Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Description: Perfect murders with no trace left behind.  Perfect murders with no suspect.  Kidnap, torture and kill - the case remained unsolved. (Mystery, AU)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Choi Seunghyun (BigBang), Choi Sooyoung (SNSD), Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Luna (f(x)), Park Gyuri (KARA), Yang Yoseob (Beast)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

“Onew, please arrange this guitar over there, in front of the shop.  Put it in the glass display.  This will be our centre of attention this week,” she gave instruction to one of her workers.  The other one, Jonghyun, was busy entertaining the customer.

Sooyoung shouldn’t be there, in the music store.  Although she’s the owner, the first-class degree in systems engineering she earned at her university graduation should make her more than that.  She could just own the store, hire a manager so she could let herself do a more elite job like engineer.  But, there’s something about music and business that made her swoon over them.  The ability to give instruction to workers, to learn from customers, to meet more people and to wash away her culpability in everyday life by listening to different types of music, these were all the reasons.

Sooyoung knew her skills and abilities well enough.  She knew she was a quick thinker.  She’s capable to be more than just a store’s owner.  She could create or modified things for better or for worse.  As though there was a power inside her, waiting to be unleashed.  The more reasons caused her workers wondering what she was doing at the store.

“That was one hell of a customer.  Asking too many questions, end up buying just a ukulele,” Jonghyun sighed and dragged the chair behind the counter to sit.

“I pay you for that, Jonghyun.  Don’t complain.  Customers are always right,” Sooyoung said, dismissing what Jonghyun thought about the customer.

“I know, boss,” Jonghyun gave Sooyoung a salute, “I promise I will work harder!”

Onew laughed to the scene in front of him and shook his head.  He placed the guitar in the large glass display in front of the shop.  Items in the display were usually of the best quality.  Onew was always wondering if his boss had this obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD).  Sooyoung, with the power to decide which item they should display as the centre of attention, had this repetitive rotation of colour, even though the items were different – red drum sticks, yellow flute, green recorder, red violin, yellow clarinet, green harmonica.  Onew didn’t mind that, neither did Jonghyun, but both of them often think that the colour didn’t match the music instruments.

He shrugged it off again, every time he put the item on display.  Sooyoung will never trust Jonghyun in putting the items into the glass display, because the other worker was just always so playful and careless.  Well, maybe he had disorder too, who knows?  When he’s done with his work, Onew looked around.  There was no customer, Sooyoung was checking the stocks of blank music score books and Jonghyun was scribbling on his notebook again.  So, Onew decided to read the newspaper.  The daily news caught his attention.

“You see,” Onew began and showed them the newspaper, “The kidnap, torture and kill case.  The police still can’t get any clue to solve it.  There’s no evidence, no suspect and case remains unsolved.”

“The police are too slow,” Jonghyun offered.

“And the criminal is too fast.  Not to add how intelligent whoever he or she is.  Like a shadow.  Leaving no trace behind,” Sooyoung added, being friendly to his workers.  She was always friendly, that Onew felt like she’s never been his boss.

“Technology is getting better.  Smart phones, smart this, smart that.  But, human are getting dumber and slower.  What’s the point?” that, Onew might be questioning himself.

“That’s why we cannot rely on technology hundred percent.  I tell you what.  The terrorists succeeded most of the times because they don’t use technology.  They communicate historically.  Note-passing and stuff.  Government monitors technology, so they can’t afford to lose,” Jonghyun shrugged.

“True.  World nowadays,” Sooyoung smirked and shook her head.

When they closed that day, Sooyoung calculated that their business was getting better.  It was like everyone just started playing music.  That made sense.  There was an increase in population in the world.  Things were speeding fast.  People were pressured living in the ever so demanding era.  De-stress, that’s what human needed and music will be able to provide that.  Although, there were some metal music which were so hard they could kill, that was just one way of releasing what had been inside – sorrow, joy, pain, cruelty, scared etc.

Therefore, Sooyoung was satisfied.  There was nothing meant more to a business woman rather than profit, ever increasing profit.  Onew and Jonghyun were contented for the increase in commission.  More pocket money for their living.  They went home together, walking and running on the road joyfully, as if the world was safe.  They were joking around as if the news they discussed during working were forgotten, as if any murder case never happened.


