Sunday, March 10, 2013

96 Hours

Description: Six students were the victims of a new deadly virus.  There was no cure but they were desperate to live and went through a lot of things to invent the antivirus.  Will they be able to do it before the 96 hours were up for them?
Rating: PG-13 (for profanity, really)
Characters: Choi Seunghyun (BigBang), Choi Sooyoung (SNSD), Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Luna (f(x)), Park Gyuri (Kara), Yang Yoseob (Beast)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

“I’m asking you again.  Is there anybody else?” the agent asked Luna, for the thousandth times that day, for anybody she made a direct contact with.  Not that she remember though.

“I told you, I can’t remember everybody.  I did make a contact with that tall librarian guy, with a murderer’s face and no one else.  Out of a sudden, your people coming out of nowhere and caged me here and I don’t even have time to speak.  Maybe you can ask my friends if they made contact with anybody.  I’m not the only one contaminated.  We were together in this lab when the tube broke off,” Luna had to tell the same story again and again.

“And you didn’t make contact with anybody else?” the agent turned to Seunghyun and asked, since he was the tall librarian guy, with a murderer’s face described by Luna.

“I was next door all the time after we touched each other-”

“We were not touching each other!” Luna yelled and Seunghyun flinched.

“Right, I was next door all the time after our skins brushed off when she gave me the book.  Suddenly, you came with your gang and dragged me here and don’t even tell me what the fuck is happening,” Seunghyun said, trying his best to restrain his anger.

The agent ignored the vulgarity Seunghyun just used and turned his attention to Yoseob and Gyuri, who were in a group with Luna in their scientific research.  Yoseob looked very confused while Gyuri showed her sleepy face.

“Miss Park Gyuri, anymore contact with anybody else?” the agent asked her.

“Only Choi Sooyoung,” Gyuri said and she was sure as hell that was repeated more than hundred times already.  The agent looked at Sooyoung who nodded.

“And I did not make any contact with anybody else.  I went outside, sat at the common, which was empty all the time while waiting for Gyuri to finish her experiment.  That’s it,” Sooyoung said before the agent asked her the same question again.

“Mr Yang Yoseob?” the agent asked.  Yoseob rolled his eyes.

“I told you that I gave the towel to Mr Lee’s helper, because Mr Lee asked me to do so.  After that, I resumed the experiment before you came and caged me up in this room,” he explained.

Suddenly, another man is taken inside the room.  He tried to pull his hands away from the other agents who happened to drag him the same way they dragged the others into the room.

“Let me go!  I can walk by myself!  Blind, aren’t you?” he shouted.

All of them know that must be Kim Jonghyun.  He worked part-time at the lab as a helper to Lee Jinki, a post-graduate student now doing scientific research for his doctorate.  Luna, Yoseob and Gyuri, who were always at the lab next to Jinki’s, doing their undergraduate research, knew Jonghyun as the one who always got scolded by Mr Lee Jinki.  Seunghyun and Sooyoung, and the rest of people in the university knew him as the dumbest guy ever existed in the engineering building.
“You must be Mr Kim Jonghyun,” asked the agent.

“I am and who the hell are you guys?  Why the hell did you drag me here?  I have a lot of work to do for Jinki and if I fail to finish it on time, damn I’ll get scolded again,” Jonghyun spoke.

“We are in a very serious situation Mr Kim and we need your cooperation in this,” the agent forced him to sit down.

“Mr Yang said he gave you a towel?” the agent asked for confirmation.  Jonghyun looked at Yoseob.

“Yes, he did, because my boss said I should do the cleaning work instead of him, although it was his group that broke the tube with that stinky, gooey, disgusting green fluid.  In the end, I had to wipe off the whole mess,” Jonghyun explained angrily.

“So, Mr Lee was there when the incident happen.  Did he, by any chance, have a contact with any of you, or directly to the fluid?” the agent asked.

