Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 12: Hope

It has been two days after Onew had a high fever, but he still doesn’t get back to work.  Putting full trust on his secretary, Taeyon, he tries to solve some other matter that is more important to his life right now.  Everything is involving his only and beloved sister.

            Onew thanks Taemin for helping him in making the robot, and in order to make it perfect.  A few days ago, he was told by Emma that Minho didn’t know how to play soccer.  Isn’t it weird and suspicious enough?  It is his skill and yet he forgot how to play soccer?  That should be impossible, because skill is not something to remember.  But, he could still breath in relieve because his sister doesn’t notice that?  Or does she?

            However, it is Taemin again who get the headache.  Working day and night, just to make sure everything is under control and won’t raise any suspicion in her sister.

            “Taemin, I’m sorry,” says Onew when he sees Taemin yawns for the umpteenth times.

            “It’s okay...why should you say sorry?  I’m okay, really.  You’re the one who should rest,” Taemin advices him while getting back to his work.

            “You’re the one who work, why should I rest?” says Onew politely while looking at the younger boy.  He wishes he could help, but the cyborg is not in his proficiency.

            “Onew, you just recovered two days ago.  I’m afraid you may collapse again if you push yourself to hard,” says Taemin with a slight hint of laughter.  His fingers are dancing vigorously on the keypad of his laptop.

            “I’m okay, really,” says Onew with his dazzling smile.  He watches the younger works really hard to make the cyborg perfect.

            “Do you really need to make him great at soccer?” Taemin asks without looking at him.


            “Do you really need to make him great at soccer?  Or just as good?” asks Taemin again, looking at his laptop’s screen.

            “Minho is great at soccer,” he says as he shrugs, “But, if you think that is a burden, just make it good.  That is more than enough,” Onew continues with a pity gaze at the younger.  He works really hard.

            “I’m just okay with that.  I’m just afraid the cyborg will collapse,” says Taemin.

            “Huh?” Onew couldn’t understand.  Why would the cyborg collapse?

            “Well...the microchip...if there’s too many information uploaded, I’m afraid there will be short circuit,” Taemin says.

            “What will happen then?” Onew asks nervously.

            “The robot will ‘die’.  There’s nothing controlling the brain, the most vital organ in human’s body,” says Taemin.  Onew lost his words.  That will make it worse for his sister.


            “If this Minho ‘die’, the only way is to implant new microchip with the same data again,” Taemin says expertly while shrugging.

            “What can we do now?” Onew asks nervously again.  What if there is no other way?  Minho won’t be good at soccer.  And then, her sister will get more suspicious and eventually find out the truth behind this.  Then, she’ll know the real Minho is fighting to live.  She’ll probably commit suicide again.  Shoot.

            “I’ll compress the file.  That is the best way.  But, I don’t know how long it will last.  This is my first try though,” he says while looking at Onew.  Onew nods.

            “Whatever it is as long as she won’t get suspicious by it,” says Onew, giving up.  Taemin nods.  He gets up to attach the wire to Minho’s head.  Then he clicks a few buttons before the information uploaded to Minho’s microchip.

            He inserts everything; basic skill of soccer and many World Cup videos of soccer.  He hopes the information will help Minho to get a grip at soccer.  If not, Emma can get suspicious and eventually knows the real thing.  She will know that the Minho is unreal.  That is when the whole problem will start again.  He just wants to help Onew to prevent it.

            After a few minutes of information transfer, the cyborg is ready to get back to work.  Taemin looks at Onew, as though asking for permission to switch on the robot.

            “Onew, you want to switch it alive now?” asks him.  Onew thinks for a while.

            “No, I don’t think so.  Keep it that way until I call Emma.  For now, I want to go to the hospital to visit the real Minho,” says Onew.  Taemin looks at him innocently but at the same time, giving a hint that he wants to follow.

            “Can I go with you?  I want to see Jonghyun,” says Taemin while cutely scratching the back of his head.

