Friday, August 10, 2012

Jugular Vein

Perhaps she is too bored, blame the boring school.  She has the same routine every day, waking up at six, going to school at seven and starting the class at eight, having a good rest and doing homework when she has free periods, class again and goes home at four every day.  Those are pretty much everything she does each single day of her life, except for Saturday and Sunday.

                Luckily, she has a bunch of friends that will never let her stays in her own plain boredom.  They are her close friends, or to be specific, a sweet yet evil housemates that love to joke around and prank their victims.  Maybe they are just like her, bored to death, thus working on something that can chase away the boredom.  However, she has to admit that one day she would join them with all those stupid things they love to do.

                Again, blame the school.  They have to, or more likely, are obliged to stay in school while they are supposed to be in university or college by now.  Not really a school though, just a school by name, The School of Science Studies.  The syllabus they are studying, just the same as any other people who are doing their Bachelor Study in Engineering, Medicine and any Bachelor study in science-related course.

                When she decides to join her bunch of crazy housemates, she never thought of her life would immediately change into something much more enjoyable than it should.  Perhaps, that is the joyfulness when you have all-girl housemates, who would search guys as victims (in a more innocent way) to make life more enjoyable for them.  And, the point is, she decides to join them.

                “He is mine.  I stressed it out one more time, he is mine.  Don’t steal Minho away from me!”  Eun Byul says it matter-of-factly, while the fact is, she randomly chooses a guy to be her so-called husband.  Minho blinks a few times, taking ample of time to absorb everything into his mind.  Then, he nods slowly, not wanting to object Eun Byul’s words, because she is an emo-type of person.

                “Fine!  Then, I will find somebody else to be mine!  Err...” it turns out Joo Ri scans through the class, searching for another victim.

                “I’ll take Taemin!” she exclaims after a while of looking at the so-hot and not-so-hot guys in the class.

                “No!  Taemin is mine!  Haha!  We’re already married!” says Eun Na, in her not-so-evil tone, yet trying to be one.  Joo Ri sighs wearily, while Jung Hye...she just laughs at her housemates’ weird activity.  Seriously, she would love to butt in.

                “Ok...I think...Onew would be my husband,” says Joo Ri again.

                “Absolute NO!  Onew is mine!” says Hye Rin.

                “Again!  All guys that I want are taken.  Who else, huh?” she looks all over the classroom.

                “Jonghyun!  Jonghyun!” she shouts.  Seriously, it doesn’t take that long for Jung Hye to butt in.

                “Hell no!  Jonghyun is mine!” says Jung Hye to her fellow housemate.  Truthfully, Joo Ri is shocked, but not terribly, when Jung Hye suddenly joins their crazy game.  The others, Eun Byul, Eun Na, and Hye Rin are also surprised, but otherwise, smiles spread very wide on each of their faces.  Jung Hye joins the game and what makes it even funnier is, all of them gang up on Joo Ri, by saying all the boys she wants are theirs.

                “Fine...Jung Hye!  I’ll just let you go this time, since this is the first time ever you join our game,” Joo Ri says while rolling her eyes.

                “Look for another guy to be your victim then,” suggests Eun Na.  Joo Ri narrows her eyes, finding her prey and eventually, she spots one.  She proposes.

                “Key, would you like to be my husband?” she asks.  Jung Hye and her other housemates burst into laughter.  Joo Ri can sometimes be a bit too blunt.

                “Okay,” without much effort on thinking, Key straight away agrees on that.

                The game starts and they are husbands and wives, at least, only to them.  Eun Na displays less effort to be closed to Taemin, since they are already ‘sort of’ together from the beginning of the school term.  Eun Byul sometimes can be too annoying, that she flirts too much with Minho, while Minho just pretends like nothing happens.  Joo Ri is pretty much not really in to the game, but when she is, she can be too sweet with Key.  Hye Rin and Onew is a ‘couple’ that Jung Hye would like to declare first place in this game.  They act like nothing happens; Onew with his own sleepiness, and weirdly, Hye Rin would be sleepy as well.  Come on, they are even sitting next to each other in class.

