Friday, August 10, 2012

Crisis Over With Beauty and the Beast [Sequel to Crisis]

“What is it, Key?” I hear Jonghyun asks.

                “I’m proposing a Winter Prom to the principal.  Please pray that he will approve it.  This is my project.  So, I hope it will be a big success,” Key says.

                “Excuse me?” Taemin asks.

                “Okay, Taemin.  You’re credited for the idea and the concept.  It is not fully my project, but the Student’s Body’s project,” Key has to admit.

                “Thanks for mentioning me,” Taemin says, self-satisfied.

                I laugh to their behaviour.  Since Taemin is chosen to be in the Student’s Body, Key is having a hard time.  The boy is apparently very demanding and active.  He proposes a lot of activities and since he involves with the Student’s Body, the organization shows a lot of improvement.  Key is happy to have him in the organization, despite Taemin challenges his position as the Head Boy.

                “Good idea.  Well done, Taemin.  What is the concept of the prom anyway?” asks Minho who is busy packing his shoes into his shoe bag.

                “Fairy tale.  I think it will be good if we could pull together the princes and princesses of the world fairy tales that night.  I suggest a ballroom dance and it would be huge when princes and princesses assemble at one big ballroom,” says Taemin.

                “Dude!  Couldn’t you be more gay?” I ask him.  I can’t control my mouth, really.  Taemin’s expression changes from bright to serious.

                “Hey, hey.  Don’t you ever critic my idea, okay?  I’m sure you’ll like it when the day comes,” he says with a smirk.

                “Okay, okay!  Fine!  I can’t wait for that,” I say sarcastically, pretend to be happy and anticipate it.

                “Owh, Ae Rin.  You’ll like my idea.  You know what?  In my paper work for the proposal, I make it possible for the teachers to approaches students as well.  It might be your chance,” Taemin says.  That makes me speechless.

                “Wow!  Taemin, you’re so bold!  I know having you in the Student’s Body is a great miracle.  You manage to shut this Trouble up,” says Key.

                “Yeah…have fun making fun of me,” I say, rolling my eyes.

                “Aye. She gives us permission,” Jonghyun says.

                “Ooh, yes, Jonghyun.  No Father’s Day for you in the future,” I say while pretending to kick him in his ‘ahem’.

                “Whoa…chill…Ae Rin…chill,” Minho says with a smile.

                “Taemin…it is just a proposal, isn’t it?  I pray that the Principal will disapprove your proposal on the prom,” I go.

                “We’ll see.  I’ll make sure I’ll get the green light from the Principal.  I have a lot of charms and I could get permission to do it by just flipping my hair in front of the girls in the school and make them sign a petition to allow the student-teacher’s prom,” Taemin says with a smirk as he leaves us.

                “That guy is really something, isn’t he?” Minho asks.

                “Yeah…but he saves my ass a lot in the Student’s Body,” Key says.

                “I think my throne as the prince of the school is taken over.  Perhaps it is about time for me to give out my throne to somebody else,” Jonghyun says, shrugging.

                “Well…we’re going to leave school in six months anyway.  Let him handle everything.  He is versatile and the best person to be the school captain as well,” says Minho.

                “But, he can’t replace me as a trouble-maker,” I say and that makes them quiet, “Why?” I ask back.

                “You have quite a reputation here, huh?” Jonghyun says.  I shrug.  He resumes, “Let’s go out for a refreshing evening.  I’ll treat you ice-cream.”

                “Errr…Jonghyun?  I have to go home with Minho,” I tell him.

                “Oh, come on Trouble.  He walks with you to school and back home every day.  I just want to talk to you for this one evening.  We are going to graduate school in six months.  Let’s have sometimes together.  I’m sure Minho will allow, won’t you Minho?” Jonghyun asks.

                “Just bring her back home safe and sound afterwards, dude,” Minho says.

                “Sure…of course.  I won’t do anything to her.  I still want to celebrate Father’s Day, right Trouble?” he asks me.