“No, Mr Lee told me to wipe the chemical room clean and continue doing his work.  Then, he was back at his lab next door.  No direct contact with the fluid whatsoever.  Now, could you please tell me what the hell is going on?” Jonghyun started to feel annoyed.

Ignoring his question, the agent asked another question, “Did you come in contact with anybody after cleaning it?”

“No.  I even threw the towel into the chemical disposal bin after I cleaned it because it is just impossibly disgusting and who the hell knows what that is.  Could be any chemical,” said Jonghyun.
“You made the best decision indeed, not to throw it into the common dustbin, because I’m afraid all six of you now are contaminated with a genetically modified deadly virus, and therefore have to be quarantined,” the agent said.

“What?!” Seunghyun yelled.

“We already classified six of you to different groups according to your infection risk, based on your cases.  Luna, Gyuri and Yoseob, you are in Group 1, which were the first exposed to the virus, because we are afraid that some of the fluid might have splattered on you when the tube fell and broke.  Seunghyun and Sooyoung, you are in Group 2, in contact with those who were contaminated, which in our investigation have a slightly higher risk than them,” the agent stopped to wrote something down.

“Am I supposed to be in Group 2 as well, since I was in direct contact with Yoseob?” Jonghyun asked.

“No, Jonghyun.  Unfortunately, you are in Group 3, because you were in direct contact with the person infected and then was exposed to the whole fluid.  You wiped off the ‘whole’ thing, remember?  We still don’t know about your infection risk but we are very certain it is going to be very far higher than those two groups,” the agent said and Jonghyun’s face fell.


“The NNH can be whatever virus it wants to be and can infect any part of your body and we don’t know what organ it will choose to attack first.  Two of our agents were infected, one at lungs and another one at his skin.  We didn’t know what happened that time but at first one had pneumonia and the other one had bad skin rash.  They didn’t know they were carrying virus and they were in contact with two others, which in turn were infected by the direct contact and even get more severe diseases, pneumonic plague and smallpox respectively,” the agent explained.

“So, we won’t know which part of us that is going to be infected first?” Seunghyun asked, suddenly feeling scared of it.

“You won’t know until it shows.  I’m sorry,” the agent apologized.

“I’m sorry?” Luna said exasperatedly, “That is all you can offer?  Come on!  We are at the verge of dying here and all you could do is saying sorry?  What about antivirus, huh?  I think we need that the most now, not your sorry,” Luna rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air.

“We don’t have antivirus for that.  Not right now, at least.  Our scientists are still trying,” the agent replied carefully.

He looked at them with sympathy.  Seunghyun started to play with his fingers while Yoseob looked back at him pleadingly.  Sooyoung busied herself wiping her own tears while Gyuri and Luna tried to comfort each other.  Jonghyun was the only one very calm, as though he was not infected at all.  He busied himself looking at some boxes in the chemical room, connected to the lab they are caged in.  Maybe it was true after all, the myth saying he was the dumbest guy ever lived on Earth.

“What happened after that?” Yoseob gathered his courage to ask.

“After it attack one of your organs, it will spread throughout your body and mess up with your system, including your immune system and unfortunately after 96 hours, you will-”

“-be dead,” Gyuri finished that for the agent, “Tell us something we don’t know.”

“Really?  No way out of this?  Anything that can help us fight this?  Live a little longer than 96 hours?” Sooyoung asked with a hopeful face.

“Our scientist managed to invent a drug to help slow the virus down.  But, at most it will only help you to deal with the pain.  Maybe you have a chance to live longer than 96 hours but I doubt you will stand longer than a week,” the agent said.

“Thanks.  That helps a lot,” Luna said sarcastically.  The agent tried not to look at her.

“So, the government just geniusly invented the virus but not-so-geniusly not trying to invent the antivirus at the same time.  Tell me, what is the purpose of inventing this virus?  To create a biological war?  Genocide?” Jonghyun started to speak and the agent was shocked by his accusation on the government.

