Friday, August 17, 2012

The Lazarus Rises

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

We’re at the hospital after a great turn of event; Jonghyun rose from being dead.  Hyori and Ji Eun made quite a fast decision in taking him to the hospital for further treatment.  It was shocking but I’m more than happy to see my husband alive.  God, he is alive.  All of us are very anxious in the waiting room.  Only Key is allowed inside to see Jonghyun, for an unknown reason.  I am jealous, but Hyori and Ji Eun must have a pretty good reason on that, don’t they?
Onew plays with his finger while Taemin still look very stunned.  Minho on the other hand remains calm but I could see that his shoulders are a bit tensing.  Seraphina has her head on my shoulder and I play with her hair.  We still couldn’t be sure of what happens especially when I was one of the people who admitted Jonghyun’s death.  It just doesn’t make sense.  We are lucky that Key could hear the faintest beat of the heart or otherwise Jonghyun will be buried to death, knowing that we kill him.
“Sabrina!” Hyori says my name.  I couldn’t be so sure when she gets here but here she comes with the news.
“Hyori,” I say.
“Thank, God!  He’s alive!” Hyori says and hugs me.  I hug back, still in need of a certain explanation on how this thing could happen.
“I know, Hyori.  I’m happy.  But, I would appreciate if you could give me the slightest idea of how this could be happening right now.  We approved his death.  I swear I could not hear any heartbeat back then when he was dead,” I say.
“Oh, that.  That should be a Lazarus phenomenon, if we approach it scientifically.  But, I’m not sure if it has something to do with half-vampire thing,” she answers.  I nod.
“Explain Lazarus phenomenon,” I say.  I don’t want to be so sure that he is alive and then let the hope crash again later if he will suddenly leave me again.
“It is the spontaneous return of circulation to the body after failed attempt at resuscitation.  The cases of Lazarus syndrome are rare,” Ji Eun appears out of nowhere.
“How does it happen?  What is the cause?” I ask, anxious.
“The causes of this are not well understood.  But, we have a theory on that,” she says calmly.
“Enlighten me, please,” I say, rather strictly.
“The build-up pressure as the effect of the CPR, or we think so.  You know, Jonghyun received quite a long CPR after his heart stopped working.  From me, Hyori, you and of course, Key, the longest attempt.  So, yeah, the theory is the long CPR might have trigger the heart to work again after a few hours,” she explains.  I nod again.
“So, he is really alive, isn’t he?  You’re not just giving me hope, are you?” I ask her.
“He’s alive, Sabrina,” Ji Eun’s face is quite tensing.
“He’s not going to leave me again, right?” I ask, as the hope keeps building in my small heart.
“No one knows.  But, for now, he is alive.  And very weak.  I suggest if you want to see him, one person at a time is enough.  You can go in after Key, okay?” she tries to be gentle.
I nod.  She walks away.  I look at Siwon, and at Seraphina.  Then, I hug my sister tightly, letting go of the sorrow that has been buried in my heart for days.
“Trust me.  He’s not going to leave again.  You have my words,” says Min Yee.
I know she takes quite a lot of courage to say that.  Pledging on things that we are unsure of can be very burdening.  But, she takes the risk, just to calm me down.  I feel thankful that I have her as a sister.
“Thank you, Min Yee.  Thank you very much,” I say.
“Don’t be.  Things are quite hard on you,” says she.
The moment we break the hug, Key comes approaching.  He look a bit happy, from the last time I saw him before Jonghyun was admitted.  At least, he knows how to give a thin smile.
“Hey!” he says, full of spirit, although not joyful.  I wonder what Jonghyun and Key talked about in the room.  I know they have had argument a few days before the war even started.
“Hey,” I reply casually.
“He is okay.  But, weak and tired.  But, you know what, he wants to see you,” he says before looking at Siwon, “And you,” he tells him.  Siwon nods, but I can see that he is slightly uncomfortable with the fact that Jonghyun wants to see him as well.
“Come, Siwon.  We have to see him now, so that he can rest later,” I say.  He hesitates for a while before following my trail.  On our way to the ward room, nobody speaks anything.  Silence accompanies us all the way there.
“Siwon, hey.  You are not going inside with that face,” I finally break out when we reach the door.  He looks at me.
“Tell me how should face him,” he says.
“He is not blaming you, of course.  He saved you because he wanted to, not because he needed to,” I say.
