Saturday, September 1, 2012

Now Everyone Can Fly

Description: Sung Rin meets Kim Myung Soo thousands feet above the ground.  And she gets his number.
Rating: G
Characters: Kim Myung Soo (Infinite)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in the fiction.  The story is only a narrative and does not involve any real life situation.  The whole plot of the story is written originally by myself.  If there's any similarity to other fictions, it is totally a coincidence.

“No, daddy.  Please, no.  I don’t want to bring him along.  He’s sulky, whiny and not to forget, ugly,” Sung Rin goes.
“Hey, watch your mouth, okay?  I’m more handsome than SHINee, at least,” says her brother.
“Oh, really?  Because from my observation, the orang utan in Borneo is more handsome than you!” she says, becomes even more sensitive when her ‘little’ brother uses SHINee for comparison.
“Sung Rin!  Joong Chan!  Shut up!  Both of you are going, okay?  Sung Rin, you are going to take him along to Malaysia.  He is having school holiday as well.  I don’t see why you can’t take him with you.  If he’s not going, than you’re not as well,” her dad threatens.  She looks at her mom for a little help, but her mom just nods, agreeing with her dad’s opinion.
“You cannot do that to me.  Just because both of you want to go for an oldie’s date at Bali, you can’t just make him go with me.  It is so unfair!” she protests.
“My decision is final, Sung Rin.  Choose whether you want to go with him or you are not going at all.  That’s it,” her daddy ends their argument.
“Oh my God!  My life is so doomed.  It’s all your fault Joong Chan, my holiday in Malaysia is ruined before I even go,” she says.  Joong Chan just makes a face very innocent like he doesn’t do anything wrong and Sung Rin feels like kicking him right into his ball.

“Oh, you’re lucky you take me along with you.  If not, nobody wants to help you with your luggage.  Oh, hell!  This is so heavy.  What do you bring inside this bag?” says Joong Chan.
“Um…weapon?  A bazooka to kill you, baby,” says her sarcastically.
“My dear sister, you don’t dare to do it.  You won’t pass the security.”
“I can kill you now and go to Malaysia alone.  It will be better, will it not, my dear Joong Chan?”
“Try me, sis,” he says.
Sung Rin rolls her eyes and continue walking.  They check-in for flight D70506, AirAsia X from Seoul to Kuala Lumpur.  Then, Joong Chan helps to load their luggage.  They wait until they are called for the flight together at the waiting bay.  Joong Chan quickly takes out his headphone and listens to SHINee.  Sung Rin thinks about doing the same thing, but then her eyes catch a figure very slim, tall and handsome, ideal for her type.
That guy is wearing fully black attire with a few red here and there in on it.  He’s pulling his luggage with his right hand.  Walking beside him is another guy dressing up exactly like him and two ladies with red and white attire.  Those are apparently their uniforms.  Walking behind their group is another group of three people with white crisp shirt and black slack.  They are looking so smart.
“Yo, sis!  Got an eye on the handsome steward?” Joong Chan surprises her.
“What?  What steward?  Who?” she is completely shocked by that.
“That guy?” he points towards the guy dressed up in black, her ideal type.
“No, I don’t,” she plays innocent.
“Oh, because you were looking at him without your eyes blinking, like…you know, completely amazed by his handsomeness,” says his brother.
“Oh, shut up, Joong Chan!” she covers her ears with her headphone.  While searching for a song to hear, she hears Joong Chan’s tease.
“Let us just pray that he will be the crew of our flight later.  You know, he’s wearing AirAsia’s uniform,” Joong Chan smirks.

