Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 12: A Long Night

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

I feel the heat around me, a comfortable heat.  I feel warm despite the coldness in my palm.  Something cold is wrung around my palm.  I try to open my eyes, but they feel heavy.  I make a few attempts to lift them up.  I focus all my energy just for one simple movement.


                I hear someone calling my name.  I recognize that voice.  The same voice I heard before I lose my consciousness.  Oh, wait.  I was unconscious before.  Why?  I try to remember.

                “Sabrina…it’s okay.  Open your eyes, please.  Everything is fine,” I hear that familiar voice again.

                I try to open them and after a few attempts, I could feel my eyes slightly hurt by the light entering my pupils.  I close it again.  Tears flow down, I think because my eyes sting, but perhaps because I feel my body sore at the same time.

                “Sabrina, are you okay?” the coldness in my palm, someone with a very cold hand is holding it.

                I open my eyes again, very slowly, and adjust to the amount of light entering them.  A few seconds later, I could make out a single figure of human through my eyes.  I take a moment to recognize.  Perhaps I’m wrong after all.  It is not a human, but a handsome vampire with cold skin, and he is holding dearly onto my hand.

                “Hey, Sabrina.  Are you okay?” he asks.  I still couldn’t get the image clear.

                “I’m fine…Key?” I ask after I could get a clearer image.

                “Yes…it’s me, Sabrina.  It’s Key,” he says.

                “Key…what happened?  Why am I here?” I ask him.  My whole body feels so weak to even move.  But, I couldn’t see any injuries on it, not even a slight scratch.

                “You don’t remember?  We were attacked,” says Key.

                “What?  Attacked?” I ask him with, frowning.

                “Yes.  It was right after your wedding and we were attacked,” Key tells me.  Wait.  Wedding?  Oh, yes.  I’m married to Jonghyun and we are officially husband and wife.  We were attacked, I remember.  I remember what makes me so weak.  I was thrown to the wall so hard and lost consciousness.  Before that, I saw Siwon being caught.  Oh, where’s Siwon?

                “Where’s him?  Where’s Siwon?” I start to panic.

                “Sabrina, stay down.  You’re injured,” Key pushes me on my bed.  Okay, I feel tired, but I don’t feel any pain any more.  Maybe just a slight sore from lying for too long.

                “I’m fine, Key.  I’m fine.  Where’s Siwon?  Tell me where is he,” I ask Key.

                “Sabrina, hey.  You should just rest.  Jonghyun doesn’t allow you to be off bed,” Key tries to explain.

                “I don’t care about anything else.  Where’s Siwon, Key?  Where is he?  Is he safe?  I saw him almost got killed,” I say, trying to get up from bed.

                Suddenly, the door bursts open revealing Jonghyun with Hyori.  They walk in.  Hyori looks fine except for her swollen eyes.  Maybe she just cried.  Jonghyun comes in with bandages on his head and his left hand.  He runs towards me.

                “Sabrina!  You’re awake.  You’re fine, right?” he takes my hand from Key and he kisses it once.

                “I’m fine, Jonghyun.  Where’s Siwon?” I ask him.  I will keep asking people about Siwon until I find an answer to it.

                Jonghyun stops moving and keeps quiet.  He looks at Key.  Key shakes his head.  Hyori’s tears stroll down again.


                “He’s what?” I ask impatiently.

                “He’s caught,” Jonghyun’s voice fades away.

                “What do you mean?” I ask him.

                “Those vampires took him, Sabrina…” Jonghyun says gently.  I pause for a moment to digest the information given by Jonghyun.

                “No!  It can’t be!  It can’t be that.  Not him!” I shout hysterically and try to get up from bed.  Jonghyun catches me and pulls me into his arm.  He strokes my head.

                “Sabrina…he’s gone.  They took him…” he tries to get the reality into my head.

                “Why don’t you protect him?  Why?!” I shout into his ear.

                “I did my best, honey.  Really, I’m sorry,” Jonghyun tries to console me but I struggle to get away from him.

                “No!  You didn’t!  If you really were, he won’t get caught!” I shout again.

                “Sabrina...I’m sorry…please…” Jonghyun says while trying to calm me down.

                “SHUT UP!  I HATE YOU!” I shout.  I feel a strong sense of indignant right now.

