Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Lesson

Description: They learned more than when they were in classes.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Choi Seunghyun (BigBang), Choi Sooyoung (SNSD), Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Luna (f(x)), Park Gyuri (KARA), Yang Yoseob (Beast)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

Yoseob was not joking when he said he worked as a full-time dishwasher at a café nearby his campus.  People said that he should do internship over the summer and got paid even better.  Well, he could agree with that but the purpose of him working as a full-time dishwasher was because he wanted to be charitable.  Money was not something he was desperate for, but all he needed were experience and social satisfaction.  That was part of the plan anyway.  That was part of their plan.
Yoseob did not know who first came up with the idea but after they came back from their spring break, all of them agreed to do something that can bring more meanings to their lives and others’.  All six of them ended up working at the same café, taking full-time job for a month.  He was the dishwasher, Jonghyun was the cashier, Gyuri and Luna were the waitresses, while Seunghyun and Sooyoung were working as baristas.  Everything worked out pretty well so far.
Nevertheless, working in the café was actually only the first phase of their plan.  The plan was they were going to work for a month.  The pay check they received at the end of it was going to proceed to charity work.  Each of them had their own activity planned, in ways they were most comfortable with.   Not that they were uncomfortable doing charity together, but it happened that their charity targets were different.  That explained the different activities.

“More cups and saucers for you,” Luna put another tray of cups and saucers beside the kitchen sink.  Yoseob laughed.
“I’m tired,” he said.
“Bear with it.  It is our last day,” she smirked.
Yoseob smirked back.  He turned the tap off and held the side of the sink.  Standing up for hours made his heels painful and looking at the stained dishes didn’t help.  Moreover, he was the only one among the six of them working in the kitchen with other adult chefs.  The other five were working happily at the front and didn’t even do the heavy work.  Well, except for the waitresses, the others were not.


Luna set up her portable table and stool at the pedestrian walk.  She took out her different types of sketching pencils and put it on the table.  Finally, she put her sketching book on the drawing stand.  All those stuffs, she bought it using her café salary.  Well, she did not use all of them obviously.  That money and the money she was going to get from her sketching later will be donated to the old folks’ home.  That’s her target and besides doing charity, she wanted to gain more experience in her major in visual arts.  The plan itself was good; she just needed to see how it will all work out.

“I swear I don’t know that we chose the same street for our things,” that was Jonghyun talking.
“Oh my God!  Dude!  What are you doing here?” it was a surprise to her seeing Jonghyun with his guitar here.
“Well, it seems like I’m gonna have to sing and play music beside you while you draw, or sketch, or whatever you are planning to do,” Jonghyun smiled.
Luna was surprised, but it was good actually to see someone she knew while doing her stuff.  At least, she felt less lonely that way.  She quickly explained to Jonghyun her plan and to whom the charity money will proceed to later.
“Sounds good.  I’m looking for experience too for my music major.  But, the money from this street singing and those from the salary are going to be given to an orphanage,” explained Jonghyun.
“Cool!  Then, why don’t I be your first listener?  How much do I need to pay?” Luna asked.  Jonghyun laughed to that and gave her a folder full of songs choice.
“It’s up to you how much you wanna pay.  But, first of all, pick up your song,” said Jonghyun.
“Dude.  This is amazing.  You are like a radio where I can request songs.  Also, I got to choose how much I wanna pay,” Luna tossed a ten-dollar note into a piggy bank Jonghyun had put in front of himself, “Jason Mraz, I’m Yours.”
“Nice song,” Jonghyun said and getting ready with the guitar, “And why don’t you start drawing me?  I promise I will pay when you are done,” Jonghyun suggested.
“That’s…cool!!!  Alright.  All set,” Luna moved to her place and both of them started their missions.
That drew the public’s attention to them.


She had done it in the morning at a different park not too far from here.  She was quite sure she would be able to get more attention this evening.  She supposed to.  She needed attention, or else her mission was not able to succeed.  Her target was people’s health.  No people, then no project.  That’s it.

