Friday, August 10, 2012

That's a Very Merry Christmas

Winter holiday is coming soon and Jung Hye thinks it would be good if something fun and well-remembered could be done before school ends.  The idea of doing Secret Santa would not be good if it involves only their classmates.  But, just to be creative, and perhaps to increase the joy of the event, she includes all classes of the grades and teachers who teach them.  It should be fun, certainly, because a larger community is included.

                Thus, when her proposal is approved by the Principal, she excitedly goes to the next step, jots down everyone’s name in pieces of small papers to be drawn out later.  She walks to the class quickly from the Principal’s office, her hair waves synchronously with her steps taken. When she reaches the floor of her class, she sees someone sitting on the bench at the open area right beside the indoor gym.  With that frown on his face, she could predict that the guy might be intensely thinking right now, or else, in problem.

                “Hey, Jonghyun.  What’s up?” she asks.  Jonghyun looks at her and smiles.  She smiles back, revealing her pearly white teeth.  It is her trademark as always.

                “I’m good,” he says.  She nods.  Jung Hye seldom speaks, except for important matter.  When she is asked to answer a question or when she is asked to speak for the class, people will hear her voice.  She won’t speak for anything ridiculous, so people label her as a serious person, rather than mute.  Thus, when she talks to him first, Jonghyun finds it surprising.

                “With that frown?  Yeah, you’re good,” she says sarcastically.  Jonghyun chuckles.  Rather than call her serious, he likes to say that she is cool.

                “No, I’m just thinking,” says Jonghyun with a smile.

                “I saw you came out of the Principal’s room just now.  I’m sure a good student like you wasn’t call in for wrongdoings. So, let me make a wild guess.   It should be either an award or a work for you,” she guesses.  Jonghyun smiles.

                “You know that you’re really a good friend, aren’t you?” he says, “The Principal told me about a Soup Kitchen Project two days before Christmas.  We’ll distribute Christmas food to the poor to help them enjoy Christmas celebration as well.  So, I’m just thinking about how I am going to raise money for the project,” says Jonghyun.

                “It is supposed to be a class project, right?” asks Jung Hye with her sweet smile.

                “Yes,” Jonghyun nods.

                “Then, you know what?  You shouldn’t put the burden onto your shoulders alone.  You can always share with the class,” Jung Hye says.

                “It’s hard.  They seldom listen.  They only expect things to be ready for them.  I have to find the idea and then propose it, they will only join the programme,” Jonghyun says.

                “Well, it’s true.  It’s the same as Secret Santa,” she goes.

 Jonghyun and Jung Hye are stars of the class and the school as well.  Their leadership often leads them to work together.  Although they quite dislike it, the teachers always depend on no one except them.  Any messages, any works, all will be given to them, because they are highly reliable students.  The other students are reliable as well, but not in that sort of class matter or anything involving co-academics.  They are only trustworthy when it comes to other things, such as performing arts or sports; hence, explaining the responsibility that always weighs them at their shoulders.

“How is your Secret Santa thing?” asks Jonghyun.

“It was approved and now I’m going to the next step.  Prepare cards of name for the draw lots,” she says.

“Do you need help?  I don’t think I could think of any idea for the Soup Kitchen thing now,” says Jonghyun.

                “Sure.  Why not?” she says.

                Jung Hye and Jonghyun write down the name of teachers and students who involve in the event on pieces of papers.  Then, they fold the papers and put them in a box.  The next thing Jung Hye will do is to announce for the draw lots.  Students and teachers will pick up a name from the box and they have to keep the name a secret.  They have to be a Santa for the person they randomly choose and the present will be given at the last day of school, which is the day of the Secret Santa event.  They will have a Christmas party on that day and the exchange of presents will be held.

                “I suggest a big Christmas tree for the Santas to put all their presents under it.  And the recipients will have to find the presents themselves,” says Jonghyun while neatly folding the paper.

                “Hey!  That’s brilliant!  Of course, yes, we’ll do it that way.  I’ve been thinking on how we could do the present exchange since the Santa should be a secret.  Thanks Jonghyun,” she says.