                Jonghyun’s grip loosens around me.  He let me go and looks into my face.  He looks shocked.  I could find a sense of sorrow in his eyes.  The darkness of the night cannot hide the hurt expression in his pale face.  He’s hurt, not only physically hurt, but I hurt his feelings.

                “Jonghyun, go with Hyori.  I’ll attend her,” I hear Key speaks softly to Jonghyun.  Pain is very evident in Jonghyun’s glance towards me when Key speaks to him.

                “Jonghyun…she’s not in her right state of mind.  I’ll speak to her first, okay?  You need to rest.  You had a very long day today and you’re injured.  You deserve a rest.  I’ll handle her,” I hear Key.

                Jonghyun sighs wearily and he get up from the bed.  Hyori brings him out of the room, leaving only Key and me in the room.

                “Sabrina, I know you’re sad but-”

                “I just experienced having a father Key, just for a while.  And now he is gone too,” I say with sobs.

                “I know,” he holds both my hands, “But, you shouldn’t shout at Jonghyun.  He is your husband.  He just married you this morning and not even a day after your marriage you said you hate him,” Key says.

                “Key, you don’t know.  I lost my dad since I was young.  Siwon came into my life and gave me hopes and now he is gone too.  You don’t know.  Jonghyun knows how I really love Siwon, how I am happy to have him as a father.  Jonghyun should have saved him,” I say.

                “He almost got killed too, Sabrina,” Key says.

                “That’s it!  Both of them could have been killed!  I could have lost both of them.  They are like twins.  They are tied by a curse.  If one is killed, then another one would die as well.  What if that happens?  Jonghyun should know in order to protect himself, he should protect Siwon as well!” I say, sternly.  Key sighs.

                “It’s not entirely his fault, Sabrina.  It’s our fault as well.  We should have saved Siwon too.  Don’t put all the blame on him,” Key says rationally.

                “I don’t know,” I say, looking away from Key.  He sighs again.

                “Sabrina, you know that he saved us?  You know that he saved you as well?” Key asks me.

                “He didn’t save Siwon,” I still emphasize on my point.

                “You actually had broken bones, Sabrina.  Your ribs, your neck, your backbone and even your shoulder bone were all fractured just now.  He had his blood drawn out by Hyori to save you, to reform your broken bones.  And I don’t know how much was drawn out just to save you, Sabrina,” Key explains without I ask for it.

                “I’m O, he’s AB.  We’re not compatible.  Don’t lie to me Key,” I say.  Key chuckles, this time cynically.

                “He’s a vampire or half-vampire.  His blood is not same with human anymore.  He’s compatible with all.  Have you ever seen any vampires that suck his blood to heal themselves check the compatibility of their blood?  Accept the fact.  He saved you, Sabrina.  He loves you so much,” Key says.

                “I love him too, Key.  And I couldn’t lose him.  I can’t imagine my life without him.  But, putting Siwon at the advantages of our enemy is just the same like sacrificing half of Jonghyun’s life.  And when the time comes for them to kill Siwon, I couldn’t face losing both of them at one time.  I might just die as well!” I say emotionally.

                “Trust me, Sabrina.  Jonghyun won’t let that happen.  He will save Siwon and bring him back-”

                “But what if Siwon was killed before Jonghyun could get him?  Jonghyun would get killed as well.  And we wouldn’t know what our enemy can do.  Siwon is in their hands, under their power,” I state my stance.

                “Yes, you’re right.  So, while Jonghyun is still alive, I hope you could appreciate him, Sabrina.  Or you don’t actually care if he dies because you’re already his wife now?” Key is being more cynical.  I’m a bit pissed off.

                “Key, he is my husband.  I love him and if he really is going to die, that is something matter the most to me.  What makes you think that I don’t care about him?” I ask with rage.

                “You asked him to marry you based on the reason that you want to be his wife before anything could happen.  And you’re his wife now, so if anything happens now or sooner, you might not care about it.  That’s what I can logically deduce,” says Key.

                “No, Key-”

                “Then, you won’t actually say you hate him because he didn’t manage to save Siwon.  Seems like you would rather lose him than Siwon,” Key goes.  I feel like being hit squarely onto my head.  What Key says is true.  I had hurt Jonghyun’s feelings.

