Friday, August 10, 2012

A Girl Who Adore the Piano

She walks on the grey, hard pavement and looks everywhere around her.  It is nice, being here and being friendly with the society, which is something that is quite rare for her to do.  After her high school year, she has hardly gone out of her house, and her parents don’t even give a shit about it.  They let her be in her own way, carry out her life with her own style.  Even when there’s invitation for her high school reunion or any invitation of wedding ceremony from her parents’ friends, she chooses to only say thank you and not to go.  People can call her anti-social, she won’t even care.

                She prefers being in her room, in front of her laptop and writes.  She writes and writes a lot of things.  From a short poem to a novel, and post it up online, through her blog, and make just enough money for her to live a simple life.  Not just enough, but plenty, more than enough to feed herself and to buy her daily basic need.  She doesn’t work, nor goes to college, but her parents keep quiet, because they know she lives pretty well with her job in blogging.  She never asks for their money either.

                She writes for her own leisure and she writes for people.  Some even makes request, wanting her to write poems and stories for them, or to be dedicated to their loved ones.  She never experienced a real social life, especially in relationship, but she learns it through the others, that often blogwalking to her blog.  Through that she writes a lot of amazing love poems and love stories.  All her masterpieces are posted online and lucky enough for her, she is well-known for that and nobody dares to plagiarise her work.  She is popular though, only with the name Angevil.

                However, that day she seems dries out of ideas.  She tries to squeezes her brain and finds out that her attempt is useless.  She goes down to the kitchen to drink water.

                “You know...sometimes human needs to go out to refresh their brains.  Go out to get fresh air, and you’ll feel better after that.  Go for a walk daughter, you hardly go out and I think it is time for your brain to experience something different,” her mother says, being so understanding.

                She knows her mother is right, but somehow her legs feel so heavy.  She doesn’t hate going out, just that she is not used to it.  Half of her life is spent inside her lovely bedroom.  Nonetheless, thinking it is quite a good idea for brainstorming, she dresses up and walks towards the door, unbolts it.

                “Eun Suh-ah, experience is the best teacher for us.  I’m sure you’ll gain some ideas after your evening walk,” says her mother.  She smiles and goes out from her house.

                And yet, she is walking on the pavement, looking at the block of shops at her right and left.  The path she takes is only for pedestrian.  No vehicles are allowed on the concrete pavement.  She walks freely and enjoying the fresh air, which she admits better than her own room.  Perhaps she doesn’t realise it all this while but it is quite stuffy in her room.  She goes to a cafe and orders a cup of white coffee.  She takes out her notebook and starts to write a poem.

Nowhere else but here

You and I

Be together as always

                A couple takes place opposite her own table.  They are enjoying and treasuring their time together.  She closes her notebook and decides to ‘experience’ their love.  They leave after a while and an old man takes the table next to her.  He brings along the newspaper and reads it.  Eun Suh stares at the headline and sighs.  There are a lot of things about life that she doesn’t know; she doesn’t even have the slightest idea on who is their current Prime Minister.  She decides to walk again.  She pays for her wonderful drink and goes out on the street again.

                That is when she hears an amazingly beautiful sound.  She closes her eyes and enjoys the music, which makes her calm, and relaxing her exhausted brain.  She opens her eyes the moment the music stops and tries to find the source of the beautiful music.  Her eyes wander from one shop to another until they land on music store, no, a piano store to be specific.

                She walks in with awe, and happiness radiated through her face.  She may not know about life or the value behind it, but she does know this music instrument.  A piano, a chordophone instrument, which can tune a magic jingle that can melt her heart.  She never touched one, or played one either, but in high school, she did listen to some piano recitation by a few students.  They are amateurs though, thus the sound is not as angelic as the song just now.

                Something triggers her mind, and she quickly takes out her notebook.

