Tuesday, April 3, 2012

When You Give Sincerity, I Give You Honesty

Description: Dayana did a dance cover for Sherlock and Taemin saw it.
Rating: G
Characters: SHINee Taemin and Dayana
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction. The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation. The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself. If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

Dayana lives in her own bright and colourful world she creates. The fact that she had a bad past never weighs her down even once, because she dedicates her recent life loving SHINee with her heart. Dayana loves dancing so much. She almost can’t dance, at all, once, but she fought through the terrible condition that hit her like a tsunami, which almost destroyed her life. Later, her sister introduced SHINee, a group of shining boys and since then, she focused on getting better.
She has a big hope; to change the world with her small little hand. She has a big hope; to make people acknowledge how beautiful dancing is.
She has her own crew that always support her until the end, and they trust her and make her their leader. Dayana knows her responsibility is big, but she would like to not break the trust. She leads them, and they dance, and most of the songs they dance to are SHINee’s songs. Her days become bright as the stars and their names become big. She admits part of the credits has to be given to SHINee, but she knows very well that she does a good job in dancing.
Dayana loves SHINee and she would love it if people love them as well. Thus, she continues dancing, because of her own passion and because she is so sincere in loving SHINee.
Thus, when SHINee’s Sherlock album came out, Dayana felt very excited. She watched the video and it would be an understatement if she says it is just awesome. It is more than just that. SHINee is beyond awesome. Dayana wanted to dance to it and perform it to public, so that SHINee will gain more love, so that Taemin will get more love. She went on YouTube and watched SHINee’s dance practice and stopped each second to catch every movement of the dance. She gathered her crew to once again make a magnificent performance.
There she goes again, practicing very hard each day. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. She repeats the counting and dances to the routine. People could see how dedicated she is to the dance, as she makes it a cliché of her life, all repeated again and again. When it is announced for a K-Pop Dance Cover Competition, Dayana practices harder and harder, because she knows if she wins, people will acknowledge SHINee. If she stands out and succeeds in covering Taemin, people will know Taemin and Taemin will receive more love. That is enough for her.
However, things won’t always go the way she wants, right? People are happy if they get the first runner-up, but Dayana doesn’t. She feels like she has not done enough for SHINee. She wants to be the champion because she wants people to know SHINee, because she wants more people to love Taemin. She feels disappointed and at this time, all she needs is to be alone, far from her teammate, far from everyone. She needs time to express how guilty she feels towards SHINee for not be able to win the first place. Thus, she politely says no to her teammates’ suggestion to celebrate their winning as the first runner-up, instead, asking them to celebrate without her. They can’t do anything as they know their leader needs time to feel better again. They leave.
And Dayana cries her heart out behind the stage, when people start to leave the scene. It is dark and no one will notice her. No one, she thinks, except that there’s someone noticing.
Dayana wants to scream, to yell at that person, that she wants him to leave her alone. However, she can’t. She can’t because she knows the person very well. Despite the tears and darkness almost blocking her eyesight, she still could make out the slim figure with a guitar case hanging at his left shoulder, with a face as cute as a squirrel and the shining eyes. Those are belonged to only one person. Taemin. She stares at him, still couldn’t believe it. She must be imagining things because she is too sad.
“Can I accompany you, here?” he asks, with a very sweet smile. Dayana still is staring at him, and she can’t get herself out of the stupor, because she thinks the voice sounds so real.
“Hello?” the boy asks again. Another thirty seconds without a reply, the boy decides he doesn’t need permission and chooses to sit right beside Dayana. He puts his guitar on his lap and makes himself comfortable beside her.
