Thursday, November 22, 2012

The New Beginning (Final)

Rating: PG-13
Characters: SHINee and fictionals
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

That boy, a normal human, runs happily beside the lake, without knowing that it was once a bloody site.  Not that I am going to feed him that information.  But the reflection of the red, autumn leaves on the lake, remind me a lot of that time.  The time when I was in a bad state, when we were in a very bad state.  The fight will last forever in my mind, but that boy shouldn’t know how horrible it was.  That little boy shouldn’t know how horrible it was when his father was confirmed dead.  But, that was all passed, long ago.  And the promise is made, it will never ever happen again.
I don’t hope my life will be like a fairytale, ‘living happily ever after’ kind of stuff.  Life is impossible to be all excited and happy, but, this is the life that I want, peaceful and harmonious.  At least, it is peaceful, without fight, killing and those stuffs you couldn’t imagine living in.  Peaceful and harmonious, we deserve this life after those things happened.
We’re at the front yard, having a sort of party it seems.  Jiyeon and Jinki with their cute little adopted baby, are having a good time together.  It seems like Jinki doesn’t want to turn his wife into a vampire.  He doesn’t want to kill Jiyeon by making her carry a vampire child as well.  So, that is it.  Adoption is the best.
Hyun Joong and Hyori are talking to some guests who have made an early arrival to this party.  They look happy.  Being grandparents to the boy change their lives a lot.  They try to act like oldies oftentimes, but they remain as young as ever, because of the Serum of Immortality.  I can’t imagine I will look older than them in a few years.
Taemin and Seraphina are arranging the candles on the cake, looking so good together.  I brought my own sister to this life.  Seraphina talked to me about being a vampire, so that she could be with Taemin and have their own children.  I have nothing against the idea, but I will miss the human in her if she really decides to do that.
The newlywed, Minho and Sooyoung are having the dining tables ready.  Looking at them remind me of twin towers, they are just so tall.  Minho helps Sooyoung, whose arm is injured, after being shot in a mission a few days ago.
“You don’t need to do this.  Just let me do all.  You need your rest,” Minho says.  But, Sooyoung is just as stubborn.  She is strong girl though, so she is.
The others: Ji Woo, Lee Minho, So Eun, Seunghyun, Ji Eun, and the trio, Minji, HyunA, and Uee are getting the food ready.  Seeing smiles on their faces make me happy.
But, I would be happier if Jonghyun were here.  I would be happier if Jonghyun were with us.  I would be happier if Jonghyun were here for our son’s fourth birthday.
But, he is not.
“Hey,” Key walks to me, with a wrapped present in his hand.
“Hey,” I reply.
“The party will start very soon.  The guests keep coming.  You might want to smile and cheer up a bit,” he says.
“I wish I could,” I say.
“It has been three years my son celebrates his birthday without his dad.  This year, it would be the fourth,” I say, a bit pissed off.
“We don’t have a choice, do we?” asks Key.
“I guess not,” I say.
“Then, let’s go.  Joong Chan is waiting for you to cut the cake together,” Key says.
I nod and go to the big table, where Joong Chan is ready with his pointed birthday hat.  He is so cute.  I just hope he won’t be as short as his dad.
We sing a birthday song for him and we clap our hands.  Soon, I help him cutting the cake right after he makes a wish.
“What is your wish, Joong Chan?” asks Minji.  My little boy looks at her.
“Same as last year,” he says, with cute accent, barely understandable.
“Awww…you wish your dad will be with you on your birthday?” Minho asks.  Joong Chan nods.
It pierces my heart, so painfully.  Ever since Joong Chan could think and speak, it will always be about his dad.  It will always be about Jonghyun.  Not that I am jealous he doesn’t think of me, no.  It is just that we could not fulfil his birthday wish.  I kiss him in his cheek.
“Your dad will always be proud of you,” I say.  He smiles, showing lines of small teeth.
“I want to eat cake,” Joong Chan tells me.  I laugh.
“Yeah, it is about time,” I say.  I cut the large cake into pieces and give it to the guests.  Seraphina helps me with it.  Joong Chan eats his part happily.
“Eat and grow tall kid.  You don’t want to be like your father in terms of height,” says Taemin while spoon the cake into my son’s mouth.  He eats, unable to understand what Taemin means by that.
“Now, this is my present for you.  I am a good uncle, am I not?” Taemin says while giving a toy gun to him.
“And this is from me,” Seraphina says while giving him a set of spy gear for kids, “I just thought you might want to be like your parents,” she says.  He doesn’t understand of course, but takes the toy happily.
“Now you are a perfect, handsome mini spy,” says Taemin.  Joong Chan smiles.
“Enough of violence, Taemin,” says Jinki.
“Joong Chan-ah, I have a better present for you,” Jinki gives a set of children story books, “Be smart like me when you are older,” he says.
“That’s vain,” says Jiyeon, “Smart like you?  Joong Chan, I have a Barney for you,” Jiyeon gives a large Barney stuffed toys to him.  Joong Chan looks at it and he smiles wider.
“Told you he will like mine,” says Jiyeon to her husband.
“Nah…Joong Chan.  Here, Uncle Key gives you the best present after all.  A set of cowboy suit.  How is it? You like it?  The hat is cool,” says Key, while taking off the birthday hat and replacing it with the cowboy hat.  Joong Chan takes it off and replaces it back with the birthday hat.
