Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 9: Anger

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

Jonghyun drives the car home.  I keep quite along the way.  I am not in the mood of talking.  Just not now.  Since last night incident, I just couldn’t stop wearing this worried look on my face all the time.  The sudden attack from a vampire to Jonghyun has shaken my own brave self.  I feel scared, afraid of being attacked for another time.  I hate to repeat a bad history of mine.  I just had enough.  On the other hand, Jonghyun is tough, as far as I know him.  What is he thinking actually?  I wonder, seeing his calm face all the time.  I sigh.  I glance through the side mirror and I could see the five cars are following behind, catching up Jonghyun’s 180 km/h speed.

                When they knew about it this morning, Onew was the first to become very furious.  Minho said nothing, but his face showed thousands of hatred and worrisome.  Taemin sighed in fear and looked at Jonghyun with a very concern face.  Whereas, Key was just as furious as last night.  Onew immediately called home to ask whether everything okay.  Luckily, they are doing just fine.  Nothing big really happen.  When the phone call was ended, Onew immediately asked us to leave.

                “I’m sorry,” Jonghyun says.  That’s all.

                “Why?” yes, I’m not having mood to speak, but at least, it might just reduce my anxiety anyway.

                “I thought this should be a good vacation for us.  But, apparently not.  We should have enjoyed a bit longer being in school,” says Jonghyun.  I shake my head.

                “No, it’s okay.  I understand.  It is for safety reason.  And I’m glad we’re heading to home,” I say.

                “You’re okay, aren’t you?” he asks me.

                “I’m okay.  I’m just worried,” I say, telling him the truth.  Jonghyun stays silent for a while before continue.


                “You know you shouldn’t ask that,” I reply.  He sighs.

                “Get over it,” Jonghyun says, sternly.

                “What?!” I say.

                “Just…get over it, Sabrina.  There’s nothing to worry about.  Everyone is safe,” he says.  Okay, now I’m angry.  I know I keep fussing around about the same thing since morning, but he should know that it is all about him.

                “You want me to get over it?  You want me to stop thinking about it, aren’t you?  But, do you know you were almost killed last night?!” I raise my voice.

                “Shoot.  We had argued about this just in the morning.  And now, we start the fight all over again.  You know, if you just get over it, we could stop all this quarrel,” Jonghyun is talking to me in a very consoling tone.

                “I won’t!  Until you know how take care of yourself,” I say.

                “I know.  Look.  I was the one who saw the vampire last night and I was the one that chased him away.  I know how to defend myself,” he says, try to calm me down.

                “Yeah.  And Key killed him after that,” I say.  Jonghyun turns his head and makes a sharp glance at me before focusing back on the road.

                “You know what?  I could just kill that vampire last night.  But, I wasn’t.  Because you were there.  And stop telling me that Key killed the vampire.  I know my brother is noble and brave enough to save me.  You don’t have to repeat the same thing all over again,” Jonghyun says.  He clearly is frustrated.  The speed is now exceeding 200 km/h.

                “What?  Because I was there?  What was the matter with that?  You could just kill him even in front of me.  I’m not that weak that I cannot take a murdering scene happen in front of me.  I USED to that.  You’re too paranoid,” I say.  Jonghyun takes a deep breath before he exhales again.

                “Sabrina, trust me.  I can take care of myself.  I’m fully aware of the danger waiting for me out there.  Just…you don’t need not worry that much,” Jonghyun says, trying his best not to get mad.  Perhaps he knows how I’m angry of what had happened to him yesterday.  I just don’t want him to get killed, that’s all.

                “Then what?  Get yourself killed and leave me alone?” I asked him, tone too irritated that I’m sure Jonghyun flinches beside me.

                “Sabrina, you know I’ll never leave you.  You know that long ago,” he says.

                “And the last time you said that, you sent yourself to the verge of death!” I bark.  He is surprised with my anger.

                “I’m sorry, okay.  It won’t happen again.  Just trust me this time,” he says, now trying to soothe me down.  I takes a deep breath before continue.

                “Slow down your car, please,” I say.  The fact the he drives the car at more than 200 km/h is freaking me out.  Surprisingly, the other cars are following without any complain from the back.