                “What should I call you?” Hye Rin begins one day.  Onew sighs, acting as if he is uninterested.  After thinking for quite a while, she smiles.

                “Shinlang!  I’ll call you Shinlang!” she says while patting Onew’s shoulder.  Onew sighs again while showing his sleepy face.  Hye Rin pouts but Jung Hye could see happiness in her eyes.

                “Seems like you have a special title for Onew.  Shinlang?  Husband huh?” asks Joo Ri.  She is always competitive and wants to beat the others, even if it is just a very lame game.

                “Key, from today onwards, I’ll call you Hubby, okay?” she says.

                “Okay!  And you’re my Honey!” he replies.  Key sure is a good one in playing such game.  Joo Ri screams happily on top of her lungs.

                Jung Hye laughs.  In her case, with Jonghyun of course, does not really gone very well.  She barely even talks to him.  She named him his husband just because she wanted to butt in, but now, she thinks of the game being perfectly ridiculous.  Nonetheless, she decides to go on and play and continuously playing.

                “Jonghyun!  I call you Yeobo!  And you call me Jagiya, okay?” that pretty much sounds really desperate, but she couldn’t care less.

                “What?  Jagi...Jagular?” he asks.  Jung Hye rolls her eyes.

                “Jagiya!” she says again, with a bit of her ‘made-up’ temper.

                “Okay, Jagular then,” he says and walks out of the class.

                Jung Hye sighs.  Jonghyun is younger than she is.  Not her junior though, it just happened that he finished his high school faster than her.  He is a very busy person; in fact he is taking his Bachelor in Pure Science.  That is, to really confirm it, very tough.  Engineering for Jung Hye is enough to suffer, let alone Pure Physics, but Pure Science?  That will screw up her entire life if she ever signed for it.  She doesn’t want to be nerd or crazy.

                But, Jonghyun is not.  Taking Pure Science means you dedicated your full life to only study and research, since you need to understand the natural sciences; Physics, Chemistry and Biology from the fundamental.  Nevertheless, Jonghyun is someone who is very good in dealing with his own time.  He is not anti-social type of person, not even a geek.  He is normal, perfectly normal like other guys.  It is just the fact that he is too busy with his own stuffs, and yet, never avoided social life.

                They are close to each other, although Jonghyun came a bit later than anyone else.  He was from another institute before he transferred to The School of Science Studies.  When he came in, he got himself a fan club, especially from our juniors who are in their pre-university courses.  Somehow, Jung Hye and Jonghyun are closed to each other, because of work, or course.  They are actively participating in the school activities and stuffs related to education.  However, Jonghyun is busier, as he enrols himself in Music School during weekends.  Sometimes Jung Hye just wonders how does the boy even eat and sleep.  Does he even have time to do that?

                However, since the so-called ‘husband-and-wife’ game, their relationship is more or less awkward.  She would like to blame herself on that.  Perhaps she is annoying him too much, until he just couldn’t take it and chooses to ignore her.  It is her fault.  She always walks to him every day and calls him Yeobo every so often.  Maybe he feels irritated by her behaviour.  Well, if that is the case, she thinks she deserves it.

                “I’m jealous your relationship with Taemin goes well,” Jung Hye says one day, when all of them gather in their living room, doing their assignment together.  Eun Na lifts up her face.  Hye Rin looks at Jung Hye, while Joo Ri and Eun Byul just turns on their ears to the maximum capacity of sound waves they could catch.

                “Goes well?  Not really.  Taemin turns out to cheat behind me, with Sulli,” says Eun Na with a big laughter.  It seems like she doesn’t even care.

                “I divorced him yesterday, really!” she adds.  Eun Na really doesn’t take the game very seriously like she does.

                “Fine.  I’m jealous with Hye Rin too.  Onew and she seem to work out very well, although it is just a game,” Jung Hye says again.

                “Why suddenly you brought up the issue of envy and good relationship in the game?” asks Joo Ri.

                “Well...nothing.  I think...I feel like Jonghyun hates me,” she says.

                “You think he hates you?  Are you serious?” asks Eun Byul.  Jung Hye nods.

                “Then, I would like to announce that you’re blind!” says Eun Byul again.

                “Why?” Jung Hye asks.

