Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 7: Back to School

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

People say we cannot turn back the time.  True.  Simply true.  The fact that we can return the time is something illogic.  I can’t do it.  Nobody in this world can do it.  Not even the vampires, in my case.  However, we can repeat the past memories again, can’t we?

                Having received an email from my old school last week is a completely pleasurable moment for me.  Instantly, Jonghyun and I decided to go.  Just when we went home that day, the whole house was noisy announcing the invitation they got.  Back to School Programme from the Academy of the Brainiacs, that’s it.

Onew decided to go and quickly announcing another break from our work in MIS, “I’ll quickly find replacement,” that’s what he said.  Taemin, of course, he gave us holiday even before Onew announcing that we can take a leave for a week.  Key smirked, a very pleased one, the impatience of going for a reunion displayed in his face.  While Minho stayed calm, already planning to have fun with Sooyoung at school.  The triplet, HyunA, Minzy and Uee shrieked happily when they came home, and spent the whole night talking about it.  All of us were excited.

In fact all of us are excited.  Jonghyun is driving his red Ferrari, calm and handsome, while I’m sitting next to him.  I can’t wait to step back into the school, after five years leaving it, without even once come again due to the busy life I lead now.  I can’t wait to step back into the place where I first knew the existence of vampires, where I was surrounded by geniuses, where had once been a place to solve the murder case of my parents and the most important is the place where I first met Jonghyun and knew a great guy that I can say...err...the soon-to-be father of my children.

Before I go too far, the others are going with their own cars.  Minho is driving Sooyoung to school.  While Onew and Taemin are bringing Jiyeon and Seraphina along with them.  I remember Jiyeon and Seraphina pouted when they said they are not belong to the school and hesitated to come.  But, the two sweet brothers persuaded their life partners until they had to just nod and agree to their words.  They are going together to our programme.  Key is driving alone, very unfortunate of him.  I always pray that he will get himself a beautiful girl.  He is hot though, after Jonghyun, to me.  I mean, he just needs to choose one of them from his own waiting-list-catalogue girls.  Somehow, he just doesn’t do it.  Only he knows why.  The triplet is also in a car driven by HyunA.

We are almost reaching our destination when suddenly Jonghyun talks to me, just bringing out some random topic.

“So...have you done your work and reports before we take our leave?” he asks while his eyes focusing on the road.

“Yeah...sure.  Why?” I ask back.

“Nothing.  You’re something is bothering your mind.  Anything to share?” he asks.  His face is very calm, as though driving is just nothing for him.

“No.  I just thinking of how is it going to be there.  You know...that was the place where we first met,” I said, a bit of sentimental is revealed.

He actually chuckles.

“I’ll be thinking about that,” he says.

“ do y-”

“Well, Sabrina...that was the place where you got your turning point.  You knew what happened to your parents and you knew the existence of vampires,” he says.

“And I know the existence of you...”I just whisper my words this time, afraid that he hears that.

I thought he won’t hear that since he is just silent for a while.

“You know what, Sabrina?  You’re being so cheesy today,” he says with a smirk.

Shit!  He heard me.

“Well...just pretend you don’t hear me, okay?” I roll my eyes.  He laughs, and that just makes me falls for him over again.  I wonder...if I didn’t meet SHINee, how is my life right now.  I mean, it must be kind of boring.  You know...just ordinary stuff here and there.  Oh no!  We will eventually meet at the MIS, since he is going to work there anyway.  However, maybe we are not as close as now.   I might have a deadly crush on him, but he might just see me as a normal girl, won’t he?

“We’re here,” my thought shatters when he says that.  I look in front and I could see the gate of the Academy.  The very first day I came here, I remembered walking and standing in front of it.

“Wow!!!  The school doesn’t change at all!” I say in excitement.  Jonghyun does nothing but laughs seeing my behaviour.  He presses a button and the window comes down and he shows something to the guard.

“Back to School Invitation,” he says very friendly.  The guard nods in return and allows us to come in.  Jonghyun quickly finds a car park for his red Ferrari to rest for the three-day programme.

The others arrive right after we get out of the car.  They park their cars side by side and end up the car park is conquered with our cars.  The first to come out after that are Uee, HyunA and Minzy.

“I miss this school!” Minzy says excitedly.

“Oh My God!  After five years!!!  I come back to the place that had been the beginning of my career!” Uee exclaims.

“I want to enjoy!!!” HyunA screams.

The others laugh to their reactions.  Of course, I could say they are quite exaggerated.  But, I shall do the same if Jonghyun is not with me.  I miss school too, as in I miss the time I was studying in school.  Although I experienced school quite late compared to the others, but I satisfied with my life.  At least, I experienced school.

“Guys...let’s go to the hall and register.  I’m sure the others are already there,” Onew says.  Key is the first to go, coolly.  But, all of us approach him from the back.

The moment I step into the hall, I could see many faces that I recognize, but there are a lot that I don’t too.  Maybe more senior than I am, more senior than us.  Or perhaps younger than us.  And...Why do I receive some peculiar stares from the others?  No!  Not me!  The SHINee!  Yeah...sure.  Just like my first time met them, just the same.  They are so pale, ghostly white, like a walking zombie, except that they are unforgivably handsome.  Weird, that is their thought, I could predict.  Almost every people that meet them will think of the same thing.

