Sunday, April 21, 2013

The First Flower Bloom

Description: The lawyer wanted to prove the innocence of his client, but the defendant wanted to plead guilty. (Psychological thriller, AU!)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Choi Seunghyun (BigBang), Choi Sooyoung (SNSD), Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Luna (f(x)), Park Gyuri (KARA), Yang Yoseob (Beast)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

It was cold and it was not going to get warmer any soon.  The winter took forever and the spring decided to wait.  There was no sign for green.  There was not sign for flower buds.  The trees were bald and the weather was gloomy.  Gloomy April was never good.  It was a bad sign, at least, for him.

It was the first time in his life as an attorney, a defendant wanted to plead guilty, when his lawyer clearly wanted to fight for him.  Attorney usually recommended a plea bargain to defendant, to reduce the charge on him, even though sometimes the defendant was not guilty.  In Jonghyun’s case right now, all the evidence strongly pointed towards his client as the murderer, but with his so-called lawyer intuition he knew his client was not guilty.  He offered to help him, to fight for his case, to find evidences that confirm his innocence, but Seunghyun insisted to plead guilty.  What on Earth is happening?  A client was ready to be convicted with freaking murder charge without trial?

“How do you know he is not guilty?” Sooyoung asked.  Sooyoung was his private investigator.  She had worked with him for many years and because of her, Jonghyun had never lost his cases.

“I just know it, okay!” he raised his voice.  He did not like people questioning his verdict.

“Chill.  You will wake your son up,” Sooyoung reminded him.

Jonghyun stopped pacing around when he remembered his son.  He sat down on his leather chair, facing Sooyoung.  They were in his mini office in his home, talking about this case since the evening they got back from the jail.  The prosecutor offered a plea bargain in which Seunghyun had to admit guilty and they will reduce the charge on the reason of mental illness.  But, Jonghyun knew by heart that Seunghyun was not guilty, not at all.  He was not a psycho killer, not even near.

“They offer to reduce the charge, Jonghyun.  It is a good deal,” Sooyoung voiced again.

“And what?  He will end up in a mental hospital without being crazy?” Jonghyun asked back.

“How do you know he is not crazy?  He spoke to an imaginary buddy named Minnie who asked him to kill.  Is he not a psycho to you?” Sooyoung asked.

“The way he spoke to Minnie is different.  Not in a killer-mode, not like that at all,” Jonghyun softened his glare.  He sighed.

“In what mode then?”

“The tone he used was like the tone I used when I speak to my wife,” Jonghyun said and Sooyoung froze.


Yoseob was called to the county jail by his friend, an attorney who was currently working with a psycho killer.  The prosecutor had their own psychiatrist examined Jonghyun’s client, and the result confirmed him to be schizophrenic.  When a psychiatrist had already confirmed that, Yoseob felt ridiculous for Jonghyun to ask him to confirm again.

“I don’t think it is schizophrenia.  Just examine him again,” Jonghyun begged.

“You wanted me to be in a room with a murderer.  How good is that?  Jonghyun, as your friend, I will always support you in whatever you do.  But, not this, when someone is confirmed a psycho by a professional psychiatrist.  Besides, it can reduce his charge for being mentally ill,” Yoseob tried to be reasonable.

“That’s the problem.  I don’t think my client kills.  He is not harmful.  I was with him yesterday and he was not at all furious or out of control.  He looked like he could fall apart any time.  He looked tearful and distracted and he tried to communicate with Minnie,” Jonghyun explained.

“Yes?  So, unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy.  He’s schizophrenic.  And you said he doesn’t kill?  He murdered his own sister and son.  I would call you a psycho if you kill your own son as well,” Yoseob went.  At the mention of his son, Jonghyun froze.  The thought of killing his own son will never cross his mind.  His son was the only one he got.

“I just think it could be a scheme plotted by the prosecutor to win the case.  They made the plea bargain, my client admit guilty, end of case.  But, I know by heart he is not guilty.  The story that he killed his own sister and son is something that people believe, that the prosecutor believe and try to make more people believe it.  But, not me, Yoseob.  Just help me with this one,” Jonghyun begged.  Yoseob sighed.