                “He loves you stupid!” Joo Ri says.

                “Evidence?” Jung Hye wants some confirmation in such a statement, which for her, is very critical.

                “Seriously...whenever he is searching for you he always says “Where is my wife?” or “Did you see my Jagular?” something like that,” Hye Rin tells her.

                “Really?” Jung Hye keeps on asking them.

                “Come on, Jung Hye.  You know, he always remembers you in doing his stuffs.  I teased him once in the library about the human reproductive system while he was studying Biology.  I asked to him a lot about that topic and he said “I don’t want.  My Jagular said that I’m under age.  I should listen to her.”  Everything he does now has to do with Jagular this and Jagular that.  Sometimes I even wonder; do you guys actually take this just as a game.  Or you guys have gone into a serious relationship?” Eun Na says.

                Jung Hye rolls her eyes.


                “But you guys are seriously so sweet.  No, I mean Jonghyun.  You know, he is a type that doesn’t show it in front of you.  But, he keeps it inside,” says Hye Rin.

                “But he keeps on calling me Jagular.  I told him many times.  Jagiya!  Not Jagular...” Jung Hye pouts.

                “Oh, come on!  Be grateful!  At least he calls you with a name that never been used by others.  He gave you a unique one!  Oh my God!  He plays the game very well,” Joo Ri says, while raising her brows.

                Jung Hye shrugs and concentrates on her assignment again.  She doesn’t want to care about this game too much.  Better she finishes her Engineering course or else she’ll screw up.

                Or maybe she does love the boy, she has to admit.  It turns out the game they play triggers her inner feelings.

                “Jagular...” Jonghyun says softly into her ears when she is sleeping at the library after a very tiring day.  She wakes up and rubs her eyes.


                “Nothing...I just want to greet you,” Jonghyun says, and Jung Hye wants to scream her lungs out.  His voice is as though a love serenade to her.  The package comes together when she stares at the handsome, sharp-featured face of him.  Then, she shakes her head a few times to clear her mind.

                “What has gotten into you lately, Jung Hye?  He is younger than you.  He is just your brother.  Get a grip on yourself!” she says to herself.

                But then, when they are assigned to update the Student’s Council board, she starts to think about her feelings all over again.

It happens that she is too tired and suddenly dozing off on Hye Rin’s lap.  When she wakes up and continues her job again, Jonghyun comes and asks.

                “You really are tired, aren’t you?” he asks softly.


                “I saw you slept on Hye Rin’s lap just now,” says Jonghyun.

                “Oh...yeah...I’m just...a bit tired,” she says.

                “Go take a rest.  I will finish the job,” he says while he himself looks so exhausted and worn out.

“He is busier and probably more tired than I am,” she thinks to herself when she leaves the work for him to complete it.

                She thinks about it again and again, but she shakes her own thought away whenever she feels butterfly in her stomach.  She will never let the feeling invade her, entirely.

                On another day, during recess time, Jonghyun has his head on the table and sleeps for the entire break.  Headache.  That’s what she is told by Minho.  Key tells her that he stays up very late these days to get his assignments done.  Onew tells her that he puts too much effort on the school activities especially the Student’s Council.  Taemin, on the other hand, keeps telling her that he is worried about how his hyung overworks himself.

She couldn’t help herself but runs to the canteen and grabs meal for him and paracetamol just enough to be the painkiller.  She runs back to the class and gently wakes him up.

“Yeobo...” Jonghyun wakes up groggily, holding his head in his hand.  After a while, he rubs his eyes and looks at her.  At that moment, Jung Hye swears she could see his very exhausted face.  But, he smiles at her.

“Yes?” he asks, acting all cool and calm.

“You okay?” she asks with some awkwardness in her voice.

“I’m fine.  Just having a bit of headache.  Why?” he asks again.

“I bought you something.  Eat this and take this medicine.  I hope it will help,” she says and leaves, avoiding the possibility of him seeing her flushing-red face.

The next day, he comes to her.

“Jagular.  Thanks for yesterday.  I’m feeling much better now,” Jonghyun says while giving her his killer smile.  It is fortunate she is able to stay alive, just yet.

