Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 4: Repeated

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

I’ve been busier lately, due to work.  Yes, I’ve returned to the Special Operation Unit of Military Intelligence of Seoul.  As usual, meeting, undercover and spying, investigating and those dangerous stuffs I usually do.  At least, the unit has additional of a staff that just returned from a long holiday.  But still, we are lack of agents because some are suffering due to injuries (which are not strange whenever spies return from mission) and because our best of best agent are still not joining the unit.

                Our best of best agent, the greatest agent ever, Kim Jonghyun.

                I drive home that day, with sore neck because I need to analyse my last undercover case.  For the whole day, I sit in front of my table, facing stack of papers of documents for the last crime.  Nonetheless, I feel grateful; no fieldwork and whatsoever undercover work for me.  At least, I’m lucky I’m not injured.  That’s pretty good.

                I park my car at the garage and quickly climb the stairs, straight to Jonghyun’s room.  It is already the third days since the last incident happen, but he is still unconscious.  Fortunately, his fever subsided.

                I open the door and I see Hyori and Key.

                “Hello, m-mom, Key,” I greet them, still awkward addressing Hyori as mom.  Not my luck though, she notices it.

                “Why are you always stuttering whenever you are greeting me?” she asks while holding the thermometer.

                “I just...well...I need time,” I say.


                “ is he?  Any improvement?” I ask, regarding Jonghyun’s condition.

                “He is fine.  Just a slight fever.  37.8degree Celcius.  But, he is okay.  We just need to wait until he wakes up,” Key says instead.  I nod.  Key is a good brother.  He stays with Jonghyun whenever he is not working.  I can guarantee his future wife will have a good life with him.

                “He is weak.  For weeks he has been struggling with high fever.  His immune system drops very low.  Judging from his physical condition, I could tell he lost quite a number of kg,” Hyori says.  I can only sigh, relieve and worry and the same time.

                “But, you know what?  The Choi has woken up, right after you left this morning.  He is all healthy and sturdy,” Key says.

                “Owh, really?  What a relief...” I say.

                “I checked on him, and after that Ji Woo gave him a large bowl of blood.  He drank it and that was all.  He recovered straight after that.  It is as I expected, normal for a vampire.  He passed out only because of exhaustion though.  Anyhow, his wing injury in not yet recover.  He needs time for that,” says Hyori.

                “But, he refuses to speak a word.  Looks like he is in the state of trauma.  I don’t know.  Just my ‘smart’ guess.  Onew agrees with that anyway,” Key says all diva style.  I chuckle.

                “I guess so.  He looks scared, maybe feeling slightly insecure.  But, all of us fail to know why.  Even Ji Woo, Minho and Seunghyun, his own family try to make him at least give a statement.  But he refuses to disclose any information,” Hyori tells us.

                “In my opinion, considering his behaviour and mental condition, he has been tortured in a way, maybe kidnapped or mentally abused,” Key says.

                “Key got the point.  I’m not really into human behaviour, but that is quite obvious,” Hyori says.

                “Did his body shake or maybe any other sign of shivering?” I ask. Just to make sure.

                “Well...Hyun Joong did tell us about that.  When it was Hyun Joong’s turn to take care of him, his hand shook and he even mumbled unconsciously.  But, after he woke up this morning, he didn’t show any sign of shaking, maybe just yet,” Hyori says.

                “Mumbling?  Even shaking?” I say, and I start to think about it all over again.  That can be related to post-traumatic or criminal behaviour.  But, he is the Choi family anyway.  Did he do anything wrong?

                “Why, Sabrina?” Key asks me.

                “Oh nothing.  Just thinking about the signs he has.  He is a complete stranger to me; add onto the fact that he is Choi family.  So maybe I’m a bit paranoid,” I say, with slight hint of distrust and fear.  And I look at Jonghyun.

                “I know, Sabrina.  I am thinking exactly the same thing as you.  Criminal behaviour, right?” Key asks.  I nod.  Hyori shrugs.

                “Whatever it is, he is my patient.  Be kind if you want to interrogate him.  But, for now he means no harm.  He didn’t do anything,” Hyori says while tidy up the bedside table.  Then, she moves to the door.