“Seriously, this morning I managed to get only seven women and seven dollars!” she patted her handmade signboard, written “A-Dollar Aero-Dance.  Easy and Fun.  Lose Weight and Be Healthy” in black ink.  Sooyoung rolled her eyes at her own piece of work, noticing how uncreative it was.
“It’s so silly, that name of your project,” voice of a man, very deep.
Sooyoung turned her head to the owner of the voice and she saw a man, well, not exactly, but a bear.  Not a real bear but a bear suit with a man in it.  The sight was cute but the words were offending.
“Who are you then, silly-suited man?” she asked, giving back to the man.

That bear-man pulled the head off and the man revealed himself as Seunghyun.  Sooyoung wanted to laugh if she was not more surprised.
“Seriously?  Seunghyun?  Bear?  What’s your plan in that suit?” she asked.
“Well, you see.  My target is kids.  I brought balloons and milk and juice with me.  I think that if I could make them happier, I would feel better,” Seunghyun explained.  Sooyoung was amused.
“Wow!  That’s very noble of you.  It was a surprise, you know, someone like you.  I mean, I’ve never seen you with kids before.  I would take it in better if it was Jonghyun or Yoseob,” she said rather frankly.
“I know.  That’s why I choose to do this.  I want to see if I could handle them.  I want to see if I could level with them,” he said.
“You’re funny, you know that, Seunghyun?” Sooyoung stared again at her signboard.
“I know I am.  But, I still stand with my opinion.  Your project’s name’s silly,” Seunghyun stared also at the board.
“You think so?” Sooyoung asked, offended again.
“A-Dollar Aero-Dance?” he shrugged.
“Well, yes.  Aerobic and dancing.  Where can you get any class with both activities in it for one dollar?” Sooyoung defended her idea.
“Well, your activities are good.  But, you could change the name,” Seunghyun gave his thought.
“What am I supposed to name it?” asked her.
“What are you collecting money for?” without answering her, he asked another question.
“To the Women’s Society.  I’ll make sure the money goes to single mothers,” she said.
“You’re good.  Very thoughtful,” Seunghyun smiled.
“So…you have a name for my project?” she asked again.
“On the second thought, you can just proceed with that, but add in “Leave your kids attended by Mr. Bear!” somewhere in it,” Seunghyun suggested.
“What do you mean exactly?” Sooyoung was confused.
“Well, you know.  You are a woman and you might be able to attract more women than men.  But, if women have kids with them, how could they exercise with you?  So, they could leave their kids with me and join your project.  This is just a suggestion though,” said Seunghyun.
“You mean you will join me?” asked her.
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“Oh, Seunghyun.  Thanks a lot for helping me.  That’s…that’s very kind of you,” Sooyoung suddenly turned very bright.
“Nope.  We help each other,” he said humbly.
“Oh, yes.  My project, it is twice a day, morning and evening, every day,” she explained because he might not want to join after he knew that.
“It’s fine.  I’ll join you whenever wherever,” Seunghyun gave his assurance.  Sooyoung smiled.
“You sure?  It is summer, you know that?  You might get heat stroke staying in that suit for hours,” she asked him again.
“Don’t worry.  I’ll manage that,” he assured her.