“You stick to that, okay,” he says before forcing a smile on his face and turns the knob for us to get in.
The beeping sound sounds very clear inside the room.  There, on a bed, Jonghyun is lying down, sleeping, typically white skin and looking very fragile, as though he would just break apart when somebody touches him.  Siwon gestures me to the sit at the side of the bed.  I take the seat, careful not to wake him up.  But, he moves to the slightest sound I make.
“Hey,” he says and he smiles to me.
“Hey,” I reply, my voice cracking.
For a while, we don’t speak to each other.  We just let the silence do its job in creating the mood.
“You left me, you know,” I say, at last breaking the silence.
“That was before.  Now, I’m back,” he says.  I nod and a single tear stains my cheek.
“What did you think of doing back then?” I forget that Siwon is together with us until when he speaks.  For a while, Jonghyun loses his words.  He looks into Siwon’s eyes and tries to find out what he thinks.
“Saving you,” Jonghyun says at last.
“No.  You got yourself killed.  That was what you did,” Siwon says.
“Can’t do anything much, can I?  Because if you die, I will die as well,” says Jonghyun.
“No, Jonghyun.  We’re not stupid.  You died, before, but I didn’t.  You knew how to disconnect our soul, but you still got yourself killed in the battle.  You risked your life for me, and I think you did that on purpose.  You know what?  You can just disconnect our soul and the kill me, not yourself,” Siwon bursts not with anger, but disappointment.
“I can’t do that,” Jonghyun replies calmly, but I could sense that he is breaking down.
“I think Sabrina needs a father more than she needs me.  And the closest person she has as a father is you,” he explains.
“You think?  Have you ever consider what she really wants?  She wants you to be by her side.  That is what she wants,” Siwon almost screams.  Jonghyun looks at him for quite a long time.
“I’m sorry,” Jonghyun says at last.  Siwon sighs.
“No, Jonghyun.  You say that to her.  I’ll leave this room to both of you.  You sort it out,” he nods to Jonghyun, with care evidence in his eyes.
He leaves, giving the room to both of us.  There we go, moment of silence again.  I’m still processing what Siwon had said to Jonghyun just now.  Jonghyun intentionally sacrificed himself to save Siwon for me.  If it is true, then, I feel really bad. And Siwon must feel worse.
“Really?  Is it real, what he said just now?” I ask.  He looks deeply into my eyes.
“I saved him because I wanted to, Sabrina,” he says.
“But, you risked your life for it.  You knew how to disconnect your soul to Siwon, Jonghyun.  You sacrificed yourself on purpose, didn’t you?” I ask; my tone strict.
“Let’s drop this.  I am not being alive to have a fight with you,” he says.
“Are you doing that on purpose because you know that you will come back to life?” I ask him again.
“Sabrina, all of us know that no one comes back to life after the death comes.  I don’t expect this to happen.  It is a pure luck,” says he.  I look at him, choosing whether to believe him or not.
“So are you saying that you got yourself killed with a thought that you really going to leave me?” I ask, desperately finding my strength to talk.
“Yes, I thought it’s over.  That I will be gone for good,” he says, very carefully and very slowly.
“Jonghyun!  How could you?” I start to raise my voice.
“Sabrina, I know that you need Siwon-”
“But, I love you!” I shout to him.  He winces and I feel bad at once.  He should be resting, not discussing about this.
“I know you love Siwon too,” says he.  I look deep into his eyes and try to explore his mind.
“But, I love you more,” I go.  He explores my eyes.
“I know,” he says.
“Then?  Why did you get yourself killed in action?”
“I was thinking the best for you,” he gives the lamest excuse ever.
“The best for me?  You decided what best for me?  Jonghyun, I decide what best for me and what best for me is you stay alive,” I start to fume with anger.
“I’m alive,” he replies.  I don’t know whether he is playing with me or what, but I certainly not in the mood of playing.
“You were dead, Jonghyun,” I press my voice to emphasize my point.  He sighs.
“Look.  I’m really sorry, okay?” he says.  It is my turn to sigh.
“Hey, you know what I think?  Maybe Siwon thinks differently, but I think you did this for the Key’s sake, weren’t you?  You were willingly getting yourself killed to make Key look after me, am I right?” I ask him, very scarred inside.  He smirks, despite being so fragile and weak on the bed.
“So, both of you know.  Being in the intelligence service makes it hard to fool you, Sabrina,” he says, and I am sure I heard guilty is his voice.
“Key had this sorted out with you, right, just now?” I ask.  He nods.