                “I leave Jonghyun to you guys.  If he happens to wake up, give him the glucose drink on the bedside table,” she says and disappears.  Key and I look at each other and shrug.

                We talk about it again.  But, this time, nothing serious.  Just knowing about the Choi’s personal details.  Key tells me that his name is Choi Siwon.  He was once a very loyal follower of The Evil Choi, but somehow he betrayed The Evil quite a very long time ago.  And that is all about him that we know.  He is currently Hyori’s patient, staying at the guest room of the Kim’s mansion.

                “ that all?” I ask Key.

                “Yes.  That’s all.  He refuses to speak and we fail to dig any information from him.  We not even know about the purpose he came here, or actually fell here.  I wonder how Jonghyun hyung knew he was about to came...” Key says.

                I nod.  The guy remains mysterious.  Choi Siwon...who are you?  I whisper with my heart.  He came here without any notice, flying all the way here and landed quite bad after Onew’s wedding that day, and found very weak.  What happened Choi Siwon?  I ask myself without knowing the exact answer for that.


                Both of us sharply turn to the owner of the voice.  Jonghyun?  Key’s reflex action is very fast.  He stands up straight away walks to his brother.

                “You are awake, finally!  You know what?  I was waiting for you like thousand years, only to see you waking up.  I can’t even go to work because I really worry about you and-”

                Key speaks a little too fast and that perhaps gives Jonghyun a headache since he is just about to register his surroundings.  Jonghyun has to stop him.

                “Key!” Jonghyun quickly calls his name.  He massages his temple and closes his eyes again.  Key notices that he is wrong and quickly apologises.

                “Oh, I’m sorry hyung.  I just...I am very worry about you,” says Key.

                “It’s okay,” Jonghyun says while looking at him.

                “ are you feeling?” I ask.  He frowns.  Look like he is trying to register his surroundings.  I don’t force him to make it fast; I let him take his time.  Suddenly, he asks.

                “How many days have I been unconscious?” he asks.  I know immediately that he remembers everything that happened.

                “Three.  Freaking.  Day.  Hyung,” Key says, as though he wants to get revenge after three days waiting like pole beside Jonghyun’s bed.

                “Oh really?  That.  Was.  Freaking.  Long!” Jonghyun says instantly joking.  At least I know that he is alright.

                “Hyung, that’s not funny okay.  I had been waiting here, worry about you like 24/7.  And you are joking hell out of it,” Key says.

                “Key...relax.  I’m okay here,” says Jonghyun while laughing.  He chokes himself and he is having a hard time with his cough after that.

                “Shit, Jonghyun.  That shows you’re not yet fully recovered.  Stop pretending.  I’m sick of your ‘I’m okay’ or your sick joke when you’re sick.  Go to hell with it!” I say while rubbing his back.  Seriously, this stupid guy needs to be educated on the right time to make joke.  Key helps him to sit.

                “Drink this,” I give him the glass of glucose drink Hyori recommended just now to him.  Key is laughing to him.

                “See?  That’s why I’m worry.  You can’t even take care of yourself, hyung.  Just get married and I can stop worrying about you,” Key says.  That really feels like I’m stabbed squarely to my heart.  It is not the pain, but the shock of hearing Key’s not-so-perfect joke.  I look at him with wide eyes.  But, not as wide as they are when Jonghyun replies him.

                “Soon, Key.  Very soon,” Jonghyun says after he takes the third gulp.  They really need to die.

                “For God sake, you guys are so...” I say through my gritted teeth.  I don’t want to curse anyone, so it is better for me not to continue my word.  Both the brothers are teasing me, about Jonghyun marrying me.  Of course I like it, I mean who doesn’t?  But, the fact that it is embarrassing and makes me flush very red; that makes me want to kill them.

                “So what, Sabrina?  Hot?  We know we are hot,” Key says.  I want to beat out their statement, but suddenly Jonghyun asks about the strange guest.

                “What about the other vampire?  He landed pretty badly last time.  I wonder who he is,” says Jonghyun.

                “Choi Siwon.  Minho’s uncle.  That’s all we know.  He refuses to speak.  I even thought he is mute,” Key says very straightforward.  Jonghyun nods.