                Jonghyun does as instructed.  Maybe he feels tired.  Tired of being scolded, tired of comforting me, tired of having me fussing around about his safety, tired of my anger and he is now just doing what will satisfy me.  I know; who in this world would stand hearing the same thing being repeated for God knows how many times per day?  But, I just couldn’t stop myself from being all fussy and worry.  It’s all about him anyway.  The whole ten-minute journey after that is filled with nothing but silence.

                Once we reach home, I quickly jump out of the car.  I open the car boot and take my duffel bag before quickly walk into the mansion.

                “Hey, yo!  What’s with you guys in the car?  You driving like a roller-coaster Jonghyun,” asks Key.  There’s a look of concern in Onew’s eyes and I just ignore.

                “What happened, hyung?” I hear Minho asks.  I’m quite sure it is directed to Jonghyun.  I won’t turn behind; I just want to get into the mansion.

                When I reach the door, Hyori is already waiting with worried look on her face.  This is definitely what I’m looking for, a person who can understand me the most.  I run into her embrace.

                “What happened, dear?  Tell me what happened?  Jonghyun is okay, isn’t he?” asks Hyori.  I shake my head.

                “I’m worried…” I say, and tears are already rolling down my cheeks.

                “He’s okay, right?” Hyori asks again.  I shake my head and about to answer ‘No’ when his voice interrupts our conversation.

                “I’m fine,” he says.  Of course, Hyori quickly let go of me and runs towards his son who is now standing at the door.  She hugs him and I could tell it is suffocating even for him.

                “Hyori, I’m fine.  I’m okay, mom.  There’s nothing to worry about,” Jonghyun says quickly when I see the woman fails to let him go.

                “Are you sure you’re okay?” Hyori asks Jonghyun.

                “Yes, I’m fine.  Key is the one that fought last night.  He killed the vampire,” Jonghyun says and with that Hyori quickly runs towards Key and gives him a hug.

                “Are you okay, dear?” asks Hyori.

                “Hey, mom!  Look I’m okay.  Jonghyun lied.  I finished the last job, to kill the vampire.  He was the one who fought,” says Key.

                “And he got stabbed,” I butt into the conversation.

                “Sabrina, please.  Just get over it, I’m fine,” he says.

                “I’m sick of hearing your ‘I’m fine’,” I say.

                “Stop it, now.  You guys have been fighting since morning!  And I’m sure you fought again in the car just now!  Isn’t it enough already?” says Onew

                “It’s not my fault.  I wanted to drive this morning and he insisted to drive by saying he’s okay all over again!” I’m now full of rage.

                “Hey, I’m really okay, so what’s the matter?” Jonghyun says frustratingly.  Hyori is now looking very confused.  Jiyeon looks even more clueless.  My sister is wearing this face of Jonghyun’s that telling me to get over it, which I won’t do.  Hyun Joong and Siwon who don’t even say a word just now are looking at each other.

                “Yeah, really okay, right?  That you almost cannot move your arm at all this morning!” I shout at him.  I just SHOUT at Jonghyun.

                “Jonghyun-” Hyori is about to speak when Jonghyun cuts her.

                “So what I can move it now,” Jonghyun says.

                “Jonghyun!  Why don’t you just admit it?  Is that hard?  That doesn’t make you a weak person.  Just admit it when you’re in pain!” I say.

                “I’m fine.  There’s completely nothing to worry about,” says Jonghyun.

                “And the last time you said that you end up attacked by a vampire and got stabbed in the arm!” I say.


                “Enough!” Hyun Joong shouts, finally.  The whole mansion seems to fall into an infinite silence.  My eyes are still fixed on Jonghyun though.  I don’t know why I am so angry.  Maybe I’m still shocked by the incident last night.

                “Jonghyun, you will follow Hyori to have your wound treated.  Don’t think you can hide it under your long-sleeved jacket.  You should remember that Siwon can feel the blow too.  He told me that it should be painful for you,” Hyun Joong says calmly after that.  Then, he turns his back to us and climbs the stairs to his room.  Siwon sighs.

                “Onew, Taemin, your parents are waiting at your house.  They are worried too.  Tell them that Jiyeon and Seraphina are safe.  So Eun are terribly worried about them.  Minho, Ji Woo is waiting for you at home too.  You better get back before she drags along your brother all the way here as well,” says Siwon.

                 Minho nods.  Onew and Taemin quickly bring Jiyeon home.  My sister follows as Taemin pulls her hand.  Perhaps he just wants her to show herself all safe to the Lee’s parents.  Sooyoung walk to me before following Minho to the Choi’s mansion.