“Alright, I do this as a court procedure, that you could have a witness from your side.  But, I am going to be honest.  If he came out a psycho, you have to let him plead guilty,” Yoseob said.

“Thanks, buddy.  Thanks a lot,” Jonghyun smiled.


After an hour, Yoseob came out with a satisfying result for Jonghyun.  For the first time after he was given the case, Jonghyun could feel some hope on his case.  It was almost the same like the first spring flower blooms.

“You are right, Jonghyun.  I think he is mentally stable.  But, he looks broken, like he no longer wants to live.  It is like getting a death sentence is a way for him to escape his life,” Yoseob explains.

“Just like my thought,” Jonghyun nodded.

“Find a way to confirm his innocence, Jonghyun.  Just like you, I think he doesn’t kill.  He’s a doctor.  If he wants to kill, he would have done it earlier,” Yoseob said.  Jonghyun nodded again.

Before they could walk out of the jail, his phone rang.  Jonghyun quickly answered the call when he saw Sooyoung as the caller.

“I have good news,” he said quickly.

“Me too.  I got a search warrant and I went to Seunghyun’s house.  I checked his Polaroid album.  Jonghyun, Minnie was his wife,” Jonghyun heard Sooyoung clearly.  He looked at Yoseob and gave him a sign to follow him.

“I’ll be there soon,” Jonghyun said.


“No wonder his wife left him.  He is a murderer,” a neighbour said and Jonghyun could just thank her for the information.

“That’s the fifth one that said she left him,” Sooyoung said.

“Even so, nobody had seen her leaving right?” Jonghyun said.

“What are you trying to say?” Sooyoung asked.

“His wife might be dead,” Jonghyun voiced his thought.

“Where’s the body then?” Sooyoung asked again.

“Hidden,” Jonghyun shrugged.

“Not helping you though.  If the body was found, prosecutor could say that it was him murdering his own wife.  Make him more psycho to me,” Sooyoung suggested.

“Impossible.  Seunghyun said Minnie asked him to kill his sister.  Maybe his wife is seeking revenge,” Jonghyun said.

“Whoa.  Whoa.  Mr. Kim, are you implying that he spoke to the spirit of his wife?” Yoseob cut through their conversation.  Jonghyun looked at him.

“Yes, Mr. Yang,” Jonghyun nodded confidently.

“I am a person of science.  If you are saying this supernatural stuff, I’m out of this.  I don’t believe in this stuff.  Besides, the court won’t accept this stuff as evidence,” Yoseob raised both his hands.

“We’ll find evidence through this.  Maybe we could find a way to talk to his wife,” Jonghyun looked at Sooyoung.

“I have to say that you are the one mentally ill, Jonghyun.  Not your client,” Yoseob shook his head in disbelief.


“She is my friend.  The best I could find,” Sooyoung said.

They were walking through a deserted corridor of an old apartment building.  Jonghyun were told that the building was haunted, but it was afternoon and he couldn’t care less.  The place gave him goosebumps though.

“Thanks a lot,” Jonghyun muttered.

“Still, I don’t think this is a good idea,” she rolled her eyes.

Sooyoung knocked on the door and a few seconds later, it was opened from inside, revealing a young women with face so pale and eyes so distant that Jonghyun was not sure she was looking at him.

“I thought you say two, Sooyoung, but there are three of you,” Luna said and welcomed them inside.

“Is she even human?” Jonghyun muttered to herself.  Out of sudden, the women put her palm on his cheek and smiled to him.

“You could feel my palm young man?” she asked and Jonghyun nodded out of fear, “Is it warm?” Jonghyun nodded again, “Is that not human enough for you?”

Jonghyun nodded a few times until she pulled back her hand and gave him a glare that Jonghyun will remember throughout his life.

“I’m Luna,” she said, “Sorry that you have to walk through this building.  But, I already told my friends that you guys are not harmful.”

“Friends?” Jonghyun asked sarcastically.

“Yes, Mr. Kim.  You, out of all people should understand that it is better to have ghost friends than human friends, should you not?” Luna asked.

“Alright, guys.  Should we discuss the case?” Sooyoung decided to stop their intense staring competition.