                “Anyway...I have this doubt...on how you actually knew that he was coming that day?” I ask Jonghyun.

                “I...don’t even know about it myself.  Suddenly, I felt like someone was coming, and I remembered having a severe headache and...That was all.  My world became very dark for me after that,” says Jonghyun.  I know, he fainted.

I am about to ask another question when we hear a very loud noise from outside the room.

                “No, noona.  Jonghyun hyung is unwell.  Perhaps he is still lying unconscious.  There’s no use you bring the case here,” I could hear Taemin’s voice.  He is already home from work, with Sooyoung.

                “I don’t care!  If not Jonghyun, then Sabrina will do.  I just want to sort this thing out,” says Sooyoung harshly.  Looks like something happens in the office that now she is moody.

                “Why don’t you at least show me the case first?  Who knows I can sort it out?  I’m The Head of Special Operation.  Whatever it is, I have the authority towards all my agents, including you!” says Taemin loudly.  Key and I look at each other.  Taemin never has been this loud and rude.

                “Is anything extraordinary happened in the office just now?” Jonghyun asks me.  I shrug, as a sign of clueless.

                Then the door opens with a loud bang, but the Taemin and Sooyoung are still arguing without realising the three of them inside.  They are standing in the doorway and quarrel about the same matter.

                “Yes, you have the authority.  But, I just need a confirmation regarding this case.  It really scared the hell out of me just now after I received the autopsy result from our forensic pathologist.  It is almost unbelievable.  I just need Jonghyun or Sabrina to confirm it is as what I thought because they are so experienced in it!” Sooyoung says again.

                “But, noona-”

                “Since the door is already opened, why don’t you guys just come in?” Jonghyun asks, ending their quarrel.  There is a distinct annoyed expression in his face and it is pretty obvious giving headache to Jonghyun who just wakes up from his three-day faint.

                Upon seeing Jonghyun, Taemin’s mood quickly changes from very serious to jovial.  He runs towards the bed.

                “Hyung!  You’re awake” he says and straightaway hugs him.    He hugs him very tight that Jonghyun barely can breathe.

                “Okay Taemin.  Yeah, I was okay just now but now I’m not.  You better let me go so that I can be okay again,” says Jonghyun.  Taemin let him go with laughter.

                “How are you?” ask Taemin.

                “I’m much better!” Jonghyun says way too sarcastically.  Taemin is happy to see his recovery.

                “Anyway...what is the matter you guys arguing about?  It sounds heated and...I heard my name being mentioned,” says Jonghyun.  I nod too.  I would like to know.

                “Yeah...since I heard mine too...I want to know the same thing,” I say.  Sooyoung smirks and looks at Taemin.  Then, she sticks out her tongue to Taemin, as sign of victory, perhaps.  Taemin pouts.

                “It is a crime case-”

                “Which Sooyoung noona took it from the Investigation Unit to investigate it, without my permission as her boss,” says Taemin, still pouting cutely.

                “Look.  I’m sorry Taemin.  But, this case is extraordinary.  I’m so sorry, I know I’m wrong, but will you at least let me explain it to Jonghyun and Sabrina first?  It is linked to them...well...I think,” says Sooyoung.

                That really drives the curiosity out of me.  Linked to me?  And Jonghyun?  What is the case all about?

                “Just tell me now.  I’m dying to know already,” I say impatiently.

                “No.  We have to talk at the study room.  Not here.  It’s stuffy in this room,” Jonghyun says while carefully get down from his bed.  Key quickly helps him.

                “But, hyung!  Do you think you’re strong enough to even walk to the study room?” asks Key very concern.  Jonghyun smiles.

                “I’m okay and just give me 10 minutes to clean myself,” Jonghyun says.  I nod and I push the others to get out of the room.

                “Okay...I should go.  I think I have nothing to do with this investigation stuff,” says Key while taking the other way.

                “No, Key!  You’re in.  This case is related to all of us too.  All, anybody who are living in these three mansions,” says Sooyoung.  I become more curious.

