Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chapter 13: Followed and Suspicion

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

I wake up to a gasp, a very familiar gasp beside me.  I just have to face it every single morning.  Nightmares.  It has been two months without Siwon, and it has been two months Jonghyun’s sleeps are disturbed by never-ending nightmares.  He’ll wake up in sweat and gasping for air, thinking about the meaning of his nightmares.  He always does.

                “Nightmare?” I ask him.

                He looks at me and smiles.  Something about him changes.  He talks less.  He acts more.  He talks only when he has something really important to speak.  It makes me feel like I’m taking care for an autistic child, but I know I’m not.  He lives normally: goes to work, presents his ideas well, and deals with criminals.  He just talks less.

                “Jonghyun, nightmare again?  How was it this time?” I ask him.  He often tells me about his dreams, only after he interprets the meaning behind them.

                He looks at me again and smiles.  It is hard to make him speak after the day I said I hate him, and now I hate myself for it.  I know part of it is my fault.

                “Confusing,” he says.  The same answer every time.  I know he has been hiding something from us.  Yes, he tells us about his nightmares and his interpretation, but I could sense holes in them.

                Before I could question him anymore, he enters the bathroom and closes the door.  There’s a click sound and I know he will comes out only after another ten minutes.  Our relationship as husband and wife is good, considering we fight less than before our marriage since he talks less.  However, it is dull and I feel like it is getting duller each day.  I try my best to keep our marriage safe, and I know he is trying his best too.

                He comes out from the bathroom after ten minutes.  He smiles to me, again.  That is something that I like the most about him.  He always tries to smile to me, although sometimes he wakes up from nightmares, or seeing visions that is very painful, or even when sometimes he’s broken down because of the blame that I once put on him very stupidly.

                “Your turn,” he says and I grab my towel.  Before I enter the bathroom, he kisses me on my forehead.  He does that every morning.  I know he is trying to save our dull married life.

                When I finish clean up, I go out of the bathroom to see him on the couch in our shared bedroom, thinking, maybe.  He looks like he’s lost in his own thoughts again, so I assume he is thinking.  I let him be in his own world while I’m dressing up.  After I’m done drying my hair, I call him.

                “Jonghyun,” I call his name.  He looks at me.

                “Breakfast?” he asks.

                “Yes, let’s go,” I say.

                He takes my hand and leads me to the door.  We walk downstairs together.  That is our routine every morning.  We will always get down together.

                “Hey, you know what?  Yesterday, I watched TV and there was this funny story about an alien.  He got lost on Earth and it was funny how he thought that we were stupid for drinking coffee because it was dirty for them,” I tried to make up some conversation with him.

                “So, were you having fun?” he asks.

                “Yeah, it was funny, really,” I say while looking at him.

                “I’m glad you had fun,” he says with a very sweet smile.

                We reach the kitchen to find Hyori is preparing breakfast.  As usual, Ji Woo and So Eun are there to help as well.  They are too absorbed in their job, perhaps, the reason why they seem don’t realize our presence.

                “Morning, mom,” I greet them.

                “Morning, dear,” Hyori greets as she turns to me, “Hey, Jonghyun.  Morning!  How was your sleep?  Was it okay?  Any nightmares again?”

                “As usual.  I had nightmares but well-coping,” he says.

                “What was it about?  Someone telling you that you’re evil and meant to kill again?” Ji Woo asks.  Jonghyun scratches his head while looking at them.

                “It’s a bit…different this time,” he says.  All of us avert our attention towards him.  Even the three respectable ladies stop doing their work.

                “What was it about then? Something different?” ask So Eun, concerned.

                “Was it a whole new thing?  Or was it just some new words from your vision?” Hyori asks.  Jonghyun flinches when he receives a lot of question at the same time.

                “I’ll tell when everybody is here for breakfast.  It is a bit of problem to repeat it over and over again,” he says.

                “I think that’s the best idea,” I say.

                The three of them look at each other and resume their work.  I help them cooking, human food, not preparing blood for those vampires.  Jiyeon comes not long after I start doing my work.  She helps to prepare a bowl of blood for his beloved husband and the sweet girl helps me as well.  My sister comes a bit late, thus, she helps preparing the table.  Sooyoung, Uee, HyunA and Minzy help her to prepare the huge table too.