Jonghyun worked full-time, nine-to-five, at the music store because that was the only thing he wanted to do.  He could do more with his Literature degree, but he did not take that as a choice.  People judged him lazy because he lived a simple life without a really tiring job (Well, who said that again?).  People accused him sitting around in music store, where there were not as many customers as a grocery store would have.  Those people included his very own housemate, Minho.

“Go find another job, Jonghyun!  You have a degree that promises you a better future,” Minho said, “Or you could start writing something, I don’t know, literature, Shakespeare.”

“I am writing lyrics, FYI,” Jonghyun answered nonchalantly.

“Yeah, for you to sing and record and upload in YouTube,” Minho encountered.

“I make money with it,” Jonghyun said while his hand continuously writing the lyrics.  Minho had always wondered, how on earth would a person create good lyrics while having an argument?  Jonghyun did that a lot of time.

“A little,” Minho argued, “Not as much as labelled artists.”

“Just a question, Minho,” he said and kept scribbling, “Did I, ever fail to pay my part for the bills?  Did I ever borrow money from you, even once?”

“Well, no, bu-”

“So, is there any problem with my job at the store?  Or being active with YouTube?” Jonghyun cut through.

“No,” Minho rolled his eyes.

“Alright, case solved,” said Jonghyun, still bending over his notebook.  Minho was not satisfied.  Jonghyun always won the argument although he was busy doing something else.

“Listen, Jonghyun.  I just want to say that you deserve a better life.  If ever you get a more professional job, you will end up doing better.  You know, more money in your bank account, like me,” Minho smirked, “And this YouTube thing is all immature.”

“Immature, you said?” Minho could see his smirked although he didn’t even for a split second, lift up his head, “At least I’m not like you.  Sitting in the office, calculating axial stress, shear strain, bending moment and load and team up with another robot guy like yourself, planning on building a bridge, end up don’t even know what happens around you,” Jonghyun brushed him off coolly.

Minho was okay if Jonghyun won the argument, but he was never okay if Jonghyun insulted his job.  Mechanical engineers are supposed to be respected, not offended, well, at least to him.

“You, don’t say.  I know what happens around me,” Minho argued.  He could hear Jonghyun laughed, although that guy still was busy over his lyrics writing.

“Only if I update you,” Jonghyun shrugged.

“No.  That’s the biggest lie you just make, Jonghyun,” Minho felt like he’s losing it again.

“Oh, really?” Jonghyun asked, while Minho only could hear the frictional sound of pencil carbon vigorously moved on the paper, “You know that there’s a new case of the kidnap-torture-kill?”

“You just made that up,” Minho defended.  Well, he really didn’t know what happened around him.

“See, Minho?” Jonghyun stopped scribbling at last, pinching the bridge of his nose and smiled, still not looking at Minho, “You clearly don’t know.  If you go on being like this, don’t say a better life, you won’t live longer than me.  That’s the truth.  You just don’t know about this thing and if, whoever this murderer is, plotting on you, it’ll be an easy target.”

Minho swallowed what felt like a pile of sand going down his throat.  Finally, Jonghyun looked up at him, noticing how he had just scared his housemate probably to death.  Minho lost his voice for a while and Jonghyun noticed how rigid he was, sculpted to the floor.

“Okay.  It’s not like you are his next target, Minho.  Just relax,” Jonghyun said.

“Yeah, I’m not.  I mean, you could be the killer’s next target too, right?” Minho said, still with that embarrassing, scared tone.

“I could be, Minho.  But, nope.  I’m invincible.  Do you think it’s easy to kill me?” Jonghyun smiled and took his guitar, “Now, you want to listen to my new song?  It was done in 10 minutes!”

“New song?  What’s the title?” Minho knew Jonghyun was just trying to ease the tense that was built just now due to the heated argument and the almost-pee-his-pants fear.

“Just Erase Me From Your World,” Jonghyun tried to crack a joke, “About two housemates who just can’t get along well.”


She drank the last sip of her Dr. Pepper.  The gassy feeling in her throat, together with the taste of mixing cherry and cola, just made her wide awake again.  She had been staying up the whole night, browsing through websites to just get something she could blog on.  Inspiration was the thing she needed and it wouldn’t just come early in the morning.