                “Yeah, I’m glad that you are aware about it,” I say and I follow him downstairs.

                We walk together without a single word spoken.  I just follow Jonghyun from his back, trying my best to keep up with his speed.  For a short person like him, I can consider that he is moving very fast.  I start to jog when I feel he is way too far in front of me.

                “Hey, Trouble. What take you so long?” he turns to me and shouts.

                “Shut up, Jonghyun.  You’re too fast.  So inconsiderate!” I shout back.  He laughs and waits for me at the school gate.  Once I catch up with him, he resumes walking, this time, slowly.

                “Hey, Ae Rin.  You really like him, huh?” Jonghyun asks me while walking.

                “Like who?” I ask.

                “Mr. Lee,” he replies, short.  A feeling of panic creeps into my bone.

                “W-why are asking this suddenly?” I ask him back.

                “I just want to know.  That’s all.  Why are you suddenly so panic?” he asks with a smirk.  He can read my expression.

                “N-nothing.  I am not panic,” I say.

                “Aha…looks like someone is really in love,” he says.  I roll my eyes.  Jonghyun can be very annoying sometimes.

                “Yes, I am.  So what?  You want to laugh your ass out?  Go!  Laugh as loud as you want!  I’ll just go home,” I say.

                “Hey…chill!  I am not laughing, okay?  Someone in love is never funny,” he says.

                “Then, what?  You want to make fun of me?” I ask him.

                “Look.  I don’t say anything, okay?  I just want to know if you really like the teacher.  That’s all,” Jonghyun says.  I sigh.

                “Yeah…I really like him.  But, I know that I won’t stand a chance with him,” I say with pouted lips.

                “We are going to chill ourselves here,” Jonghyun suddenly halts.  My God!  It is Haagen-Dazs.

                “Dude!” I pull him when he wants to open the door, “It is Haagen-Dazs!” I know that Haagen-Dazs ice cream is never cheap.

                “Yeah, it’s Haagen-Dazs,” Jonghyun shrugs.

                “Seriously?” I ask him.  He rolls his eyes and pulls me inside.  He chooses a table and pulls out a chair for me.

                “Sit down, Trouble,” he says and pushes me onto the chair.  Then, he takes the chair opposite of me.

                “Dude, I can never afford the ice cream here.  Let’s go somewhere more affordable,” I say.

                “I told you that I’ll treat you ice cream today,” he says.

                “Not here.  It’s too pricey.  I mean…I understand your good intention as a friend to treat me ice cream, but not this expensive.  You’ll just make me feel bad,” I say.

                “Why don’t just sit down and enjoy?” he says.  I am about to protest when a waitress comes to take our order.

                “Good evening.  What can I get for you?” she asks politely.

                “Tell her what you want,” Jonghyun says.

                “Just give me a single serve cup of-”

                “Nah, just get her a Chocolate Chocolate Chip Ice Cream,” Jonghyun cuts me.

                “Jonghyun!  The big cup is very expensive,” I say.

                “Minho told me that you like chocolate ice cream with chocolate chip and I assure you that Haagen-Dazs serves you the best ice cream in the world.  This is your only chance, so, just take the big cup,” he says.  The waitress looks confuse.  She is not sure which one she should write.

                “Take my order for her just now.  And for me, just get me a Banana Split Ice Cream.  Thank you,” Jonghyun says.  The waitress nods with a smile and walks away.

                “You are annoyingly rich!” I say.

                “I know right?” Jonghyun laughs, “So, where were we just now?” he asks me.

                “Oh…yeah.  I just told you that I know I won’t stand a chance with him,” I say.

                “Are you sure?”

                “Just think about it, Jonghyun.  He is a teacher and I’m a student.  The relationship is not encouraged and yeah…you know that he won’t like me,” I say.  We stop our conversation for a while when the waitress comes again with our order.

