Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 16: Love and Hate

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

I haven’t been feeling well lately, hence, the reason why I am always home.  I don’t know.  Too many things happen lately, and make me sick once in a while.  But, that ain’t the only reason.  I am not a person who falls sick easily because of changes in surrounding.  I adapt quite fast to alterations.  Jonghyun is home too, still holding his sick leave with him.  He is physically okay in my observation, but he already has too many damaged done to his body, thus, I agree when Hyori insists him to stay home.

                After resting for a while in my room, I feel better, like I never have been sick.  When I am sure I am fine from head to toes, I crawl down from my bed and walk out to enjoy the fresh air of the early summer.  The sun is bright and the weather is quite good.  I walk out of the mansion and enjoy the view of the glimmering lake under the hot sun.  The lake, it has been long since the last time I see it is lively with swans and ducks swim in it.  The lotus grows well too, revealing its pink colour to the eyes of the viewers.  I take a deep breath while enjoying the scene with my whole feelings.

                I look around the three big and nice mansions.  They should be lovely, except for the gloomy and frightened state they show to me.  I am aware of things happening inside them, the fear, the seriousness we share together.  It has been two weeks since the last time we were attacked at my old house.  If I have the power to change all, I’ll do it immediately on the dot, but it is very unfortunate that I don’t.

                I notice Sooyoung’s car in front of the Choi’s mansion.  Even Uee’s car is here.  Aren’t they working?  They are supposed to be working.  It is weekday.  Is there something going on in the house that I don’t know?  Maybe I should check.  I walk to the mansion and I notice Min Yee’s shoes in front of the door.  So, Min Yee is here as well and all of them are not working but not even one of them tells me why.  What good relatives I have.

                 I take off my shoes and get inside the house.  I am greeted with silence.  There’s nobody in the living room.  Perhaps I could find somebody in the kitchen.  I drag myself to the other side of the house to find nobody as well.  I am about to go upstairs when suddenly Ji Woo comes down.

                “Hey, Ji Woo!” I greet her.

                “Hey, how are you?  You didn’t look very good this morning,” she asks me.

                “I’m fine now,” I nod while I speak.

                “I’m glad to hear that,” she says while stroking my long hair like a mother always does.

                “Where are the others?” I ask her about the others whereabouts.

                “Who?  Minho and Seunghyun?  They are working at the factory as usual,” she replies.  I smile to her.

                “I mean…I saw Sooyoung’s and Uee’s cars outside, so I assume they are in the house?” I say in a questioning tone.

                “Oh, yeah.  They are upstairs.  In the last room to the left of the stairs.  HyunA, Minzy and your sister are there as well,” she informs.

                “Oh, thanks.  What are they doing anyway?” I ask.

                “Working, of course,” she replies gently.  Oh, yes.  I remember that we need to work on the weapons for our upcoming war.  Jonghyun said that we should do it in a very human way, but how is that human way actually?

                “Oh, yes.  I should help,” I shrug.  Ji Woo nods.

                “You go first.  I want to get salt from the store,” she says.  I just nod although there’s a question in my mind.  What does she want to do with salt?  She’s not cooking, is she?

                I walk upstairs carefully and take left when I reach another floor.  I walk until I reach the last room located at the left corridor.  I could hear Min Yee’s laughs from outside.  Without any gesture, I open the door.

                “Hey!” I go.  All of them look at me.

                “Hey, Sabrina!  Are you okay?  Feeling better?” asks Sooyoung immediately.

                “I’m good.  May I come in?” I ask.

                “You’re already inside, sis,” my sister goes.  I notice I’m already inside the room.  I laugh silently at my stupidity.

                “May I help?” I ask.

                “Sure, only if you’re okay,” says Minzy.  I nod.

                “What are you guys doing?” I ask, “Never in my life I see any weapon like these even after long time I get involve in espionage,” I resume.

                “Uee and I are making guns, with rock salt as the bullets.  Ji Woo is making it with us as well, but she is taking out more salt from the store since we are running out of salt here,” HyunA explains.

                “That explains the salt.  I thought she is going to cook just now.  Anyway, why salt?” I ask.

                “Don’t you remember?  Salt can weaken a spirit.  It won’t harm the human it possessed, but it will weaken the spirit inside.  It is easier for us to defeat it.  You know, Jonghyun is a smart lad.  This is his idea,” Uee explains as well.

                “What about you?  What are you doing Min Yee?” I ask her.

                “Minzy, Sooyoung and I are making arrows for crossbows, with dead men’s blood in it.  This is, as you know, to poison the vampire,” she says.

                “Which explains why Ji Woo is not making that,” I say.

                “Yeah.  Jonghyun’s idea as well, adapted from dad’s dipped-in-dead-men’s-blood dagger,” Min Yee says again.  I nod.

                “Smart,” there’s only one word that I could say about it, “Anyway, where did you get the dead men’s blood.  You didn’t kill anybody to get this right?” I ask.

                “Oh, I got it from the crime scene.  You know, I offered to clean the crime scenes many times only to collect a few jars of the blood,” Sooyoung rolls her eyes.

                “So, this is the human way that he said?” I ask.