Well, she did post a well-written commentary a few hours ago, but being a full-time blogger, she couldn’t just stop after a blogpost got a hit count.  It was her job to make sure her blog was alive because her pocket money depended fully on the AdSense ads on it.  Luna was happy because hers was one of the most followed blogs but by monetize her blog she didn’t mean to seek popularity.  It was all money.

She could be a journalist and get paid better, maybe, but by being journalist her voice won’t be heard.  The truth was there was conspiracy, where the rulers always control the transparency of the news.  Journalists ended up publishing rubbish like ‘Government Subsidizing Health Cares’ or ‘Russia Strengthen Relationship with US’ while the reality was there were no healthcare and the war kept going.  One word, bullshit!

She had squeezed her brain a few hours ago, writing on the unsolved kidnap-torture-kill case.  She wrote on how slow the police was, how worried the citizens were and how the Chief Police bullshitting about how everything was under control while new cases kept coming.  She wrote on how the murderer remained unknown because the crime was smooth that it left no trace behind.  She wrote on how the murder was without motive.  She wrote that the murderer might just want to challenge the police and was laughing his or her ass out because the police still can’t capture him or her.  She wrote everything out.  It was a masterpiece and people liked it.

Luna was quite sure she couldn’t squeeze anything out of her tired brain anymore and went to the kitchen to take another can of Dr. Pepper, her favourite drink of all time.  By looking at her room, people would know.  There were many empty Dr. Pepper’s cans, some was stacked like twin towers, some were crashed while some was arranged like ten-pin bowling.  Dr. Pepper was an addiction to her.

“You would die soon if you keep drinking like that.  At least take your breakfast first,” Gyuri appeared from nowhere when Luna was standing by the fridge, opening a new can.

“Dr. Pepper is not alcohol,” she reasoned.

“It’s a carbonated drink with high sugar content.  And you spend your time sitting in front of your laptop, browsing websites without really exercise it off,” Gyuri said.  Luna was her sister and she was worried about how she took her life so easily.

“Don’t worry, sis.  Life is money and I make money through blogging.  I will live,” she said.  Gyuri shook her head.

“You didn’t sleep for the whole night,” Gyuri made a strong statement.

“Yup, I didn’t,” Luna took a sip and answered.

“Well, you did anything productive?” her sister asked.

“I blogged,” she gave a very short answer.

“Okay?” that question mark indicated that Gyuri wanted to know more.

“About the kidnap-torture-kill.  Yesterday, another case happened.  No trace was left.  A perfect crime.  And the police was still bullshitting on how everything is under control,” Luna took another sip.

“Oh, wow!  Things are really getting out of control,” Gyuri stated.

“Exactly as I said,” Luna shrugged.

“I will read your post.  But, now I have to go to work, early appointment with client.  You, don’t forget your breakfast.  We have sausages and eggs and bread and cereals.  Dr. Pepper is not a good breakfast.  Don’t forget that I still need you,” Gyuri said and went away.

Luna smiled.  She just loved her elder sister.  Gyuri was busy with her work but still showed support on her by reading her blogposts.  Every time Luna posted a new masterpiece of hers, Gyuri will read and even comment, although she was quite late sometimes.  But, that didn’t matter.  Gyuri spent her time reading, that’s important.  Gyuri had never even complained on her unprofessional (according to people) job.

“Well, I better post something before I eat breakfast,” Luna said to herself, ignoring her sister’s advice.  It was not something new to her, she ignored anybody’s concerns on her.

She sipped her drink, while her hands running on the touchpad.  She just needed something, an inspiration.  It was hard to come by.  She had run through people’s status on Facebook and Twitter and even went through Instagram and 9Gag after that.  In the end, she chose to browse YouTube.  She knew she had made the right decision when at the left panel on her screen, it was said that she had a new video from her subscription.  That was exactly what she needed.

Besides blogging about the latest issue, she also had always blogged about whoever this Jjongie (account name) guy was.  This guy, to her, was very talented.  He sang his own songs and the lyrics were funny, well, most of the times.  Although his songs were sometimes about breaking up, he would never fail to make Luna laughed with his lyrics.  With that, Jjongie just became her latest addiction too, besides Dr. Pepper.

“Well, this is good for a change.  I blogged about a crime just now.  So, why don’t I make another big hit by blogging about this already popular guy?” she did a self-monologue.

With a smile, Luna hit the play button, listening to the song, while her brain working at its best interpreting what the song meant this time.