“That is a serious accusation, young man.  The gov-”

“Accusation, you said?  Then tell me, Agent Dennis O’Neil,” Jonghyun showed a box, opened and empty, “This package of enzyme glycogen phosphorylase which Luna ordered from the National Pharmaceutical Centre for her research was delivered this morning, with the tube of virus might be unknowingly sent together.  From this receipt, it said it was packaged and delivered directly from NPC to our lab.  It looks like our government makes a secret weapon and the enemy uses it against the government itself,” Jonghyun said.

“Nobody from NPC sent the virus.  I believe NPC wanted to send you your order and somehow the virus was put in,” the agent replied.

“So, the government did invent the virus.  But, somehow some enemy has gotten hold onto NNH and sent it to your agents.  Four died and the government were still very stubborn to get rid of this virus, I don’t know, maybe for their own biological war.  So, the enemy decided to send it to the public so that the more people die, the more the government learn,” Jonghyun looked at the agent in the eyes.

“You know too much,” the agent said.

“Forgive me that I am a minor in Law and Criminology,” Jonghyun shrugged.  The agent sighed.

“The Neo-Noxious Heterofunction virus was invented to be spread, but only when NPC invented the antivirus.  The plan was to spread the virus and then sell the antivirus to get our pharmaceutical industry a fame, also, to improve our economy.  Somehow, the plan was leaked and the enemy got hold onto it and as you said, they are trying to teach the government by victimize the citizen with the virus.  Our agents and all of you, were unfortunately targeted,” the agent said.

“And I thought you are the stupidest guy I’ve ever met,” Sooyoung said to Jonghyun.

“For the thousandth times, I am telling you guys, I am not stupid.  I just hate lab experiments and for that Jinki calls me dumb and you guys actually believe it,” Jonghyun played with a pen.

“You have that dorky look on you.  Can’t really blame the others,” Yoseob said, “Besides, you are lucky at least we know it a few days before we are going to die.”

“We are not going to die,” Jonghyun said it with emphasize.

“How?” Gyuri asked.

“We are going to invent the antivirus ourselves.  Luna, you take the lead,” Jonghyun said and he started moving into the chemical room to prepare.


Luna complained about her aching limb and the others noticed that the effect had already shown.  The virus must have attacked her muscles and joints.  Every single movement she made will make her cried in pain.

“I don’t want to die like this,” she said while looking into the electronic microscope to get a good look on the virus.

“We are not going to die,” Jonghyun reminded again and he rolled up the sleeve of Luna’s lab coat.  He searched for her vein before gently injecting the liquid drug to ease her pain.  After a few seconds, Luna could relax a bit.

“Feeling better?” Jonghyun asked.

“Yes,” Luna nodded.

“Guys, I can’t find more test tubes,” Gyuri said and turned to them from the cabinet.  When they saw blood trickled down Gyuri’s lower lip to her chin and dropped onto her coat, they knew that she was affected as well.

“Err, Gyuri?  Are you okay?” Seunghyun asked.

“Yes, why?” Gyuri said.  She did not realize the blood staining her clothes.

“Do you happen to feel pain?  In your mouth?  In your throat?” asked Yoseob.

“Oh, I do feel like my throat is burning bu-”

“Gyuri!  Just stop talking, okay?  Stop!” Sooyoung yelled.

“Why?” that one word only caused more blood trickling down her chin.

Jonghyun quickly pulled her to the sink and rinsed her mouth.  Only then, Gyuri realized what had been going on.  She panicked.

“Oh my God!” and more blood coming out of her mouth.

“Gyuri, stop saying anything, not even a word from you.  Keep your mouth shut from this point onwards,” Jonghyun said and jabbed her arm with the drug.

“You use different needle right?” Luna asked Jonghyun. He nodded.

“Yoseob, could you please check on the manual, the daily dose for this drug per person?” Jonghyun asked.

Yoseob took the manual and started to look at it.  It turned out he saw only symbols he thought were supposed to be Greek, something he did not understand.

“Err…Seunghyun, do you happen to know how to read this?” Yoseob asked him.  Seunghyun looked at the manual and then to Yoseob, back and forth.