                “Yes.  At least, we, human could help by weakening the spirit and poisoning the vampire.  It would be easier for our vampires to finish them,” Sooyoung says, “At least I know that I can help Minho when it comes to time like this,” she resumes.  I nod again.  She’s right.  This is the least that I could do for Jonghyun.

                “Nice strategy,” I say.

                “Thanks to Jonghyun,” says Minzy while checking the crossbow.

                “At least I can feel how to be involved in the espionage world, although this is not really the type of intelligence that I dreamed for, but supernatural espionage seems cool, huh?” says Min Yee.

                “Seraphina, you have to know that intelligence world is never nice.  It is full of corruption and assassination.  Crime is anywhere in it.  It is dirty,” says the experienced Sooyoung.

                “Hey, the salt is out of stock as well in this house.  But, Hyori did tell me that she has more at the Kim’s,” suddenly Ji Woo stops the conversation once she enters the door.

                “Oh, I can take it for you,” I volunteer.

                “Really?  I thought you just came here?” Ji Woo asks.

                “I’m fine.  I can just take it in the store room and come back here,” I say.  Ji Woo smiles and nods.  Well, at least those smiles they keep giving help me to forget the condition we are actually in.

                I walk down the stairs, carefully taking one step at a time.  Don’t fall; I can’t injure myself at time like this.  After checked up at a clinic a few days ago, I know that I have to take extra care of myself even before the doctor told me.  I go back to the Kim’s and straight to the store room.  I guess the stock for the salt should be there since Ji Woo does the same thing in the Choi’s mansion.  If it is not there, I’ll check the salt in the kitchen.

                The store room is at the second floor.  I climb the stairs again, trying to be fast and careful at the same time.  The store room is located next to the store room and in order get there; I have to take the path lead to Key’s bedroom as well.  When I am in front of the room, I hear some noises.  It is not any usual noises coming from tv or radio, but a quarrelling noise.  I don’t intend to eavesdrop, but I hear Jonghyun’s voice and a very high pitch voice of Key.  I assume they are quarrelling and I can’t help myself but to listen to their conversation.

                “You have to promise us you won’t die in this battle!” says Key.

                “I don’t want to promise anything anymore, Key, because I’m afraid…I won’t be able to keep my words anymore,” I hear Jonghyun says, and it doesn’t sound very good in my ears.

                “But, you promised her you won’t leave her, Jonghyun, and you promised me you’ll protect me forever.  Don’t you remember?!  Jonghyun, you never break any promises before!” Key shouts.

                “I’m sorry, Key…but I’m afraid…this will be the first and the last time I break my promise,” Jonghyun says calmly and I don’t like how he says it.  It sounds seriously heartbreaking.  That makes me really scared.

                “NO!  Don’t say that, Jonghyun.  Tell me you won’t sacrifice yourself.  I won’t let it happen,” I hear Key’s voice almost cracking at the end of his words.

                “Come on, Key.  You know the prophecy.  We are like twins, and there’s nothing could help to break the curse, except death.  And you know that if I want to live, I have to protect him, because he if he dies, I’ll definitely die,” Jonghyun goes later.  Although I couldn’t see their faces, I could sense Key’s intense face.

                “Then, we’ll protect him.  We’ll protect Siwon.  And both of you could live,” Key gives a suggestion which I could say, quite stupid.

                “But, the problem is he turns into evil himself, leaving me no choice but to destroy him.  That means...I'll be destroyed too,” Jonghyun continues.  I feel like someone just pulls my heart string, leaving it so painful.

                “Jonghyun, please.  Get over it!  Get over this sacrifice-yourself thing and death!  I’m sick of it!  Just…just…we’ll protect both you and Siwon, okay?” Key tries to calm down.

                “Key…we know that Siwon is a vampire, solely a vampire.  If a spirit possesses human, we can still handle it, but when a spirit possesses a vampire, we know that it will be one hell of a strong and destructive creatures,” Jonghyun tries to get the things straight and I swear if I were in the room, I’ll just cut his tongue so that he can’t speak anymore.

                “Jonghyun, whatever you want to do, whatever you plan, you have to remember Sabrina.  She’s your wife and she needs you, always needs you,” Key reminds him.

                “If anything happen to me, I know I can always rely on you,” Jonghyun says.

                “W-What the hell?  W-What do you mean?” Key asks.

                “I know more than anybody else that you can take care of her, you can love her like I do.  And I know you will always do anything to protect her as well,” I hear Jonghyun says.

                “Jonghyun, what do y-”

                “Get over it, Key!  Both of us know that you love Sabrina.  I know that, okay?  And I know if I die you are the one that can take care of her!” Jonghyun’s high voice makes me shocked.  But, what surprises me even more is what he just said.  Key likes me?  Is it true?  So the girl that Key said is actually me?  Does this even make sense?

                “No, Jonghyun.  I can’t.  She needs you, not me.  Please, don’t do anything that will harm yourself, please,” Key pleads.

                “Key, anything can happen.  If Siwon dies, then I’ll die.  There’s no other way.  You’ll take care of her,” Jonghyun goes.  Honestly, which wife don’t feel disappointed when hearing that from her own husband?  It seems like Jonghyun hands me to Key, completely.