“Is he asleep?” Gyuri asked Jonghyun about their son.

“Yes, he is,” Jonghyun answered his wife.

Gyuri hugged him passionately and Jonghyun felt that his tiredness had gone within seconds.  His wife was always there for him to listen to every single problem he had at work.

“I miss you,” he said.

“I miss you, too,” she replied.

“Am I on the right path, Gyuri?  Is he really not guilty?” Jonghyun asked.

“He’s not.  Trust me, Jonghyun,” Gyuri said softly.



“Seunghyun, you know what actually happened.  Tell me, so that I could help you clear your name,” Jonghyun tried to persuade him again.

“I killed her.  I killed my sister,” he said.

“I’ve spoken to you a few times.  I know something is missing.  You admit killing your sister but not your son.  What happened actually?” Jonghyun asked him.

“Minnie allowed me to kill, so I killed,” Seunghyun avoided eye contact.

“Minnie is dead,” Jonghyun tested his client.  Seunghyun froze in his seat.

“No.  My fault.  I shouldn’t let her die.  I shouldn’t.  My fault,” he cried.

“Not your fault, Seunghyun.  Not at all.  Your sister, she tried to kill you,” Jonghyun tested again.  At this, Seunghyun shook his head vigorously.

“Not my sister.  I am the bad person.  Just kill me.  Just kill me!” he said.

“My wife told me you are innocent,” Jonghyun said.

“You don’t know me.  All of you.  Don’t know me!  I am a killer,” he said.

“Seunghyun, my wife spoke to yours and your wife said you are innocent,” Jonghyun said.

Seunghyun froze again and looked deeply into his lawyer’s eyes.  For the first time, the tears that he kept since the event happened went down.


“It happened here,” Luna said once she stepped into Seunghyun’s house.  The crime scene was already cleaned from everything.  Evidence was already bagged by the police and is analysed by their investigators.  Of course they chose the prosecutor’s side, so Sooyoung must do everything she could for Jonghyun.

“The forensic unit said his sister was killed because of head trauma, caused by the corner of this table.  Seunghyun admitted pushing her sister and she knocked her head at the table and died instantly,” Sooyoung explained.  Yoseob could feel his hair stood up.

“Why would he do that?” Yoseob asked.  Luna touched the corner of the table and closed her eyes.  The event replayed in her mind.

“There was a fight,” Luna said.  Yosoeb rolled his eyes.

“Of course, duh,” he said.  Sooyoung ignored Yoseob.

“Yeah.  The neighbour told me Seunghyun killed his son and his sister tried to defend her nephew and he pushed her instead causing her death,” Sooyoung said.

“Doesn’t make sense.  How could the neighbour see inside the house?  The door must be closed,” Yoseob suggested.

“The door was opened.  The neighbour said she saw people struggling and after a while Seunghyun pushed his sister to death,” Sooyoung explained.

“It sounds like Seunghyun was defending himself from his sister,” Yoseob shrugged.

“What is the estimated time of death of his son?” Luna asked.

“That is something strange to me.  Time of death was estimated to be around 6 to 7 pm for his son, but then Seunghyun was seen killing his sister around 9 to 10 pm.  Why would he wait that long to kill his sister if he can just finish them off at once?” Soouyoung asked.

“6 to 7 pm?  He’s already back from work?” Yoseob asked?

“Yes.  According to the neighbour, he is always back by 6 pm.  His workplace confirmed that,” Sooyoung told them the detail.

“There must be something.  Did anybody check his cellphone?” Yoseob asked again.  Sooyoung took time to digest that before she shook her head.

“What is the cause of death of his son?” Luna asked with eyes closed, holding a pen that was on the table just now.

“According to the forensic unit, it was caused by eight stabs, two of them were fatal.  The object used was a long, sharp rod, like a screwdriver,” Sooyoung said.

“Or a pen,” Luna continued, “You said her sister was an art student?” asked Luna.

“She was,” Sooyoung nodded.

“This pen is hers and it was used to kill both his wife and his son,” said Luna.

“His wife?” Yoseob said.