“Are you fucking kidding me?  Just read it.  It says there, not more than 50 ml per day,” Seunghyun said.

“Since when you can read Greek symbols?” Yoseob asked.

“What?” Seunghyun was getting confused.

“Wait,” Luna sensed something, “Yoseob, please read this for me?” Luna shoved Yoseob’s own lab note to him.  He frowned.

“Another Greek symbols,” Yoseob said.

“Oh, my God!  Yoseob, you lost your ability to read!  Even your own handwriting!” Luna looked so scared while saying it and Yoseob’s face fell.

“Damn it,” Jonghyun looked at Yoseob with a face showing an utter disbelieve, “The virus must have affected your inferior frontal gyrus or your inferior parietal lobule or might be your ventral temporal cortex.”

“Jonghyun, it would help me a lot if you could speak a language I could understand right now,” Yoseob demanded a clearer version of explanation.

“The virus must have attacked your brain.  You are showing a symptom of dyslexia, Yoseob.  This is just ridiculous.  I mean, you learned alphabets and you knew how to read, but it is gone just in a second.  How strong is this virus exactly?” Jonghyun took out his cellphone, planning to call the agent when suddenly Seunghyun fell onto his knees with a loud thud.

“Seunghyun!  You okay, dude?” Yoseob helped him to his feet, but he can’t bring himself to stand.  Gyuri, who was not allowed to speak at all, jumped up and down in panic, pointing towards a chair nearest to Seunghyun.

“A chair!  Give him a chair!” Luna shouted.  Quickly, Sooyoung pushed a chair for Seunghyun to sit.
“I…I couldn’t feel my feet.  It feels like I’m paralyzed from my knee down to my feet,” Seunghyun said once he was seated.

“God!” Yoseob pulled his hair.

“It makes sense,” Jonghyun said.

“What makes sense, Jonghyun?!  What?!  Nothing makes sense!  Not now!  We’re dying!” Luna yelled.  Jonghyun flinched to her emotional response.

“The agent told us that whoever in direct contact with the person who is infected will have a slightly higher risk of infection.  Luna has aching limbs and muscles, and Seunghyun who gets the virus from her suffer even a more serious illness, paralysed muscles and limbs,” Jonghyun explained.

“That’s it!  I give up!  That’s it!” Luna cried and Yoseob tried to calm her down.

Just then, Sooyoung jumped up and down, trying to catch everyone’s attention.  She seemed trying to speak something while shaking her head left and right and tears rolled down her cheeks.  At a moment, Jonghyun thought that the virus must have did something to his ears, that now he was deaf, but seeing tears on Sooyoung’s cheeks, he knew that he was not deaf.

It was Sooyoung who was mute.

“You can’t speak, Sooyoung?  You lose your voice?” Jonghyun assumed.  With that, Sooyoung stopped jumping like a mad girl and nodded.  Then, she fell onto the floor crying.

“She got it from me.  And even worse, she lost her voice.  She just can’t speak.  Oh, I’m sorry, Sooyoung,” Gyuri hugged her and Sooyoung quickly wiped the blood coming out from Gyuri’s mouth with a piece of tissue.

“Jonghyun, I’m infected at the brain.  How worse can that be for you?” Yoseob asked him.  Then only Jonghyun realized that he was the only one who did not show any effect, yet.  The hell, he can’t imagine what will happen to him sooner or later.

“I’ll be damned,” he said solemnly.


It had passed 36 hours now and they tried to work as best as they could.  Their man-power was decreasing since they had to deal with their diseases while finding the cure to the noxious virus.  Sooyoung and Gyuri can’t speak, Yoseob can’t read, Seunghyun can’t move from his waist down now and Luna’s muscles and limbs just kept aching all the time.

Nevertheless, Seunghyun still help them to find some books that could be helpful for references.  Sooyoung, whose major was nursing, kept looking for any sign of deteriorating health and once in a while gave them the drugs intravenously.  Gyuri, Yoseob and Luna were doing the most work to find the antivirus, since Biochemistry was their major anyway and they were quite used to lab experiments.  Jonghyun, who was a Microbiology major tried his best to keep up with them.