“I don’t know what he really wants actually.  I know that he loves you the way I do,” he says, very gentle and calm.
“The feeling is not as strong as having you as his brother.  You came to his life as his brother and you make the family perfect.  Key would pay anything to have that, Jonghyun.  He won’t sacrifice you no matter how much he loves me.  You can see it, Jonghyun.  He even has the strongest sense that you’re still alive, or you’ll be buried to death by now.  You can see how strong his sense towards you,” I try to put the sense into him.
“But, I feel guilty.  I came to his life and since then, he has to share Hyori’s and Hyun Joong’s loves with me.  He has to share his mom and dad with me.  He sacrificed that.  And when we fell for the same person, I feel like this time, I must sacrifice.  But, you chose me over him.  That’s something that I couldn’t control, not even Key.  Because your feelings are belonged to you.  So, I thought that if I’m gone, you and he would have no choice,” Jonghyun voices his thought.  I sigh. I don’t like people toy with my feelings.
“You know that our feelings are belonged to us, Jonghyun.  No matter how things change, the feelings can’t be changed.  Your feelings and mine are mutual Jonghyun, but not him.  I am very sure that out there there’s someone who has the feelings mutual with Key’s.  He’ll find his woman one day.  Do not worry about that Jonghyun,” I say.  Jonghyun nods.
“Hey, I’m really sorry, for everything,” he says.  I smile.  That sounds really sincere.  I stroked his head and I could feel that he leans to the touch.
“Thank you, for being alive, Jonghyun,” I say.
He smiles back.  I know this unexpected event means something for us.  To make it back, to cherish each other and to make a family.  Nobody expects he would come back alive, not even Jonghyun himself.
“How‘s the baby?  I think you put too much pressure on it?” he asks me.  I laugh at that.  He’s the sense of humour when the condition is as critical as this.
“Well, I am sure the baby is okay,” I say.
“You didn’t tell me that you are pregnant before the war,” says Jonghyun.
“I thought you could sense it,” I test him.
“Well, maybe I was too busy preparing for the war.  But, I noticed that you smelled different indeed.  Even now, you smell different than always,” he says.
“What does that mean?” I ask.
“Maybe it is the smell of the baby,” he smirks.  He holds my hand.
“Okay.  How does it smell?”
“Dunno.  But, I am not sure I would say it is pleasant.  Or maybe this unpleasant odour is not the baby, but your unstable hormones in your blood, since you’re quite hormonal,” he laughs at his own joke.
“I’m not hormonal!” okay, now I am.
“You’re more sensitive,” he says.
“But, that doesn’t mean that I’m hormonal!” I say.
“See, you are,” he says and I hit him lightly at his shoulder.  He shouts and winces at that the pain and I become so panic at that.
“Hey, are you okay?” I ask him.
“Look at how panic you are.  I told you.  You’re hormonal,” he says again and I laugh so long to that.
“Fine, then.  I’m…not hormonal.  But, just over-sensitive,” I still deny the hormone thing.
“Whatever you say, dear,” he goes.
“I’m happy now that our child has its father,” I say.  Jonghyun strokes my hair.
“How were the others coping when I was died?” he asks.
“Not good.  You know Key blamed himself, for he shot that arrow.  Siwon was blaming himself as well, saying that if it is not because of him, you would not have to save anybody and can stay alive.  Hyori cried as if there will be no happiness again.  Hyun Joong was not doing any better.  Min Yee felt bad as well.  Ji Eun was not herself, as though she was blaming me for what happened,” I try to remember the details.
“Ji Eun blamed you?” he asks.
“Well, yes.  Who won’t?  I think she likes you, and is jealous of me.  To make her feel better, she put the blame on me.  It’s not her fault though.  She just wants to love you like I do,” I say, feeling a bit proud of myself for being chosen by him.
“Now that’s funny.  Ji Eun is a friend, Sabrina.  There’s no such feeling between us,” Jonghyun tries to say that he is not having any affair behind me.  I know that, but I know that Ji Eun likes him as well.
“I am a girl, Jonghyun.  Just like you said.  You’re a guy and you understand Key’s feeling towards me.  So am I.  I’m a girl and I am more than understand Ji Eun’s feeling towards you.  Maybe it is not mutual, I trust you, but she does like you very much,” I say.
“Well, in that case, I can’t blame her as well because I am perfectly aware that I’m too hot to resist,” he says in vain.
I roll my eyes straight away.

Mood: Alive but not fully awake =.=

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