Friday, August 10, 2012

As I Call the Radio...

Sakura wants to call the radio so much after hearing a shout out made by the DJ.  She needs to at least say it.  She just needs to do so because it might be her last chance to do so.

                “Hey, today we have a special segment for your loved ones!  Just call us and do a shout out to express your love to your beloved!” she recalls what the DJ had been saying just now.

                She rummages her bag for her mobile phone.  Once she feels her Hello Kitty phone string, she grabs it and quickly pulls it out.  There it is, her red and black mobile phone is already on her pale white palm.

                She hesitates for a while.

                “I can’t do this,” she sighs.

                She is about to keep her phone again, but as she rethinks, it is not wrong for her to let everything out of her chest, right?  It is a whole modern world and everybody has the right to speak and she knows she in not excluded.

                She dials up the number and it rings just a few seconds after that.

                Dub.  Dub.  Dub.

                She is very nervous and she swears she could hear her heartbeats.  Her heart is kicking vigorously the wall of her chest and she doesn’t know how to keep herself calm anymore.  She very much wants to disconnect the line when suddenly the DJ picks up the phone.

                “Well, hello there!  I’m Leeteuk, your beloved DJ.  Who’s there?” the guy asks.

                “H-hello!  I’m Sa-Sakura,” she stutters.

                “Oh, hello Sakura.  Let’s keep away the awkwardness.  This call is not yet on the air.  So, who are you calling for?”

                “An old friend of mine,” Sakura says.

                “Oh, how nice!  A long lost friend...means that you guys haven’t been connected for so long.  Do you mind if I make this segment more special for you?” asks the DJ.

                “More special?  H-how?” she asks.

                “Do you mind give me your friend’s number?  We’ll call your friend and then we’ll make your conversation together on air.  How does that sound to you?”

                “Anything is fine to me...I think so,” Sakura says nervously.

                “Do you mind give me the number?”

                “Okay,” and Sakura gives Leeteuk his number.  She just has to let her heart out this time.

                “Okay, Sakura.  Now, we’ll be on air.  Are you ready?” asks the DJ again.  She breathes in and out, tries to calm herself from trembling on her seat.

                “I’m fine,” she says.

                “Oh well, we have a caller here who wants to say her words of love to her old friend,” the DJ begins his job again, “It is Sakura here and who is this friend of yours, Sakura?  A guy or a girl?  Name?”

                “Urmmm...he’s a guy.  His name is Kim Jonghyun,” Sakura says.

                “Okay, now we’ll try to reach Kim Jonghyun so that our friend here can talk to her old friend again.  Let’s hope he’ll pick up the phone,” DJ Leeteuk says.

                And there’s a song, no...a caller ringtone, very sweet and calm one.  Sakura just loves his choice of song.  It is pretty much similar to her.  The song is played very short, because he picks up the phone as soon as the line connected.

                “Hello?” it is his voice.  Sakura misses that for so long.  The sweet and husky voice of him.

                “Well...hello there, Jonghyun!  It is DJ Leeteuk here from Kiss the Radio!”

                “Oh...yeah...hello...” he sounds amazed the DJ calls him.  Who won’t be shocked?  A DJ as popular as Leeteuk calls you, it is definitely a great miracle.

                “What are you doing right now, Jonghyun?”

                “I just came home from office.  By the way, how did you know my name and my number?” Jonghyun sounds suspicious, but otherwise very much friendly.

                “Chill!  Well, I’m going to tell you how lucky you are.  I’m doing a Love-Shout-out segment on the radio.  You have an old friend who would like to speak to you here,” Leeteuk says, “Well, come on girl.  Take your time,” says Leeteuk, and Sakura quickly recognizes it as a sign for her to start up the conversation.

                “Well, hello Jonghyun,” she starts, sounds very shaky and unstable.

                “Hello?  Who’s there?” Jonghyun asks gently.

                “It’s Sakura here.  You remember me?” she asks.

                “Oh, yeah!  Sakura!  Hi!” Jonghyun sounds so bright on the line.

                “How are you doing now?” asks Sakura.

                “I’m doing great now.  I’m working.  You remember how I really want to be a software engineer.  Thank God, I got the job.  How about you?” he asks.

                “I’m fine too, still writing and yeah...perhaps I’m going to publish my book by the end of next month,” she tells him.

                “Advance congratulation on your debut as a writer.  Anyway, is good that you’re calling.  I’m about to-”

                “Jonghyun!” Sakura stops him.  The conversation suddenly comes to a halt.

                “Yes...why?” luckily, Jonghyun resumes the chat.

                “I hope it is still not too late to say something to you...”

                “Still not too late to say what?”

                “I love you, Jonghyun,” Sakura makes a heart to heart confession.  She has to be brave, she just has to.  This is the only way for him to know how much she loves him.

                However, it is suddenly very silent on the other side.  Sakura falls into the wordless situation too, which makes Leeteuk professionally handle the situation.

                “Ermmm...Jonghyun.  Are you still there?” he asks.

                “Oh, yes!  Yes!  I-I just...what was it j-just now, Sakura?” Jonghyun voices sounds very surprised, and Sakura could almost imagine his jaw hangs, on his handsome face.

                “I love you, Jonghyun.  I-I love you, really,” Sakura confesses from the deepest of her heart, just really want to make he knows it.

                “S-Sakura...I’m s-sorry.  I’m about to t-tell you that I’m getting m-married,” he says slowly, obviously trying to avoid shock from her side.  However, it is now her turn to fall into an utter silent.

                “Er...Sakura?” Leeteuk is doing his job again.

                “Oh, yes! I-I-” she stutters.

                “Sakura...I’m sorry.  I d-don’t know...I’m sorry, okay?” Jonghyun now sounds very much guilty.

                “  I am sorry.  Just now...w-what I said...erm...It just...It is just a joke!  Yes, a joke!  Haha!  I’m sorry.  Don’t you remember how I really love to joke before? Haha!” she fakes a laugh, but it sounds crack in the end.  She is about to cry, but she holds in everything.

                “Sakura...” Jonghyun tries to control the situation between them, “You should have told me earlier...”

                “Eh, no!  No!  I was joking!  Haha!” her voice is very much cracking now, “Congrats, okay!  Advanced congratulation on your wedding!  Haha!  Be happy!  Haha!” she should stop now before she bursts into tears on air.

                “Sakura...” Jonghyun is obviously doesn’t know how to continue.

                Sakura really wants to thanks the DJ for being the most understanding, that she needs help in controlling the situation.  Leeteuk quickly takes over the situation.

                “Oh...that is a very good conversation between two old friends.  The joke and all.  How warm it is!  I think that is all from Sakura and Jonghyun, right?” Leeteuk is giving a hint to her.

                “Yes!” she shouts before Jonghyun could say anything.

                “ we’ll wait for the next caller after this song!  Enjoy!” DJ Leeteuk plays the song and Sakura disconnects her line.

                And at that time tears flow down her cheeks, and she knows that she is too late.

Love forever and last forever

Even if I put in my whole heart

You are something I can't grab

But I still like you

And I still really love you

Love needs to go on like this

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