Seunghyun, your body temperature keeps fluctuating.  Sooyoung wrote that down on a piece of paper.  She noticed the raise in temperature of Seunghyun’s body.

“Like just now, it will be back to normal in minutes,” Seunghyun replied.

But, this is not a good sign.  The virus is now playing with your system.  Sooyoung gave her concern look to him.

“Not that we can do anything until we get this antivirus done, can we?” Seunghyun smiled.

“We are running out of time,” Yoseob muttered to himself after he heard Seunghyun.  But, that’s loud enough for everyone to hear.  Jonghyun sighed.

“We are not running out of time, guys.  We still have time.  Stay positive,” Jonghyun said.

“Right, Jonghyun?  Stay positive?” Luna had her breakdown again, “You can say that because you are the only one not affected by the virus yet.  If anybody going to die first, it will be any of us, not you.  What will you feel if you are in our position?” Luna asked.  Jonghyun looked at her in the eyes and tried to find the best answer.

“I will keep looking for the cure to be able to stay alive,” Jonghyun said.

“Easy for you to say that.  I am at the verge of giving up now.  I feel like letting the virus do whatever it wants to me, because I’m just fucking tired!” Luna shouted.  Gyuri flinched.

“But, you did not do that.  You keep trying to find the antivirus, because you have hope,” Jonghyun said.  Luna pulled her hair.

“NPC’s scientists tried it for months and they still don’t find it.  We have less than 96 hours now, how could we find it?”

“That’s what NPC’s scientists don’t have.  Desperation.  You don’t know what wonder it can do, Luna,” Jonghyun tried to get his friend back on track.

“Desperation?  What do you know about desperate, Jonghyun?  Did you lose your ability to speak?  To read?  To move freely, without being paralyzed or being in constant pain?  No!  So, don’t talk to me like you are desperate!” Luna bellowed.

“Hey, in case you don’t notice my blood test came out positive of the virus.  Just the same as you guys.  I’m in this too, okay?  I’m desperate to live too,” Jonghyun said.

“I don’t know, Jonghyun.  It is not fair.  We have to do this in pain, in disability while you are just calm and relax without being attacked by the virus.  You don’t understand,” Luna cried.

Jonghyun took a deep breath to calm himself down.  If fairness was what Luna was looking for, then he had no choice.

“Luna, Yoseob, Gyuri, stop what you are doing right now.  You can have your rest.  Let me do this on my own,” Jonghyun instructed.

“But, Jonghyun-”

“No, Yoseob.  If fairness is what you are looking for, then I’ll try to be fair.  Since I am the only one with able body right now, I think I deserve to have to do this alone,” Jonghyun said.


“I insist,” Jonghyun said again and then he gave a forcing look to Gyuri.  Luna already put her book down and searched for a place to sleep.  Yoseob looked at Gyuri and finally put their apparatus down on the table, leaving Jonghyun to struggle with them.


Jonghyun had worked for straight 60 hours now and he started to feel a headache coming.  Usually a cup of coffee will be able to keep him up for another day, but where the hell can he get any coffee right now?  They can’t go out since they were quarantined in that lab and people from outside were not allowed to get any nearer to the lab even.  Their source of food came from some people who came a day ago, fully dressed like an astronaut, giving them some dried food.  That’s it.  And seeing Gyuri started to get a fever did not help at all and Luna had been vomiting just increase his level of desperation.

Seunghyun’s body temperature kept fluctuating and the only body part he could move right now was his right hand and his neck and head.  Even his left hand was not functioning anymore.  Yoseob had fainted once and for a while they thought they lost him, but hearing his still steady heartbeat gave them an assurance.  Sooyoung kept alert to give them the drug but sometimes she had breathing difficulties herself.  Jonghyun witnessed his friends’ condition deteriorating and he wondered how can he still standing without being affected by the virus.  Not that he asked for it, but he was sure his blood test came out positive and he was even labelled with the highest risk of infection.  So, what the hell was happening right now?