                “I could help decorating the Christmas tree if you want,” says Jonghyun.

                “Oh, thanks again,” Jung Hye says brightly, “I think it would be better if we could do carolling as well,” she suggests.

                “That would be good.  But, usually we have to give something to the carollers, right?” asks Jonghyun.  Jung Hye smiles to him.

                “What if our classmates are the carollers and we sing Christmas song to raise money?” she asks.

                “Hey!  That is a fantastic idea!  And then we can use that money for the Soup Kitchen project!” Jonghyun exclaims.

                “You’re welcomed,” Jung Hye says sarcastically.

                “Oh, okay.  Thanks,” he replies.

                For a few days, Jonghyun works on his proposal for the fund-raising.  He hopes to collect a reasonable amount of money for the charity work that they are going to participate soon.  Jung Hye’s idea is something very out of the blue, but otherwise, it is a very smart one.  He proposes to sing a few Christmas carols during the school assembly just before the Secret Santa event at the final day of school.  Raising fund from the whole school community might help in increasing the amount of donation for the Soup Kitchen programme.

                When his proposal is approved by the Principal, the first person he tells about it is Jung Hye.  Perhaps because Jung Hye is the most deserved to know about it, since it is her idea in the first place.

                “Hey, you know what?  The Principal approved it.  We can do the Christmas carol!” he exclaims happily.  Jung Hye’s smiles.

                “So, the next thing we have to do is to tell our classmate, huh?” asks the girl.

                “Which is the hardest part,” Jonghyun nods.

                Both Jonghyun and Jung Hye have to speak to the entire class again.  They are used to people’s gossip about they are dating each other, just because they often work together.  The fact that they have the same surname doesn’t help to ease the gossip; instead it is making it worse.  But, they couldn’t care less.  When they are standing in front of the class, Jonghyun begins by faking a cough. Whenever he does that, the whole class falls to a pregnant silence.

                “Listen guys.  Mr and Mrs Kim are speaking,” Krystal, a classmate, says cheekily.  Maybe she intends to direct the attention of the class to them, but she could be teasing as well.

                Jung Hye announces and explains the Secret Santa event to the class and asks them to draw lots.  Each of them picks their supposed-to-be-recipient’s name and keeps quiet about it.  After all of them done with their secret recipients, Jonghyun announces the Soup Kitchen project and the fund-raising.  When talking about carolling, of course, they are excited.  Jonghyun presents the list of Christmas songs and asks them to vote on the six songs they want to sing the most.

                After half an hour of quarrel and disagreeing, the six songs are chosen.  The whole class unanimously agreeing on these songs: Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Jingle Bell Rock, Deck the Halls, Feliz Navidad and We Wish You A Merry Christmas.

                “Jonghyun!  Most of the songs you listed are common.  Maybe to add some spice to our performance, we should sing at least a pop song,” suggests Dong Hae.

                “Well, this is going to be a Christmas carol,” Jonghyun says.

                “I think Dong Hae is right.  I mean, those common songs might not attract them to listen to us, thus they might not interested in donating.  And I think what he means by pop song is actually a Christmas pop song,” says Yuri.

                “I think it is a good idea, Jonghyun,” Jung Hye smiles.

                “Okay, then, can you suggest any pop Christmas song?” he asks the whole students.  There’s silence for a while before Taemin voices.

                “I like Under the Mistletoe by Justin Bieber,” he suggests.  The class starts to become a bit din.  It seems like they love the idea of singing Under the Mistletoe.

                “Guys, pay attention,” Jonghyun has to take control again, “Do you agree with Under the Mistletoe?” he asks.  The class agrees unanimously.

                “I suggest we play music instrument,” another suggestion from Taeyon.  Then, comes another agreeing noise for the crowd of students.

                “Okay.  So, let’s decide who is going to sing and who is going to play instrument,” says Jonghyun.