Gyuri might not be the best optician in town.  But, she had something that attracted people to queue up for her service.  Her kindness was what people looking for, although to Gyuri herself, she didn’t think that high of her own self.

“How are you today, Seunghyun?” Gyuri asked the patient that had been with her for the longest so far.

“I’m good,” he replied, hand clutching his white cane, his best friend for five years.

“Take a seat, Seunghyun,” Gyuri said, very softly.

Seunghyun took his seat and Gyuri eyed him carefully.  This patient of her was strong and ambitious, too ambitious she would say.  Seunghyun got his blindness five years ago when one day he woke up and could just saw the light, without any edge that showed any shape.  It was like the world was nothing in the day but white and at night, it was nothing but black.  When he first came to Gyuri for diagnosis, she had told him that he didn’t have total blindness, since he could still tell when it was dark or when it was bright.  But, Gyuri did tell him that it was a hereditary disease, in which, it was incurable.

But, as she thought, Seunghyun was determined.  Seunghyun said he can still see the light, so he believed that one day his blindness would cure.  He came to her almost every day, wanting her to see any progress of his eyes, although sadly there wasn’t any.  But, he was never sad when she told her he wasn’t doing any better.  Instead, he would smile and told her at least he wasn’t getting any worse.  After that, he would always ask Gyuri to tell him the news that happened in the world, anything that was honest.

That was when Gyuri thought her sister’s blog came in handy.  Seunghyun enjoyed listening to that and he would always record it in his mind, so that when he got home, he could always braille-type the whole thing again.  He said that it would be great if the other blind people could read it as well.  Gyuri had never failed to smile to that idea.

“You need to check on my eyes again,” Seunghyun said after a while.

“Sure, Seunghyun,” Gyuri said and she did the usual tests on him.  She had gotten so used to the procedures as she examined him.  The had never changed, just like Seunghyun.  In the end, as she expected, he wasn’t changing for worse or better.

“I’m sorry, Seunghyun.  You haven’t gotten any better from the last time,” Gyuri spoke, with much sympathy is her voice.  Seunghyun smiled.

“Nevermind.  As long as it is not getting worse, it’s still fine,” Seunghyun said.

“Yes, it’s still fine,” Gyuri admitted.

“You have anything you would like to read to me, doctor?” he asked.

“Oh, yes.  My sister said she blogged about the kidnap-torture-kill again.  You want me to read that to you?” Gyuri’s turn to ask.

“Oh, yes, doctor.  I always like it when your sister writes about that case, ever since it began 3 years ago.  It is like the same old stuff, but it’s not.  New things keep coming up out of that case, but the murderer is too good to be caught,” Seunghyun said while Gyuri was already browsing Luna’s blog.

“My sister likes this case so much that she keeps herself updated with it,” Gyuri gave out a small laugh, “Oh, she also blogs about her favourite YouTube singer.  It seems like he has a new song!” Gyuri exclaimed.

“Oh, the Jjongie guy,” Seunghyun said.  He always knew what Gyuri talked about because it was the same stuff he had heard about since he first came here five years ago.  Luna’s blog was always on the same articles, but there’s new stuff updated on those.

“Yes.  So which one do you want me to read first?” Gyuri was excited.

“Start with the crime first,” said Seunghyun, “Then, we could listen to Jjongie’s new song and Luna’s interpretation on it.”


There were three places Seunghyun loved to go to.  First, Gyuri’s workplace, second, his own workplace and third, the recreational park by the bay.  Gyuri’s place was of course a place where he would go whenever he was free and the women doctor had always reserved a place for him although he didn’t make any appointment with her.  Seunghyun loved that place because it was a place where he thought he could find the slightest bit of hope.

Seunghyun also liked to do to work at the Shaw Society for Blind People.  His action was regarded as a-victim-to-a-hero, although Seunghyun never saw himself as a hero.  He just wanted to do something that could support his family or at least ease the burden for his mom.  His dad was blind and Seunghyun always thought that by working, although just for services to the blind people like him, he could make his mom less worry about him.  But, truthfully, when he was with blind people, somehow he knew that he wasn’t that unfortunate.