Gyuri was wandering at the corridor, looking at patients being pushed in wheelchairs, at visitors who wore sad faces around.  Such a scene, but she was getting used to it by now.  Since the beginning of the summer, Gyuri had been coming to the hospital after getting off work.  It was because of a particular boy.
“Gyuri, out of many places on Earth, I see you here.”
Gyuri quickly turned her head towards the voice and for a while, she thought she had her neck broken.  She saw Yoseob, with flowers and books in both hands and he had a green nametag attached to his shirt.
“What are you doing here?” Gyuri was surprised to see him, but she smiled at the sight of him.
“I am a hospital volunteer.  That’s my project.  What are you doing here?” Yoseob smiled back.
“Hospital volunteer?  That’s…very kind of you.  I…I am helping a certain someone.  Yeah, helping a certain someone,” Gyuri did not know how to describe herself.  She was sure as hell all her friends were like Yoseob, doing charity for a number of people in their own chosen groups.  Her target was only a boy.
“Really?” Yoseob asked and for a moment Gyuri thought he was going to laugh, “Who’s that lucky person?” he asked.
“Are you done with your job?” she asked without answering.
“I am going to my last department.  The cancer patients’ ward,” answered Yoseob.
“Good.  I am heading there too,” Gyuri said and quickly pulled Yoseob with her.  He just followed without any words since he’s heading there anyway.
Gyuri stopped in front of a room of a patient.  Yoseob saw she gripped even stronger the envelope she had been holding since just now.
“He’s Dongwoon and no, he’s not lucky.  He has been battling with chronic leukaemia for four years now.  The doctor says there’s yet a suitable donor and the cancer cells have spread to his heart and lungs.  He has never left this room since that.  The doctor says he’s too weak,” Gyuri explained before she took Yoseob into the room.
“You’re helping him!” Yoseob was more surprised.  Gyuri nodded.
“I am just doing what I can,” she said.
“How do you get to know him?” Yoseob asked.
“He is…my brother,” Gyuri said. This time Yoseob felt like he had just been stupefied.  All of them friends knew that Gyuri was the only child of her single mother.
“You’re joking,” he went.
“No, Yoseob.  The patient inside this room and I, we’re siblings.  Same dad,” she revealed.
“Wow!  Spectacular, I guess,” Yoseob just cannot find the right word at the moment.
“Yeah.  It’s a long story.  Anyway, you want to meet him or not?” asked Gyuri, didn’t want to extend the conversation.
“Oh, yes.  Might as well get on with my job,” he said.
Gyuri pushed the door opened and both of them walked in.  Yoseob saw someone, even by the sight of him lying on the bed he could tell that the patient was tall.  It was unnerving to see the boy.  To Yoseob, Dongwoon looked like a corpse, maybe just waiting to die again.  He was pale and fragile, not to mention thin.  But, he gave Gyuri a sincere smile, very sincere that Yoseob felt like the world could be a happier place.