                “Rest well.  You’ve been through a lot,” she says as she pats my shoulder.  I give a slight nod.

                “Where are three girls anyway?” asks Hyori.

                “Err…well…” Key says before continues, “We’re too busy catching up with Jonghyun’s speed that we forgot they are human.  It’s impossible right, for them to drive at more than 200 km/h speed?  So, I think, we need to wait for another one hour?” Key says.

                “200 km/h, huh?  Good job , Jonghyun,” Hyori says and walks to him, “Let me see how bad your wound is,” she says again and pulls up the sleeve, roughly.

                “Ouch!  Just…be gentle, mom,” says Jonghyun, wincing.

                “This needs to be treated Jonghyun.  The wound is deep,” Hyori pulls him to her room.  Key is about to walk away when he is called.

                “Where are you going, Key?  You’re following us.  I’m going to check on you too,” Hyori says.  Key rolls his eyes and groans.  Then, he makes his way to Hyori and Jonghyun.

                I look at Siwon for a brief moment before I run to my room with tears in my eyes.  Once I get into my room I close the door and throw my bag onto the floor and then throw myself onto the bed.  I cry into the pillow.

                Then, I hear a knock.

                “Sabrina…” it’s Siwon’s voice, “Can I come in?” he asks me.

                I try to calm myself down first.

                “The door is not locked,” I say with a shaky voice.

                The door opens and revealing Siwon at the back of it.  He smiles at me.  I smile back, although I actually have to force it.  He walks towards my bed.  The mattress sinks a bit as he sits on it.  He pats my shoulder.

                “It must be a bad day for you, huh?” he says, all father-like.  I miss him, yeah, I miss him for the three days I wasn’t home.

                “How did you know something was about to happen?” I ask him immediately.

                “The further I get from Jonghyun, the stronger my sense on danger is,” Siwon says.

                I do nothing but sniff and wipe my tears away.

                “You shouldn’t be that hard on him though,” he says.

                I get up and sit beside him.

                “I just worry about him.  People are aiming to kill him, and how could I just stay calm?” I say, putting my head onto his shoulder.

                “He is a big guy, Sabrina.  He knows how to take care of himself,” says Siwon, with his fingers running through my long hair.

                “But he is at risk of being murdered,” I say, sternly.  Why can’t just these people understand?

                “Yes, his life is at risk, but seriously, there’s nothing to worry about.  Jonghyun knows that, and we know how fast and alert he is,” says Siwon again.

                “He said that yesterday, and end up attacked by a vampire.  There’s something to worry about,” I say.

                “But, he’s safe.  And nothing terrible happens.”

                “Because Key killed the vampire,” I say.  Siwon loses his words but not for long.

                “That’s something questionable.  Why would he let go of the vampire?” Siwon says, as though asking himself for the answer.

                “Because I was there,” I say irritably.

                “Huh?” Siwon frowns, unable to understand.

                “He said the reason he didn’t kill the vampire is because I was there,” I say.  Siwon nods and sighs.  He looks like he understands why Jonghyun did that.

                “He loves you more than he loves himself, you should know that,” Siwon says.

                I look at him, puzzled.

                “I was on the verge of death, once, just like Jonghyun.  And when I woke up, seeing someone that I love, very faithfully waiting for me to wake up, with a hurt expression on her face, I swear to myself, I won’t let her hurt again.  Not even once,” Siwon says.  He breaths in and continues.

                “Jonghyun suffered once.  With the thinnest chance to live, he forced himself to hang on, and he survived, although I could say all of you were already a bit late when you gave him the cure.  He almost died, almost.  When he woke up, the first thing he saw was you, Sabrina.  The first thing he saw was you, complaining how the things was hard on you, very cruel, very hurting, and tears rolling down your cheeks.  I don’t think he wants to see that hurt face of yours all over again,” he says.  I keep quiet, so he goes on.

                “When that incident happened, I am sure Jonghyun wanted to kill the vampire so much with his own hands, but he didn’t, because he doesn’t want to hurt you, not anymore.  You know, you must be having that frightening look on your face, you must had that hurt expression on your face, the same that he saw when he first woke up five years ago.  And I’m sure Jonghyun thought you won’t be able to handle the murder he was about to commit, you wouldn’t be able to cope a homicide in front of you, because I’m thinking of the same thing.  You’ve been through a lot and I’m sure at that time there’s nothing more important to Jonghyun except to embrace you and calm you down,” Siwon says.