Then, there’s this recreational park by the bay.  He always felt good strolling around the place.  There were a lot of benches, facing the sea.  He couldn’t see the sea, of course.  He knew it by his basic science knowledge about sea breeze and land breeze that he learned in primary school, when he was still not blind.  When he sat on one of those benches during the day, he could feel the soft breeze on his face and immediately knew those benches must be facing the sea.  Besides, the recreational site was built by the bay, of course the main attraction was the sea.

But, the breeze was not the reason why he liked the recreational park.  The main reason Seunghyun was there was because of Yoseob.

Yoseob was like the only real good friend he had.  Well, Gyuri would be his friend too, but there’s a line between them limiting their relationship to only doctor-patient kind.  So, in the end Yoseob was the only one who wanted to be a friend with a blind person like him.  Maybe because both of them were slightly not very fortunate, maybe because Yoseob also had a hard time finding a friend.

Yoseob wasn’t blind though and wasn’t deaf and mute either.  He was not disabled.  He was just a homeless person, who slept under the bridge and lived by people’s money.  Seunghyun was one of those people.  Yoseob didn’t ask much though.  They first met when Seunghyun brought a newspaper and sat at the bench, wondering how he could read the news since he was blind.  Seunghyun just wanted to know politics, economy, war, the stuff that happened around the world, but was impossible for him to know.  People asked him to watch the news but in the news they didn’t describe as details since people can watch the footages of accidents, robbery etc.

So, it happened that Yoseob came to him and asked for the newspaper, for him to sleep on that night.  Seunghyun didn’t hesitate even a second to give it to him but he had asked Yoseob to read the newspaper to him first.  He came to know that day that Yoseob was literate, although homeless.  It was weird though, someone that could at least read like Yoseob should be able to work as a cashier at the grocery store, but Seunghyun didn’t dare asking him that.  So, Seunghyun just listen to Yoseob reading every single news in that newspaper.

Since that day, they had become friends.  Seunghyun came with the newspaper every day, after working, to one of those benches.  Yoseob then came to him and took the newspaper and read it for Seunghyun.  Then, he got to keep the newspaper when Seunghyun went home.  Yoseob never asked for more.  Even they were friends, Yoseob never asked Seunghyun to take him home.  Neither did he ask him for money or for food.  That was why Yoseob was likeable.

“Hi, Seunghyun,” Yoseob greeted him like every other day.

“Hi, Yoseob,” Seunghyun replied, straightaway handed Yoseob the newspaper.

Yoseob took it from Seunghyun and sat on the bench beside Seunghyun.  He read the news until the end of it, every single word written on it.  When he was done, Yoseob informed Seunghyun by tapping his hand.

“Oh, thank you again, friend.  The news about the kidnap-torture-kill was very interesting.  Don’t you think so?” asked Seunghyun.

“I certainly think so,” said Yoseob.  Seunghyun knew Yoseob must be a petite guy based on his voice.  It was not deep instead a little high pitch although not to the point it damaged his ears.

“Thanks for reading.  You could keep the newspaper,” said Seunghyun.

“Thank you,” Yoseob said, always short.

“See you, Yoseob,” Seunghyun lift up his hand, as a gesture.

“See you, Seunghyun,” Yoseob said and they parted.  It was just like every other day.


At night, under the bridge, Yoseob had always spread the newspaper on the muddy ground before he went to sleep.  It was just like every other night.  Each time, before he went to sleep, he was always wondering what news will come out in the newspaper the next day.  He would always wonder if tomorrow Seunghyun will still be there with his newspaper.

That night, like every other night, Yoseob went to sleep thinking of a lot of things.


“A rough guess, Doojoon.  A man or a woman?” asked Dongwoon.

Both of them had been on this case for too long, that they thought it was time for them to give up.  But, they can’t.  People’s lives were at stake.  If they just gave up, like the other teammates, that will be the end of humanity, or so they thought.  A team of detectives was brought together at the beginning of the kidnap-torture-kill case.  However, three years were quite a long period to investigate a case and some of the members decided to leave the team.  In the end, only two of them remained.

“A woman,” Doojoon answered the younger detective, “Or a girl.”

“Interesting.  Why?” Dongwoon asked again.

“Well, Dongwoon.  Have you ever heard people say ‘boys will be boys’?” Doojoon replied with another question.

“Yes.  The society’s stereotypical.  The boys will always be the strong one, the violent one, the rules-breaker.  Those stuff,” Dongwoon answered.

