Monday, February 6, 2012


Description: When a prefect decides to handle a troublemaker, things can go very wrong.
Rating: G
Characters: Doojoon, Beast, 4Minute and fictional girl
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction. The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation. The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself. If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.


Living in a boarding school is quite an intelligent move for the best education, or at least that is what she thinks after considering the pros and cons. The school could be similar to a jail, if not a zoo, and the teachers could sometimes be very intimidating. But, when she thinks about it, the educational system worth all the cons displayed. Tied up with rules, her life could be so into a cocoon, but her priority is her education, although sometimes she really misses her life as a teenager out there.

Maybe that explains Fieyna’s illegal activities at school.

She is often caught red-handed but as smart as she is, she escapes punishments. Most of the school’s prefects find her annoying in every way, and she even won an argument with the Vice President of the Prefectorial Board before. Since then, the teachers allow watching television at the common room during weekdays as well as weekends and also, the Vice President always shows her dark face whenever they meet. But, she couldn’t care less.

The only prefect that Fieyna has not yet encountered is the Head Prefect.

Yoon Doo Joon, as carved-in-black on his gold nametag, is walking through the quiet hallway to the Prefect’s Room. He glances at his watch and he smiles. As usual, he is never late. Doo Joon, although sometimes feels it is quite depressing, tries his best to be the best amongst the students in the boarding school, in terms of discipline. His life as a student is well-organized by himself, that, should there’s ever a person wants to assassinate him, the killer will know when is the best time to do so. His schedule is well-arranged and his academic is something that can be proud of, thus, he is made as the students’ role-model by the teachers.

He is the President of the Prefectorial Board, hence, the school’s Head Prefect.

As he enters the room, he finds out that there are some missing prefects, but all had reported legal - of having extra class or sick. Satisfied with the attendance of the available-on-duty prefects, he closes the door and takes his seat at the table for high-committees, which is facing the tables of the member committees.

The meeting begins as soon as he settles on the black leather chair.

“Good afternoon to all prefects. I announced the emergency meeting today because I heard a lot of commotions between all of you. So, I hope that you can enlighten me of any information that I missed out,” Doo Joon makes an introductory speech.

“As far as I know, the whole fuss is centred on a student of the school, President,” says the Vice Head.
“The other prefects, is that true?” he asks again for confirmation. He could see all of them nod in unison.
“Could someone enlighten me about this person?” he asks formally.
“The Greatest and Utmost Troublemaker – Fieyna,” says Hyun Seung, the Head of the Discipline Bureau of the Prefect Body. Doo Joon smiles as the name is announced by his best friend.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but is this the person you lost to, my dearest Vice, Miss Hyun Ah, that caused us to change the School’s Constitution: Section 9, regarding the Students’ Entertainment Matter, on the time for watching television?” Doo Joon asks the Vice President, Kim Hyun Ah. From his observation, she looks quite pissed off as he brings up the embarrassing debate again.

“Just to ensure you of the troublemaker, yes, she is the one that had won the argument regarding that matter, and I personally believe we have to establish a law to get rid of her, for the school’s discipline is all that matter,” Hyuna says angrily and hits the surface of the table with her palm, once. Doo Joon notices her anger through the loud sound produced as her palm makes a contact with the surface of the wooden table.

“Reminder to all prefects, again,” Doo Joon emphasizes on ‘again’, “personal matter shall not be brought up in the Prefectorial Board meeting. Is that clear?”
“Yes,” the prefects answer synchronously.
“So, can you please tell me what this girl did this time?” asks Doo Joon.
“She was found sleeping in the common room at school time,” Hyun Seung says.
“Without any legal reason of doing so,” Hyuna includes.

“Who found her? Is there any witness for this?” Doo Joon asks. He is very particular about punishment. If someone is accused of wrongdoings, without witness to his or her activity, then he or she shall escape any punishment written on the School’s Constitution.