Love filled our days

With you

I gain contentment of life

The ecstasy that never end


“Looking for something, Miss?” a guy asks him.  Eun Suh looks at him and needs to double-take as to confirm the guy in front of her.  He is amazingly beautiful with his dark brown silk-shining hair, with his fringe touching his eyebrows, and his big, double-lid eyes, a nose that perfectly lies on his face, such a nice combination with his sharp jaws, completing the angelic carved-by-God face of him.  She even asks herself, “Is he real?”.

“Miss, can I help you?” asks him again.

She shakes her head, making it obvious to the guy that she is out of the world just now.  She looks again at him and actually treasures such a beautiful face after so long locks herself up in her own bedroom.

“N-no!  I just want to look at the piano,” she says, a bit stuttering.  The guy smiles, avoiding humiliation towards her, and being so friendly.  Perhaps he is one of the salesperson of the shop.  He looks young anyway.

“You want me to show around?” he asks.  Out of her own conscious, she nods and follows the guy.

She enjoys her time seeing the piano, from upright piano to the grand piano, she adores everything.

“You know how to play piano?” asks the guy.  She shakes her head.

“I only know piano, but never know how to play the piano,” she says.

“But you love it that much?” the guys smiles at her.

“Yeah...I adore it so much,” she says.

“Only the piano?” asks him again.

“Huh?” she doesn’t understand the question.  Yes, she loves piano, but only the piano?

“Not the pianist?” asks the person again.  His smile seems never fade and always getting brighter, which makes her heart thumping so violently against her own chest.

“I...never know one,” she admits.  It is true, since she never really makes any contact with the world outside her bedroom.  This is the first time she comes out and has a conversation with a stranger, but she feels comfortable with him.

“ wonder,” he says while smiling sweetly to her.  His kills.  She feels her cheeks are getting warmer than usual.  She quickly turns away and runs as fast as she can.

                “Miss!” she hears him shouting behind her and chooses to ignore, to avoid a more complex affection towards that guy.  She reaches home all sweaty and tired, only to find out that she leaves her precious notebook containing her unfinished poems and drafts to her next story at the shop.  She curses herself and has no choice unless to come there again to collect the book tomorrow.

                Again, she is at the very same music store, this time to take her notebook.  She walks straight to the counter and she sees the same guy.

                “Excuse me, I-”

                “I come back for your notebook, right?” he asks while gives her the notebook.

                “ didn’t see anything in this no-”

                “I’m afraid I can’t say that, Miss Angevil.  I know you are the famous online author who writes love and I have been your fan for so long.  Sign for me and your secret is safe with me,” says he.

                Eun Suh is surprised by his request but otherwise, does sign an autograph for him, the first autograph for her fan.

                “I read your stories and poems and my favourite is the poem Eternal Ardour you wrote a year ago,” he even remembers each date of her poems and stories.  She gives back the autographed card to him.

                “Thanks a lot,” he says.  She is about to walk out of the shop when her legs come to a halt the moment she hears a nicely composed music from the constantly-playing speakers in the store.  She closes her eyes and listens to the song with a peaceful heart.

Then, she quickly scribbles onto her notebook again.

Reminisce with me

The most picturesque day

We carved our names

At our paradise

                “You love the music?” she opens her eyes as he asks her.  The song ends is a very lovely way, such a beautiful music exists in this world.

                “ gives me idea,” she says, smiling.

                “It is Frederic Chopin’s Etude Op. 25, No. 12, 1851. look much more beautiful when you’re smiling.  Never afraid to smile, people won’t harm you if you smile,” he says and returns to his work.

                Eun Suh walks home smiling that day.  She gets a lot of idea by just walking down the street, learning from the way people behave.  She gains more idea.

Love each other

Not the third

As the heart might be as well

So rigid by the third

                She browses her blog and finds another request, a poem entitled The Pianist.  She sighs.  Another hard title given by her readers, and she promises to do it when she has the picture of it.