                “If you really think that you might not have a chance with him, I personally think that it is about time you give a chance to yourself to love other people,” Jonghyun says after the waitress walks away.

                “I…I don’t love people that easily.  I mean…I love my friends, my family but yeah…not like how I love Mr. Lee,” I say.

                “So, you mean…that you can’t love others yet like you love Mr. Lee?” Jonghyun asks.

                “Dude!  I only love Mr. Lee,” I emphasize again.

                “Okay.  Okay.  Chill.  Just telling you that someone really loves you.  You might want to give him a chance,” Jonghyun says.  I nearly choke on my ice cream.

                “Are you saying it is you?” I ask him with a smirk.

                “Me?  Seriously?  No.  No!  How could you…I…I am a prince.  And you’re what?  A trouble-maker.  I won’t love you.  It won’t work,” Jonghyun says.  I laugh.

                “See?  You know that I’m a trouble-maker.  Nobody likes me, okay?” I say.

                “Oh, seriously?  Ae Rin, why can’t you see it all this while?  Minho loves you,” he says.

                “Yes, he loves me like a little sister.  I know that,” I reply.

                “No, I mean love…as in…love,” he emphasizes the love.

                “You must be joking, Jonghyun,” I say.

                “This ain’t a joke, Trouble.  You are Minho’s childhood friend and I am his best friend.  Both of us could understand him well.  And I know him very well that he loves you, Ae Rin.  He takes care of you, cares about you, and understands you and he will do everything for you, Ae Rin.  He loves you, really,” Jonghyun says.

                “You…what are you saying?” I ask him again.  Maybe I couldn’t even believe my ears.

                “Well, Ae Rin.  I’m not forcing you to love him.  I just tell you…just that…you might want to give him a chance,” Jonghyun says.

                “You know you just make it more awkward between us, right?” I ask him.

                “Please…no.  If Minho knows this, he’ll beat me to death.  I just want to help him and you.  But, I don’t really know how to help…” he says.

                “Nevermind.  I want to go home,” I say.

                “I’ll walk you home.  Minho will kill me if I don’t,” he says and I laugh to his statement.  He pays for our ice cream and we walk home.

                A few weeks later, Key announces about the prom.  Apparently, the Principal has approved Key’s and Taemin’s fairy-tale-ball-involving-student-and-teacher prom.  I like the fact that it is accepted, but I don’t like the idea of giving the boys a green light to make fun of me.  They will find a way to tease me about Mr. Lee Jinki and I will have no way to escape since I will always turn red whenever people talk about him.

                “The posters are now all over the school.  I’m excited!” Key says.

                “Excited for what, dude?  For a girl to approach you?  In your dream,” I say.  Key pouts immediately after that.

                “Well, you can start choosing your date now and approach him or her as soon as possible.  Everything is starting as those posters have been put up,” Taemin says.

                “What do you mean you can approach him or her?  Are you saying that girls can approach guys as well?” Jonghyun asks.

                “Yes, for this prom,” Key answers.

                “Then, I will just wait for my princess to approach me,” Jonghyun says.  I chuckle to that.

                “Talking about prince and princess, each couple that will come that night has to choose a theme to represent what you are.  I mean you have to come as Cinderella, Snow White or any fairy tale all over the world.  You might want to represent Korea’s fairy tale as well,” Taemin reminds us about what has been written in the poster.

                “Oh, great!  Hey, Trouble!  Can I see you after school?  Here, at this locker place?” Minho asks me suddenly.  I could see Jonghyun winks at me before he turns away, looking at Key.

                “Oh, sure.  Why?  Can’t you just talk to me now?” I ask him.

                “No, not now.  I’ll tell you later, okay?” Minho says.  I just shrug it off.  While taking a book from my locker, suddenly I hear a voice I long to hear, a voice that I recognize so much.

                 “Hey, Key, Taemin.  I saw the poster of the prom while I was walking upstairs just now.  Congrats.  You guys managed to do it well,” our English Literature’s teacher, Mr. Lee Jinki says.