“Hahaha! You are rejected by both the mother and the son, Key,” HyunA cracks a joke.  Now, that’s embarrassing.
“Bad joke, HyunA.  Bad joke,” says Key while shaking his head, trying to get rid of the awkwardness between us.  The others are laughing.
“Jiyeon, hold the baby, please.  I need to go to the bathroom for a while,” says Jinki.   Jiyeon takes their baby from him.
The trio starts to introduce their weird presents to Joong Chan, but every year, Joong Chan seems to like their presents so much.  I don’t mind at all.  I just hope that my son won’t be as weird as them.
Suddenly, a car arrives.  Might be another guest, since I have never seen the car before.  A guy comes out from the car and walks towards us, with a present in his hand.  That looks like a big box.
“I am here by invitation from Mr. Lee Jinki,” he says politely.
“Oh, yeah.  You’re his friend?” I ask.
“Oh, yes.  A good friend,” he says.
“I’m sorry he is in the bathroom.  But, you can sit down and have a piece of cake while waiting for him,” I say.
“No, it’s okay.  I’m in a rush.  I just want to wish the birthday boy and give this present to him,” he says.
“Oh.  Alright.  Joong Chan, come here,” I say.  Joong Chan runs to me.  I hold his hand and take him nearer to the guy.
“This is Uncle Jinki’s friend.  He comes to wish you a happy birthday,” I say.  Joong Chan turns to look at him.  The unknown guys crouches down to the same level as Joong Chan.
“Right.  Kim Joong Chan, happy birthday,” he gives the wrapped box to him.  Joong Chan holds it tightly.  That box might be a little heavy for him.
“You are a very healthy and strong boy.  Your dad will be very proud of you,” he says.  That guy hugs my son and after a while he let go and kisses him on his cheek.  He seems very fond of my son, like they have a connection.  I start to become suspicious.  The guy stands up before I even try to examine him.
“I guess I have to go now,” he says and smiles at me.  I nod.  Somehow, I know this guy.  I really know him.
He walks to his car.  I still look at him, try to confirm his identity.  I know him, really.  His eyes are familiar.  His way of walking, speaking, they are so familiar.
“Who is that, Sabrina?” Jinki appears out of nowhere and asks.
“Well, I thought you know him.  He said he came by your invitation.  He said he is a good friend of yours,” I say.
“I…really don’t know anybody look like him,” he says.
I look back at that guy, who almost reaches his car.  This is weird.  I know him, definitely.  He seems to have this connection to my boy.  His way of walking, his way of speaking, his height…wait…his height?  That is Jonghyun’s height.
I take out a phone from my pocket.  A phone that Jonghyun gave me just before he went to an undercover mission a week ago.
“This phone…I’ve secured the line.  I have the same phone.  It is a private number and nobody can trace the call.  I can assure you that.  Call me if you need to do so,” I could still remember what he said when he gave me the phone a week ago.
I quickly press the speed dial and the line is connected very quickly.  I look at the unknown guy again.  He is taking out his phone from his pocket.  He presses a button on the phone and just then I could hear his voice again, in my earpiece.
“Yes?” he answers.  I swear I saw he smirks at me just before he gets into his car.
“Jonghyun, is that you?” I ask through the phone.
“Take quite a while for you to notice me,” he says.
“You’re in disguise.  Even your voice is different,” I say, defending myself for not knowing my own stupid husband.
“I am still on my mission.  Cannot have my cover blown and put my family in danger,” he says.
“Damn you, Jonghyun.  You could just tell me,” I say.
“You’re cussing in front of our kid?” he asks back.  I roll my eyes.
“Your mission is not yet over.  And you’re wasting your time by coming here,” I say.
“Well…I can’t miss my son’s birthday every year just because of stupid undercover missions.  I seriously will kill Jinki for sending me to a mission every time it is my son’s birthday,” he says.  I laugh.
“Well, you say you are the agency’s best agent.  So be it,” I say.
“Best agent cannot have time with family?” he asks me.  I laugh.
“Well, you are the so-called country’s first line of defence.  I guess your wife and your son just have to bear with it,” I say.  He laughs.
“I just need to finish this, alright?  It is almost over.  I’ll be back in two days at most.  I expect you’ll be waiting for me?” he asks me.
“You wish. I will be with Joong Chan.  You don’t have to go back,” I joke.  He laughs.
“I’ll see you again.  Tell Joong Chan I am really proud of him,” he says and we hang up.  The car moves and leaves the yard right after.
“So, that short guy is Jonghyun?” asks Jinki.
“Yeah. And he says he will kill you right after he comes back.  That is the price you have to pay for sending him on an undercover mission every time it is Joong Chan’s birthday,” I say.
“Whoa!  I better be ready for that,” he says.
“You better be,” I say.
“Mommy, open this,” Joong Chan says while trying to tear the wrapper off.
Jinki and I quickly help him with it.  We open the box and we see 4 books in it.  They are entitled ‘A Whole New World’ and there are photos of Joong Chan growing up in those books.
“Oh my God. This guy is really hopelessly romantic and cheesy,” Jinki says while laughing.
“Mommy, it is me, daddy and you,” Joong Chan points to a photo in the book.
“Yes, my son.  You dad is really proud of you,” I say.
It is a perfect moment.  Like I say, I don’t really believe in a fairytale’s happily-ever-after style, but, we deserve to be happy sometimes.

Finally. ^^

1 comment:

SJ said...

akhirnye... hahaha... ak suke ^^

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