“Here comes the stars!!!” our beloved Mr. Park says.  He comes to us and hugs us one by one.  I miss him, our Performing Arts teacher, and especially good in Music.

“You’ve grown up guys.  And Onew!  You bring your wife along!!!”  Mr. Park didn’t come to the wedding, but Onew often contacts him.

“Sabrina!  How are you?” he asks me way to cheerful.  I laugh.

“I’m doing great, Mr. Park Lee Teuk!” I say with his full name.  He laughs then.  He comes nearer to me and the next thing happens makes me flush so red in the face.

“How is thing going on with Jonghyun?  When are you guys getting married?  I heard from Onew that you guys are engaged” he asks, whispering.

Honestly, I’m speechless.

“Errr...I don’t know,” I say.  Then, he gives me a pat that contains one thousand meanings behind it.

“Register yourself.  See you soon!” he says and he leaves us to attend other people.

“He doesn’t change, does he?” Key says with a beautiful smile.  Taemin laughs and Minho chuckles.  Onew is not focusing on that but Jonghyun just shrugs.

“I think nobody really changes a lot...” I say.  Key nods, agreeing.

“Yes...nobody really changes,” I recognize the voice immediately.

“Kyuhyun oppa!” I shout on top of my lungs.  Okay, I’m really surprised.  He gives me a bear hug and I hug back.

“How are you?” he asks.

“I’m great!” I say.  I’m not usually a loud person, not really like the triplet, but seeing him I suddenly feel like screaming, and Jonghyun fakes a cough and clears his throat.


“Oh well!!!  Jonghyun!!!” Kyuhyun says.  I can still remember them being so closed during their school years.  He hugs Jonghyun so long as though he doesn’t want to let him go.

“ a brother I’m jealous again,” Key says only loud enough for me to hear it.  Key always like that whenever they were found to be together a few years back.

“Hyung...I c-can’t breathe,” Jonghyun says while patting Kyuhyun’s back.  Kyuhyun let him go.

“Hey Onew!  I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your wedding.  I got something that day...” he says while moving to Onew.

“It’s okay hyung.  Anyway, this is my wife, Jiyeon,” Onew introduces Jiyeon to Kyuhyun.

“Hi, I’m Kyuhyun,” he does nothing more than just a hand gesture.  Kyuhyun is a very respectful person.

“So, how’s your dad?” asks Minho then.

“He’s still here, still a principal.  And seriously, I’m having a hard time here.  You know how he can exploit students, and I always get into heated argument with him.  Guess we do not be of the same mind,” he says while scratching the back of his head.

“Oh yeah...sure!  I miss that principal!” Sooyoung says full of sarcasm.

“Anyway Kyu’s your work as Math teacher and as Vice principal at the same time?” asks Minzy.

“Hectic.  Busy.  Tiring and even bored sometimes.  Same routine every day, but all in all, it is fun being in this school.  You know...geniuses are hard to predict, and sometimes we just need to face their not-so-logic arguments,” says Kyuhyun.

“Yeah...and you’re one of them,” Uee says.

“In fact we’re all one of them,” Kyuhyun says while rolling his eyes.

“Seriously, you’re actually dealing with yourself in your own job.  I mean...that was what the teachers have to face when they needed to deal with us back then.  All those complicated stuffs,” HyunA says.  I nod and laugh.  Yeah...perhaps there aren’t many students qualified to be in this school, but that small number of students possess different personality and might as well give teachers migraines.

“Pretty much the same thing.  Anyway, Sabrina, is this your sister?” he asks me while gesturing to Seraphina who is quietly standing beside Taemin.

“Yeah...why?  How do you know it anyway?” I ask.

“She has your face,” he says.

I just nod and smile.  Seraphina feels awkward though, same as Jiyeon.  They are clueless being here, together with us who were graduated from this school.

“I thought so.  They do have quite same features.  But, you can see clearly that Sabrina and Seraphina is different.  You see...Sabrina is sort of...boyish!” Key says and laughs to his own words.

“Sure!” Kyuhyun says and all of them laugh, including my sister.  Jonghyun is not though; he is just eyeing Key with a small smile on his face.

Then, Onew reminds us again about the registration.

“Guys, we need to register,” he says with a how-many-times-should-I-say-this look on his face.

“No, it’s okay.  You must be tired of your journey.  Go grab some food at the cafe or just have some fun around the school.  I’ll register for you guys,” Kyuhyun says as he pats Onew’s shoulder and leaves us after that.

“So...let’s reminisce all the memories.  I want to take a walk around the school.  Anybody following?” asks Key.

“I’m in,” Jonghyun quickly says.  As though it is a reflex action, I quickly step in.

“I’m in too!” I say while holding Jonghyun’s hand.

“Okay...we’re all in!  Of course...duh,” says Uee while rolling her eyes.  We go to the principal’s office, but all of us hesitate to come in.  We just don’t want to meet the principal, not just yet.  So, we decide to go to the cafe to grab some food for late breakfast.  On the way there, I spot the Wall of Victory, where the name of brilliant students is carved on the golden boards hanged on the wall.