                The process is done in a very smooth way.  With Jung Hye’s help, Jonghyun manages to sort out the carollers.  Taemin will take the piano while Jonghyun himself is going to play the guitar.  The other instruments such as the jingle bell and the maracas are played by Amber and Hyoyeon.  The others are singing, with Jinki, Kyu Hyun, Sungmin, Yesung, Ryeowook, Taeyeon, Jessica and Luna being responsible to harmonize.  When everything is decided, they end the meeting with smiles.

                At the final week of the school, the whole class starts to be very busy with work.  Each of them needs to organize their times for Christmas-present shopping and carol practice.   Jonghyun and Jung Hye even have a lot more to do since they need to work on the big Christmas tree for the Secret Santa and also food for the Christmas party.  They toil until the final day of preparation.

                “Who is your secret recipient?” Jung Hye asks Jonghyun while decorating the Christmas tree.

                “It is supposed to be a secret, right?” Jonghyun smirks.  Jung Hye just smiles.

                “Well, have you gotten the present for your recipient?” she asks.

                “No.  I don’t know what to buy,” says Jonghyun.

                “Crazy.  The event is tomorrow, and you are not buying the present yet,” she says frankly.

                “I promise I’ll go for shopping after school, although I don’t really know what I am supposed to buy,” he goes.

                “Easy.  If it’s a girl, just buy a teddy bear.  If it is a guy, just get him a pair of shoes,” she suggests.

                “Rather than shoes, I prefer clothes,” Jonghyun says with a shrug.

                “You want clothes as a Christmas present?” asks Jung Hye.

                “Just that, I prefer clothes as a present,” answers the petite guy.  He could see Jung Hye is smiling.

                “Okay, then.  Let’s finish our job, and you can do your shopping after that,” Jung Hye says and they get back to work.

                The next day comes very fast.  Assembly is early in the morning and the carollers are ready to perform.  However, Jonghyun suddenly becomes so nervous and uneasy.  Cold sweat trickles down his forehead in the cold weather and he turns very pale.

                “Jonghyun, you look terrible. Are you okay?” asks Jung Hye.

                “No, I’m not.  What if my introduction speech sucks?  What if I play the wrong note later?” he asks nervously.

                “Hey!  Hey!  Listen to me.  Everything is going to be alright, trust me,” she tries to calm him down.  She will laugh at him, if not for his pale face.  She asks him to breathe properly and calm down.  He practices his speech a few times before they go on stage.

                “Hey, guys.  I’m Jonghyun,” and here comes a loud cheer from the crowd, “I don’t want to make a long speech, but I’m sure all of us are aware, while we’re happily getting ready for Christmas, there are some unfortunates out there that need our help.  It is cold out there, and perhaps they are hungry with nothing to eat.  So, in front of us is a box for you to donate as much as you can.  Two days before Christmas, this donation will come beneficial, because we are going to spend it for a Soup Kitchen project, to help the poor enjoy Christmas like we do.  Together we reach out, and may God bless us with a good Christmas,” he says.

                Six Christmas carols come in next.  They sing those songs directly from their heart, while watching students come in front and drop some bucks into the box.  After the six songs, they sing Under the Mistletoe.  They have made a right choice of song.  The students sing along, indicating an attention they never expected to get.  More come in front to donate and the box is indeed full of cash as it ends.  The round applause assures Jonghyun that they did it right.

                “Told you everything is going to be great,” Jung Hye says.  Jonghyun nods and smiles.

                After the assembly, the whole grades stay at the hall for the next event.  Students and teachers who involve start to put their presents under the Christmas tree.  The view of the numerous presents crammed under the big Christmas tree is splendid.  They enjoy the Christmas party with cookies, candies and cakes.  The hall turns to a place suitable for the sweet-tooth.   When time is called for the Secret Santa, both students and teachers immaturely rush to the Christmas tree, to collect their presents.

                Jung Hye is given a mafla as present while Jonghyun get a pillow.  Seeing people excited with their presents, Jung Hye thinks it is the best time for her to give her own secret present to Jonghyun.  She knows very well that the purpose of Secret Santa is to be fair to all.  Everybody will get a present, that’s a promise.  But, she prepares one extra present to give it to someone she considers her best mate.

                “Hey, this is for you,” she gives it to Jonghyun.