“Taemin?” only one word comes out and Dayana couldn’t be so sure if it is a question, or more like a stupid greeting.
“I saw you on stage,” he says. Hearing that, tears stream down her cheeks again. So, Taemin saw her dancing and he saw her getting first runner-up. She feels disappointed and she feels like her world is going to end very soon. The apocalypse must be approaching.
“You did well,” he says encouragingly.
“No, I didn’t,” she says quickly, voice muffles with sobs.
Maybe Taemin just realise that she is crying, because he looks surprised as he hears the sniffs. He looks at her and it is very transparent that he is very worried about her.
“Hey…don’t cry…please…take this,” Taemin gives a plastic bag with a box, which Dayana doesn’t realise he has it with him all the time. It must be a box of tissue. Dayana doesn’t have any will to wipe her tears away, so she just holds that box in her hand.
“I suck at it, really,” she says. She doesn’t know why, but she feels like she knows Taemin for years. She feels comfortable telling everything to Taemin.
“You did well, really,” he goes again.
“I don’t think so.”
“I think so.”
“You’re just being nice.”
“I am just being honest,” Taemin’s words shut her up, for a while.
“What makes you think I did well?” she asks, while sniffing, trying her best to prevent the tears escaping her eyes. Taemin laughs a small laugh.
“I’ve never seen anybody covers me that well. That expression, that dressing, that dance,” he emphasizes the ‘dance’. Dayana thinks Taemin is just being sarcastic.
“Again, you’re just being nice to me,” she says.
“I am just being honest,” Taemin goes again.
“I only get the first runner-up,” Dayana says, holding in the tears. Taemin smiles at her.
“The ranking doesn’t matter. It is just a number. The most important is I could see how sincere you were when dancing just now. A true dancer doesn’t dance for the first place, but for passion. And you managed to make me acknowledge you with your sincerity, with your burning passion,” he says.
“I am not a true dancer then. I dance for the first place,” says her in a very mocking tone, most probably being sarcastic to herself.
“No, I didn’t see that,” he pauses and looks at her deeply, “Why you wanted to do my cover? Why you chose to be Taemin?”
“B-Because I l-like you,” she stutters. Taemin smiles softly to her.
“Why do you like me in the first place?” he asks.
“When I was on bed, sick, I saw you dancing in Replay, with burning passion, and it straight away gave me the strength to dance,” she confesses. Taemin smiles get wider.
“Really? Because we share the same feeling now. That was what I thought when I saw you dancing on the stage, did my cover. I still think of the same thing now. The passion you have for dancing, that is belonged to a true dancer,” he says.
“I lost,” Dayana still feels very down about it.
“But what I saw though you is sincerity,” Taemin says while taking out his guitar from the case, “It is hard for an idol to sing one-to-one to fans, but I think you deserve an honesty from me,” he says.
Taemin sings. It is Honesty from SHINee and Dayana feels appreciated.
There’s a connection in our relationship
A huge one that I can’t explain in words
Our conversations, piled with memories
Continue on today
Dayana thinks she should be grateful and she should never downgrade herself. And as the song goes on she feels like she just wins the competition.
Because you’ve always been there to protect me
Because you’ve taken the criticism that I should receive
You have shielded me without a word and now
I will reflect you like a mirror
When the song ends, Taemin sighs and then looks at her, deep into her eyes. He smiles again and Dayana smiles after that.
“I am being honest,” Taemin says.
“Thanks,” she replies, feeling very grateful.
“And you know what? The winner of the competition just now didn’t get my shoes as present. I gave it to the only person who I saw is very sincere,” he says.
“Shoes?” she asks. Taemin’s gaze moves towards the box in her hands. Dayana looks at it and she almost jumps in surprise.
“You give me your shoes?” her hands clumsily open the box and there, a pair of sneakers Taemin wore in his Replay MV Japanese Version.
“For me?” she asks again. He nods.
“And I autograph it, for you,” he says.
Dayana feel joyful since she gets a present nobody would get, Taemin dancing shoes. And she even feels happier because she could see how happy Taemin is. That is enough for her.

Mood: Flu, Cough. Sorry if the story is not nice.
Dedicated to Dayana :D

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