He stood up and that causes him an acute pain in his head.  He staggered back but regained his composure and continued walking to the lab freezers to see his second specimen.  He took out the petri dish filled with agar antigen specimen, to test it on his own blood which he drew just now.  He was going to look at the reaction under the microscope.  If it reacted with the virus, then he will multiply the antigen specimen for all of them.   If not, he needed to try the third specimen he had made.  He did not have much choice in this short time, but he hoped one specimen will actually work.

He was about to filled a beaker with water when he felt another pain at the side of his head.  His vision started to get blurry.  He massaged his temple in a futile attempt to get rid of the pain.  He regretted asking to work alone.  The effect of not sleeping for two days was not pleasant at all and he could feel like his body will just give up soon.

“Maybe somebody should take over,” Seunghyun said and Jonghyun narrowed his eyes to focus his vision on Seunghyun, “You can’t work alone straight without sleep in two days, Jonghyun.”

“I can’t force you guys to work,” Jonghyun said.

“Well, I can.  Just read for me and I will be able to do it for us.  Gyuri will be able to help too.  I am sure Luna had her rest too,” Yoseob said.

“Luna’s condition is bad.  She had been vomiting and I am sure that doesn’t feel nice.  Gyuri has fever and Yosoeb, I am not fond of the idea of you fainting all over this lab apparatus.  I need to get this done.  Your condition is deteriorating,” Jonghyun said.

I can help.  Sooyoung wrote.

“No, you need to look after them,” Jonghyun said.

You already look like shit.

“Well, thanks Sooyoung.  That was-” Jonghyun did not even finish with his words when he felt like tonnes of brick just fell on his head.  Both of his hand flew to his head, squeezed it to ease the pain.  The beaker dropped onto the floor and broke and the crashing sound woke Gyuri and Luna up.  Yoseob and Sooyoung were quick onto their feet, but not quick enough to catch Jonghyun when he fell onto the floor, his whole body was shaking violently, as though all his muscle was twitching in a weird way.  Worse, some of the shattered glasses actually wounded his skin.

“It is a seizure.  He is attacked.  It is a seizure!” Yoseob was worried.

As a nursing student, Sooyoung knew what to do.  She quickly turned Jonghyun’s body so that he lied on his side and waited until the jerking actually stopped.  Seunghyun used his right hand to drag his whole body all the way to Jonghyun.  Luna and Gyuri also hovered over Jonghyun to help, but knew better that they could do nothing until the jerking stop.  When it finally stopped, Sooyoung tried to bring Jonghyun back to his consciousness.

“Jonghyun, can you hear me?” Seunghyun asked.  Sooyoung tried to find any pulse and finally found a weak one.  She nodded to them.

“Jonghyun, come on.  Don’t do this to us,” Yoseob said this time.  Still, he was unresponsive.

“Jonghyun!  If you don’t answer me, I swear I will kiss you!  I swear, Jonghyun!  I swear!” Luna shouted while shaking Jonghyun very hard that Sooyoung had to stop her.

“Can you keep it down Luna?  Your voice makes my headache even worse,” Jonghyun finally spoke even his voice sounded very fragile.  Luna quickly pulled him into a hug.

“For a while, I thought you were really going to leave us just now Jonghyun.  Don’t you do that to us again, never,” Luna cried.

“Luna…it hurts.  Everything.  My head, my body,” Jonghyun complained.  Gyuri gave a sign to Sooyoung and she quickly caught what she was trying to say.  Sooyoung took the drug and injected it into Jonghyun’s arm.

“Now, better?” Yoseob asked.  Jonghyun nodded in response.

“We are equal now, are we not?” Jonghyun asked.

“Shut up, Jonghyun.  Just tell me what you got now and we will work together for the rest of it,” Luna said.