“It just...nothing.  You really shouldn’t put much loads on yourself,” Jung Hye advises him.

“I’m fine, really,” says Jonghyun.  Then, he takes the seat just beside her.  She could feel the nervousness arises inside her.  Her heart is beating a little bit too fast and she prays that he won’t hear her unstable heartbeats now.

“Hey, Yeobo!  What do you think of having a partner older than you?” asks Jung Hye, and at that moment she swears she wants to kill herself.  She takes time to even realise the question is actually coming out from her own mouth.

“Shit!” she mutters under her breath, only loud enough for her to hear it.

“Ewww...that’s gross, a guy having someone older as partner!” a fellow classmate helps to answer that question.  Jessica.  Jonghyun looks at her expressionless.  Jung Hye sighs.

“Well...I don’t know...You can’t choose who you want to love, right?  I mean...if it is fated for a guy to be with a girl, she will be with him regardless the age factor,” he says wisely.

“So, what if a girl older than you is currently in love with you?” Jung Hye tests him with another question.

“Hey, you know what Jagular?  I’m planning to have my lunch outside tomorrow.  Would you like to come with me?” he asks her, avoiding her question.  She sighs and nods.

“Maybe Jonghyun really doesn’t want someone older than him to be his partner,” she tells herself.

Nonetheless, as promised, they go to a restaurant the next day.  It is not really an expensive place to eat, but exclusive enough for students like them to have their lunch.  They get their food and eat together, without any conversation between them.  She chooses to sit in front of him, since Jonghyun chooses a table with only two seats.

They talk only after they finish with their meals.  She thinks of something to talk about.  Jonghyun looks like he is not even trying to initiate a dialogue.

“Hey, Jonghyun!  Look at my 2 o’clock.  Isn’t he hot?” she says, randomly pointing out at a good-looking guy with her intention only to avoid being in silent for the next hours with him.  Jonghyun looks at the direction she tells him.

“Urmmm...” that’s all from him.

She tries again.

“Yeobo!  My 9 o’clock!  He has good hairstyle!” Jung Hye says while smiling.  He looks at it again.

“Urmmm...” again, that’s all.

She won’t give up.

“Yeobo, my 11 o’clock!  Look!  Look!  He is so handsome.  Except that he is smoking!  Ewww...” she says again, this time with a naturally-formed disgusted face.

“Urmmm...” he keeps on voicing that only word of him.  At last, she askes him question to make sure he speaks up this time.

“What about you?  Anybody you find out interesting here?” she asks.

Jonghyun keeps quiet for a while and surveys his surrounding and at last, his eyes land back on hers.  She feels the sharp gazes of him and quickly looks down on the floor.

“What 12 o’clock?” he says.  His 12 o’clock means someone straight in front of him.  She turns her head 180 degrees to the back and sees nothing but pile of dirty plates.  She turns to the front again and looks at him.

“There’s nobody there,” she says.

“There’s somebody at my 12 o’clock,” he says and nods confidently.  She is about to turn her head again when the realisation hits her.  12 o’clock?  She slowly raises her finger and points it towards herself.

“M-me?” Jung Hye asks.  Jonghyun sighs.

“Yes, Jagular.  It’s you.  You’re interesting,” says Jonghyun.

“I-I thought you h-hate me,” she says pretty much stuttering in her own words.

“That makes it more interesting.  I thought you are the one who hate me,” says Jonghyun very calmly.

“No.  I thought you hate me,” she says it again.

“Why should I?  Why should you think like that?” asks Jonghyun, frowning.

“ don’t want to call me Jagiya.  You keep on calling me Jagular,” Jung Hye says with a little bit of disappointment contaminating her voice.

“You want to know something.  I call you Jagular know human has this jugular vein in the neck that helps to transport deoxygenated blood to lungs.  It is very essential for life and without it you’ll die,” Jonghyun explains.  She takes a bit longer to articulate his words.

“You mean...without me you’ll die?” Jung Hye asks.

Jonghyun sighs.

“Definitely,” Jonghyun is being a bit too cheesy and chuckles to himself.  Nevertheless, the next thing she knows is they are holding hands together when they are going back their campus.

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