                “I…I was quite emotional just now,” I say, “I just don’t want to lose both.”

                “Sabrina, he knows what to do.  He can handle this.  He experienced his whole life being hunted all the time,” Key emphasizes ‘hunted’.

                The condition in the room is solemn for a while.  Key doesn’t say anything anymore; neither do I.  But, I could feel the tense.  There’s something he is hiding from me.

                “Key.  You didn’t say all,” I say.

                “Sabrina, Jonghyun is all I have.  He is my only brother that really loves me with all his life.  He is the one that I know able to sacrifice for other people’s happiness, even if it costs his own life,” Key says.

                “Siwon told me that once,” I say.

                “Seriously, if I were you, I will never say I hate him.  I will never tell him what I want Siwon back,” Key says.

                “Key…how…Okay, look.  I only told him the truth, okay.  I want Siwon back.  I was just being honest in my feelings,” I say, irritated.  After all, it is my fault again.

                Key stands up.  He walks to the door and twists the knob to open the door.  Before he leaves, he turns to look at me again.

                “He’ll do whatever it takes to save, Siwon, Sabrina.  He’ll do whatever it takes.  You should feel happy for that.  And you should think about the pain if your sister dies.  You don’t know how hurt it is,” he says and leaves.

                Then, I am alone in the room.  I replay the conversation again and again in my head.  I couldn’t help but feel bad about it.  I was too bad in handling my own emotion.

                While I was thinking about it, the door is knocked from outside.  I don’t say ‘yes’, instead, waiting for the person to enter the room.  Silent is after all a sign of a ‘yes’, right?  Jonghyun enters the room timidly.  I swear this is my first time seeing his face, not at all confident in front of me.

                “I’m…I’m sorry again,” he says.  I look at him.  There is a pure sorrow in his eyes, something that is very rare that I could get from him.

                “No, Jonghyun.  I’m sorry,” I say.  At that time, I notice that he is still in his wedding shirt.  It must be a very long day for him.  He runs towards me and sits beside me on the bed.  He pulls me into a hug.  He sobs.

                “I thought I’d lost you.  You almost died, almost.  It was a close call.  I was afraid,” he says while hugging me tightly.  I am surprised.  He cries, one thing, and another thing is, was I really critical?

                “What happened to me, actually?” I ask him.  I could feel his grip tightens around me.

                “He almost killed you.  You had broken bones, and there was a lot of blood.  He wanted to attack you again, but Key was there.  Seriously, I thought I’d lose you,” he says and he releases me from his hug.  He looks deeply into my eyes.

                “Well…I’m here,” I say.

                “Please…don’t do that again,” he says.

                “What happened to you?” I direct my question to him while touching the bandage on his head and his hand.  He keeps quiet for a while.

                “Are you okay now?” he asks me.  I nod.  He smiles.

                “I’m fine.  What about you?” I ask.  He looks down onto the floor.

                “Sabrina, you really love Siwon, right?” Jonghyun asks.  I sigh.

                “Yes,” I say.

                “You really want him back, even though it would take a very risky and dangerous way for you to get him back, right?” Jonghyun asks me.  I look away from him.

                “Yes,” I nod.

                “Your sister said the same thing just now,” he says while smiling.  Seraphina, now that he mentions, I remember her.

                “How is she?  Is she okay?” I ask Jonghyun.

                “She is fine.  Not a single scratch on her body,” he pauses, “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you like Taemin always does to your sister.  I’m a bad husband,” he says.  Single tear drops from his eye.

                I hug him.  He looks so vulnerable this time.

                “Jonghyun, I love you.  You know that, right?” I say.  No response.  I loosen my hug and look at him.  He looks at me with tears in his eyes.

                “Let’s sleep, okay?  Together,” I say and pull him next to me.  We lie on the same bed now, in a same room.  He looks at me.

                “Sabrina, I promise…I will bring Siwon back for you, whatever it takes,” he says.  Now, I have a bad feeling about this.

                “Jonghyun, let’s sleep, okay?  Don’t ruin our night together,” I say.

                He doesn’t reply me.  But, there’s a fiery determination in his eyes.  I know I have changed something in him.  His eyes, it is full with love, sorrow and determination at the same time.  I change something in him, maybe my words.

                I quickly pull him into a kiss and I know, it is another long night for him.


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