“Backyard.  Flower bed,” Luna said and the three of them sprinted to the back of the house.


“Forensic unit found her body.  Minnie’s body.  They are examining her right now,” Jonghyun said.  Seunghyun was unresponsive to that.  Jonghyun pulled out the pen and put it on the table between them.

“You recognize this?” he asked.  Seunghyun’s eyes became very wide.

“I killed them.  I killed them all,” he said.

“This pen is belonged to your sister.  The object that killed your son and might as well is the object that killed your wife.  You sister killed and you tried to defend.  Am I right?” Jonghyun asked.

“No.  I killed them.  I killed my wife.  I killed my son,” Seunghyun tried to convince his lawyer.

“Your son died around 6 to 7 pm.  We found your alibi.  You were with a friend that time.  You did not kill anybody.  Why are you doing this to yourself?” Jonghyun looked at him, demanding an honest explanation.

Seunghyun’s shoulders started to fall.  He loosened up and cried in front of his lawyer.  Tears strolled down like waterfall.

“I should have protected them.  My sister was no longer herself since my mom died.  Mom entrusted her to me.  I should protect her.  I was not there for my wife when that happened.  It was my fault.  I knew my sister was unstable, but I didn’t call my neighbour to take care of my son.  I forgot.  Can’t you see?  It is my fault,” Seunghyun said.

“By law, you are not guilty.  So, let me do my job,” Jonghyun said.

“And stain my sister’s name?  My late mother trusted me to take care of her.  She is my responsibility,” Seunghyun argued.

“And mine is you, your wife and your son!” Jonghyun said strictly, “We have the evidence and witnesses.  I can free you from this.  I will do justice to your wife and your son and most importantly to you.”

“I want to be punished,” Seunghyun insisted.

“When it is not entirely your fault?  You should be grateful someone wants to bring justice to your family.  My wife died giving birth to my son.  Who should I blame?  Myself for getting her pregnant?  Or my son because she died to make him live?”  Jonghyun asked loudly.

“I…I’m sorry,” Seunghyun muttered.

“You’re sorry?  So, let me defend you and prove you are still worth living in this world,” Jonghyun said and he left.


When the jury said he was not guilty, he felt happy and thankful.  He just wanted to get on with his life again.  He failed to save his wife and his son.  But, as a doctor, he still can save thousands of life on Earth.

Alone in his room, he looked at the tree in his front yard.  The first flower of spring had bloomed and it was a sign of hope, of a new beginning.


He had a good sleep last night.  His wife had accompanied him the whole night and when he woke up that morning, his wife was still there beside him.

“The sun will rise soon,” her wife said and kissed him on his forehead.

“Can you not go, Gyuri?” he asked his wife.

“I’ll come back tonight, Jonghyun.  You are so clingy,” she said.

“I just want be with you for the whole day,” Jonghyun said.

“Aww…cheesy, romantic husband,” she teased him, “Just kiss Yoogeun for me,” and with that she disappeared into thin air.

Then, the door was opened and a boy walked to his bed and lied down beside him.  His son looked at him with his big round eyes.

“Daddy, who were you talking to?”

“Nobody,” he kissed his son’s forehead.

“Detective Sooyoung said you can see and talk to mommy,” Yoogeun said.

“You believed her?” Jonghyun asked.  Yoogeun nodded.

“Mommy died giving birth to me.  Does that make me a killer?” Yoogeun asked him an unexpected question early in the morning.

“No,” Jonghyun patted his son’s head.

“Then, why does she hate me?”  Yoogeun asked again.

“She doesn’t hate you.  What makes you think she hates you?” Jonghyun frowned at his son’s question.

“She only talks to you.  She doesn’t want to talk to me,” Yoogeun said.  Jonghyun laughed to his answer.

“If you want to meet her, you only have to believe that she is always by your side, Yoogeun.  She will come to you,” he said.

Yoogeun looked outside the window while digesting his daddy’s word.  Then, he noticed something that made him smile.

“Daddy, the first flower of spring has bloomed!” he pointed.

Jonghyun hugged his son and thought of hope and happiness.

Mood: Hungry
Music: O Na Ra (Dae Jang Geum's theme song)

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