“Ji Yoon caught her and there are three students with a teacher as witnesses,” Hyun Seung says.
“Could you brief me the situation, Ji Yoon?”

“I was on-duty to check the dormitories at second-hour interval, which is at nine. When I checked the common room, she was found sleeping without any reason of being sick or anything. I chased her around the dormitories and the teacher who was with her students, finding suitable plants for Biology experiment from the courtyard, saw the incidents,” she explains.

“Even if she was sick, she shouldn’t be at the dorm. She should be at the sickbay instead,” Doo Joon agrees to the wrongdoing.
“Exactly,” Hyun Ah supports, in order to make him prosecute the offender.
“Fieyna did a wrong thing here. She should be punished. Anybody had prosecuted her of her wrongdoing?” Doo Joon asks, directed the question exactly to the Head of Court Bureau, Jun Hyung.
“I did. But, she won the case,” he shortly replies.
“Enlighten me about the trial,” says Doo Joon.

“It happened on February 1, as you signed on the Letter of Authorization of Trial. We had the Vice Principal: Senior Assistant of Student Affairs as the Honourable Judge. I was the prosecutor, while Fieyna had herself as her attorney. And Song Dong Woon was in-charge of the report,” says Jun Hyung, in an indirect way to ask Dong Woon to resume.

“Based on the video of the trial, which is labelled V-T76 under the filing system, and also based on the report, R-T76, she was not able to be punished because there is no such thing as wrongdoing if a student is found sleeping in the common room at school hours. The rule is apparently not existed in the School’s Constitution, thus, the judge could not convict her of wrongdoing,” says the Head of the Record and Documentation Bureau.

“Thanks Jun Hyung and Dong Woon, for your explanation. However, is there really no rule about it? Or did she just manage to justify herself in front of the judge?” asks Doo Joon, very curious. As soon as he raises the question, Yang Yoseob, the Head of the Intelligence: Investigation and Covert Action Bureau stands up.
“President, the prefects from my bureau had done a few investigations on the case. We even went to see the Board of Director of the school, requesting to study the original copy of the School’s Constitution. Under Section 4, Rules and Law, Subject 23, says that it is a wrongdoing for students to sleep at the dorm at school hours but it doesn’t say that it is wrong to sleep at the common room during school hours. We believe that Fieyna is someone that knows all the sections in the School’s Constitution and thus, we further investigate her background. Unfortunately, we didn’t find any suspicion like having any of the directors as relative. But, what we found out is that the School’s Constitution was on the school’s website and we did a mistake by not reading it. Fieyna is an intelligent girl that knows everything and is one step ahead of us in case of legislation,” Yoseob reveals his bureau’s discovery.

“So, are you telling me she is a freak that memorise everything in the Constitution?” shock makes Doo Joon unable to maintain his formality tone.
“Yes, I’m afraid so, President. We believe the Constitution needs some changes, or else the other students will do the same thing and escape punishment like she did,” Yoseob suggests.
“Thanks for your suggestion, Yoseob. Anybody wants to ratify the suggestion?” Doo Joon asks.
“I, Nam Ji Hyun, approve the suggestion made by Yang Yoseob,” says Ji Hyun.

“So, I want a head count of who wants the Constitution to be reformed. Heads of Bureaus, please give me the head count,” Doo Joon commands. It is not surprising when he get all-in. The whole Prefectorial Board wants a reformation of the Constitution, so that it won’t mess with their jobs in the future.

“Dong Woon, record the verification. This matter will be brought up to the Principal to be directed to the Board of Director as soon as possible. The President, Vice President and Heads of Bureaus shall be present during the board meeting,” says Doo Joon.

The meeting resumes with other matter. But, somehow Doo Joon finds it hard to concentrate when the case about the girl keeps lingering in his head. He knows her, but never really encounters her directly. But, somehow, although they are not yet meeting with each other face-to-face, Doo Joon could feel the girl is challenging his credibility as the Head Prefect of the school.