                “Oh, yeah.  We are glad that it is approved.  Now, it is time for you to approach your prom.  So, do you have anybody in your mind Mr. Lee?” asks Key.

                Lee Jinki laughs.  He scratches his head, looking so adorable in my eyes.  I don’t know why but I’m so nervous waiting for his answer to Key’s question.

                “Well, actually…yes.  But, I’m not sure whether I could ask her or not?” he says.  At the same time, my heart shatters into pieces.  I shouldn’t hope though.  Even if I ask him to be my prom, I am sure he won’t accept it.

                “Oh, come on Mr. Lee…just ask,” Taemin forces him.

                “In that case…Ae Rin…would you like to…err…go to the prom…with me?” he asks.  I am sure I hear wrong but Taemin, Key, Jonghyun and Minho suddenly stand very still, unable to move a muscle.

                “I’m…sorry.  What was it again?” I ask him back.

                “Would you go to the prom with me?” Lee Jinki asks again.  This time I hear it clearly and I’m really surprised.

                “Are you sure, Mr. Lee?  This is Ae Rin, you know?”

                “Yes, I am sure.  So…would you be my prom?” he asks again.  I look at the others.  Key is obviously restraining his laugh while Taemin is smiling at me with a ‘told-ya’ face.  Jonghyun shrugs and looks at Minho.  Minho nods with a very intense face.

                “Sure!  Yes, sure,” I say.  Mr. Lee Jinki gives me his sweetest smile.

                “Well…thanks.  I’ll pick you at home that night,” he says and he is about to go when Taemin fakes a cough.

                “You have to choose a theme,” he reminds us again.

                “Oh, yeah.  About that,” he scratches his head, “We’ll go with Beauty and the Beast.  I’ll be the Beast and you’ll be the Beauty, is it okay?” he asks me.

                “Yeah…sure!  Beauty and the Beast.  I’m fine,” I say with a wide smile.  He nods to me and smiles as well before he leaves us startled.

                “Oh My God!  I’m sure it is the happiest day for Trouble!” Key says.

                “Oh, must be!” Minho says afterwards.  Of course!  Who will be so crazy not to feel happy when her dreamed guy comes and asks to be his prom?

                “Shoot!  Was it real just now?” I ask them with a surprising face.  They nod furiously.

                “Erm…Ae Rin.  I forgot about something.  This evening, I have something to do with Jonghyun, right Jonghyun?” Minho says, grinning, “You can just forget the thing I want to talk to you.  It’s nothing important anyway,” he says.  He pulls Jonghyun and both of them leave.

                “Well…yes.  Class is starting soon.  We could talk again later,” Key reminds us.

                I close the door of my locker and rush to class as well.  However, I can’t even concentrate for the whole day thinking about the prom.  I’m starting to figure out what I should wear and how should I make myself like Belle in the Beauty and the Beast.

                And two weeks seem short.  I barely have time to think about the whole thing when the night suddenly arrives.  Luckily, mom helps me with my dress.  She is a good tailor and she makes a dress for me, in yellow, Victorian-styled.  It really looks like the Disney’s Belle’s dress, except that it was improvised to look modern and luxurious.  I thank my mom for it.  Soon after she helps me with my hair, we hear the doorbell rings.  My dad answers it and he calls us down.

                “Your teacher is here and damn…he looks really like the fairy tale prince, except that he is not beast enough,” he says when we walk together downstairs.

                It is true.  Mr. Lee Jinki dresses up exactly like the Disney’s Beast.  I’m about to laugh seeing him in his white shirt, gold vest and a blue jacket making him looks like he is someone from Victorian era lost in this 21st century.  But, something is not perfect in our fairy tale story; he doesn’t wear the mask of the Beast.

                “You don’t wear the mask of the Beast.  You don’t look beastly enough,” I say with a chuckle.

                “You serious?” he asks me.  My mom and dad laugh.