“Precisely, Dongwoon,” Doojoon nodded while playing with his stress ball, “Three years, Dongwoon.  Three years we have been investigating this case and we can’t find a single suspect.  We collected evidence but it was all over the place.  We can’t find them related to each other.  Have it occurred to you that we have been narrowing it down, too narrow that it was impossible to look at?”

“You mean?” Dongwoon frowned.  That case had been a real headache for years.

“How do you picture a murderer, Dongwoon?” Doojoon asked again.

“A big man with evil look on his eyes,” Dongwoon shrugged.  Doojoon smiled to the answer while his hand was still playing with the stress ball.

“That’s the society’s stereotypical, Dongwoon,” Doojoon said and pressed the ball, hard, “Maybe that’s why we can’t find a suspect.  It is because when we walk down the road, the only person we look at is that kind of man, you know, big and evil look.  In our mind, a murderer should look like that.  But, the evidence that we found, based on the dead bodies forensic result, said that the way the victims were killed could point that the murderer is either a man or a woman.”

“You mean, because we already have that thoughts in our minds, it clouds us to find the killer?  You mean, that the stereotypical can’t always be true?  You mean, something must have been distracting us so much that we miss out the important one?” Dongwoon guessed.

“Exactly, Dongwoon.  You are smart.  We are smart.  But, not smart enough.  The murderer laughs his or her ass off and we are here in this office, working overtime and still couldn’t catch the perp,” Doojoon clutched the stress ball, giving it a compression that somehow will be equivalent to his own amount of stress.

“But, Doojoon.  Honestly, even if we free ourselves from this stereotype, we couldn’t possibly solve this case that easily.  That would be broad.  Thousands of men and women, boys and girls out there, each and every one of them is a possible suspect.  The evidence doesn’t give much help either,” Dongwoon said, as if adding to the amount of stress Doojoon was already having.

“We ended up suffering in the office thinking for another hour,” Doojoon said, releasing everything to the yellow stress ball.

“Just because we are dealing with a shadow,” Dongwoon sighed.

“Shadow, huh?” Doojoon sighed too.

“You see,” Dongwoon stood up and switched off the light.

The room was quite dark, but it was enough to see Doojoon sitting in front of his working desk.  The only source of light in the office came from the bright shining moon, which was also the reflected light from the Sun.  Dongwoon dragged a chair and sat in front of Doojoon.  He took a marker pen Doojoon always kept neatly in the jar on his desk.  Then, he put the pen on Doojoon’s desk, standing on its flat bottom.  Dongwoon then took out a small LED torchlight from his own pocket and switched the light on.

“When the light came from the right side of the pen, the shadow will be on the left side.  It is impossible to catch.  Imagine, Doojoon.  We’re the light and the murderer is the shadow,” Dongwoon said.

“Hard to catch.  Impossible,” Doojoon made a statement both of them long had known.

“Yes, Doojoon.  Move the light to the left side, the shadow will be on the right,” Dongwoon said.

“When the light is on top of the pen?” Doojoon knew the answer.  He was a good science student and knew every single law involving light.  He just wanted Dongwoon to say it out loud.

“The shadow’s gone,” Dongwoon said while moving the source of light above the pen, “When we can see it, it is too far.  But when we can’t see it, it is really near.”

“You can’t catch a shadow, Dongwoon,” Doojoon said.  He didn’t know whether he disagreed with Dongwoon’s analogy or whether he wanted to give up catching the perpetrator.

“But, this shadow is dangerous and need to be caught,” Dongwoon said matter-of-factly.

“The only way is to kill this shadow.  And to kill the shadow, we need to turn off the light,” Doojoon pressed the ball rather strongly.

“That’s the problem.  In this case, we are the light,” said Dongwoon while switching off the torchlight.


The most successful lie would be the lie that was not cliché.   In other words, the ‘new lie’.  The new lie will make you the world biggest liar.  One of the methods to lie successfully is by not telling anybody anything, but just do something which is not you.

Sooyoung knew Gyuri.  She knew Gyuri was an optician.  She’s certainly not the best in town, but she was kind and that what attract people to come queuing up for her service.  Her kindness.  Her kindness that covered all her flaws.  Gyuri also knew Sooyoung.  Sooyoung was the owner of a music store in town.  Sooyoung was supposed to be an engineer.  But, Sooyoung wanted to get near music, to wash away her guilt.  Music that could make her calm and happy despite the risky job she dedicated her life into.