And he knows that this Fieyna girl is no joke.

Weekends are heaven for boarding schools’ students. They are allowed to go out, as long as they return to the dorm before 11.30 at night. Students usually go out to get back their teenager’s lives every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday before 6.00 pm, on weeks with no exams or activities. They will either go out for the whole three days, labelled as overnight outing on their cards, or stay in school, but go out as frequent as they can.

Fieyna doesn’t want to miss the chance. Boarding school is something she calls the gate to hell, so, she just wants to go as far from it as she is able to. She loves walking alone, sleeps at random friends’ house, to learn from people. She loves her life as it is, and loves to argue within herself, of the significances of any occurrences.

Tonight is just like her other nights. She walks down the road after dinner, in a perfect camouflage where people can’t notice her. She wears blue-black jeans, a sleeveless white top covered with striking pink cardigan. And she has a black cap, with pink decoration, completing her façade. Although it is a night same as the others that she had experienced, she knows there is something different with the street.

It is full with people. Boys and girls are in different styles. Some of them are even illegally drinking and smoking. Although she likes creating trouble, she is not stupid to do something that will harm her body. She is well-aware that alcohol and nicotine will just endangered her system, and having the negative effects spilled-over to other people who don’t consume it as well. Considering the pros and cons, she knows that she better not take those. Anyway, still, they are there, enjoying themselves with music blasting through the speakers. They are seemed to be in gangs and she knows what exactly it is.

A Street dance battle.

She first wants to leave, but thinks again, she might learn something from this. She stays. Some of them are from her school, some are from the other boarding schools as well. She looks at them. Colourful sneakers, bling-bling chains, fashion-crime jacket, weird accessories – oh, wait! Aren’t they prefect from his school?
The Heads of Bureaus in the Prefectorial Board – Hyun Seung, Jun Hyung, Dong Woon, Yoseob, Gi Kwang, Ji Hyun, Ga Yoon, Ji Yoon, and So Hyun are here - in quite indecent clothing. To see them like this, untied by any rules are quite unbelievable, because she has a principle.

Fieyna doesn’t believe in hypocrisy.

They could be all well-disciplined at school, but out of the school’s fence, she could just see how wild they are. She still couldn’t make sense of it, but she is seeing a group of wild prefects before her eyes. And she almost assume her eyes are playing trick on her when she sees Hyun Ah, the Vice Head Prefect of the school in a striking red mini skirt that only enough to cover her back bumps. What makes it worse is the fact that she is publicly kissing Hyun Seung, the freaking Head of Discipline Bureau. Is the world coming to an end?

She wants to leave, really, accept that she hears a voice very familiar to her, a voice that she often heard in school’s assembly every morning, the voice of the Head Prefect, Yoon Doo Joon.

A DJ; that is his job, to play music for the dancers to battle among themselves, and to lead the showdown. Fieyna knows that taking pictures and publish them in the school’s bulletin will be a hit, but she doesn’t like to gain popularity through other people’s embarrassment. It is proved to be not worth it, at least in her opinion. But, she would like to stay, to watch these people, which in her opinion, should be respectable. Maybe she is right after all, they didn’t do anything wrong. They only dance, to express themselves to public. The only that provide such an eye-sore view are Hyun Seung and Hyun Ah. Those are troublemakers.

After the showdown is the first encounter between Fieyna and Doo Joon.

“I don’t know a Head Prefect can mix with Street?” she whispers in his ears. Doo Joon freezes, when he is supposed to walk back to school with his friend. When someone you don’t know appears out of nowhere and seems to know your identity, Doo Joon thinks it could only happen in the movie.

“Who are you?”

“You don’t need to know who I am. Just know that I have pictures of yours and your perfect, prefect friends. And if these leak at school, all of you’ll be in trouble,” Fieyna shows her phone to him.