                “No, Mr. Lee.  You don’t need the mask.  It is better we go like this,” I say, laughing.  He smiles cheekily.

                “Mr. Shim, may I?” he asks for my dad permission.

                “Yeah…just remember.  She has her own curfew, at 12,” he says.

                “Sure.  I’ll bring her back, safe and sound,” Mr. Lee says and he puts the corsage to my left wrist.  It is nice, a gold rose.

                “You like it?” he asks.

                “Yeah, I do,” I reply.

                “Then, let’s go,” he says.  We go to school together in his car.  My parents bid me goodbye and soon, we reach the school.  We walk together to the school’s hall.

                The student’s body fulfils the promise.  The hall really looks like a castle’s ballroom.  It is full with music and people dancing, all dressing as princes and princesses.  I could spot a few couple of Beauty and the Beast as well, but of course, that doesn’t mean our dresses are same.

                “The Student’s Body did their job very well,” Mr. Lee says.  I nod.

                I could see Taemin with his girlfriend, come as Chunyang and Mong-ryong.  It is funny how they end up in this European-styled fairy tale castle.  Minho comes with Ji Hyun as Mulan and Li Shang.  Ji Hyun approached him a week ago, after Minho shows no reply to others’ proposal.  Jonghyun is the same.  He didn’t approach girls, but girls approach him.  He comes with Bo Mi impersonating Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty.  Both of them look gorgeous.  However, Key has the biggest charm, as all of us know; he is a boy with surprises. He comes to the ball with the 40-year-old Vice Principal of the school, as Issun Boshi and his playmate Princess, from a Japanese fairy tale.  Just another couple not so suitable to be in the European ballroom.

                “Hey, Belle Trouble!” Jonghyun and Minho greet me, “And the not so beast Beast,” Minho resumes.

                “Hi,” Mr. Lee and I say synchronously.

                “Both of you look good together,” says Jonghyun.

                “Thanks,” I say.

                “How are you going home later, Belle Trouble?” asks Minho.

                “My Beast will send me home.  He promised my mom and dad,” I say.  Minho nods and later, he is gone.

                “Attention!  Attention!  Today is a very beautiful night.  I’m glad all of you could follow the theme of the Fairy Tale’s Princes and Princesses.  All of you did a very great job!” says Key, “And since all of you have done it well, I’m going to fulfil another promise.  Now is the time that all of us are waiting for, the ball dancing!”

                The music is played by a band and the light is shone anywhere in the hall, revealing the luxurious scene of a castle ball.  Couples start to dance to the ballroom music and everything is just like in the fairy tale.  I could see Cinderella with her Prince, as well as Snow White and Rapunzel.  Even a Malay fairy tale’s princess, Bawang Merah is dancing with her Prince Charming.  Mr. Lee takes my hands and both of us join the dance floor.

                “This is the only time we could dance together.  There’s no other chance,” Mr. Lee shouts into my ear, against the loud sound of music.  I nod.  We twirl, sway and move gracefully that night, enjoying every second that we have together.  After a while, Mr. Lee stops.

                “Can we go outside?  I need to talk to you,” he asks me.  I am suddenly very nervous, curious of what he is going to ask.  He brings me outside the hall to a bench.

                “You need a drink?” he asks me.  I am thirsty after the dance, but drink could wait.

                “No, I’m good,” I say.  He nods and sits next to me.

                “You know what?  I’m happy with you tonight.  But, we can’t be that friendly and affectionate to each other during school time,” he says.

                That sounds very wrong to my ears.  I mean, does he know that I like him?  Does he know that all this while I stalk him?  Does he know that I love him more than as a teacher?  Does he know that he is my dreamed guy?

                “W-What do you mean?” I ask him nervously.

                “Ae Rin…I love you.  I mean…I really love yo-”

                “But, only as a student?” I ask him before he could finish his word.  I just need to know it, so that I’m not going to hope anymore.  He sighs.