                “You think it is that easy, huh?” I could sense annoyed tone in Key’s voice.

                “What is so hard about it, huh?!  You like her!  You love her!  And all this while you couldn’t get her because of me.  So, when I die, you marry her, love her all you want and take care of her!  End of story!” Jonghyun raises his voice.

                “It’s not that easy, you idiot!” Key yells and I hear the sound of someone being punched.  Soon, I hear another sound, like someone falls on the floor, with a loud thud.  My reflect action asks me to turns the knob and open the door.

                “What is this?!  What is this all about?!” I ask when Key is about to release another punch to Jonghyun’s face.

                Both of them look at me with surprised faces.  Key quickly pulls his hand down and Jonghyun turns away, tries not to look at me.

                “What?!” I ask them again when they give me no response.

                “Sabrina, it is…nothing, okay?” Jonghyun says gently.

                “Don’t tell me it’s nothing!  I heard it all!” I say.

                “It is not like what you think-”

                “Then, what, Key? What?!” I stops Key before he could finish his words.  Jonghyun sighs and looks away.

                “I…You heard everything?” Key asks.

                “Yes, everything,” I emphasize.

                “Then, I don’t think there’s anything else to explain,” he says.

                “You maybe have nothing to explain, but Jonghyun has.  The way you say it Jonghyun…as though I’m not important to you, at all,” I say.  I look at him who is trembling from head to toes.  Jonghyun presses his forehead with his hand and I could see tears wetting his eyes.

                “What happened here?  I heard people shouting,” Hyori comes from behind.  She looks a bit confused.

                Hyori looks at us, demanding for explanation.  I look at Key, who is looking at me as well.  Then, I look at Jonghyun who is only looking down onto the floor.  I could see tears dropping from his eyes onto the floor and then he looks up.  His eyes are already red.  Without saying anything, he leaves the room.

                “Jonghyun…” Hyori follows him with only her eyes, “Sabrina, what happened?” Hyori looks at me with a confused face.

                “I’ll attend him,” I say and I leave Key and Hyori in the room.

                I look for him in our room but he is not there.  But, from the big window, I could see him standing by the lake.  I sigh and then run downstairs to get him.  He is standing very still, with his face looking down onto the green grass.  I walk slowly to him and gently touch his shoulder.

                “Jonghyun…” I call his name.  It takes him quite a while to answer me.

                “I…I’m sorry, Sabrina,” he says without looking at me.

                “Hey…why?  Look at me…” I say while gently move his head so that he can face me.

                “You head everything…I’m sorry.  It’s not because I don’t love you, but I love you too much.  I just want you to be protected the whole time.  Even if I die…” he says slowly.

                “Nobody is going to die Jonghyun.  Nobody is,” I say.  He laughs sarcastically.

                “We don’t know, Sabrina.  We don’t know,” he says, trying to be very realistic about thing that is going to happen.

                I have to admit that.  We don’t know anything about the future.  But, the prophecy is telling something very clear, a war will happen and we know that there will be sacrifice.  I let the silence engulfs both of us for a while.  When I’m ready, I ask him.

                “If, only if, you leave me, why Key?” I ask.

                “You’ve heard.  Key loves you so much, Sabrina,” Jonghyun goes.

                “How could you be so sure?” I ask.

                “Isn’t it obvious?  The moment he sucked your blood and healed you during your first day in the Academy, he had already fallen for you,” he sighs and continues, “Five years ago, when Minho’s kin tried to attack us, Key protected you and he injured his head.  Isn’t that obvious, Sabrina?”


                “Every time I spent time with you since five years ago, he looked from far, I know.  Even when we were attacked during our wedding, he tried his best to protect you.  He even waited for you until you wake up.  Isn’t it obvious, Sabrina?  Key loves you,” he says with tears strolling down his cheeks.

                “But, I don’t love him!” I yell.

                “Sabrina,” he grabs my shoulder with both his hands, “Don’t you understand?  Key can protect you more than I do,” Jonghyun says.  I let go of his grab.

                “You are the one who don’t understand!  I want to live with you, be your wife, and be only your wife!” I say.

                “Sabrina, Key is a good guy…” he lowers his voice.  I sigh.

                “Since when did you know it?  Since when did you know that he loves me?” I ask.

                “Since…the beginning,” he replies.

                “So, you actually knew it since forever and you didn’t tell me?” I ask him again.

                “I’m sorry, Sabrina.  I’m sorry,” he pulls me into a hug.

                “Nevermind…even if I know it, I will still love you,” I say.  I hug him back.  Silence accompanies us for a few seconds before Jonghyun asks me again.

                “Sabrina…what if something happen, and I have to leave you?” he asks me.  I could feel he’s stroking my head.

                “Nothing is going to happen,” I say and I hug him even harder, “Nothing is going to happen,” I say.

                I know that he is crying because I could feel his shudder.  I start to tremble as I start crying as well.  I just tighten my hug.  He strokes my head and deep down in my heart, I could only pray nothing is going to happen to him, because he is going to be a father soon and he deserves to hold his child.


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