoot it; that is what it takes to survive.  I remember Jonghyun told me once, when we were having our shooting training together.  Thus, I aim properly, and without waiting for any moment to be wasted, I fire.  Another one died in my hands.

                “Thanks,” Onew says while panting heavily.  He directs his gaze to Taemin, and quickly runs to him.  I do the same thing.

                “Taemin!  Taemin!”  Onew carefully puts Taemin’s head on his lap.  Taemin seems to be slipping in and out of consciousness.

                “Hyung…” he says weakly, but his eyes are unfocused.

                “Oh My God!  What happened?!” Sooyoung, who just arrives at the scene, makes her way to us.

                “I told you we were ambushed.  And Taemin is injured badly,” I tell Sooyoung.

                “Take him home.  I’ll contact Hyori on the way,” Sooyoung says.  I nod.  Onew scoops Taemin, trying to be as gentle as he can, but still very rushing, makes his way to my car.

                “Sabrina, you drive!  Sooyoung, help me with the seat!” I nod.  Sooyoung quickly pulls down the passenger’s seat to a lying position and after that Onew gently put Taemin in.  Onew gets into the backseat, patiently keeps his eyes on Taemin.  Before I get into the driver’s seat, I shout to Sooyoung who is running to her own car.

                “Sooyoung!  Did you get the tapes?” I ask.  She does nothing more than just a nod and rises up her hand, showing a black bag full of something.  I don’t need words to understand that.  Yes, she got the tapes.  She runs to her car and get into it.  Both of us ignite the engine and speed to the road.

                We take about 15 minutes to get home.  Along the way, Taemin has been whimpering in agony.  Onew attends him a lot, although there is clearly nothing much he could do.  When we reach home, Lee Minho already waits outside the house.  Once I step onto the brake, the car comes to a halt and Lee Minho opens the door.

                “Oh God!  Taemin!  Let’s see what we can do!” he says and carries his son into the house.  Taemin is already out of consciousness.  Hyori has long ago gotten ready with her own medical apparatus.  We step into the house and Taemin is immediately brought to the treatment room in the Kim’s mansion.

                “Onew!” Jiyeon shouts when she sees Onew all bruised up and wounded.  Onew winces when she hugs him.

                We watch while Hyori is attending Taemin.  Key and Hyun Joong help Hyori.  Maybe being family members make them more or less knows how to attend an injured person.  Hyori takes a bottle filled with a red, concentrated liquid.  She raises Taemin’s head up just enough to pour the liquid into his mouth.  Taemin drinks almost half the bottle and in instant, all the internal injuries disappear, including the blood in his head.  Taemin is back into one piece.  Hyori passes the bottle to Key.

                “Please, attend Onew,” Key nods.  He turns to Onew.  He doesn’t need to look thoroughly to know that Onew has his ankle swollen.  Key crouches down and examines it.

                “Your ankle dislocates.  I’m going to pull it back to the real position.  Okay?” Key says.  Onew nods and squeezes his eyes shut, being ready for the pain that will envelope his leg.  Key does it in one smooth movement and Onew can’t do anything but shouts.

                “That hurts!” he says and pants.  Jiyeon rubs a soothing circle at his back.

                “Everything is going to be alright,” she says.  Suddenly, Hyori shouts.

                “Seven broken ribs!  What actually attacked you guys?  Vampires or trolls?” asks Hyori.  She takes a syringe and sucks a few milliliters of the red liquid.  She pierces the needle through Taemin’s chest and presses the piston.  Then, she inspects Taemin’s chest again.

                “He is back into one piece.  He got some mild injuries at his liver, but it is not severe.  Everything is going to be okay,” Hyori says.  Lee Minho and So Eun sigh in relief while looking at their unconscious son.  When everything seems to be under controlled, then only I notice Siwon.  He is there all this while, watching the chaos with much concern.  My sister is standing beside him.

                “Siwon appa!” I shout and run to him.

                “Are you okay?” he asks me.  I nod.  My sister hugs me.  She is slightly shaky.

                “Don’t worry, dear.  Taemin is going to be okay.  He is strong,” I say while patting her back.  I notice Uee, Minzy and HyunA.  Surprisingly, they look calm and smile at me.  Seunghyun, Minho and Sooyoung is talking to Ji Woo, maybe about what has happened to us.

                “I don’t want to drink it!” suddenly I hear Onew shouts.  Key is shoving the bottle of scarlet liquid to Onew but Onew resists taking it.  All of us fall into silence and look at him.

                “Onew, drink that and all your wounds will be healed immediately,” Hyori says sternly.  Onew looks pissed off.

                “It’s Jonghyun’s, right?” Onew says and Hyori, Hyun Joong and Key look taken aback.  Onew continues, “I’m not stupid.  How long has he been doing this?  It is his blood, right?” Onew says.  Then, the reality hits me.

                Jonghyun’s blood can heal any injuries to vampires.  I remember Hyori told me once.  The red, concentrated liquid is actually Jonghyun’s blood.  It is the most possible answer especially when I saw Taemin healed at once just now.

                “W-what actually happen?” I ask in fear.  Dub dub dub.  I can hear my heart beat loudly.

                “Jonghyun had been withdrawing blood since the last attack.  He knows another attack is going to happen and he prepares for it.  Am I right?” Onew asks.

                “Hyung…” Key says but it dies eventually.

                “Just drink it or else you’ll just waste his blood,” Hyori says.

                “So I’m right about it.  And I sent him for undercover job.  What a stupid idea,” Onew says.

                “Onew, Jonghyun wants to do it.  And we didn’t withdraw that much of blood from his body.  And he’s okay.  It doesn’t affect him,” Hyun Joong says gently.

                “But he is now nowhere around here.  We don’t even know what happen to him and we use his blood right here for our own benefit.  How does that fair?  It sounds stupidly selfish to me!” Onew says.

                I keep quiet while listening to the conversation.  Everybody seems to be surprised by what Jonghyun has done.  He knows it but he doesn’t tell any of us about it.  Suddenly, our silence is broken with a scream.

                “Arghhh!!!” Siwon screams.  I look at him and I see him clutching his head.  He looks like he is about to faint from the headache.

                “Are you okay?” I ask him after I push him onto the couch.  He closes his eyes and pants.

                “Jonghyun is attacked,” he says.

                When my brain digests the words, I could only stare at him.


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