Sung Rin doesn’t know whether she should thank Joong Chan or should she kick him out of the flight.  Here, right a few feet in front of her in the handsome steward, helping people to their seats on the flight.  Her heart flatters but at the same time she is afraid she will faint due to nervousness.
“Hey, sis!  Move.  I know you are completely dazed by him, but people behind us need to get to their seats as well,” Joong Chan does it again.
“You better shut up, Joong Chan.  You know that I can kill you here,” she says while helping herself to her seat.  Joong Chan shares the pair of seats with her.
“I know you won’t do it.  You want to look good in front of him,” says him.
“Well, try me,” says Sung Rin.
She quickly covers her ears with her headphone, avoiding any word coming from his naughty brother.  It is true, she likes the handsome steward and she wants to look good in front of him.  But, she would prefer having him to serve only her on this flight.  Joong Chan’s words would only cause embarrassment to her, because if the steward knows about it, she is sure as hell that he will try to avoid her.
“His name is Kim Myung Soo,” her brother pulls down her headphone and whispers softly to her ear.
“What?  Who?”
“Who else?  My future brother-in-law,” Joong Chan makes a good tease out of it.  She quickly understands that he is talking about the name of the steward.
“Not again, Joong Chan,” she warns him, but at the same time really want to thank him for the precious information.  Kim Myung Soo, nice name, handsome, gentle, everything about him makes she trembles.
There’s an announcement made by a flight attendant, but Sung Rin couldn’t care less.  She increases the volume of her mp3 and closes her eyes, listening to Big Bang’s songs with her heart.  The most important thing to her now is to avoid listening to Joong Chan and cause embarrassment to herself.
“Miss?” she could hear someone calling, but she assumes it must be for other person.
“Miss?” again, and now she opens her eyes, just in case, the call is for her.  And indeed, the call is for her.  But, what most surprising is that Kim Myung Soo is staring right into her eyes and smiles.
“I’m sorry, miss.  Could you please switch off your electronics for a while?  We have to avoid any kind of disturbance when the plane is taking off,” he says very gently.
“Oh, yes.  I’m so sorry.  I didn’t listen to the announcement just now.  I’ll switch it off now,” she says embarrassingly.
“Thank you, miss,” he says and then he goes away checking the other passengers.
“Joong Chan!” she pinches his thigh.
“Ow!  What now?” he pulls her hand away.
“You did that on purpose to embarrass me.  You should have told me when they made the announcement!” Sung Rin is angry.  Joong Chan looks at him innocently.
“You’re very much welcomed, sis.  Be grateful.  At least, he talked to you,” says her brother.  That quiets Sung Rin.  What Joong Chan says is true.  At least he speaks to her.  That would be one good memory of the holiday.
“Well, thanks then.  But, if you do it again, I swear I will kill you,” says Sung Rin.  Joong Chan rolls his eyes.

“Attention to passengers, we will now serve you your ordered meal,” the flight attendance makes an announcement.
A few seconds after that, the stewards and stewardesses start to push the trolleys to serve the passengers who had pre-ordered their meal online.  Guys and girls in red, black and white uniform are busy working, giving their best service to the passengers of the flight.
Sung Rin steals a few looks at Myung Soo.  Her heart jumps once in a while when she sees him smiling.  She wants him to come nearer to her place and she wants to ask for his service.  However, she feels like she has no strength to do it.
“Mr. Kim!” she hears Joong Chan calling when the steward gets near them.  Sung Rin looks at Joong Chan, fear of what Joong Chan would do again.
“I need a glass of water,” he says.
“I’ll serve you in a while, sir.  I have to serve the ordered meal for other passengers first,” says Myung Soo politely.
“I’m sorry.  I can wait.  It’s okay,” says Joong Chan.  With that, the steward continues his job in serving the others passengers.
“So, how was it, sis?  Did you take a quite long stare at him?” he asks.
“My God!  Joong Chan, you are one hell of a brother!” she shouts.  Luckily, it is not enough for the whole flight to hear.
“I know that I’m really a good brother.  I help my sister a lot to get a sneak peek on that guy’s face,” Joong Chan mutters under his breath.
Sung Rin shakes her head and looks at Joong Chan disbelievingly.  Joong Chan needs a tutorial on how to be a good brother, really, she thinks.  Sung Rin sighs loudly, as a sign that she hates what Joong Chan is doing and ignores her brother completely.  But, that is not for long.  A while later, her favourite steward comes again and serves Joong Chan a glass of water.
“This is your water, sir.  I’m sorry for taking quite a while,” he says.
“It’s not a big deal,” Joong Chan says.
“Miss, is there anything I can get for you?” his voice rings like a jingle in her head and it takes her quite a while to process the information in her brain.
“Urm…hot chocolate.  Please,” she says nervously.  He nods and mixes the hot chocolate on the trolley.  Then, he gives the cup to her.
“Have a good day, miss,” he says before he goes to other seats, serving other passengers.
“I’m sure the hot chocolate taste very good,” says her brother.  She rolls her eyes.
“Why?  Because your water tastes horrible?” she asks.
“The water tastes good as well.  Because it was served by dear brother-in-law,” he takes another sip of the water, “Nyum.  Nyum.”
“Good, then!  Drink your water and don’t you dare messing with my life anymore,” says Sung Rin.  Joong Chan raises both his hands.
“Oooh…scary sister.  I won’t,” he says, but then gives her a wink.
Feeling angry, she sips her hot chocolate.  She really hopes that it will help her anger goes away but when she thinks again, she in not angry.  She is definitely thankful for what Joong Chan had done, but she feels it is embarrassing that her feelings are so crystal clear to Joong Chan.