                “You should just shut up.  Now you get me into tears again,” I say, pouting.  Siwon chuckles.

                “I know,” he says.

                “I just worry about him,” I say again.

                “You shouldn’t.   That’s the thing Jonghyun wants to avoid so much,” Siwon says.  I look at him again.  He strokes my head tenderly.

                “After seeing what you had gone through, after everything that happened five years ago, all he wants is you to stop worrying about him.  That is why he keeps telling you that he’s fine.  Jonghyun loves you too much that he doesn’t want to see you hurting again.  He doesn’t want to see the worried, hurting face he saw when he first woke up five years ago,” Siwon says.

                “I love him, too,” I say.  Siwon sighs.

                “Then you seriously shouldn’t be that hard on him,” Siwon advises me.

                “I’m just afraid anything bad will happen to him,” I say again.

                “I’m scared too,” he says.

                “See?  How can I stop worrying then?  I’m scared, that’s it!” I say and I hug Siwon.

                “What are you scared of actually?” he asks me.

                “I’m scared of losing him.  I’m scared of waking up not seeing him alive.  I’m afraid I can’t be by his side anymore.  I’m scared I’m not able to be his…” I stop until that.

                “To be his?” Siwon asks again.

                “Wife,” I end it.

                “Even if you’re his wife, but he is fated to…you know, die… you still can’t be by his side.  But, nothing can stop you from loving him,” Siwon says.

                “That is why nobody can stop me from worrying and fussing around about his safety.  I’ll keep him alive, I’ll try my best to protect him,” I say.  Siwon sighs again.  He stands up and walks to the door, to leave me enjoying my sweet time alone.

                “Sabrina, you know what?  Jonghyun is someone who is willing to sacrifice himself for the person he loves.  You might say you want to protect him, but in the end you’ll see who actually worrying about who, and who is actually protecting who.  And you have to know Sabrina, the reason he sent himself near death five years ago is also to protect you.  If not, you won’t be here fussing about his safety now.  For him, it’s all because of you,” Siwon says before he goes out.

                I wipe the tears on my cheeks with my fingers.  Then, I walk to the door to close it.  Siwon leaves it open.  When I’m about to close the door, I hear a click from another door a few rooms beside mine.  I quickly peek through the small opening of my door and I catch Jonghyun’s figure walking out with Hyori and Key.

                “Both of you should be careful from today onwards.  I’m feeling another fight is about to start again,” Hyori advises both of her sons.  Key nods.

                “I’m being very careful.  You should advise Jonghyun hyung not to be too kind to his enemy next time.  He should’ve killed the vampire last night,” Key says and makes a move to his room.  I could see the door of his room being closed and there, Hyori and Jonghyun are having a very tensing staring competition.

                “Why didn’t you kill last night?” asks Hyori.  Jonghyun sighs, holding his neatly-bandaged arm.

                “She’s there,” says Jonghyun.  Hyori looks to her side, avoiding looking at her son.  She sighs.


                “She can’t stand it.  She’s hurt,” Jonghyun says.


                “I’ll be more careful next time.  I promise.  You don’t have to worry.  You have my words,” Jonghyun says.  There is a moment of silent between them.

                “Jonghyun, when you were about to die from the accident when you were still a tiny baby, I saved you.  That’s not for nothing.  When you were about to die, again, five years ago, I took the risk and gave you the cure just to see you alive, that’s not for nothing too.  Now that people are hunting you and Siwon down, I cannot afford to lose you, again,” Hyori says.

                “Look, mom.  I promise, promise to be careful, but you have to promise me too,” Jonghyun says.

                “Whatever it takes as long as you’re safe,” says Hyori.

                “Promise me that we’ll protect everybody here, make sure they are safe, whatever it takes.  Especially Sabrina,” Jonghyun says.  Once I hear that, tears are pouring down again.

                “I promise.”

                “Whatever it takes?”

                “Yes, whatever it takes,” says Hyori.  Jonghyun nods and smiles, and then he get into his room.  Hyori quickly walks to her room.  I slowly close my door and I slide down the wall.  Why does my heart keep telling me that we are in danger?


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