They were not friends in college.  They were not childhood friends.  They were recruited by the same organization.  They were paid to kill.

It was a perfect lie, wasn’t it?  The items of display at Sooyoung’s shop, red meant the killing’s over, new people could come and pay them to kill another one.  Yellow meant ‘on plan’ and people have to stop requesting for a while.  Green meant killing was on progress.  Sooyoung was the leader of the group.  She led them.  Gyuri on the other hand read Luna’s blog.  Luna’s interpretation of her favourite YouTube singer’s songs told Gyuri what to do.  Gyuri was the planner.  She planned and she passed on the plan-to-kill to her patient.

Perfect cover, wasn’t it?  Sooyoung was an engineer and a business woman, a quick thinker.  Gyuri was an optician, not the best in town but her appearance was kind, like a goddess.  That was why they were recruited.

Jonghyun knew Seunghyun.  He knew Seunghyun wasn’t blind, but had a father that could pass the blindness to him.  He knew Seunghyun was the most reliable actor on Earth.  Seunghyun had lived 5 years pretended to be blind, but never got caught.  Seunghyun knew Jonghyun.  A Literature graduate, a word-manipulator he would call him.  Jonghyun was good in using words, that he could convert a killing instruction into an innocent, cute love song.  He sang the song and uploaded it on YouTube, to deliver the message to a certain someone, who knew how to interpret words.

They were not friends in college.  They were not childhood friends.  They were recruited by the same organization.  They were paid to kill.

It was a perfect lie, wasn’t it?  Jonghyun received instruction from Sooyoung.  It was always written in the music score book that Sooyoung gave to him because it was as if Sooyoung knew how passionate Jonghyun was when it came to composing.  Jonghyun made the instruction into songs, something that people actually use for entertainment.  Seunghyun was blind or pretended to be blind and there’s Gyuri as the doctor.  People won’t know he wasn’t blind because Gyuri was there to ‘prove’ that he got the disease from his blind dad.  Gyuri was there to give him the plan and he was the plan-passer.

Perfect cover, wasn’t it?  Jonghyun was a Literature graduate, a word-manipulator.  Seunghyun pretended to be blind and the most reliable actor.  That was why they were recruited.

Luna knew Yoseob.  He studied Law before, with an ambition to become a police-officer.  Living as an orphan since young made him want to succeed in life.  He got kicked out during interview though.  He almost gave up life after that, wanting to kill himself by the bay.  But, someone found him.  Yoseob also knew Luna.  Luna was a graduate in Journalism.  She was not Gyuri’s actual sister.  She was recruited to be Gyuri’s sister.  She often looked into newspaper and found hidden things in the news which some journalists tried to convey with hidden words because of the lack of transparency in the newspaper.

They were not friends in college.  They were not childhood friends.  They were recruited by the same organization.  They were paid to kill.

It was a perfect lie, wasn’t it?  Luna interpreted Sooyoung’s instruction hidden in Jonghyun’s song.  Every time she listened to Jonghyun, as if she was a hardcore fan of him.  She interpreted the words Jonghyun put in poetry, hidden in the cheesy-romantic-funny lyrics he wrote.  Yoseob was homeless but he had a friend.  His best friend was Seunghyun.  He read the newspaper for Seunghyun.  Not just a newspaper, but a newspaper with braille words on it.  It was Gyuri’s plan, passed by Seunghyun to Yoseob.  Who can see braille words?  It can only be touched.  Yoseob touched the newspaper before he went to sleep.  Yoseob had the instruction and the plan.  Yoseob killed.

Perfect cover, wasn’t it?  Luna, a blogger, became a hardcore fan of Jonghyun, interpret his song and put it on her blog to be read by Gyuri.  Yoseob was homeless and no one would ever notice him on Earth, not even the detective.  That was why they were recruited.

In short, they knew each other, they were recruited – Sooyoung the thinker, Jonghyun the word-manipulator, Luna the interpreter, Gyuri the planner, Seunghyun the passer and Yoseob.  Yoseob was the shadow.  A petite, homeless guy.  He got the least attention on Earth, but he was the most reliable killer on Earth.  One of the richest guys, Yoseob was.  He killed but no one will notice.  He was the Shadow.

Mood: Sleepy
Music: Beast - Shadow

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