The flight from Korea to Malaysia is about five hours.  And it will be another two and a half hour before they land at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.  Sung Rin feels like she needs to use the lavatory.  She looks at Joong Chan, who busied himself with movies.  Since he ignores her, she just walks passed him and make her way to the lavatory.
She does what she is supposed to do and then looks at her reflection in the mirror.  Satisfied with her look, she opens the door and a face she had been looking to since just now appears in front on her.  She looks straight to his face and she forgets for a moment that she is still in the lavatory.
“Miss, I think there is another passenger wants to use the lavatory,” says him.
Sung Rin shakes her head.
“Oh, yes.  Sorry,” she says and walks out of it straight to her seat, feeling so embarrassed by the incident.
“What took you so long?” Joong Chan asks.
“Nothing,” she says.  Joong Chan shrugs it off and resumes watching the movie.
For a while, she feels bored.  She doesn’t like the movies listed in the catalogue.  And she thinks that she doesn’t want to listen to any music.  But, she swears she doesn’t have anything to do, especially when she is thousands of feet above the ground.
But, then suddenly the Kim Myung Soo comes again and with a cup of milk tea in his hand.  She stops right beside their seat.  Joong Chan looks at him, wondering if she had ordered anything, but she looks at him just as blankly.
“Milk tea, for you, miss,” he says politely.
“But…I didn’t make any order,” she says.  But, the guy insists on giving the tea to her.  She takes it questioningly, but the guy leaves as soon as she takes the tea from his hand.
“You ordered something?  When?  Was it when you went to the lavatory?” Joong Chan asks, with a confuse face.  He is quite sure her sister didn’t make any order.
“No, I didn’t make any.  You know, it might be for the other passenger,” she says, still questioning on her right to take the tea.
“But, he seems so sure that it is for you.  Are you really sure you didn’t order anything from any steward or stewardess?” asks him.
“I’m hundred per cent sure, Joong Chan,” she says.
“Well, that seems suspicious then,” he says, while looking intensely at the milk tea.  Sung Rin stares at the cup as well.
“I don’t think I have the right to drink this,” she says.  Joong Chan stares at it for a few seconds before he speaks again.
“Nah…I think it is okay for you to drink it.  If it is meant for other passenger, they could just make another one.  And I think it is safe to drink that.  Not that he wants to poison you for anything.  He looks too good for something as lethal as that,” says Joong Chan, confirming it.
Sung Rin tries the tea, and it tastes so good.  She is about to take another sip when suddenly her brother adds.
“But, still.  That seems suspicious,” he says.
“What?” she asks.
“Gimme that,” he takes the cup from her sister and examines it.  He raises the cup a little higher and looks at the bottom of the cup.  He smiles so wide after.
“No wonder…” he says, “He has his eyes on you too,” says Joong Chan while giving back the drink to his sister.
“What?” Sung Rin asks again.
“Finish your tea first and look underneath the cup.  And be happy,” he says.
Sung Rin does what her brother says.  She finishes the tea, patiently, sip by sip.  When the tea is all consumed, she looks underneath the cup.  There are an email address and a phone number.
“What is this?” she asks, shockingly.
“I don’t know,” her brother shrugs, “A way for you guys to keep in touch?  Maybe?”
Sung Rin smiles to herself when the puzzles seem to be solved by itself in her mind.   She saves the email address and the phone number, and she presses the button to call the steward.
That is definitely something she likes to deal with.

Mood: Bored =.=
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