Doo Joon is more than shock to see those photos. He wants to scream and calls his friends back, but they are already too far and too happy to notice he is no longer with them.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. I just being a DJ and my friends are just a bunch of Street dancers,” he says.
“I know that more than you do, Doo Joon,” she sounds creepy.
“What do you want?” he asks, knowing that she must be from the same school as he is.
“I want to know, President, why you did this?”
“Did what?”
“You are the student’s role model, but you let your friends, even Hyun Seung and Hyun Ah behaving explicitly at an illegal age. What have you done?” she asks.
“It is out of school and we are not tied to any rules,” he says.

“Point taken but I don’t believe in hypocrisy and a hypocrite can’t be a good leader,” she gives her sharp opinion. Doo Joon feels like his credibility has been pulled down to the deepest point in the ocean.

“Who are you, girl?” he still maintains his gentleness despite feeling like his inside is going to explode very soon.

“Maybe this is our first time having a face-to-face conversation, but I’m sure that you, out of all people, had heard my name the most,” she says and extends her hand, “I’m Fieyna,” her other hand pulls the cap off and reveals her face.

Doo Joon receives another surprise. He knows very well that this girl is something but he doesn’t expect her to be this something. She can just randomly appear out of nowhere and points out people’s mistake together with the evidence. His heart beats furiously; maybe because of the threat that she just gives or did he just fall in love? He shakes her hand and looks at her face. Her face is okay, but not to an extent to receive extra points for her beauty. Perhaps she is just an ordinary girl outside, but inside, she has something the other girls don’t have; the sincerity.

And he could confirm, he has fallen in love.

“See you at school. And don’t worry. I won’t leak this. I am not a person that enjoys happiness out of people’s sorrow. And correct what you did wrong,” she says and leaves.

And Doo Joon falls again.

Doo Joon knows that he is not a perfect person, but he tries to be the best and do the best for others under his reign. Thus, he thinks that his verdict to recruit Fieyna as a prefect is not wrong, but is for the best. The other prefects might not want it to happen, but it is a change for better.

The Board of Director was shocked when the Prefectorial Board asked to reformed the School’s Constitution, but otherwise called for a meeting. A few issues were raised and eventually, the new and better constitution was made and published. But, when he asks for Fieyna’s recruitment as a prefect, the Board of Director was beyond surprised. It is something people would call utterly unbelievable.

“I had a petition signed by other prefects on this, and apparently it hits full head counts,” he says.
“On what judgement?”

“At the end of the recent Prefectorial Board’s meeting, all of us agree that Fieyna is not really a troublemaker, but she has different ways of viewing life. She is very opinionated and she will reason things that happen with pros and cons, and gives her verdict on that. All her action is based on positive and negative impact of it, and she’ll find how it worth, that’s it. She won’t do anything without thinking twice about it. So, we believe that having her as a prefect will help to discipline her, as she thinks of the responsibility that weighs on her. I know that we can’t predict the future but it is worth a try,” Doo Joon explains.

“Well-explained. We’ll put your suggestion into consideration,” says the man in charge.
“Well…I just want to correct what is wrong,” he says and leaves.

“Let us give our warmest welcome to our new prefect, Fieyna Joe,” says Doo Joon while looking at her without a blink of eyes.
“I don’t think I deserve this position after what I had done to this school,” she says as Doo Joon pins her nametag on her new, hand-made blazer.
“Well, I suggest that I want to correct what is wrong,” he says.
“Since when?”
“Since I fall for you,” Doo Joon explains. Fieyna smirks and rolls her eyes.
“Troublemaker! You can’t be in love with other students,” she replies.
“You know what? There’s no such thing in the School’s Constitution as a wrongdoing, when a student fall for other student.”

Mood: Hungry

Request in progress: Ety & Siwon / Nisha & Onew

1 comment:

SJ said...

aaaaa..... sukenye... sukenye... sukenye....

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