“You come,” said Dongwoon, voice soft and weak.
“How are you today?” Gyuri asked, while having a silent monologue with herself, ‘What do you expect, Gyuri?  He is obviously sick on the bed.’
“Never better,” he said optimistically and Gyuri nodded.  It was the same answer from him every day.
“How’s chemo?” she asked.  Dongwoon shrugged.
“Good, I guess.  I hope I will be able to go for surgery this time round,” Dongwoon said, “If ever I get a suitable donor or even have enough money for that,” he sounded hopeless.
“Doojoon is at the booth.  Our selling is getting better.  Even the result for the photography competition is going to come out tomorrow.  I believe we can win at least the 2500 dollars,” Gyuri said.  Yoseob was clueless on what they are talking about.
“I am sorry that you and Doojoon have to go through this,” Dongwoon was sincere.  That was what Yoseob deduced.
“Who’s Doojoon?” Yoseob asked for explanation.
For a second, the room was too quiet because the other two seemed to forget that Yoseob was still there.  But, before things got rather awkward, Dongwoon’s lips quickly formed a smile.
“You didn’t tell me you brought a friend,” Dongwoon said and then looked at Yoseob, smiling, “Hi, there.  Doojoon is my brother.”
“Our brother.  I forget to introduce you to Yoseob.  Dongwoon, that’s my friend, Yoseob.  And Yoseob, this is Dongwoon,” she just made it quick.
“Hi Dongwoon.  I am Yoseob, a hospital volunteer,” Yoseob took the chance to introduce himself.
After that, he quickly changed the dried flower in the vase on the bedside table.  He also poured water into the vase.  Then, he gave Dongwoon a few books that he can read.
“For you, in case you are bored,” Yoseob said.  Dongwoon eyes sparkled.
“Thanks.  I don’t know what to do in this room anymore.  This is something really thoughtful,” he thanked Yoseob.
“Well, yeah.  I have something for you too,” Gyuri gave Dongwoon an envelope and Dongwoon stared at it with a frown.  He took it from her anyway and opened it with care.  There were photos in it, of people, plants, animals, cars etc.  In short, they told story of life outside of his confined space in the hospital.
“Wow!  This is…Gyuri, this is just…you’re really kind.  After what dad did to you, you’re still good t-”
“No, Dongwoon.  It’s fine.  It’s fine,” Gyuri stopped him before he can get too far.  Yoseob quickly understood that the conversation was no longer for him to listen to.  He made a move to the door.
“I’ll be back.  Later, not too soon.  I still have to meet other patients in other rooms,” Yoseob said, trying to give them assurance that they can talk as much as they wanted.
Gyuri and Dongwoon did have a good conversation together.  Gyuri told him a lot of things.  That Doojoon was going to come visit the next day, that the booth Gyuri and Doojoon set up at the Art Festival was a hit and their photographs were selling good, that both Gyuri and Doojoon were sending their best photographs taken for photography competition advertised in the newspaper to get money for his medication and more.  They talked until Dongwoon told Gyuri that he was tired and wanted to sleep.  Gyuri let him sleep, hoping that he won’t just go away with it.  She continued staring at his sleeping face until Yoseob knocked the door and came in.
“He’s asleep,” she almost whispered and Yoseob understood the situation and just waited outside until Gyuri joined him.
They walked to the subway station together.  Both of them were quiet at first but Yoseob just cannot control his curiosity any longer.  He needed to know.
“Erm, Gyuri-”
“He looked for me during spring break, my dad.  Dongwoon is very sick and not even my dad, his mother or Doojoon’s bone marrows are compatible for him.  Dad decided to try his luck with me,” Gyuri gave a hint.
“You are going to be a donor?” Yoseob almost shouted.
“I registered.  They are going to test my bone tomorrow and if it is compatible with Dongwoon and if he is in a stable condition, we are going to have the surgery in a month.  That’s…only if they manage to kill the cancer cells in his lungs and heart through chemo,” she explained.
“You’re…really a brave woman,” Yoseob almost lost for words.  Gyuri shook her head.
“Dongwoon is my long lost brother.  So is Doojoon.  When my dad came to see my mom before and my mom persuaded me to do it, the donation, I didn’t want to.  I mean, my dad abandoned me for years and find me only because he needed my help.  But then, when Doojoon met me and talked to me one-to-one and even took me to see Dongwoon, I felt the connection.  At that time, I was thinking that I am not going to help my dad, but my long lost brother,” Gyuri smiled.
“Well, what really happened, before?  You know, your mom, your dad and their mom?  Well, if you don’t mind me knowing?” Yoseob asked.  Gyuri sighed.
“My dad and their mom are husband and wife, even back then.  My mom told me this.  There’s something like bachelorette party for his friend and he and she joined and that’s when it happened, I happened.  My dad takes responsibility though.  I mean, all my expenses are given to mom by dad, since I was a baby.  Even until now, including my tuition fees.  My mom and dad never really communicate with each other though.  The money is always in the bank account.  That’s the only part disappointing me a lot, that he never really tries to have a bonding with me,” Gyuri explained.
“Well, you’re a person with big heart,” Yoseob complimented.
“I tried my best.  Both Doojoon and I, we take after dad.  We are into photography.  With the café salary, I bought a better camera set to take better photos.  Doojoon and I open a booth at the Art Festival to raise enough money for Dongwoon.  We also send our photos for photography competition, like a lot of them.  We try to win money.  We do everything in our might,” said Gyuri.
“He’ll make it through.  Dongwoon, I mean,” Yoseob said.
“You really think so?” Gyuri’s eyes sparkled.
“I met a lot of patient today, Gyuri.  Just one day makes me able to tell which of them are giving up or which of them are determined to live.  Dongwoon is the type who wants to live to die old,” Yoseob smiled.
For the first time that evening, Gyuri’s tears flowed down and a bright smile formed from her lips.
“I know,” she said.