                Key is the last one to come.  As he sits down, all of us begin eating breakfast.  We’ll move to work afterwards.  As promised, Jonghyun tells us his nightmare.

                “It’s a whole different thing this time,” he begins.

                “What do you mean a whole different thing?” Seunghyun is a bit too pessimist about Jonghyun’s nightmare.  Maybe because all his nightmares are concerning Siwon, how the Choi is treating him at God-knows-where.  Seunghyun doesn’t want anything to happen in the midst of their not-knowing-anything condition.

                “I didn’t get a vision of something telling me that I’m evil or I’m a killer,” Jonghyun goes.

                “Then what?” asks Lee Minho.

                “I…I saw someone else.  Something else,” Jonghyun is a bit hesitating to tell them.  I take his hand in mine and hold it tightly.

                “And…what was that?” Hyun Joong has his eyes narrow at him.

                “It’s…I saw…” Jonghyun looks at me and I nod, having low patience myself to hear what he was seeing during his nightmare this time.

                “I saw…the Evil Choi,” Jonghyun says.

                Most of us freeze after we hear his information.  But, Seraphina, HyunA, Minzy and Uee gasp loudly.

                “What could it be, Jonghyun?  Before this, the visions tell you that you’re a killer, you believe they are actually trying to brainwash Siwon by keep telling him that he is evil by hallucinating him.  And you got the vision because your minds are connected.  But, now The Evil Choi?  All of us know that the old man has long ago dead,” Onew asks.

                “I don’t know,” Jonghyun says.

                “You don’t know this time?” Key asks.

                “Yes, Key.  I don’t know.”

                “Well, this is really different.  You saw what he saw because your mind are connected and by saying that you saw The Evil Choi means that Siwon saw that with his own eyes.  All I could say that the whole thing is creepy because he is dead,” Taemin is trying to make things more sense to him.

                “Are you really sure that you saw The Evil Choi in you dream?” asks Minho.

                “I am very sure,” Jonghyun says.

                “Well, you could be wrong,” says Key.

                “Now, do you guys doubt on what I saw?  Okay, to clarify, I know it was him.  And I’m sure I’m not wrong.  I faced him too many times already and even before I nearly died.  He tried to kill me before.  How would I not be sure that it was him?  How would I forget something that almost torn up my life from my own body?” Jonghyun tries to make them believe him.  I am very shocked to hear that from him after five years he never brings that out.

                “Jonghyun, I trust you, okay?” I say, trying to calm him down, after I notice the whole breakdown from him.

                “Okay, maybe it’s true that he saw The Evil Choi,” says Minzy, “Maybe it is the real nightmare now.  Not the whole visions that we always thought Jonghyun received from Siwon.”

                “Maybe.  Who knows?” Jonghyun admits, “But, I really saw The Evil Choi, whether it was a real nightmare or the vision I usually got.”

                “I’m sure it is the usual vision that you got, Jonghyun.  But, we need to work out on that Evil Choi part.  I’m really curious.  It might be a sign of something, something that they really want to tell us,” Uee says as she tries to crack the meaning of the dream.

                “I agree on the same basis.  A sign.  Jonghyun never really has a real nightmare.  It is always a kind of vision on what Siwon is probably seeing at the same time.  So, I believe, although it might be illogic, Siwon really saw the Evil Choi somewhere,” says HyunA.

                All of us fall into a silent mode as we think what actually the dream means.  The food is ignored and none of us is moving.  The sound of the wind becomes very clear this time, blend with the unusual quietness that we just create.

                “Forget about it.  Let’s resume breakfast.  We have works to do after this,” says Jonghyun, breaking the ultimate silent in the dining room.

                After breakfast, Jinki and Taemin go to work together.  Lee Minho is following them.  Seunghyun and Minho car-pool to work, since they are working together anyway.  Key and Hyun Joong are also in the same track, to their huge and wealthy agricultural farm.  Uee, HyunA and Minzy are also going to work in the same transportation, bringing along my sister together with them.  They are going to drop Seraphina at her work place.  It is common to see Jiyeon, Hyori, Ji Woo and So Eun stay at home, but it is very rare to see Jonghyun at home.

                “Why aren’t you working?” I ask him.

                “I have my day off.  You?  You should be at work, shouldn’t you?” he asks me back.

                “Surprisingly, we are having the same day off,” I say.  Jonghyun chuckles.  His smile is so sincere and beautiful.

