Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 1: Best Turns Worst

Emma is walking out from the shop.  She has bought a few things with her.  That makes up her day, as people always know, girls love shopping.  But, that is not the thing that makes her the happiest woman on Earth.  She is not walking alone, instead accompanied by Minho, arms linking with each other.  Smiles decorate each of their faces, and happiness is shown.  People around them can tell that they are happy, based on their faces and their ways of showing interest towards each other.

            The couple drop by at a cafe, called Chocolate Love.  As they step in, the cool breeze from a few air conditioners in the cafe helps to make their surrounding more romantic for them.  They boy chooses a place to sit, a table of two, suits them as a couple.  Gentlemanly, he pulls the chair for the girl, and that makes him more perfect in the girl’s eyes.  The girl sits down and soon, the boy sits at the opposite.  They are now facing each other, and their gazes are showered with loves.

            But, surely perfect moment last not for so long.  They are disturbed by the waitress, but they are still grateful.  She places the menu in front of them and leaves them alone again, but that is after she told them to call her if they have decided on the menu.  Both of them open up the menu, fingers running from top to the bottom of the pages, searching for something satisfying, something they would like to have for snacks.  Then, they flip through the other pages.  After a while, they stop and one of them speaks.

            “Iced chocolate milkshake?” the boy asks.  The girl is shocked, because of nothing else but seems like they are having the same order.

            “Cool...same here,” she says with her sweetest smile.  He chuckles.

            “And marble cheesecake?” the girl asks later.  He looks at her with his charismatic smile, and then chuckles again.  He nods.

            “You can read my mind, dear,” he says.  That soothes the girl’s heart.  That is already really obvious, their minds and their hearts communicate.  They know what they have in similar and what they have in different.  That shows how they really love each other.  Very soon, the boy calls for the waitress politely.  She comes with ordering list in one hand and a pen in one hand.

            “Yes, sir.  What would you like to have?” she asks politely.  The waitress is lovely.  She looks not older or younger than them, but just the same.  She is sweet at the same time.

            “I would like to have two iced chocolate milkshake and two marble cheesecakes,” Minho says.  The waitress is fast.  She scribbles the order on the list, and her pen moves smoothly on the paper.  Then, she looks back at them.

            “Any other order, sir?  Lady?” she asks sweetly.

            “No, thanks,” Minho says politely and he nods, giving sign to her that they are okay with that order.  She replies by nodding too and as fast as lightning, she leaves the table.

            “She is lovely right?” Emma asks, still looking at the waitress until she enters the kitchen to deliver the orders to whomever responsible in preparing the snack.

            “What?  Who?” says Minho, unable to interpret whom Emma is talking about.

            “Yuri...” Emma says, looking into Minho’s eyes.

            “Who’s Yuri?” asks Minho, as he never knows anybody with the name Yuri.  He looks at Emma and he wonders, is she testing his loyalty towards her right now?

            “The waitress...she is lovely, isn’t she?” Emma says again, and makes Minho chuckles again because of her statement.  So, she is talking about the waitress out of all people.

            “Yes...she is lovely, my dear.  But, nothing in the world is the loveliest except you.”

            “You’re creating your drama again.”

            “Instead of saying that I’m creating drama, why don’t you take that as a compliment?  I’m sincere, my dear,” Minho says, and he is looking at her as though he will never look at her again.  He looks at her with sincere eyes, with love and care.  She is the only one he cares about and he really wants to tell her that he can’t imagine his life without her by his side.

            Emma on the other side, thinking about the same thing as Minho.  She wants to express her feeling towards him, but such feeling is indescribable.  They did confess before, but still, they really want to express how they really love and devoted to each other.  However, people don’t know how lucky they are, for being able to understand each other’s language.  They don’t need to confess, body language is enough to make them understand how they really love each other.

            “How on Earth you know the waitress’s name?” Minho asks.


            A few minutes after their romantic conversation, the order arrives.  The same lovely girl, Yuri, is bringing their snacks.  She puts the tray on the table and with smile, she left.

            They start to eat their evening snacks.  Having snacks after hours shopping are refreshing, and they are having the snacks of their favourites.  They chat for quite a long time, sharing their daily lives, their works and their problems.  Somehow, the problems are not problems anymore, when they share it together.

            A distraction occurs when they are having a relaxing yet lovely conversation, and that sure a bit annoying.  Emma’s mobile phone is ringing, makes their conversation stops abruptly.  Emma takes out her phone from her handbag, which makes her ringing tone grows louder, and yet, what a lovely ringing tone she has.  She looks onto the screen and smile instantaneously.

            “Excuse me,” she says politely and waits for Minho’s reply.  Minho nods, signalling that she can go, but only for a while.

            Emma stands up and immediately walks to the lady’s bathroom.  She chooses that lame place out of many good places in this world, for the sake of her privacy.  It is her brother who is calling, and she doesn’t want any interruption occur.  Thus, she presses the button once she gets into the bathroom.

            “Hello, big brother,” she says cheerfully.  Having Minho as a boyfriend is something joyful, but she has to admit that receives a call from her so-busy brother is more precious.  He seldom calls her, and that makes her fond of his call.

            “Hi there, sis.”

            “Onew, how are you?” she says like a friend.  Although she addresses him with his name, she is showing her mutual respect towards him.  That makes the environment friendlier, and they are closer.

            “I’m great.  You?”

            “As happy as always,” she says, and it is true.  She is happy.

            “I’m sure Minho is taking care of you very well,” says Onew, his brother.  They are living quite near to each other.  But, with Onew’s busy schedule as a great entrepreneur, they meet as often as only once a month, and they make a huge effort to meet each other.  Cancelling this thing, postponing that thing, then only they can finally meet.  No denial, both of them are busy with their own carriers.