Jonghyun knew that he didn’t take any class for the summer but he also knew that he learned more than when he was in classes.  This thing they were doing taught them that life was not simple.  It was not like you sit down in classes, you learn, you pass exam, you get a job and live happily.  There’s something more than that.  You’re not living alone in this world.  There are others.  If you succeed alone, that’s only a success.  The victory, the highest achievement in your life however, could only be gained when you can bring others to success with you.  That’s what Jonghyun learn.
He chose the orphanage because he thought those kids were very unfortunate to live by themselves at such young ages.  Jonghyun knew very well his own parents gave him everything to see him succeed in his own life.  But them?  They didn’t have parents anymore.  He just thought if he could give just a small service of what his parents had given him all this while, they might be able to succeed to.  That’s his target.
The six of them only have 3 weeks of summer holiday before the classes begin again.  After a month working at the café and after a month involving themselves with the society and gain money, it was about time for them to give back to the society.  After the café and street singing, Jonghyun got more than enough money to spend for the kids at the orphanage.  Part of it thanked to Choi Minho, a loyal customer that asked for a song every morning and gave ten dollars in return.  Jonghyun went to the orphanage every morning these three weeks to spend time with them.  He took them to the bookstore.  He bought them clothes, books and school’s necessity.  He bought them food they never get to eat.

What made Jonghyun happier was that he had this deal with Luna ever since they first knew their projects at the same street.  They will spend the last three weeks of summer together.  In the morning, Luna helped him at the orphanage.  In the evening, he helped Luna at the old folks’ home.  Things went smooth.  Jonghyun got to see happy faces of the kids and Luna got to cherish her time with those old and wise people, just like she used to with her late grandmother.  It was a good deal and Jonghyun could never find such a happy summer in his life.
“Jonghyun, it’s about time for us to go,” Luna reminded him when he was helping a girl to try the school uniform they bought for her just now at the bookstore.  Jonghyun nodded.
Luna and Jonghyun wanted to get off early that day.  They wanted to see Gyuri before she went for the surgery.  Since they knew about Gyuri and her brother, they had always wished for a miracle to happen.  It did happen.  Gyuri was proven compatible by Dongwoon’s medical team and Dongwoon was stable enough to go through a surgery.  The surgery on Gyuri will happen in the afternoon and Dongwoon will have it tomorrow morning.  All of them promised to be there.
They met Gyuri and also Yoseob, Seunghyun and Sooyoung.  They also met Doojoon for the first time.  He looked very concerned but Gyuri looked exceptionally bright.  She was ready to be rolled into the operating room.  She asked them to look after Dongwoon while she was in the room.  They promised her.  When she was rolled in, they prayed that everything will go well.
“She’s brave, isn’t she?” Luna asked.

“She is very brave,” Doojoon answered.
Jonghyun smiled.


Seunghyun smiled when the doctor told them that the surgery on Dongwoon was a success.  Sooyoung held his arm very tight that he could feel it was getting numb.  She smiled too.  Both of them looked at Gyuri on the wheelchair.  She was pale and tired after the surgery yesterday but the news can’t prevent her to smile out of joy.  He hugged Doojoon, for the first time after they met.  Jonghyun and Luna who was just arrive also jumped out of joy.  Yoseob thanked Lee Jinki, the doctor, bowed and shook hands with him, but he just felt that was not enough for the doctor who just saved his new friend.

Seunghyun looked at Gyuri, now with tears in her face, being pushed by Doojoon to Dongwoon’s room perhaps.  She looked very happy.  It was like the highest achievement in her life.  Out of all of them, she was the only one whose target is a person, only a person.  He might be kind, giving kids healthy food and looking after them and making them happy with the balloons.  Sooyoung might be nice by getting men and women to look after their health by dancing and exercising and also helping single mothers out there.  But, Gyuri was saint.  She was determined to collect money to save a brother she never knew was exist and she was brave enough to go through pain by becoming a donor herself.
Seunghyun concluded that by having a big group in the society to give help doesn’t make a person more thoughtful than the one who chooses to help only a person.  It was how a person means it and determines to give all for the others that matter the most.  Gyuri showed them that at least.  Yoseob even told him that he saw how dedicated Gyuri was to motivate Dongwoon to live and fight until the end and that was that motivated Yoseob to the same to others in the hospital.  Seunghyun smiled at his own thought and followed the others who were going to Dongwoon’s ward.
They learned a lot that summer.

Mood: Happy ^^
Music: Beast - Shadow

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