                “You are not my secret Santa.  I already got my own present,” says Jonghyun.

                “I know.  But, I just want to give this to you,” she says.

                “You are aware that the purpose of Secret Santa is to be fair, right?” Jonghyun asks with a smile.

                “I am.  Everybody has gotten their presents.  So, I don’t think it is wrong for me to give this to you.  I just want to be fair to myself,” she gives her reason.  Jonghyun nods and takes the present wrapped in the sweet-candy style with both ends twisted.

                “Oh, my God.  Is it a shirt?” asks Jonghyun, surprised.

                “How do you know?” frowning, she asks.

                “It is not hard to predict it,” he says and he opens the present.  It reveals a blue checkered shirt that Jonghyun finds suits him very well.

                “How do you know my size?” he asks Jung Hye.

                “It is not hard to predict it.  You’re small,” she says and laughs.

                “Anyway, thanks a lot,” he says gratefully.

                They continue with their food and again, and when the party ends, people leave it to them to clean up the mess.  Jonghyun sighs but Jung Hye smiles optimistically.

                “Looks like we have to clean this up together,” he says.

                “Take it in a positive way.  We can spend time together before the holiday Christmas,” Jung Hye calms him down.

                They collect rubbish, wipe the tables, sweep the floor and mop it without realising they are the only people left in the school.  Both of them are too absorbed in their work and if there is any sound to be heard, is the sound of the splashes of water and friction between the mop and the floor.

                “I think we are done,” says Jonghyun.  Jung Hye nods with a smile.

                “Let’s go,” she says.

                They wear their coats, fling their bags to their shoulders and set off to a chilling and freezing winter outside.  The moment they step out outside, they could see icy flakes falling down slowly and finally make a contact with the ground.  Visible cool breeze coming out from their mouths when they breathe and Jung Hye laughs at it.

                “You are freezing!” she points to Jonghyun.  Jonghyun, who has his hands in the pocket of the coat and a mafla wrapped around his neck up to his chin grins stupidly, revealing his pearly white teeth.

                “You too!” he points to her as well.  They laugh to each other when they see the visible thin air coming out from their mouths as they speak.  They are alert about the risk of walking in the freezing evening, but they can’t help but to spend time together walking home.

                “Where are you going to celebrate Christmas this year?” Jonghyun asks on their way home.

                “I’m going to be here in town.  My grannies are going to be here with us, as well as my aunts and uncles,” she says.

                “That’s cool.  I’m celebrating here as well, because dad has to work even when Christmas Eve,” says Jonghyun.  He knows that there is no way he could celebrate the holy celebration somewhere else when his dad is a doctor and his service is so much needed even during a celebration day.

                “I’m sorry to hear that,” she states her pity towards the guy.

                “No, I’m used to it.  At least, last year we already went to Paris for Christmas.  So, I don’t see any problem for us to sacrifice it this year.  Mom and I will go to the orphanage for the Christmas Eve.  We’ll celebrate it with the kids there and my shift will end at 11,” he says.

                “Wow!  That’s cool,” she says.  Jonghyun’s steps come to a halt.

                “You’re home,” he says and it awakens Jung Hye from their conversation.  She turns around to see her semi-d house settles right in front of his eyes.

                “Oh, thanks for walking me home,” she says.

                “Hey, look!  Snowflakes!” he says while pretending to catch it with his hand, “I got something,” he says and opens his fist.

                There is a shining bracelet on his palm, sending Jung Hye to a surprise.  Jonghyun smiles while showing her the bracelet with stars pattern decorating it.

                “Hey, what is this?” she asks.

                “A bracelet,” he goes, “My secret present for you,” he helps to put it on.

                “Oh my God.  Thanks,” she says while studying the bracelet.

                “Those stars…there is a meaning,” he says.  Jung Hye doesn’t need the snow to freeze her.  Jonghyun’s words are enough to do that.

                “W-What?” she asks.

                “Christmas Eve, after 11.  I’ll be waiting for you under the mistletoe,” he says with a stupid grin and leaves.

                Jung Hye smiles, knowing that this year’s Christmas is going to be a great Christmas.

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