                “Yeah, surprisingly.  What are you planning to do today?” he asks me.

                “Nothing,” I don’t plan anything, at all.

                “I plan to stay home,” Jonghyun says with a small laugh.

                “Of course, dear.  Where else are you going to stay?” I ask him with a humorous smile.

                Both of us are staying in the room and rest for the whole day.  Since I really have nothing to do, I just pick up a random action-thriller-packed novel from my own collection and read.  The first page already catches my attention and I could not put it down anymore.  Jonghyun seems freer than I am.  He plops himself on the bed and have a good nap, or perhaps better said, good sleep.  It is good that he is having a good afternoon sleep, since his night has always been disturbed by unknown visions and dreams.

                I am too absorbed into my reading.  The way the author describes the scene is almost the same as what I am doing in the intelligence team.  The investigation, the spying and even the code breaking seems to be so true.

                I am staggered by the sudden ringing of the phone.  It takes a while for my brain to digest that it comes from Jonghyun’s phone.  He wakes up and rubs his eyes before he identifies the caller.  He looks at me and shrugs, before he places the phone to his ear.

                “Yes?” I hear him asking.  I resume my reading but I am disturbed again when I hear his yelling.

                “Really?  Are you sure?!” he says.  The way his eyebrows meet indicates something is going on somewhere around the world.  I put down my novel and listen to him.

                “Okay, listen to me.  Stay where you are.  I’ll come and get you,” says Jonghyun.  He moves out of the bed and quickly pulls the drawer open.  He pulls out a gun and a magazine full with bullets.  He loads his gun and runs towards the door.

                “Jonghyun!” I call him, “Where are you going?” I ask.  The way he behaves by going out of the house without telling me annoys me so much.

                “Somewhere,” he says without looking at me.  His hand is already at the door, ready to push it open.

                “Tell me where somewhere is,” I insist.

                “Somewhere dangerous.  I need to save someone,” he explains.

                “I’ll come with you,” I say.

                “No, you are staying home,” he says while pushing the door and ready to make his way out of the room.  I quickly grab my gun and point to him.

                “You’re not leaving the house without me Jonghyun!” I scream to him while pointing the gun straight at him. He stops dead on his feet.

                “Whoa, whoa!  Easy, Sabrina.  Easy.  If you’re not putting your gun down, I’ll do the same.  Just stay home.  If you shoot, I’ll shoot,” says Jonghyun while pointing his own gun to me now.

                “If you dare, shoot me,” I say.  He stays quiet for a while.  He looks at me with a begging look, perhaps begging me to stay home.  But, I can’t let him handle the job alone, although I know I don’t know what the job is to begin with.  He gives up eventually and brings his gun down.  I smile.

                “Fine.  You’ll follow me.  But, stay behind, okay?” he asks.  I smirk and nod.  Deep inside, I know he really loves me.

                I don’t know where we are going; he doesn’t allow me to ask.  That’s the condition that he gives in order to allow me to follow him.  I just sit very still on my seat beside him in his car.  He drives quite fast, ignoring all the rules.  It is bad, but in a very weird way, I feel really safe.

                “Jonghyun, who called just now?  What is so urgent about it?” I try to dig in some information from him.

                “Just stay quiet,” he says while focusing on the road.

                “Look.  I’m not asking where we are going.  I just ask who called just now and what was it about?” I try again.

                “Well, if that what you’re asking, just wait and see.  You’ll know later.  It is urgent but nothing really important about it,” Jonghyun replies me.  He is trying to keep me quiet in his own way.

                We arrive at a building, more like a deserted building, with no people around.  Jonghyun presses the break intensely and my body jerks to the front due to the inertia.  Jonghyun immediately gets out of the car and draws his gun out.  There must be something here, something dangerous.  If not, he is not going to keep that intense face with the gun very tight in his grab.  I get out from the car and draw my gun out too, keeping it very low, ready for any sign of attack.

                “Be careful.  Stay behind,” he says.  I nod.  I’m keeping myself slow behind him.  He walks into the building, being very careful whenever we have to get through parts of the building.  It is very quiet.  Even if a needle falls onto the floor, the sound will echo through the whole building.  We try our best to make as little noise as we can.  Jonghyun uses his finger, giving a sign to me to cover him while he is opening a closed door.  I nod.