                “Ae Rin…I mean this, okay?  I love you more than just a student.  I really love you, as in, I really love you,” he emphasizes the word love.  I smile brightly.  I am not sure whether I’m dreaming or not.

                “Are you sure?”

                “Yes, Ae Rin.  I’m sure I love you and I am sure I look at you more than just a student.  But-”

                “I know what you’re going to say.  It’s not going to work out well between us,” I cut him.  He stares at me blankly.

                “Who says that?” he asks me, frowning.

                “I’m sure that is what you are thinking,” I say bluntly.

                “No!  Ae Rin, I’m not saying that,” he says.

                “Then, what?  Why all this while you didn’t treat me like you like me if you really like me?” I demand for an answer.  He sighs again.

                “Ae Rin, think of what will happen if I treat you more special than the others.  The Principal will get suspicious and eventually know that we have a relationship more than just between a student and a teacher.  And then think about what he will do.  He will get you expel or I will lose my job.  For that sake, I couldn’t reveal my feeling towards you at school. I have to be professional,” he explains.

                “Oh…” that is the only thing that I could say.

                “Because I love you, I don’t want to ruin your future.  I don’t want you to get expel from school and then what I see after that is only the end of you.  And I don’t want to lose my job either because if I have a bad record for occupation, my future with you will ruin as well.  I don’t want any of that to happen,” he says.

                “You…you’re lying, aren’t you?  I mean…how could you really fall in love with me and think about my welfare and future as well?  You must have other woman in your life.  I am just a school’s girl,” I say in disbelief after I hear his confession about how he really loves me.  He gently pulls my face to face his.

                “Look into my eyes and tell me that I’m lying,” he says.  I look into his eyes and try to find any sign of bluff but if there’s one thing that I could find, it is sincerity.

                “No…you’re not,” I say with tears.

                “So, Ae Rin.  I want to ask you one thing.  Could you wait, could you please wait for me for another six months?  After you graduate from this school, when you are no longer a student here, I will ask you whether or not you could be my partner forever.  Would you wait for me?” he asks me.  I look at him dearly with tears in my eyes.

                “I will.  Of course, I will,” I say.  He nods and gently pulls me inside the hall again.

                When we reach the hall again, the whole ballroom is listening to Key, who is making an announcement.  Slow music is played as the background of the royal announcement.

                “The best Fairy Tale’s Prince and Princess of the Year are…Belle Trouble and Beast Lee!” he shouts.

                Suddenly, confetti drops from the ceiling.  The light shines brightly and people cheer loudly.  I am still clueless of what has just happens when Minho shoves me to the stage.

                “Go to the stage!  Take your tiara and get married!  Your Prince is waiting for you on the stage,” Minho tells me with a smile.  I look on the stage to see the Principal is putting a crown onto Lee Jinki’s head.

                “Don’t you remember?  The Prince and Princess of the night will get a privilege of a fairy tale wedding.  Go!  Mr. Lee is waiting for you,” he shoves me to the stage.

                “Jonghyun told me that y-”

                “Ae Rin, as your childhood friend, who understands you the most, I know who you love.  And I’m not going to ruin your happy moment.  I know that you like him and he likes you as well.  So, just get your ass onto the stage, take the tiara and get married, idiot!” he says.

                “You’re not going to celebrate Father’s Day in the future, Mean-Ho!” I warn him.  I see him shrugging as I make my way to the stage.

The Vice Principal put the tiara onto my head and I am given a bouquet of white flowers.  I stand next to Mr. Lee, hands link with each other.  The band starts to play an exciting music and Mr. Lee starts to wave like a Prince waving to his people.

                “What else are you waiting for?  Wave!” he tells me.  One of my hands is waving to the people while my other hand is holding his dearly.  Too much affection I guess, but no one get suspicious that night.  Even the Principal look at it as nothing, thinking it might be an act to get the best prom of the night.  And both of us create our own wonderful and fascinating happily-ever-after fairy tale.

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