Jonghyun and Luna did not know how many hours had passed but seeing Seunghyun, Yoseob and Gyuri unconscious on the floor of the lab, looking so weak and fragile, they were very sure they had went over 96 hours now.  Sooyoung was now having difficulties in breathing.  Luna was helping her.  Jonghyun was still waiting for the laboratory chemical processor to do its final touch to the antivirus.  Everything went even more chaotic when Luna ran with a lot of pain to the sink and vomited again.  It sounded really painful and when she stopped, she just fell to the floor unconscious.
Sooyoung tried to get up to approach Luna, but Jonghyun stopped her.

“Stay where you are, Sooyoung.  Don’t move.  It will only mess with your breathing,” Jonghyun said.  Suddenly, a headache attacked him and he grabbed the edge of the table to calm himself down.

“Fuck this machine!  Can’t work even faster!” Jonghyun tried not to lose consciousness because once the cure was ready, he can’t expect Sooyoung to inject everybody with it, not with her condition.  He will be the one to help his friends.

A beep signalled Jonghyun that the cure was processed.  He took six syringes and inserted new, sterile needles into each, and drew the clear blue liquids into the syringe.  He tried not to lose consciousness although the pain was taking over him.  He ran to Sooyoung and tried to get the best vision of her arm with his blurry vision.

“The percentage of success is fifty per cent.  It is either you live or you die but have faith.  Try to fight it, try to be conscious,” Jonghyun said and injected the antivirus into Sooyoung’s arm.

Then, he quickly took another syringe to Luna.  He felt Luna’s pulse.  It was weak.  He quickly injected the antivirus and hoped that it will work.  He took out his cellphone and dialled up Agent Dennis number while running towards Yoseob with another syringe.  When the agent answered the call, Jonghyun tried to speak with the calmest voice he could produce in the agony he is experiencing.

“The antivirus was given.  Come tomorrow morning and pick us up.  Take us to the hospital.  Please…” Jonghyun said while giving a shot to Yoseob.  Then, he ran to Seunghyun.  He could hear Agent Dennis said something, but the pain in his head allowed him to focus only on saving his friends.  He dropped his phone and kneeled beside Seunghyun and jabbed him with the cure.  Then, with the last bit of energy he had, he injected Gyuri with the antivirus.

Finally, with the last syringed, he injected himself with the antivirus and everything went black after that.


Jonghyun woke up with the sound of a machine beeping.  He slowly adjusted his vision to the light and it focused bit by bit.  He tried to move but he felt too tired to even move a finger.

“Jonghyun?” it was Sooyoung’s voice and Jonghyun thought he was dreaming.  When his vision actually fully focused again, he could see all his friends looking at him.

“Oh, gosh!  Jonghyun!” he could see Gyuri spoke without blood coming out of her mouth.  Seunghyun was walking towards him and he tried to smile, seeing him able to move again.

“Finally, Jonghyun.  You have been sleeping for too long,” Luna said to him.

Jonghyun frowned.  Then only he realized that he was in a hospital room with machine attached to him to monitor his sign of life.

“What happened?” he asked, confused of things that was going on.

“The antivirus worked.  We were cured even before the agent came to picked us up.  All of us regained conscious the next morning after you gave us the cure, except you.  You have no idea how you scared us, Jonghyun,” Yoseob provided.

“It was bad.  The doctor said you had brain haemorrhage.  The doctor put you under medication through IV drip to decrease swelling and control your blood pressure, also to ease the flow of your blood.  You had seizure three times when you were unconscious and we almost lost you, really.  But, now you are okay, that’s what matters,” Seunghyun said.

“How long I was out?” Jonghyun asked after everything started to make sense to him.

“Almost two weeks,” Gyuri replied.

“You can read now, Yoseob?” Jonghyun asked.

“Hell, yes!” Yoseob went.

“Hell, it was the longest 96 hours in my life!” Sooyoung said and they laughed together.

Mood: Gloomy -.-
Music: Pitch Perfect Soundtrack - The Riff-Off

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