                With the gun in his left hand, he opens the door with the other hand.  Immediately, he releases a shot.  I thought for a while that he is too scared, hence, pulls the trigger.  However, it is not.  There’s something inside.  Vampires. I could hear them.   Jonghyun transforms into another form, blonde hair and having his fangs out.  But, he keeps the gun tight in his hand.  He steps into the room and closes it.  I try to unbolt it, but there’s no use.  He locks it.  I know his intention.  Fight without me, because he doesn’t want anything to lay even a finger on me.

                “Damn!” I curse as I fail to go in.  But, I won’t let him fight alone, not this time.  He should have let me in.

                I point my barrel towards the bolt.  This is my final and best option for now.  Take a wire and try to unbolt the door?  Huh, forget it.  It will take too long.  By that time, Jonghyun is probably a dead meat.  I fire thrice, before the bolt damages.  I run inside to see ashes all over the place.  Dead vampires, I guess.  When I look at Jonghyun, I see a girl jumps to him and cries.

                My sister, Seraphina.

                “Jonghyun oppa…” she cries and hugs Jonghyun so tight.

                “Relax, calm down.  I got you.  I got you.  You’re safe,” Jonghyun hugs her and pats her back.  Honestly, seeing my sister with my husband hugging each other, it hurts me a lot.

                “What’s the meaning of all this?” I ask.  Clearly, they don’t realize that I am already inside the room, perhaps because they are having so much fun together.  They are surprised to see me and my sister quickly releases Jonghyun from her hug.

                “Unnie!  Jonghyun oppa, I told you not to bring her along!” my sister seems mad.

                “She insisted.  I’m sorry,” Jonghyun says.  Seraphina gets onto her feet and runs to me.

                “Are you okay, unnie?  You are not injured, right?  There were no vampires attac-”

                Pap!  I slap her.

                “Sabrina!” I hear Jonghyun shouts.

                “What?!  Now you’re backing her up?!  I thought…This is what both of you are doing behind my back!  Jonghyun!  What are you doing with my sister?!  And you, Min Yee!  You know that he is my husband!” I shout to both of them.

                “Unnie, it’s not that-”

                “Shut up!  You have the right to remain silent!” I scream at her.  She holds her cheeks and tears are streaming down her cheeks.

                “Sabrina, let me explain-”

                “There’s nothing to explain!  I saw everything!”

                “She saved you, idiot!” Jonghyun shouts at me.  This is his first time using profanity towards me.


                “Seraphina was followed when she was on her way to have lunch.  The vampires followed her.  She called me telling that she had herself hidden here and I came here to safe her.  That’s all.  And she didn’t call you because she doesn’t want you to involve in this.  And Taemin is now in a meeting, having his phone switched off.  You’re lucky she didn’t call you or else you’ll injure yourself again,” Jonghyun explains to me furiously.

                I become speechless.  I really act stupid by slapping her without giving her chance to explain herself.  She only tried to save me, but I hurt her.  I am sculpted to the concrete floor, feeling my muscles are too heavy to even move.  Seraphina comes to me and hugs me.

                “I’m sorry,” she says while crying, “I was too scared.  I know I shouldn’t hug him, but I was scared.  I’m sorry.”

                “No, I am sorry.  I don’t know.  You saved me but I hurt you instead.  I am sorry, Min Yee,” I say.  It is.  She is scared to death and it is a normal reaction she hugs the person that saved her.

                “Enough.  Go home, both of you.  It is too dangerous for you to be here.  Or anywhere,” Jonghyun says suddenly.

                “Why?” I ask him.

                “Seraphina was followed.  What else do you think they want?” Jonghyun asks me back.

                “I thought they wanted to kill you.  And they used Min Yee as bait so that you’ll come,” I say.

                “It is not me.  If they want to kill me, they will just stabbed Siwon at his heart the moment they have him in their hands.  I would be dead two months ago.  Why would they only kill me now?  Obviously, it is not about me,” he says.

                “Then what?” I ask back.

                “I don’t know.  But, obviously they want something from both of you.  They know that Seraphina will obviously call you except that she is smart enough not to call you.  If not, I don’t know what will happen to both of you,” says Jonghyun.

                My sister and I stare at each other.  Seriously, we don’t know what we have that they want us that badly.

                “Guys, can we go home now?  Nobody wants anybody to come home dead, right?” Jonghyun asks and pulls us into his car.  Before I know, we are already speeding home.


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