            “You don’t have class?”          

            “No,” he shakes his head vigorously.

            “Okay then,” says Onew with his brotherly smile.

            They walk out from Taemin’s house, stepping to the desolate highest floor of the creepy, old apartment.  Till now, Onew still wonder why Taemin chooses such a place, but thinking rationally about it, it will help Taemin to concentrate on his work.

            Onew drives them to the hospital.  He drives carefully and Taemin is amused on how careful his driving is.  He feels protected and safe with the older guy.

            “Emma sure is very fortunate to get a brother like you,” says Taemin suddenly, breaking the silence among both of them.  Still focusing on the road, Onew frowns at Taemin’s words.

            “Why suddenly?” asks Onew.

            “Well...I feel safe with you. know...all this while I only have Jonghyun,” says Taemin.  He admits himself that he loves to act childish when he is with Jonghyun.  That is because only Jonghyun will treat him well although he behaves very badly.  Onew chuckles to Taemin words.

            “Yeah...he’s good though, I admit that.  A very dedicated doctor and brother,” he says.

            “You too...very good brother,” says Taemin.  Onew chuckles.

            “We’re here,” before Taemin has the opportunity to voice his words, Onew previously informs that they have arrived at the hospital.

            “Oh,” he ends the conversation with that only word and they get out from the car.

            Key walks towards his brother’s room.  Nothing to do, he is not as busy, thus he comes to have a chat with his brother, only if he is not busy.  He arrives in front of the room.  A plat written with his brother’s name, Kim Jonghyun and his position, Head of Neurological Department, is attached to the door.  He knocks on it, just to ensure whether he is in or not.

            “Looking for me?” a voice suddenly comes out from his back.  He turns to see a tired face smiling at him.

            “Jonghyun!  Oh yeah...I’m looking for case you’re not busy,” says Key excitedly after seeing his brother.

            “Yeah...I’m least for now,” Jonghyun says jokingly and both of them laugh.

            “Jonghyun!  Key!” another voice comes from nowhere calling their name.  They recognize the voice, and synchronously turn their head to the owner of the voice.  They find out what they think are true, it is Onew.  But, he is with Taemin, the engineer boy.

            “Hey!  Guys!” Key exclaims while Jonghyun just smiles.  Taemin runs when he sees Jonghyun and throws himself towards him.  He gives the older a big warm hug.

            “Jonghyun!” he exclaims as he hugs him.  Jonghyun hugs back.  After a while, Taemin could sense Key’s envy gaze and he let go of him.

            “ look so tired.  Are you okay?” asks Taemin a bit stuttering.  Key feels guilty knowing the boy stutters because of his prey gaze, but he couldn’t help.

            “I ask you when is it he is not tired?” Onew jokes and they laugh together.  It is true though, being a doctor is tiring, especially when you are a specialist.  You will always be needed.

            “We want to visit Minho, can we?” asks Onew.

            “Sure, let’s go,” Jonghyun replies with his dazzling and melting smile.

            “Can I join you guys?” asks Key.

            “Why not?  Let’s go Key,” Jonghyun says while pull his brother’s hand to walk together with him.

            They enter the room and the first thing the register is the sound of the machine.  It is beeping but otherwise, the room is very quiet until they almost believe there’s nobody inside.  But Jonghyun knows the most what is inside.  A boy is lying lifelessly on the bed, without any real effort could be seen physically for him to get up.  But, actually is mentally fighting to live.

            The sight of him always touches him deep into his heart.  The boy is strong though, to be able to live until that day.  Supposedly, he dies in the first place when the accident happened.  It is so terrible, that he shouldn’t have survived.  He doesn’t know what odd the boy carries with him but, all Jonghyun care is the boy is alive, and it has been his responsibility to make sure he will wake up.  For now, he is still unable to do it.

            Jonghyun sighs and feels the sudden headache stabs him, very acute, but he is still able to handle.  He stops walking out of sudden, closes his eyes and massages his temple.