“Hey Jiyeon!  I want to show you something!” I drag her to one of the hanging boards.  Category: Valedictorian Awards.

“See!  Your husband!  Lee Onew!  He conquered this award from the year he stepped into this school!  It was from 2004 until 2008!” I show her the board.  I could see the proud and enthusiasm in her face seeing her husband as a great person.  She flushes and calls Onew to come.

“Yeobo!  You didn’t tell me this!” she says while playfully slapping his arm.  Onew ruffles her hair sweetly.

“You didn’t ask,” Onew says and gives her his sweetest smile.  I am jealous, suddenly, because I want to be like that with Jonghyun too.  But, now I know that Jonghyun’s life is not really a safe one, I wonder if I have the chance to be his wife.

“ keep going away with your own thought.  Anything bothering you?” Jonghyun asks while stroking my hair.

“Ermm...nothing.  Just remembering our school years,” I say, as much as I try to content the desperate and sad feeling in my heart.  I try to restrain my tears.  I don’t know whether he could read it through my expression, but he gives my hand an assuring squeeze.

“Hey, look who got the Principal’s award from 2004 until 2008!  Taemin!  You’re not bad!” suddenly Seraphina shrieks.  Looks like the luck is on my side this time.

“Hey, you don’t need to be that loud,” Taemin says.

“Then, what about Student of the Year Award?!  This is the most prestigious okay!” I say, and pointing at the same name from the year 2004 until 2008.  Kim Jonghyun.

“Whoa!  Whoa!  Stop being so loud.  It is just an award!  Nothing more than that,” Jonghyun says.  He is always down to earth and that is perhaps the reason why he is a person whom girls and guys are comfortable with.

“Oh?  Jonghyun oppa is so great!” says Seraphina.

“And Minho conquered the Sportsman Award from the year 2004 until 2008 too!” Sooyoung says while nudging him hard at his rib cage.

“That’s hurt.  You’re so buff dear,” Minho teases her.

“It is just the same for the Unique Creativity Award.  Key conquered it until the year he graduated.  SHINee never gave people chances to succeed.  They conquered all, actually until now,” says Minzy rolling her eyes.

We laugh to the fact.  I could see that.  The boards on the Wall of Victory are filled with mostly their names, the SHINee’s names.

“Well...I know Valedictorian Award is for students who score the best in exams and Sportsman Award is for students who are good in sports.  But, what about the Principal’s Award, Unique Creativity Award and Student of the Year Award?” asks Jiyeon.

“Okay, Jiyeon.  Listen here,” HyunA says, “The Unique Creativity Award is for students who have the ability to presents themselves very well.  They have their own characteristic that is very distinct from other students and is so influential that the other students would follow their unique personality.  The Principal’s Award is for students who is bubbly and is very high-spirited and has contributed something for the school.  Students who received this award are generally people who love to explore new things and cheerful in accepting whatever challenges that come.  The Student of the Year Award is the most prestigious one.  Students must be a top scorer, able to engage well with the school, community and other students to make meaningful changes in the world and in their own lives.  They are also risk-takers and accept physical, mental and emotional challenges that come to them,” HyunA gives a very long explanation to Jiyeon.

“I see…” says Jiyeon.

“No wonder Jonghyun oppa can be the Student of the Year for five years in a row.  He deserves it,” Seraphina says.  I nod to her.

“Now, stop talking about those awards, and let’s go to the café to grab some food.  That is our target just now.  We are wasting our time here,” Jonghyun quickly changes the topic.  He doesn’t like people talking about his own achievements.

“Now…another criteria.  Remember your own target.  Then, you’ll be a star student,” says Uee.  Jonghyun rolls his eyes and makes his way first.  After laughing, we follow him to the café.

The café is half-filled with people and we are glad that it is not so packed.  Jonghyun asks me to sit while he buys food for both of us.  I nod.  While waiting for him, my phone suddenly rings.  I smile when I see the caller’s ID.  I quickly pick up the phone.

“Yeah, Siwon appa,” I say.

“How things going on over there?  Have you reached your school yet?” he asks.

“Yeah…a while ago.  We’re having our breakfast now.  I mean…the human,” I say.  I can hear his laugh through the earpiece.

“Good.  I just want to know whether you’re safe or not.  That’s all,” he says.

“I’m okay here.  You…take care, Siwon appa,” I say.

“For the sake of you…and Jonghyun, I’ll take care of myself,” he says.  I flinch.  I remember our conversation last time.  He continues, “You take care too, and please…take care of Jonghyun,” he says.  His tone is all worried and concerned.

“Sure…” I say.  We say ‘bye’ to each other and end the conversation.

“Who called you just now?” Jonghyun asks as he sits on the chair and put our food on the table.

“Siwon appa.  It’s just nothing.  He asked whether we are already here or not,” I say.

Jonghyun nods and gives me the ham sandwiches and sausages, together with the orange juice for my drinks.  We enjoy our food together while the rest of the SHINee members just watch the other human eats.


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