                The next day, she goes out late in the evening, 10 pm.  Seems like her parents show no worry at all and she believes everything will just be okay for her.  She walks down the street and is compelled to enter the shop again.  As usual, there are a few workers there, in black t-shirt, a normal sight whenever she enters the shop.  But, this time there is no sign of him.  Without knowing the reason, she feels a little disappointed and sad.

                She looks around the shop to look at the white grand piano that she adores so much when she entered the shop a few days ago.  But, the piano is not there this time, nowhere around the shop.

                “Miss?” a girl calls her.  She turns to her and smiles.

                “Yes?” she says politely.

                “Are you looking for Mr. Kim Jonghyun?” she asks her, and she doesn’t have the slightest idea on who Kim Jonghyun is.


                “Yes, our boss.  The one that spoke to you whenever you came to our shop,” she says.

                “What?  Boss?” asks Eun Suh.

                “Yes, he is the owner of this shop,” says the female worker sweetly.

                “Owh...really?  I don’t know...” she says while looking so puzzled.

                “I thought you’re supposed to be at the auditorium?” she asks Eun Suh.

                “What auditorium?” she asks, getting more confused.

                “He has his piano recitation today.  He invited you.  He gave the ticket to you, right?” says the girl.  Eun Suh blinks for a few seconds before remembering her notebook.  She opens and checks every page of it and at last finds the ticket.

                “Do I still have time to watch it?” she asks in hurry.  The female worker looks at her watch.

                “Yeah...perhaps...for his final recitation,” she says and with that Eun Suh runs at her maximum speeds until she reaches the auditorium as written on the ticket.  She runs into the hall perfectly on time to hear the last recitation played by Jonghyun.

                She doesn’t know what bewitched her, as she comes running all the way here only to watch a recitation by a stranger to her.  She might not really know him, but part of her is really into him.  This guy, Kim Jonghyun somehow is very affectionate and adorable outside and inside.

                “And the last recitation is...Angevil in D major.  Mr. Kim wrote this by himself as the mix of sweet and suspense sound of Angel and Devil.  The song is dedicated to a girl that he has long ago fallen in love,” says the Master of Ceremony.  His words cause a buzzing sound in the hall as all the girls expressing their sorrow.

                There he is, comes out with his all white tuxedo, dresses handsomely for the occasion.  He walks to his white grand piano, the piano that she adores so much.  He bows and sits on the leather seat, and begins his recitation.  Somehow, the music makes her melting and at that moment she knows she falls in love, not only with the piano, but with the pianist.  She claps as the song ends, and even stays when the audiences already emptying the hall.

                “Miss, are you looking for something?” the same voice asks from her back.  She turns around and meets the handsome face of the pianist, who she adores very much now.  She loses her words and is paralyzed at her own place, standing very still.

                He comes to her and gives her a warm hug, and then kisses her forehead.

                “I thought you’re not coming.  So...thanks a lot,” he says.

                “I should thank you for the song,” says Eun Suh.

                “Yes...I dedicate that to you,” says Jonghyun.

                “Thanks again,” she says.

                “I love you,” bravely, Jonghyun says the three magical words in human relationship.

                “Why?  How?  We don’t even know each other,” asks Eun Suh.

                “The moment I read your poems and stories, I fall in love with you.  And God answers my pray, He let me found you, eventually,” he says.  There’s a long moment of silence before Eun Suh replies him.

                “And I love you the moment you play the note just now,” she says.  He chuckles.

                “Can you autograph for me?” she asks while giving him her notebook.  Jonghyun takes it and does as the girl requires him to do.  Then, she hands it back to Eun Suh.

                “Have you done writing The Pianist, Eun Suh?” asks Jonghyun.  She frowns.  How does he know?  Unless...

                “You request for it?”

                “I’m afraid I am,” he says.


As much as possible

It will never fade

My love for you

Is eternal until hereafter

The Pianist, Angevil

                That is how a pianist and a poet bind their love together, through songs and poems, their arts are recited, showing that their love will never fade, as long as the others continue to recite their arts.

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