            “Hey...are you okay?” asks Taemin.  Jonghyun opens his eyes.

            “Yeah...I am,” says Jonghyun as he smiles and walks towards Minho’s bed.  He tries to sound as cheerful as he can and he wrings Minho’s hand, squeezing it, hopelessly thinking he will transfer some strength for the boy to wake up.

            “Hye...there.  It is me, again, Jonghyun, your doctor.  This has been...I don’t know how many times I’m here already.  I want to see you wake up.  Hey, you know what, I bring someone here,” Jonghyun says, pathetically.  The others hear that.  Onew’s tears are threatening to fall.  Taemin is touched although he doesn’t really know the guy.  Key is already having his tears on his cheeks.

            “Hey, the day is bright today.  I’m sure you’ll see it one day,” Jonghyun says again.  He doesn’t want the solemn and sorrowful condition around the room affecting his patient.  As a doctor, he shouldn’t be so emotional, especially when it comes to his own patient.  All this while he had been so professional, but not Minho.  But still, he doesn’t tear up though.

            “Let me check you today,” says Jonghyun.  He starts his work.  Checking on the blood pressure, the breathing and the heartbeats of the boy.  While doing his work, he tells Minho some story of other patients, who recover, hoping that will inspire the boy.  He did that almost every day.  Finishes with his work, he pulls Onew and asks him to sit at the chair beside the bed.

            “Talk to cheerful as you can,” Jonghyun whispers into his ears.  The other watches silently.  Onew looks at Jonghyun with teary eyes.  Jonghyun nods, telling him to do it.  This is the first time he gains strength to visit Minho here, and just in a second he feels all his strength gone seeing Minho’s condition.

            “Hey...this is Onew.  You remember me, right?  I miss you, so much.  Please brother, wake up, please...” unintentionally, tears breaks down and strolling down his cheeks.  He squeezes the hand harder.  Jonghyun pats his back, signalling him to be patient.

            Onew feels his heart sinks.  He cries.  He brings the hand to his lips and kisses it.  He doesn’t want to lose Minho.  He is hoping he will wake up.

            “I...I miss you...w-wake’re a-alive...” he says with his sobs contaminating his words.  Jonghyun watches the scene tranquilly, while Key and Taemin already sobbing silently at the other side of the bed.

            Out of sudden, Onew feels somebody grabs his hand, no, replying his squeeze.  The hand squeezes back.  Onew is shocked by that but says nothing.  He stops all his movement to make sure the squeeze is from Minho.  He looks at Minho carefully.  The sudden strain in Onew’s movement catches Jonghyun’s eyes.  He notices the older guy.

            “Is there anything wrong, Onew?” Jonghyun asks as he narrows his eyes.  Onew looks at him clueless.

            “I...I feel like Minho...” Onew’s words end there.

            “Minho what?” Jonghyun asks again as Onew’s words faded.  His mind excites to the highest alert point, but he maintains calm.  The others, Key and Taemin are straining too, noticing there’s something to do with Minho.

            “He...squeezed my hand, just now,” Onew says, still clueless and with his eyes fixed on Minho.

            “Excuse me, Mr. Onew,” the sudden formality in Jonghyun’s words cause Onew to know the need of him to let go of Minho’s hand.

            “Minho...I’m your doctor, Jonghyun,” says Jonghyun as he squeezes Minho’s hand.  Then, electric shock runs down his spine, as Minho squeezes back.

            “God, he can hear me...and respond,” says Jonghyun.  As fast as lightning he grabs a small torchlight from his white coat’s pocket and opens Minho’s eyelid.  He torches Minho’s eyes and he could see the respond.  The pupils decrease in sight, to avoid excess light entering the eye and damage the system.

            “He responds.  The activity of his brain is enhanced!” Jonghyun exclaims as a smile decorating his handsome but tired face.