                We wait for Jonghyun in the study room, and I’m dying to know the case which is related to all of us.  How can it be related?  Onew comes in with Jiyeon after that, proceeds with Minho and Seraphina.  Looks like Sooyoung asks for Minho’s help to bring them in.  Finally, the triplet comes in looking all tired from their works.  I guess Sooyoung already contacted them.  Everybody is there, the fictional-science triplet, Sooyoung, Seraphina, Jiyeon, me, and the SHINee except for Jonghyun.

                And finally, he comes in, walking.  He is walking, in fact by himself.  I’m glad at last the fever is gone.  I am happy to see him back, although not that sturdy and strong with clear eye bags and dark circles under his eyes, but at least he makes his recovery.  At least, he could think, he could solve cases, like the old Jonghyun.

                “So...what’s the matter Miss Sooyoung?” asks Jonghyun, acting all formal as in we are in our office.  Sooyoung get up from her chair and walk towards Jonghyun.  She looks at me, giving me sign to see the evidence together with Jonghyun.  She gives it to Jonghyun.

                Jonghyun looks at her.  She nods, determinedly.  Seeing Sooyoung’s serious face, I know that this is a serious case.  Jonghyun opens the envelope and we go through the evidence together.

“Oh My God!  This is so untrue!” I gasp.  This is totally unbelievable.  I haven’t seen this for like...five years?

“Do you notice it?” Jonghyun asks me.  His eyes never left the photos of the autopsy.

“Yes...they are similar to the wounds...a few years ago.” I say, almost whispering.  But, the whole room could hear me.  Their faces show curiosity, even some of them gasping, showing they already understand what Sooyoung wants to show.  Taemin’s face turns very serious, understanding the situation.

“In fact, these are the wounds a few years ago.” Jonghyun says, and Onew and Minho look at each other.  Seraphina shakes her head, as sign of not accepting the truth of it.  Uee, HyunA and Minzy face change, showing fear in their expressions.  The only left is Jiyeon.

“What...wounds?” she asks clueless.  Jonghyun passes the photos around and all of us look at it in disbelieve.  Some of us even shaking, especially Seraphina.  Taemin puts his arm around her and gives her the best comfort from him.  The others have fear in their expressions.  Even Jonghyun is sculpted to the ground.  Jiyeon is the only one who stays calm, as she doesn’t understand a thing.

“It is the Choi’s poisonous nails,” says Minzy with a cracking voice.

“Sooyoung...when was this happened?” Jonghyun quickly asks as his hand moves to his back, touching the place where the nails once pierced in.

“The Investigation Unit says that they found the body a week ago.  But, after the autopsy, the pathologist told me that it occurred in about two weeks before, judging on the body’s condition,” says Sooyoung.

“That’s almost impossible,” HyunA says.

                “ is...this?” Key says, a bit anxious of the answer.

                “ not sure...” Taemin says.  I look at Uee for answer.  She shakes her head.  Sooyoung, looks at Minho.

                “The only person that I know having the nails now is...” Onew hesitates to continue but the other finishes it for him.

                “My mom,” says Minho while looking down onto the floor.

                “It can’t be Ji Woo!” I shout.  I don’t want it to happen.  I don’t want to face anymore war, anymore death and the most important is I don’t want Jonghyun to be harmed anymore.  I get enough of that a few years ago.

                “There must be something wrong!  The wounds aren’t belongs to the nails!  Impossible!” I say hysterically.  Jonghyun quickly hugs me.

                “Face the reality.  It is narrowing to the end and this time, the evidence is clear.  There are no bullets in the wounds.  They are exactly the wounds of the nails,” Jonghyun whispers to my ear.

                “Who did it?” I ask him, but enough for the whole room to hear.

                At that moment, the door of the room opens and I could see the other Choi is standing at the doorway.  Jonghyun releases me from the hug and faces him.

                “Uncle...what are you doing here?  You should rest on bed,” says Minho.

                He says nothing except for the fearful and guilty face he shows us.  Choi Siwon, I assumed he heard all the things we are talking about.  I feel scared, I know being ill is atrocious but all of the sudden, Jonghyun clutches his head very hard and screams in pain.

                “Arggghhhhh!!!” and he cripple.


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