            “He is.  In fact, I’m with him now.  Just that I ditch him for a while to answer your precious call,” she says and that makes Onew’s heart shrinks into a walnut size.   He knows he is too busy that sometime he can say that he is quite ignoring his sister, but what can he do?  He inherits his family business, and he has to maintain the flow of the business that was started by both their parents.

            “I’m sorry I cannot always be with you,” he says regretfully.

            “It’s okay.  I’m alright here.  I know you’re trying your best in your work.  Just don’t overwork yourself, okay?”

            “I won’t.”

            “Good then.  Have a good day.  I’m waiting for your next call...or...maybe our next meeting?  If you’re free to do so,” Emma says cheerfully.  His brother is the only one she has in this world.  She admits that he comes first before Minho, but she can’t live without Minho by her side.

            “Yeah.  We’ll see then.  Send my best regards to Minho.  Tell him to take care of my little sister, because she is the most precious thing I have in my life,” Onew says.  Emma chuckles after she hears that.  What a cute brother she has.

            “Alright.  Take care,” she says.  Both of them hang up.  Emma walks back to the seat, seeing Minho is there, finishing the last bite of his piece of cake.  Emma sits on the chair and she keeps her mobile phone in her purse.

            “Your brother?  Am I right?” Minho asks immediately.

            “How did you know that?” asks Emma after chuckling.

            “You always have that smile on your face whenever he calls you.”

            “Oh, really?” Emma asks, amused on how observant Minho is towards her.  She is totally amused by that, adding on more happiness throughout her day, after going out with her beloved and after receiving call from his brother.  Minho nods to convince her about the fact.

            “Are you jealous?” Emma asks.

            “Of course, I’m not.  I mean, Onew is a good brother.  And he deserves your love more than I do.  I’m telling you the truth by the way,” Minho says.

            “Okay then.  Anyway, he sends his best regards to you,” Emma says very sweetly, that somehow sometimes Minho does think that he doesn’t deserves her, for her being very sweet.  But, in other way, he is grateful for being given a chance to be with her.

            “As always,” Minho says.  Onew is aware of their relationship as lovebirds, and he approves it.  That what makes Minho appreciates Onew very much.  He is kind and understanding and makes a very good brother not only to Emma but also to him.

            Emma continues having her snacks, finishes it until the last bite.  She enjoys the cake and she enjoys the moment.  Truly, she had a very wonderful day.  She feels like joyful is overloading in her own heart.  Minho looks at her while she is finishing her drink, and Emma never scared of that.  He has the eyes of angel that can soothes every girl’s heart, which makes Emma feels grateful for being chosen by that eyes.

            They finish everything and Minho calls for the waitress again for the bill.  He pays for the sumptuous evening snacks.  Emma thanks him, not only for the snacks but for his time that he had spent with her, only for her.  Emma swears that she will never let go of him because she knows that Minho worth her own life.

            Both of them are feeling tired after a long day they had spent together.  Minho notices changes in Emma’s face, and he feels responsible to bring her home.  It is obvious that she is exhausted, for it is shown in her expression.

            “Let’s go home together,” Minho says.

            “Sure,” Emma replies him shortly; makes it more obvious that she already had a tiring day.

            “’re tired.  I can see that,” says Minho.  He chuckles.  Emma does the same thing.

            “I never know that you are that observant,” Emma says, admiring her sweetheart.

            “Because you are not observant enough to notice that I’m observant,” says Minho, trying to joking around.

            “Oh...don’t be sarcastic,” Emma says with a little laugh.

            “I’m sorry for my lame joke,” sincerely Minho apologizes, too scared that he hurts his beloved.  She laughs then.

            “It’s okay Minho.  You don’t need to apologize on that, seriously,” says Emma, again admiring Minho for having a pure heart, although she knows that her brother has the purest heart after all.  Minho scratches his head after what she said.  Then, he shrugs.

            “Alright then.  My car is across the road,” he says.

            “Then, let’s cross,” Emma says.

            The road is pretty busy, and that makes it quite hard for both of them to cross.  Minho keeps holding her hand, afraid that she will cross like a chicken.  He knows her enough, to tell that she is a very clumsy person, and often do something without thinking very deep on it.  Emma on the other hand, feels safe.  Minho’s strong grip provides protection.  She loves it.  They cross the road together, make it safely to the other side of the road.  Little did she know that she drops something from her handbag.

            They get to Minho’s car and about to enter the car, when suddenly Emma notices her belonging on the road.  She doesn’t have short-sightedness, which makes her really believe that the pouch is hers.  She knows that.  How stupid and clumsy she is, without thinking much, she quickly runs to the middle of the road to pick up the little thing.  Minho notices that, and he tries to call for her, but he knows it is useless.  She is already in the middle of the road.  Minho sees something, and that makes him nearly get a heart attack.  He needs to get her as fast as he can.

            Emma picks up her pouch that she treasures so much, a precious gift from her parents on her tenth birthday.  Later, she knows that it is worth her own life to pick up that little thing.  She is going to pay that with her own life.  She turns right to see a car is coming towards her, without much effort to slow down.  She knows she is going to be hit.  She closes her eyes, waits for the impact, because she knows it is already too late to run away.  Face the consequence; that is exactly what she thinks about.

            However, she feels like her body is pushed to the front and she lands on the pavement.  She opens her eyes and she notices that she hurts her head a bit, and her left hand is bleeding.  She notices a bit late, that she is pushed by somebody else who angelically tries to save her from being hit by the over speeding car.  She hears a sound like something is badly hit by something and everything happen so fast after that.  She turns her head towards the direction she supposed to be hit, only to receive blood smearing on her face.  She sees something that makes her freeze.  But, the person she saw makes her shocked to death, and instantly, the world turns black for her.

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