            “Huh?” the three of them look at the young and genius doctor in front of them.

            “Glasgow Coma Scale...Scale compromises three tests: eye, verbal, and motor.  It is used to monitor a coma patient.  Minho shows responses in motor.  His body starts to move, and respond to stimuli, although he still doesn’t open his eyes or produce any sounds.  That is a good sign of recovery,” states Jonghyun, while happily squeezes Minho’s hand again.

            “’ll try your best to wake up, won’t you?” he speaks to Minho gently while squeezing his hand.  Minho squeezes back.

            “See?  I told you.  He responds to the stimuli.  He hears me and could sense my touch,” Jonghyun says while looking at the three of them.

            “It is a good sign, isn’t it?” asks Onew, voice cracking but with a very contented face.  Jonghyun nods calmly and let go of Minho’s hand.

            “You’ll continue encouraging him, promise me.  He starts to respond to your voice and your touch first,” says Jonghyun.  Onew nods before he runs to Jonghyun and hugs the younger tightly, until it is a bit suffocating.

            “I...I don’t know how to thank you...I just...don’t know,” says Onew with his cracked voice.

            “’s not me.  It is Minho himself.  He is the one who fight,” says Jonghyun humbly.

            “But, you play your role very well,” says Onew.

            “Yeah Jonghyun.  It is true that Onew’s voice triggers his response, but it is you that gives him the zest to live, to hold on.  You speaks to him every day, and inspiring him to live,” says Key.

            “And Jonghyun, not to forget, you saved him from death.  You operated him and keeps him fit until now,” Taemin says.  Jonghyun is moved by that.

            “Well...urmm...Taemin, Key, don’t you want to try?  With Minho?  I mean try to get the respond?” asks Jonghyun, quickly changing the topic.  He is not used to be complimented.

            “Yeah!” Taemin says excitedly as he runs towards Minho.  He holds his hand gently.

            “Minho...I’m Taemin.  A new friend.  Huhu.  You have to wake up to see me, your new friend,” he says.  Minho squeezes back.  Taemin almost jumps out of contentment.

            “He responds to me!” Taemin says excitedly.

            “Yah!  Let go!  It’s my turn,” Key says, pushing Taemin away.  Key quickly grabs Minho’s hand and squeezes it gently.

            “Hey...I’m Key.  A new friend too,” he says and receives a squeeze from Minho.

            “He responds to me too,” Key says.

            Key and Taemin starts to act immature.  They are pushing each other, trying to talk to Minho and tell story to him.  Onew laughs seeing their act.  Jonghyun just smiles.

            “Be careful.  Don’t harm my patient,” Jonghyun says as he shakes his head.

            “We won’t,” Taemin and Key says synchronously.

            Onew laughs again and shakes his head.  He never thought the other two prodigies would act immature.  All this while, they only show their professionalism.  But, somehow, Onew get to learn the other side of him.  He chuckles again.  Then, he turns to see Jonghyun almost fall asleep while standing.  He quickly catches him.

            “Hey, doctor.  You need rest,” says Onew with a slight hint of worry.  Jonghyun chuckles when he knows that he almost fall asleep.

            “Yeah...I think so.  If you want to be may stay.  I’m going back to my room,” Jonghyun says while looking at his watch, “My shift is over today.  So, I think I want to sleep,” Jonghyun says again.

            “Why don’t you just go home?” Onew asks, frowning.

            “It’s the same.  I always have to run back here when I’m on-call,” he says.  Onew shakes his head.

            “Let me accompany you to your room.  I’m afraid you’ll fall asleep while walking.  That will be a very big problem,” Onew says while puts his arm on the younger’s shoulder.

            “I’m okay...really,” Jonghyun says with a smile.

            “Don’t be stubborn, doctor.  Just follow,” Onew says.  Jonghyun keeps quiet, smiles and just follows the older.  The two of them leave the other two who are still talking happily to Minho.

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